教程:英語四級(jí)詞匯  瀏覽:13  發(fā)布:2024-09-24
  • 提示:點(diǎn)擊文章中的單詞,就可以看到詞義解釋

    1.department stores - 百貨商店
    例句:People often shop for clothes and household goods in department stores.(人們經(jīng)常在百貨商店購買衣物和家居用品。)

    2.intimate shops - 精品店
    例句:The intimate shop on the corner specializes in selling handmade jewelry.(街角的精品店專門銷售手工制作的珠寶。)

    3.vast arrays of goods - 琳瑯滿目的商品
    例句:The supermarket has vast arrays of goods, ranging from fresh fruits to electronic devices.(超市里有琳瑯滿目的商品,從新鮮水果到電子設(shè)備應(yīng)有盡有。)

    4.in an elegant atmosphere - 在優(yōu)雅的環(huán)境中
    例句:The fine dining restaurant provides its customers with an elegant atmosphere for dining.(這家高檔餐廳為顧客提供了一個(gè)優(yōu)雅的用餐環(huán)境。)

    5.cater to a knowledgeable elite - 迎合知識(shí)精英
    例句:The bookstore caters to a knowledgeable elite by stocking rare and specialized books.(這家書店通過提供稀有和專業(yè)書籍來迎合知識(shí)精英。)

    6.satisfy one’s needs - 滿足某人的需求
    例句:The customer service team strives to satisfy the needs of every client.(客戶服務(wù)團(tuán)隊(duì)致力于滿足每位客戶的需求。)

    7.a culture of consumption - 消費(fèi)文化
    例句:The rise of e-commerce has contributed to the development of a culture of consumption in modern society.(電子商務(wù)的興起促進(jìn)了現(xiàn)代社會(huì)消費(fèi)文化的發(fā)展。)

    8.home ownership rate - 住房擁有率
    例句:The government has implemented policies to increase the home ownership rate among young people.(政府已實(shí)施政策以提高年輕人的住房擁有率。)

    9.mass media - 大眾媒體
    例句:Mass media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion.(大眾媒體在塑造公眾輿論方面發(fā)揮著至關(guān)重要的作用。)

    10.Brand Loyalty - 品牌忠誠度
    例句:The company’s excellent customer service has helped to build strong brand loyalty among its customers.(公司出色的客戶服務(wù)幫助其客戶建立了強(qiáng)大的品牌忠誠度。)

    11.Market Share - 市場占有率
    例句:The company’s market share has increased significantly over the past year.(該公司過去一年的市場占有率顯著增加。)

    12.Revenue Growth - 收入增長
    例句:The company reported strong revenue growth for the quarter.(該公司報(bào)告本季度收入增長強(qiáng)勁。)

    13.Customer Acquisition - 客戶獲取
    例句:The marketing campaign was successful in acquiring new customers for the business.(營銷活動(dòng)成功地為該企業(yè)吸引了新客戶。)

    14.Supply Chain Management - 供應(yīng)鏈管理
    例句:Effective supply chain management is crucial for maintaining competitive advantage.(有效的供應(yīng)鏈管理對(duì)于保持競爭優(yōu)勢至關(guān)重要。)

    15.Cost Reduction - 成本降低
    例句:The company has implemented cost reduction measures to improve profitability.(該公司已實(shí)施成本降低措施以提高盈利能力。)

    16.Market Segmentation - 市場區(qū)隔
    例句:The company has segmented its market based on age and income levels.(該公司根據(jù)年齡和收入水平對(duì)市場進(jìn)行了區(qū)隔。)

    17.Competitive Advantage - 競爭優(yōu)勢
    例句:Innovation is a key competitive advantage for the company.(創(chuàng)新是該公司的關(guān)鍵競爭優(yōu)勢。)

    18.ROI (Return on Investment) - 投資回報(bào)率
    例句:The project achieved a high ROI, exceeding the company’s expectations.(該項(xiàng)目實(shí)現(xiàn)了高投資回報(bào)率,超出了公司的預(yù)期。)

    19.Negotiation - 談判
    例句:The two companies are currently in negotiation over the terms of the merger.(兩家公司目前正就合并條款進(jìn)行談判。)

    20.Sustainability - 可持續(xù)性
    例句:The company is committed to sustainable practices, such as reducing waste and using renewable energy.(該公司致力于可持續(xù)實(shí)踐,如減少浪費(fèi)和使用可再生能源。)

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