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   1. [同義相連]左列是幾個數(shù)學(xué)上的符號或式子;右邊是表示式子或符號含義的單詞,都是equ的派生詞。提示:sub-=近似于;angular=角的;lateral=邊的。

   ① x≠y(不等于)        a. subequal

   ② m≈n(約等于)        b. equiangular

   ③ ∠B=∠C(等角的)      c. equidistant

   ④ AB=AC(等距離的)      d. equilateral

   ⑤ b=c(等邊的)         c. unequal

   2. [望文生義]根據(jù)所學(xué)詞根的知識推測下列單詞的詞義。

   ① unequable a.

   ② unequivocal a.

   ③ inadequate a.

   ④ equilibrator n.

   3. [尋根問底]指出下列單詞的詞根并領(lǐng)會其詞義的由來。

   ① coequal a.相等的 n.相互平等的人或事物

   ② equity n.公正

   ③ equimultiple a.等倍數(shù)的

   ④ equipoise n.平衡;平靜;均勢

   ⑤ equipollent a.相等的,均等的 n.相等物;等價物

   ⑥ equimolecular a.等分子的

   ⑦ equitable a.公平的;公正的

   ⑧ equinox n.晝夜平分時(提示:nox=night)

   ⑨ equipotential a.在潛力上均等的

   ⑩ equivoque n.兩義語;雙關(guān)語(提示:voque=voice)

   30. fac, fact, fect [L]=to do, to make做

   fac,fact和fect是一組同源異形根,它們都來自拉丁動詞facere,意思相當(dāng)于to do或to make(做)。其中,fac是不定式詞干;fact是動名詞詞干;fect是動詞facere的異體ficere動名詞詞干。

   facile [fac=to do做;-ile a.=able or easy to be能……的,易……的→“able or easy to be done能做的,易辦的”→] a.① working with ease;skilled駕輕就熟的;熟練的:a man with a facile tongue能說會道的人② easily done易做的:The work is facile, but take it serious.工作容易,但還要認(rèn)真對待。

   ▽facility [facil(e);-ity n.] n.容易;熟練

   facilitate [facil(e);-itate(-ate) v.] v.使容易;促進(jìn)

   faculty [fac=to do做;-ulty(-ile+-ty)n.=ability表能力→“ability of doing things做事情的能力”→] n. ability to do;any particular power能力;才能:faculty for painting繪畫的才能

   ▽facultative [facult (y);-ative a.] a.能力上的;才能上的

   fact [來自動名詞factum=thing done 做過的事情→“anything done or occurred做過的或發(fā)生過的事”→] n.① thing known to have occurred or to be ture事實(shí):Facts speak louder than eloquence.事實(shí)勝于雄辯。② what is true or existent;truth;reality實(shí)際;真相;實(shí)情:in fact實(shí)際上

   ▽factual [fact;-u-;-al a.] a.事實(shí)的;真實(shí)的

   factor [fact=to do做;-or n.=thing物→“thing that does or acts起作用的事物”→] n. element that brings about a result因素;要素:positive factors積極因素

   ▽factorial [factor;-ial a.] a. [數(shù)]因子的

   factorize [factor;-ize v.] v. [數(shù)]將……分解因子

   factory [fact=to make制作;-ory n.=place場所→“place for making 制作場所”→] n. working-building;workshop工廠:chemical factory化工廠

   benefactor [bene=good好;fact=to do做;-or n.=person人→] n. person who does good deeds or gives friendly aid做好事者;恩人:benefactors of an orphanage 孤兒院的施主

   ▽benefaction [bene;fact;-ion n.] n.行善;施恩

   affect [af-(ad-)=upon在……之上;fect=to do or act起作用→“to act upon作用于……之上”→] v.① influence影響:Climate affects the agricultural production.氣候影響農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)。② act upon the feeling of感動:The audience were deeply affected.觀眾深為感動。

   ▽affection [affect;-ion n.] n.影響;感情

   affective [affect;-ive a.] a.感情方面的;表達(dá)感情的

   effect [ef-(ex-)=out出;fect=to make造→“to make out造出”→]Ⅰv.① produce;bring about產(chǎn)生;招致:to effect a change in climate引起氣候變化② accomplish實(shí)現(xiàn):to effect the greatest economy力求節(jié)約→Ⅱ n. result made out, or influence 結(jié)果;影響:cause and effect因與果

   ▽effective [effect v.;-ive a.] a.有效的;生效的

   effectual [effect n.;-u-;-al a.] a.奏效的;有效的

   effectuate [effect n.;-u-;-ate a.] v.使奏效;實(shí)現(xiàn)

   defect [de-=away, down 離,下降;fect=to do 做→“to do away with one's duty, etc.離開所做之事”→]Ⅰv. desert開小差;背叛:He defected to the enemy.他叛變投敵了。→Ⅱn. things down from the normal quality毛??;缺點(diǎn):He has the defects of his qualities.他有美中不足之處。

   ▽defector [defect v.;-or n.] n.逃兵;叛徒

   defection [defect v.;-ion n.] n.背信;變節(jié)

   defective [defect n.;-ive a.] a.有缺點(diǎn);不完全的

   infect [in-=into進(jìn)入;fect=to make使……→“to make...into the body使……進(jìn)入身體”→] v. spread a disease to;affect with a disease傳染;侵染:The wound is infected.傷口受感染。

   ▽infection [infect;-ion n.] n.傳染;傳染病

   infectious [infect;-i-;-ous a.] a.易傳染的

   perfect [per-=throughout徹底;fect=to do做→“to do throughout, or done thoroughly做得徹底”→]Ⅰa. complete and faultless完美的:perfect method完美的辦法→Ⅱv. finish;make fully skilled使完成;使精通:Try to perfect yourself in English.努力精通英語。

   ▽perfection [perfect v.;-ion n.] n.盡善盡美

   perfective [perfect v.;-ive a.] a.導(dǎo)致完美的;改善的

   perfectible [perfect v.;-ible a.] a.可完成的;可改善的



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