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bite[baIt] v. (bit, bitten)咬;叮:badly bitten by mosquitoes 被蚊子叮得很厲害 / She bite into the apple. 她咬了一口蘋果。


bitter[5bItE] adj.1.有苦味的:Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. 不加奶的咖啡在嘴里留下了一些苦味。2. 痛苦的,刺痛的:a bitter wind 刺骨的風(fēng)  3.懷恨的:He was bitter about losing the job. 他對(duì)失去那工作很懷恨?!?/font>a bitter pill 難以忍受的事 / to the bitter end 奮斗到最后


black[blAk] n. 1. [C,U]黑色:The colour of his car is black. 他的車的顏色是黑色。2.[C]黑人:the American blacks adj.1.黑色的:black shoes 黑鞋 / He has painted the chair black. 他將椅子漆成黑色。 2.黑色人種的:a black artist 黑人藝術(shù)家◆be in the black 在銀行有余寬 / black and blue 青一塊,紫一塊 / black and white (照片、電視等的)黑白;白紙黑字;是非分明 / go black 眼前一黑,失去知覺(jué)


blackboard[5blAkbC:d] n. [C]黑板:The teacher wrote some words on the blackboard. 老師在黑板上寫了幾個(gè)字。


blame[bleIm] n. [U]譴責(zé);歸咎:He bears the blame of his brother. 他替他兄弟受責(zé)。v.責(zé)備;責(zé)怪:You mustn’t blame me for that; it wan’t my fault. 你別怨我,那不是我的過(guò)錯(cuò)?!?/font>be to blame (for sth) 對(duì)某壞事應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)任,應(yīng)受責(zé)備 / lay [put] the blame (for sth) on sb 把某事歸咎于某人【用法】1. 用作名詞,通常是不可數(shù)名詞,注意以下它與不同動(dòng)詞和介詞搭配:He put [laid, cast, charged] all the blame on me. 他把一切都?xì)w咎于我。/ I was ready to take [bear, accept, get] the blame for what had happened. 我準(zhǔn)備對(duì)所發(fā)生的事負(fù)責(zé)。2. 用作動(dòng)詞,通常為及物動(dòng)詞,注意以下常用句型:He blamed me for the failure. / He blamed the failure on me. 他把失敗歸咎于我。


blank[blANk] n. [C]空格;空白()leave a blank 留出一個(gè)空白 / His memory is a blank. 他什么也記不起來(lái)。adj.空白的:a blank page空白的一頁(yè) / a blank screen 空白的屏幕


blanket[5blANkIt] n. [C]毛毯,毯子:I laid a blanket over him. 我把毯子蓋在他身上。


bleed[bli:d] vi.(bled, bled) 1.出血,流血:His nose bleeds badly. 他的鼻子流血很多。2.悲痛,傷心:Our hearts bled for you. 我們?yōu)槟愀械奖础?/span>


bless[bles] vt.(blessed, blessed; blest, blest)保佑,降福:God bless you. 上帝保佑你。/ The priest blessed the harvest. 牧師乞求豐收。


blind[blaind] adj.1.瞎的;盲人的:a blind person 盲人 / a blind school 盲人學(xué)校 2.盲目的,缺乏判斷力的:He’s completely blind to her faults. 他一點(diǎn)兒也覺(jué)察不到她的錯(cuò)誤。



【用法】1. 表示某人或某動(dòng)物的眼睛是瞎的,英語(yǔ)習(xí)慣上不以“眼睛”作主語(yǔ),而通常以人或動(dòng)物作主語(yǔ)(其后通常接介詞 in)He is blind in both eyes. 他雙目失明。注意不能說(shuō):His eyes are blind. 2. 表示“變瞎”通常用連系動(dòng)詞 go, become 等:My grandmother has gone blind. 我奶奶眼睛變瞎了。3. 可與定冠詞連用,表示“瞎子”這一類人。若用作句子主語(yǔ),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞通常用復(fù)數(shù):Now the blind have books to read. 現(xiàn)在盲人也有書讀。4. 用于引申義,表示“對(duì)…視而不見(jiàn)或看不到”,其后一般用介詞 toThe  young man was blind to the others’ faults. 這位年輕人對(duì)其他人的錯(cuò)誤視而不見(jiàn)。


block[blCk] n.1. [C]大塊:a block of marble 一塊大理石2. [C]積木:a set of building blocks 一副建筑積木 3.[C]街區(qū):I went for a walk around the block. 我圍著這個(gè)街區(qū)四周散了散步。4.障礙:a traffic block 交通堵塞vt.阻塞;阻擋:The river is blocked up with ice. 河道為冰塊堵塞。


blood[blQd] n. [C]血,血液:It was a serious cut and she lost a lot of blood. 刀傷重,她流失了很多血。


blouse[blaJz] n. [C]寬罩衫;(女式)襯衫:She was wearing a white blouse. 她穿了一件白襯衫。


blow[blEJ] n.擊;打擊:put in a blow 重重一擊 / It was rather a blow when I heard that I hadn’t got the job. 一聽(tīng)見(jiàn)人家不聘用我,我感到很大的打擊。v. (blew, blown) 1.吹;刮風(fēng):The wind is blowing hard tonight. 今晚風(fēng)很大。2.用口吹氣:blow out a candle 吹滅蠟燭◆blow hot and cold (about sth) 對(duì)某事無(wú)定見(jiàn),優(yōu)柔寡斷 / blow one’s nose 擤鼻涕 / blow one’s trumpet 自吹自擂,夸口 / blow one’s top 大發(fā)雷霆


【提醒】不要弄混用作動(dòng)詞和名詞時(shí)的不同含義。用作動(dòng)詞時(shí),表示“吹”;而用作名詞時(shí),卻表示“打擊”:The wind blew on her face. 風(fēng)迎面吹來(lái)。/ He gave me a heavy blow. 他給我重重地一擊。


blue[blu:] n. [C,U]藍(lán)色:dressed in blue 身穿藍(lán)色衣服 / A light blue would be a nice colour for the curtains. 窗簾用淡藍(lán)色一定很好看。adj.1.藍(lán)色的:His eyes were bright blue. 他有一雙明亮的藍(lán)眼睛。2. 悲傷的;沮喪的:She looks blue. 她看上去情緒低落。


board[bC:d] n.1. [C]木板:saw a board in half 把一塊木板鋸成兩半2.[C]布告牌:a bulletin board 布告欄 3. [C]委員會(huì);(政府的)部;董事局:The board of directors is meeting to discuss the firm’s future. 董事局快要開(kāi)會(huì)討論公司的未來(lái)。v.(船、火車、飛機(jī))We said goodbye and boarded the ship. 我們道別后就上了船?!?/font>on board 在船上(飛機(jī)等)


boat[bEJt] n. [C]小船,小舟:a boat race 劃船比賽 / We crossed the river by boat. 我們乘小船過(guò)了河?!?/font>be in the same boat 處于同樣的境遇,同舟共濟(jì) / burn one’s boats 破釜沉舟,背水一戰(zhàn) / miss the boat 坐失良機(jī)


辨析boat ship:一般說(shuō)來(lái),boat 要比 ship 小,但是在口語(yǔ)或非正式用法中,boat 也可以指大客輪:The only way to get there was by boat 到達(dá)那里的唯一途徑是乘船。注:指大的軍艦,總是用 shipHow many ships are there in the navy? 海軍有多少軍艦?


boating[5bEJtIN] n.劃船(游玩),泛舟:enjoy boating on the lake 喜歡在湖上劃船 / go boating 劃船(游玩)


body[5bRdI] n.


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