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  我們將審題的雷區(qū)大致歸結(jié)為兩個方面,一是宏觀層面踩到了大雷,即題目回答角度完全跑偏,非但“fail to address the task and the topic effectively”,更是“fail to address the task and the topic”;二是微觀層面被散彈擊中,即題目雖然沒有理解錯,但在論述過程中因為審題不仔細(xì)或論述不嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),亦或是論述過程中思路出現(xiàn)偏差而帶來的論述跑偏。

  首先我們先來看一下所謂宏觀層面的審題雷區(qū),這樣的審題錯誤往往是由于考生錯誤地理解考題的本意,而給出了可謂“驢唇不對馬嘴”的答案,以TPO 25為例:

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Young people nowadays do not give enough time to helping their communities.


  The main reason for my disagreement is that community service could help students gain knowledge and abilities that cannot be acquired in school. They can get acquainted with people in different age, with different backgrounds, and having different hobbies in helping neighborhoods. This means that students may have to learn how to express ideas, listen to others and cooperate with others, since much team work tends to be involved in the process of doing community service. Last month, I helped plant several trees in my community, and met a retired professor who is also a volunteer. He imparted me a great deal of knowledge about trees and planting. Because of his age, I also helped him finish nearly all labor work and he was more like a director who gave me suggestions and guidance. Evidently, if rejecting community service, I would definitely lose such a precious opportunity.


  如果回答題目,很明顯應(yīng)該分析的是年輕人為什么已經(jīng)花了/并沒有花足夠的時間做社區(qū)服務(wù)。所以分析的角度也自然應(yīng)該從年輕人出發(fā),比如如果同意,可能會說現(xiàn)在年輕人太忙了,或是服務(wù)意識下降了,或是現(xiàn)在的社會足夠健全,不需要年輕人了;如果不同意可以說現(xiàn)在的年輕人服務(wù)意識更強(qiáng)了,學(xué)校組織或公司組織的服務(wù)活動很多,或一些民間NGO等等都讓現(xiàn)在的年輕人花了更多時間在help communities上。



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities.


  In almost every form of media, including television, newspapers and magazines, a great deal of attention is paid to the personal lives of celebrities. It seems that the public cannot get enough of this kind of news. However, I believe that what the media should do is to protect and respect the lives of public figures rather than giving too much exposure.

  Of course, close reports of super stars, especially news about their private lives and relationships, can satisfy fans’ curiosity and therefore promote the sales of fan magazines and other related products. Those celebrities can also achieve more affection and appear more on TV shows or entertainment news. However, the media should respect the privacy of every individual, including public figures. It is true that celebrities may have chosen to be in the public eye, but that does not give the public the right to know everything about them. Zhang Bozhi, a famous Chinese actress, has to change her dwelling places for three times to protect her sons due to the fanatical paparazzi. It is definitely understandable that a super star should have privacy and an ordinary life.





  1. 她老人家天天盯著我寫作業(yè),每天檢查我做了多少道題,每周都會跟我們班主任溝通我上課的情況,導(dǎo)致我現(xiàn)在壓力非常大,每天都神經(jīng)緊繃,上課也非常緊張,怕老師跟我媽打小報告;

  2. 我媽不應(yīng)該這么關(guān)注我學(xué)習(xí),她這樣做導(dǎo)致我每天都神經(jīng)緊繃,上課也非常緊張,怕老師跟我媽打小報告,她也應(yīng)該關(guān)心關(guān)心我的心理狀態(tài)還有我的日常生活。


  類比一下上面的作文題目,如果我同意,應(yīng)該論述的是“媒體就是太關(guān)注了”,反之,應(yīng)該論述的是“媒體并沒有過分關(guān)注”,至于“媒體是否應(yīng)該關(guān)注”,這個論題并不是我們重點要討論的內(nèi)容,但是“媒體過分關(guān)注所產(chǎn)生的后果”可以作為一部分支持論述來支持“too much”。

  在上文的寫作片段中,作者從開頭段開始就已經(jīng)走在了一條不太正確的道路上:“…a great deal of attention is paid to the personal lives of celebrities … However, I believe that what the media should do is to protect and respect the lives of public figures rather than giving too much exposure.”他用一句話回應(yīng)了題目,而立場則開始帶入了明顯的評價。接下來在讓步段,前半段他說明的是媒體這樣做的意義或產(chǎn)生的正作用,但是接下來話鋒一轉(zhuǎn),說媒體不該這樣做,這樣的做法其實并沒有尊重名人們的隱私,并用影星張柏芝的例子來證明,媒體這樣的報道所產(chǎn)生的問題。如此種種,該考生已經(jīng)沉浸在自己所設(shè)定的題目中了,即討論“媒體是否應(yīng)該過分關(guān)注明星”,至于“pay attention”這個關(guān)鍵詞卻并沒有給出明確的回應(yīng),因此即使語言再好,恐怕得分也不會太高。

  那么該如何改正呢?既然題目只是問我們一個客觀事實,那么論述的過程要么就是用事實說話,擺事實講道理,比如記者會跟蹤、偷拍明星,并將他們的一舉一動在第一時間發(fā)布;電視上會邀請明星來參加真人秀(reality shows),甚至還會到明星家里去拍親子秀,這樣明星的整個生活都暴露在公眾視野;為了博眼球,他們甚至還會將一些信息進(jìn)行拼接來制造新聞,甚至是假新聞,然后引發(fā)公眾關(guān)注,企圖明星能更多地曝光自己的生活等等,然后再說明這樣的關(guān)注已經(jīng)過分了。以下是一個參考主體段:

  … I do agree that the media have laid too much emphasis on the privacy of famous people.(開頭段)

  Firstly, a tendency has emerged that some producers of reality TV shows are willing to allocate large amounts of money to invite celebrities and even their children or families. It is evident that viewers could have an opportunity to get access to the real life of a super star, i.e., to see what a working day or a weekend of a star is, how different a star’s growing experience is from ordinary people, or what a star will do in a relationship. These shows can thus gain its popularity and then earn more from commercials but the celebrities have lost all their privacy and their families’ lives may be bothered as well.

  上文中從事實切入,說了所謂“媒體關(guān)注”的方式,考生們在寫的時候也可以用具體的例子,接下來點到這對于明星來說會產(chǎn)生的問題,以此來回應(yīng)“too much”。當(dāng)然這不是唯一的解題思路,對于這道題我們也可以分析這個現(xiàn)象背后存在的原因,但歸根結(jié)底需要的是命題這個結(jié)論。

  再來看一下TPO 20這道題目:

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Successful people try new things and take risks rather than only doing what they know how to do well.

  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  Nowadays there is a controversial issue about how people achieve success. Someone holds the opinion that by trying new things and taking risks that they become successful, while others think that they already know how to do well. From my perspective, I agree that it’s the spirit of adventure that plays the most important role in being successful.

  First of all, trying new things could bring people more creativity and inspiration. To achieve success, you must make your products or services outstanding from the competitors. How to do it? I think the key factor is to be creative. In order to be creative, people must try new things. Let us take Jobs for example. The Apple was nearly bankrupt before Steve Jobs was invited to come back. As the CEO, what Jobs had done was trying his best to make products full of creativity. Iphone is the first cellphone using the technique of multi-touch, Macbook air is thinner than any laptops. Therefore, it is creativity that brings Apple from the edge of bankruptcy to the biggest company in the world.





  Successful people have long been regarded as the role models for ordinary people and the ones many are willing to imitate. How they succeed in their fields has also been a topic of discussion among public. Although it is sometimes believed that only doing things one person is good at will make success, I still think it is trying new things that should be defined as the determining factor for success, since a diversity of examples have proven this statement.

  First of all, the success of a great many business elites should be undoubtedly ascribed to the attempts to develop new fields. Most of them were faced with similar situations when starting their business: being negated, doubted, refused, even despised, just because things they had done were totally new and risky, not only for themselves, but for the market. The only positive side probably lies in the number of their rivals, zero. However, just by doing this, they finally exploit new opportunities, open new markets, and become the winner in the competition. Ma Yun, now the richest man in China, is a good example. After being turned down for hundreds of times, he has built his e-commercial empire all over the world, which used to be labeled as “impossible”. Steve Jobs, used to be the CEO of Apple, has been a legend and the God for billions of fans, largely due to his on-going efforts on the innovation of his products. It is not difficult to imagine that if they had only done what they know they can do well: Ma would have been teaching English in a school and Jobs perhaps a common Harvard undergraduate.


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