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高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)活動單(譯林牛津版):模塊1 Unit 2《Growing pains》




模塊一 Unit 2 Growing ains
1.I thought it was very ____________ (無禮的)of her not to answer her parents’ letter.
2.Some children find it difficult to talk to ____________(成年人).
3.The show is very popular among ____________(青少年).
4.I’m surprised by her bad ____________(行為)toward her friends.
5.The kid found a coin in the ____________(水池).
.He gave no ____________(解釋)for what he was doing that evening.
7.Keeping a b____________(平衡) between work and play is a good way to keep healthy.
8.High-speed trains travel at 300 kilometers an hour, which is about four times the speed of _________
9.Our teacher ____________(禁止)us to talk with others in class.
.I was ____________(迷惑)about the road sign, so that I didn’t arrive at that place earlier than expected.
1.比預(yù)期的早	   ___________________		2.迫不及待地去做某事___________________
3.應(yīng)該應(yīng)當(dāng)……___________________    	4.處理,處置       ___________________
5.亂成一團	   ___________________   	6.委托某人負(fù)責(zé)     ___________________
7.忍受這種行為 ___________________   	8.[燈] 熄滅   		___________________
9.雙臂交叉抱在胸前 ___________________		10.給某人以機會為自己辯護__________________
11.配得上得到一個解釋___________________    12.對……苛刻,要求嚴(yán)格__________________
13.代替			___________________ 	14.既然,由于___________________
15.以 ……. 的形式___________________    	16.似乎、好像 ___________________
17.堅持做某事___________________		18.目前,當(dāng)前___________________
19.允許某人做某事___________________		20.至于___________________
21.取決于___________________		22.繼續(xù)他的學(xué)習(xí)___________________
23.禁止某人做某事___________________		24.經(jīng)歷這些變化 ___________________
25.與……一起,除了……以外還__________	26.在這方面___________________
27.趨向于做某事___________________		28.同時___________________
29.做某事有困難 ___________________		30.結(jié)果是___________________
Eric runs in after it,__________ by a big dog, __________ very slowly.2.丹尼爾,我們還以為你是一個成年人了,是一個會做出正確決定的人……
Daniel, we thought you were an adult, __________would make good decisions… 
The room is in a mess, __________pizza boxes __________ and dirty dishes__________. 
We left you__________.  
… but no, Eric, why didn’t they ask me what happened __________shouting at me?★重要知識詳解
詞匯-1. frighten
【教材原句】Looking around room, sounding frightened.(P22)
(1) Now he is frightened to go out at night._________________________
(2)There is nothing to be frightened about. ________________________________
(3) They frightened the boy into giving them money._________________________
(4) Helen felt rather frightened that Kate had done such a frightening thing _____________________
frighten  vt. 意思為:____________________
              frighten sb out of doing sth ________________________
______________ adj. 令人恐懼的
______________ adj.  害怕的,受驚的
(1) Sorry, I didn’t mean to __________ you.
(2) It is _________ to most children when they wake up and find a stranger sitting by the bed.
(3) Mother’s calm behavior made the __________ child quiet.
詞匯-2. deserve
【教材原句】They don’t deserve an explanation. (P23)
(1)These people deserve our help. __________________
(2)They really worked hard and they deserve to be rewarded. ______________________
(3)Your suggestion deserves consideration/ considering/ to be considered _________________
deserve  1)后接__________________作賓語。
         2)短語sth deserve to be done.= __________________
Your bad behavior deserves punishment.
=Your bad behavior deserves ______________.
=Your bad behavior deserves ______________ ____________ ___________.
詞匯-3. upset
【教材原句】 Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset. (P23)
(1) She feels upset that we didn’t tell her the truth.  ____________________
(2)I’m sorry, but I didn’t mean to upset you. ____________________
(3)I’m angry that she has upset my plan for this evening. ____________________
upset adj. 意思為:________________。常用搭配有:be upset about/ over/ by 對感到不高興(煩惱)
upset vt. 意思為:_________________;__________________。
(1)Do you know________ ________ _______ ________ _________(什么使她如此生氣)?
(2)The false news sbout his school _________ ________(使他生氣).
詞匯-4. insist  
【課文原句】… and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music. (P35)
1)The man insisted on finding a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.
(2)She insisted that the homework (should) be finished before the next day.
(3)The young man insisted that he hadn’t stolen the watch.
(4)—Another piece of cake?
     —Oh, if you insist.
1)insist 意思為:__________。常用于insist ______ doing sth, 堅持做某事;insist that從句,從句中要用虛擬語氣,形式為_____________,__________可以省略。
2)insist  意思為:___________。此后接從句時,從句使用陳述語氣。
3)if you insist,口語中使用,意思為:____________.
John insisted that it __________ __________ __________ __________and that he __________ __________to leave.
【教材原句】As teenagers grow, it is normal for them to become confused with the changing world both inside and outside of them.(p38)
(1)They asked me so many questions that I got confused.
(2) They are a lot of confused ideas in my head.
(3) Don’t confuse me! I want to think it through by myself.
(4)She looked up in confusion when she heard someone call her name.
(5)The information is so confusing that I don’t know what to do next.
(1)confuse   vt. 意為:______________。confuse sb/ sth with …______________
(2)confused  adj. 意為:______________。be confused about 意為:______________
(3)confusing  adj. 意為:______________
(4)confusion  n. 常用搭配:in confusion 不知所措,感到困惑
(1)We are very ______________about the case; who can tell us some details?
(2)If you don’t explain it clearly, you will ______________the readers.
(3)There seems to be some ______________about who really won.
(4)Some of the questions he asked were very ______________.
詞匯-6.be supposed to 
【教材原句】But, but … you weren’t supposed to come home until tomorrow. (P22)
(1)You are supposed to take off your shoes before entering the room._____________________
(2)You are not supposed to smoke on the train.  ________________________________
(3)All of her friends suppose him to be her husband.___________________________
(4)John is supposed to be excellent. ___________________________
be supposed to 意為:_____________
suppose … to be … 意為:_________________
(1)The message is very important, so it is supposed ________ as soon as possible.
A. to send      B. being sent       C. to be sent       D. to have sent 
(2) 一Jerry is playing,online games. 
    一He’s playing games? He’s __________to be doing his homework now.  
A. believed    	B. supposed  	C. considered    	D. pretended
詞匯-7. do with, deal with 
【教材原句】What did you do with the cash we left?(P22)
(1)This is a very hard problem and what will you do with it? _____________________
(2)How did you deal with the problem between them? _____________________
(3) The new teacher didn’t know what to do with the noisy class. _____________________
(4) The young father knows how to deal with children very well. _____________________
Do with和deal with都有“處理”的意思,do with和________連用,而deal with和_______連用。
(1) I don’t know what he will ______________ the case that happened yesterday.
(2)How they will _______________ this special present is a secret to us.
詞匯-8.now that   
【教材原句】Maybe, but now that he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he won’t respect us. (P23)
【例句研讀】 翻譯下面句子。
(1)Now that everyone is here, let’s begin our work.______________________
(2)Now that you have finished your work, you can go now.___________________
now that 意思為:_____________引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句。now that 與since意思相近,均表示鑒于某個事實或顯而易見的原因,that可以省略。
_______________ you have known that, I won’t repeat .
(2) 既然這里沒有別人, 我們可以無拘束地談了.
_______________ we are alone, we can talk freely.
詞匯-9.stay up 
【教材原句】I studied a lot yesterday and stayed up very late. (P34)
I prefer to stay up late at night, but not when I’ll have to drive to work the next day. _________________
(1)stay up  __________________		(2)stay behind __________________
(3)stay in  __________________ 		(4)stay out  __________________
(1)Tony stayed _______ after school and helped John clean up the classroom. 
(2)I think I’d better stay ________ on Sunday instead of going out to do some shopping.
(3)—You don’t look well. Are you ill?
—No, the exam is coming and I stayed _______ reading until midnight.
詞匯-10.along with   
【教材原句】And, though it may sometimes be difficult to believe, you are not alone — every adult has gone through adolescence, and your friends are going through it right now along with you.(P38)
【例句研讀】將下列句翻譯成漢語,注意句中along with的用法。
(1)She went to the cinema along with her parents. 
(2)Britain, along with many other European countries, has gone through big changes over the last 100 years.
(3)I find it hard to get along well with my desk mate. 
(4)How are you getting along with your studies? 
along with 意為:與……一起,相當(dāng)于with 或_______ with 。注意:A+ along with/ with/ together with+B作主語時,謂語動詞單復(fù)數(shù)與A保持一致。
The professor, along with his students, _______ days and nights to the new research.
A. have spent         B. has devoted       C. has spent        D. have devoted 
1.【教材原句】Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly. (P22)
【句法分析】這是一個復(fù)雜的簡單句,主干為Eric runs in after it。followed by a big dog為過去分詞作伴隨狀語。walking very slowly為現(xiàn)在分詞作后置定語,修飾a big dog。
The mayor went toward the hall, ________ _________ a group of reporters, ________ ________ ________ all the way.
2.【教材原句】Daniel, we thought you were an adult, a person who would make good decision… (P22)
【句法分析】本句主干為we thought you were an adult, thought 后面的賓語從句省略了that;a person who would make good decisions為an adult的同位語,包含who引導(dǎo)的定語從句,先行詞為a person。
I think he is a model worker, _______ _______ _______ takes the lead in everything. 
3.【教材原句】The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.(P22) 
【句法分析】(1)句中with+名詞+介詞結(jié)構(gòu)作伴隨狀語。再如:The little girl came to me with a smile on her face.
(2)with 結(jié)構(gòu)中的賓補還可以是現(xiàn)在分詞、過去分詞、形容詞、副詞、動詞不定式及名詞等
①He fell asleep with all the windows closed.    with+n./pron.+_______
②With a boy leading the way, they started towards the village.  	with+n./pron.+_______
③He was fast asleep with his mouth open.      				with+n./pron.+_______
④They sat in silence with the light on . 						with+n./pron.+_______
⑤With a lot of housework to do, she had to go home.  			with+n./pron.+_______
⑥She died with her son yet a school boy.        			with+n./pron.+_______
(3)此種結(jié)構(gòu)還經(jīng)常作后置定語。如:Do you know the girl with a flower on her head?
根據(jù)中文提示完成句子(1) To tell you the truth, I don’t like the woman with a cigarette ______________________
(2) A little boy with two of his front teeth ____________(掉了兩顆牙齒的) ran into the house.
(3) The man was brought in, with his hands ____________behind his back. 
(4) With so much work__________, he is as busy as a bee. 有這么多工作要做,他忙極了。
(5)He likes to sleep with the windows __________ and the lights ___________. 
(6)With no one ___________________,  he felt bored. 由于沒人和他談話,他感到很悶。
(1) With everything _____, he left the office.
   A. finish				B. finishes 			C. finished 			D. finishing
(2)With a lot of difficult problems ______, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. 
   A. settle 				B. settling 			C. to settle 			D. being settled
(3)I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise_____.
   A. going on 			B. goes on 			C. went on 			D. to go on
(4)____her bike missing, she had to walk home yesterday.
   A. As 				B. With 				C. Since 				D. For
(5)He stood there , with his eyes ______.
   A. fixing on the blackboard 					B. fixed on the blackboard
   C. fix on the blackboard						D. to fix on the blackboard
4.【教材原句】We left you in charge.  (P22)
【句法分析】句中l(wèi)eft you in charge為leave +賓語+賓語補足語結(jié)構(gòu),意為:使某人或某物處于某種狀態(tài)。 
Leave the door open, please. 					請讓門開著!
Leave him alone and he will do it well.       	,
Don’t leave the child by himself at home.     	不要讓這個孩子一個人呆在家里。The parents died, leaving the boy an orphan.   	她的父母去世了,使得他變成了孤兒
Don’t leave him waiting outside in the rain.   	
He will never leave a job unfinished.       		他工作從來不拖拉。
Don’t leave me to explain it to him.        	不要讓我來解釋給他聽。
(1)The tsunami which happened in the Indian Ocean in 2004 _____ thousands of people homeless
     A. caused		B. let			C. remained			D. left
(2)In the recent coal mine accident,only 24 miners were rescued,and 29 were left      underground. 
A. to be trapped		B. trapped      C being trapped 		D. trapping
(3)—Why do you look so worried?
   —My computer broke down and my essay           since. 
A. was left to finish         			B. has left to finish
C. has been left unfinished   			D. had been left unfinished
(4)We are going to be ______ by the rest of the world if we take things as they are. 
  A. left alone 	     	B. let alone 	  	C. left behind 	     	D. let behind
(5)Don’t leave the water _______while you brush your teeth.
A. run           	B. running       C. being run      		D. to run
5.【教材原句】… but no, Eric, why didn’t they ask me what happened instead of shouting at me?(P23)
【句法分析】why引導(dǎo)特殊疑問句,其中包含由what引導(dǎo)的賓語從句。instead of doing something代替做某事。

1. rude        2. adults        3. teenagers        4. behavior       5. sink
6. explanation  7. balance       8. normal          9. forbids        10. confused
1. earlier than usual  							2. can’t wait to do    
3. be supposed to do 							4. do with  /deal with       
5. be a mess/ in a mess 							6. leave sb in charge 
7. tolerate such behavior 						8. go out  
9. have one’s arm crossed 						10. give sb a chance to defend oneself 
11. deserve an explanation 						12. be hard on    
13. instead of         							14. now that        
15. in the form of   							16. as if/though 
17. insist on ding sth  							18. at present 
19. allow sb to do sth							20. as for 
21. depend on 								22. keep up with his studies
23. forbid sb from doing sth/forbid sb to do sth 		24. go through the changes 
25. along with 								26. in this regard 
27. tend to do sth 								28. at the same time 
29. have difficulty doing sth 						30. turn out 
1. followed ; walking 2. a person who  3. with; on the floor; in the sink 4. in charge 5. instead of
詞匯-1. frighten
(1)現(xiàn)在他害怕晚上外出。        			(2)沒什么可害怕的。(3)他們恐嚇那個男人讓他把錢給他們了。(4)海倫對凱特做了這么一件令人恐懼的事情感到相當(dāng)害怕。
使驚恐,使害怕;frighten sb into doing sth;恐嚇某人不做某事;frightening;frightened
Frighten; frightening; frightened
詞匯-2. deserve
(1)應(yīng)得我們的幫助 (2) 應(yīng)該得到回報(3)值得考慮
名詞、動名詞或動詞不定式;sth deserve doing
Punishing; to be punished
詞匯-3. upset
(1) 感到難過(2) 使你不高興,(3)攪亂我的計劃
adj. 難過的, 心煩的;使煩惱,使不高興;攪亂(計劃,形勢等)
(1)what makes her so upset  (2)upsets him
詞匯-4. insist  
(1)堅決要求;on;should do;should
was not his fault; be allowed 
(1)混淆,搞錯;把……和……弄混淆 (2)困惑的,混亂的;對……困惑不解 (3)令人迷惑的
(1)confused  (2) confuse  (3)confusion  (4)confusing
詞匯-6.be supposed to 
【即時鞏固6】(1)C (2)B
詞匯-7. do with, deal with 
(1)這是一個很難的問題,你將如何處理? (2) 你是如何處理他們之間的問題的?(3)這個新老師不知如何處理這個吵鬧的班級。 (4)這位年輕的父母知道如何與孩子相處。
【即時鞏固7】do with; deal with
詞匯-8.now that   
【例句研讀】 翻譯下面句子。
(1)既然大家都在, 我們就開始吧.
(1) Now (that) (2) Now (that)
詞匯-9.stay up 
(1)熬夜   (2)留下來不走  (3)呆在家里  (4)外出,不在家
(1) behind  (2) in   (3) up 
詞匯-10.along with   
【例句研讀】將下列句翻譯成漢語,注意句中along with的用法。
【自主歸納】together with
【即時鞏固10】單項選擇  B
followed by; talking and laughing 
2.【即時鞏固12】 根據(jù)所給漢語完成英語句子。
a person who
3.【句法分析】(2) ①過去分詞②現(xiàn)在分詞③形容詞④副詞⑤動詞不定式⑥名詞
 (1) in her mouth  (2)missing  (3)tied  (4)to do  (5)open; off  (6)to talk to 
5.【即時鞏固15】 翻譯句子。
Why didn’t you ask him what his name was instead of giving him the money directly? 
第一部分  基礎(chǔ)知識訓(xùn)練
1. I worked in a small beachside restaurant during the college________.
2. We cannot believe that Shelia’s________ (行為)is becoming more than strange.
3. Only ________ (成年人) are admitted into the cinema tonight.
4. The club is for ________ (青少年)and people in their early twenties.
5.You have to give me some ________ (解釋)for your coming late before you enter the classroom. 
6.He _____ (禁止) smoking during office hours.
7.Thanks for your support and ______(指導(dǎo)) in this job.
8.But during______(爭論) , my sense of humor is the first thing to go
9.He owes his success to hard work and _______ (耐心)
10.Garfield is a ________自私的, lazy , and incredibly fat cat
1.From the __________ look on the girl’s face, you can see something ________ must have happened.
A. frightened; frightened     B. frightening; frightening
C. frightened; frightening    	D. frightening; frightened
2.His friends insisted he______ no connection with drugs and that he _________ freed at once.
A. had, was     	B. had had , was    C. had, be   		D. have, be
3.—Had he anything to say ________________ his behavior?
—No, he just left without even saying a word.
A. in charge of     	B. in memory of   	C. in favor of        D. in explanation of 
4.With all the things she needed ________, she left the shop happily.
A. to buy          	B. buying         C. buy       		D. bought
5.My brother ______ online games by my parents, and he is sad and angry about this.
A. forbids play    	B. forbids to play   C. is forbidden play  	D. is forbidden to play
6.Riding a bicycle is ______ in our country. As _______ my father went to work by bike.
A. common; ordinary 	B. usual; common  	C. average; common 	D. common; usual
7.When it comes to this problem of mine, I just can’t _______ what everyone thinks of it.
A. risk learning      B. wait to learn   	C. help to learn     	D. stand learn
8.Earth Day is _______ to be a day when every person promises to do something to help take care of our world.
A. struggled        	B. supposed       	C. supported      		D. suggested 
9.—What did you do last night?
 —I ______ e-mails to those ______ asked for my advice on reading.
A. stayed up to send; that        	B. stayed up sending; who
C. stayed up to send; which      	D. stayed up sending; whom
10.They can hardly imagine that the manager has _______ the problem successfully by himself.
A. dealt        	B. handled      	C. worked        		D. helped
go through            have difficulty in     can’t wait to   in charge of
depend on        in this regard     forbid… to…         be hard on		1.I know what I want to say but I __________________ putting it across.
2.All living things _____________________ the sun for their growth.
3.__________, the history of the Second World War provides a useful lesson.
4.The country has ________________ too many wars.
5.He was left _________________ the shop while the manager was away. in charge of
6.Upon getting off the plane, the man ___________ go home and see his lovely daughter.
7.The beautiful girl _________ by her mother _____ stay out after midnight.
8.Don’t _______ too _______ the young man — he’s new to the job.
be supposed to       now that              as if        stay up
insist on          along with           in a mess       go out		1. At the moment of Carnarvon’s death, the lights _______ in Cairo, the capital of Egypt.
2. I keep my insurance policy in the top drawer, ___________my other important documents .
3. I ________________ your taking immediate action to put this right. 
4. The house was ____________ and then my mother made an unexpected call.
5. ________you are a college student, you should learn to be independent of your parents' help. 
6. Afterwards she gave in and let the children ___________ late to watch TV.
7. He _______________give us advice, but all he came up with were airy-fairy ideas. 
8. I felt ____________ my heart would burst with joy. 
1.The college students asked the soldier everything ______he saw at the front.
2.Last year we visited the Summer Palace, ______is one of the most beautiful places in Beijing.
3.Those are model workers, some ______are young fellows.
4.The Science Building is very beautiful, behind ______there is an orchard.
5.When they met again, the two friends talked about lots of things and persons ______we could remember in the school.
6.This is the modern hotel ______the guests can enjoy the most comfortable things.
7.I have the same book ______you bought just now.
8.Do you know the reason ______ she has changed her mind?
9.She still remembers the day______ she won the prize.
10.It’s helpful to put children in a situation ______ they can see themselves differently.
第二部分 能力運用
When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a Straight-A student, I believed I could ____ tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was extremely interested in the ideas he  _2__ in class.
When I took the first exam, I was __3__ to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper,   4   English was my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained _ 5  .
I decided to try harder, although I didn’t know what that __6__ because school had always been easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77. Again, I  _7_  with Professor Jayne. Again, he listened patiently but wouldn’t change his  __8   .
One more test before the final exam. One more __9__ to improve my grade. So I redoubled my efforts and, for the first time  _10_ the meaning of the word “thorough”. But my   11__ did no good and everything _ 12_  as before.
The last hurdle(障礙) was the final. No matter what ____ I got, it wouldn’t cancel three C-pluses. I might as well kiss the   14   goodbye.
I stopped working hard. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the final, I even   15 _ myself to a movie. The next day I decided for once I’d have  __16__ with a test.
A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into Professor Jayne’s office. He  17__ to be expecting me. “If I gave you the As you   18  , you wouldn’t continue to work as hard.”
I stared at him  19  that his analysis and strategy were correct. I had worked my head   20  , as I had never done before.
I was speechless when my course grade arrived: A-plus. It was the only A-plus given. The next year I received my scholarship. I’ve always remembered Professor Jayne’s lesson: you alone must set your own standard of excellence.
1. A. take 				B. discuss      			C. cover         		D. get
2. A. sought 				B. presented           	C. exchanged         D. obtained
3. A. shocked 				B. worried           		C. scared        		D. anxious
4. A. but                	B. so          			C. for           		D. or
5. A. unchanged         	B. unpleasant   			C. unfriendly     		D. unmoved
6. A. reflected           	B. meant       			C. improved     		D. affected
7. A. quarreled           	B. reasoned     			C. bargained     		D. chatted
8. A. attitude      		B. mind        			C. plan         		D. view
9. A. choice       		B. step         			C. chance       		D. measure
10. A. memorized    		B. considered   			C. accepted      		D. learned
11. A. ambition      		B. confidence   			C. effort         		D. method
12. A. stayed        		B. went        			C. worked       		D. changed
13. A. grade         		B. answer      			C. lesson        		D. comment
14. A. scholarship     		B. course      			C. degree       		D. subject
15. A. helped         		B. favored     			C. treated       		D. relaxed
16. A. fun            	B. luck       			C. problems      		D. tricks.
17. A. happened       		B. proved     			C. pretended     		D. seemed
18. A. valued         		B. imagined    			C. expected     		D. welcomed
19. A. remembering    		B. guessing    			C. supposing    		D. realizing
20. A. out                B. over                  C. on                D. off
Where in the world can you take an hour’s train ride, and pass a forest, a London street, a scene from the Wild West, and a burning building that never burns down? There’s only one place, and that’s Hollywood, in California. The scenes you see from the tourist train are film sets(布景) in the Universal Studios, one of the oldest and largest movie companies(公司) in the USA.
A visit to Universal Studios brings back memories of great days of Hollywood, the films and the stars. But they are only memories. Hollywood isn’t quite the same as it used to be. Costs have gone up and confidence has gone down. Movie-makers are afraid to spend their money on expensive new ideas. Instead, they repeat old ones.
The film industry is changing fast. Teenagers still go out to the movies. The theatre is a good place to meet friends away from home. But older people mostly stay home to watch series, like Dynasty have become as important to Hollywood as expensive movies. These “soap opera”, as they are called, show rich, powerful families living in beautiful homes and wearing beautiful clothes. But the actors and actresses are nearly all middle-aged, like many of the people who watch them.
 Though it is soap operas that are keeping the film-makers of Hollywood in Business, big films are still being made in America. But more and more of them are made outside Hollywood. New York is the most important new center, but there are many others as well. Movie-makers have realized that they don’t need Hollywood any more. Modern cameras and real houses instead of expensively made copies in a studio. Other states, especially Florida and Texas, are working hard to take the film business away from California. They are offering better working conditions and lower cost.
But Hollywood is fighting back. The state of California is trying hard to keep its best-known industry.
1. From the passage, we know Universal Studios is ___________.
A. a very large park                 B. a busy London street
C. a famous movie company          D. an old Hollywood movie
2. The movie industry in California isn’t as successful as before because _____________.
A. young people don’t go to movie theatres any more
B. there is strong competition from other states
C. its movie companies are in need of young stars
D. the state hasn’t put a development plan into action
3. The passage mainly tells us ______________.
A. something about the film industry in the USA
B. the importance of soap operas in Hollywood
C. the good old days of Hollywood
D. the film business in California
Writer/ Time	Topic: Who’s a better singer, Andy Lau (劉德華) or Jacky Cheung (張學(xué)友)?		Jim
5:25 pm.	Some people say Jacky is the best Chinese singer. I don’t think so! Andy is the best. I went to his concert last year. It was so wonderful, I almost cried! OK, I did cry, but that’s because Andy is so handsome (英俊的)! 		Tom
4:38 pm.	I disagree with Jim. Andy sounds like every other singer. His voice is nothing special. On the other hand, Jacky’s voice is unique, and his songs are so romantic (浪漫的)!		Linda
8:54 pm.	I think they’re about the same. But Andy is a better actor. I’ve seen almost all of his movies. Remember the one where he was an airplane pilot (飛行員), and his plane crashed (墜毀) near a farm? I love that movie!		John
10:25 pm.	I also think Jacky is a better singer. I prefer his Cantonese (粵語) songs. Maybe they sound better because Cantonese is his first language. 		Tom
10:12 am.	I agree. Jacky’s Cantonese songs are better than his Mandarin (華語) songs. (Though, I still like all his songs!)		4. Who likes Andy Lau the best? __________.
A. Jim       		B. Tom       		C. Linda         		D. John 
5. Why did Jim cry? Because ___________.
A. she was sad at a concert.              	B. she had a broken heart.  
C. she was angry at Jacky Cheung         	D. she thought Andy Lau was very good looking 
6. What’s Linda’s opinion? __________.
A. Andy is a better singer.               	B. Jacky is a better singer. 
C. They both sing equally well.           	D. Jacky is a better actor.
7. Why does John think Jacky’s Cantonese songs sound the best? Because _________.
A. Jacky has no experience singing in Mandarin.     
B. it’s his native language 
C. his mandarin pronunciation is bad              
D. Jacky’s Mandarin songs are boring. 
Many people need guidance in choosing a career. Fortunately, there is much information on the Web about job opportunities. With all the information available, it's not surprising that people can feel confused. So if you're ready to start your first job or change careers, where do you begin?
The Occupation Handbook is a good resource. Regularly updated(更新), the Handbook is available as a book and on-line. Not only is information provided about the United States as a whole, but readers can easily search for information about their particular state. You can read about the fastest-growing occupations in the area where you live and find out what they are like. You can also learn how to apply(申請) for jobs.
    Take, for example, Nadia's situation. Nadia was a doctor's assistant in Iran, and her goal in the United States is to become a nurse. However, she needs to work to support herself while she is studying nursing. She is interested in becoming a medical assistant to help work her way through college. When going on-line to the Handbook and searching under" medical assistant", Nadia is happy to read that this is expected to be one of the fastest-growing careers through 2010. Besides, job opportunities are even better for people with experience. She discovers that medical assistants not only have to do some office work, but have medical responsibilities as well. Nadia decides this job will be interesting and will also provide excellent experience for her nursing career.
The Occupation Handbook is just an example of websites that can help you plan a new career. When you have found information about some different careers, you will be ready to talk to career advisers. Choosing your future career is an extremely important decision. It's worth taking the time and finding as much information as you can. 
Title	Finding Information on the _____1_____for tomorrow’s Job.		Introduction	◇There is a lot of job information on-line, but too much of it may sometimes be   2    .		Facts of the Handbook	◇The information is updated    3     .
◇You can read all kind of information in it     4     how to apply for jobs.		Nadia’s    5   	◇She wants to become a nurse in the United States.
◇She needs to work to make   6   for her college study.
◇Her former experience may be   7   for her to get the job.
◇If she’s a medical assistant, she will have to do some office work, and will also have medical      8     .		Conclusion	◇Find some information on-line before consulting(咨詢)career advisers.
◇It is of great           for you to make a decision about choosing your future career.
◇You    10     to spend time finding as much information as you can.		(四)書面表達
模塊二Unit 2綜合練習(xí)(參考答案)
1. vacation    	2. behavior  		3. adults  		4. teenagers      	5. explanation
6. forbids 		7. guidance 		8. argument 		9. patience 		10. selfish 
1-5 CCDDD 6-10 DBBBB 
1.C 根據(jù)句意“從女孩恐懼的表情看,一定發(fā)生了什么恐懼的事情”,第一空要用-ed 形容詞表示本身害怕的,第二空指“事情令人害怕”故用-ing形容詞
2.C insist有兩層含義即“堅持認(rèn)為做過某事”和“堅持要求應(yīng)該做某事”,表示前者時用真實語氣,表示后者時用(should) do。
3.D in charge of表示“掌管、負(fù)責(zé)”, in memory of表示“為了紀(jì)念”, in favor of 表示“支持、贊成”, in explanation of表示“對……作出解釋、辯解”。
4.D 考查with 的復(fù)合用法,東西和買之間構(gòu)成被動關(guān)系。
5.D 本題考查forbid 的用法,forbid sb. to do 被動語態(tài)為be forbidden to do
6.D common常見的; as usual 象往常一樣。句意為:在我們國家,騎自行車是很常見的。象往常一樣,我父親騎自行車上班去了。
7.B can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待地要做某事。句意為:當(dāng)談到我的這個問題時,我迫不及待地想知道大家的看法。
8.B be supposed to be 被認(rèn)為是……。struggle 奮斗,掙扎,難事;support支持; suggest建議,表明
9.B stay up 熬夜,sending e-mails 是伴隨狀語;第二空是who引導(dǎo)定語從句,先行詞those指的是人,引導(dǎo)詞在從句中要做主語,因此用who。
10.B handle the problem 處理這個問題,相當(dāng)于deal with the problem。 
1. have difficulty in       2.depend on        	3.in this regard         	4.gone through   
5.in charge of            6. couldn’t wait to    	7. is forbidden; to      	8. be; hard on 
1. went out        		2.along with          3. insist on         		4.in a mess   
5.now that        		6.stay up             7.was supposed to  		8. as if   
1.that        2.which        3.of whom       4.which          5.that             
6. where      7. as          8.why           9.when          10.where
第二部分 能力運用
1. A 解析:take可表示修(學(xué)科),上(課) take tough subjects修難學(xué)的科目。
2. B 解析:present作動詞用,表示:介紹,描述。我對他課上介紹的內(nèi)容非常感興趣。
3. A 解析:因為英語是我的強科,而且我向來是一個拿A的學(xué)生,因此這次拿到C+令我非常吃驚。
4. C 解析:for, 并列連詞,表示“因為”用來提供說前一句的依據(jù)。
5. D 解析:教授聽我說我的理由,但是他沒有被打動。
6. B 解析:此句意為:我決定更加努力,雖然我不知道那有什么意義,因為對于我來說,功課是非常容易的。
7. B 解析:我再次與教授去理論。reason with sb. 也某人理論。
8. B 解析:change one’s mind改變主意。
9. C 解析:再一次的機會來提高我的分?jǐn)?shù)。chance機會。
10. D 解析:我加倍努力,第一次懂得了thorough這個詞的意思。
11. C 解析:前面說我加倍努力,因此這里說的是我的努力沒有用,一切還跟以前一樣。
12. B 解析:見上。
13.A 解析:無論我得個什么分?jǐn)?shù),都無法取消我前面的三個C+。
14. A 解析:might as well表示“最好還是”,上文中說到,我希望拿獎學(xué)金,這里說到我考得成績不理想,因此,我還是跟獎學(xué)金說再見吧。
15. C 解析:treat sb to款待某人。 我款待自己去看了一場電影。
16. A 解析:第二天,我決定跟考試開一次玩笑。have fun with sth跟……開個玩笑。
17. D 解析:當(dāng)我發(fā)現(xiàn)得了一個A的時候,我急急向教授的辦公室趕去。他似乎在等我。
18. C 解析:如果我給你你想要的A,那么你就不會這么用功了。
19. D 解析:意識到他的分析和策略是對的。
20. D 解析:work one’s head off意為:很努力地工作或?qū)W習(xí)。 
1. C解析:第一段最后一句話。Universal Studios后有一個同位語,one of the oldest and largest movie companies(公司) in the USA.,可知這是一家著名的電影公司。
2. B解析:倒數(shù)第二段,第三行。New York is the most important new center, but there are many others as well.紐約是最重要的新的影視中心,但是也有許多其它的中心。由此可知,加得福尼亞的影視業(yè)不及以前成功,是因為有了很多的競爭對手。]
3. A解析:文章講了美國的環(huán)球電影制片公司,還講了美國電影業(yè)的變化。除了好萊塢,還多了許多其它的影視拍攝影中心,最后講到好萊塢正在努力想要保住它的地位。因此,整篇文章主要講了美國的電影業(yè)。
4. A 解析:表格第一欄Andy is the best. I did cry, but that’s because Andy is so handsome (英俊的)。Jim認(rèn)
5. D 解析:同上。
6. C 解析:I think they’re about the same. 從此句可知,Linda認(rèn)為他們倆差不多。
7. B 解析:Maybe they sound better because Cantonese is his first language. 也許他的粵語歌聽起來最好,是因為粵語是他的母語。
1.Internet/Web/Website  	2. confusing      	3. regularly       	4.including   		5. situation             
6. money 				7.helpful      	8. responsibilities   	9. importance        	10. deserve
Nowadays, many middle school students can’t wash clothes for themselves. On the one hand, they are very lazy, and unwilling to learn how to wash clothes. On the other hand, their parents don’t let them learn how to wash clothes, because they want them to spend all their time on their study.
In my opinion, this kind of phenomenon isn’t normal. Besides learning subjects, children should also learn to do some housework, such as washing clothes, cleaning rooms, and so on. If not, they can’t live on their own after they begin to work.  
So parents and children should realize that doing some housework is necessary and helpful. Besides, children should fight against their laziness and offer to do some housework.     
What’s more, parents should encourage their children to do some housework in their free time. If so, children will learn more life experience and improve their study at the same time.


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