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英語聽力文摘 管風琴



Nice Set of Pipes

盡管管風琴對我們來說還是比較生疏的樂器,但它的發(fā)音原理與我國民間流傳至今仍在使用的古老樂器——蘆笙十分近似。據(jù)史料記載,公元前250年前古希臘工程師克提西比奧(Ktesibios)在埃及亞歷山大城發(fā)明了水壓控制風箱的管風琴(Wasserorgel),利用水力提供穩(wěn)定氣壓,這種管風琴有三排聲管,發(fā)音依靠拉動音栓把手使氣流通過木制聲管發(fā)出聲響來演奏音樂。因為它的聲音響亮,被當時的人們所喜愛。主要在家庭范圍內演奏。自20世紀起,管風琴中逐漸采用電動鼓風機送風,運用空氣動力學原理優(yōu)化設計,克服送風管內產生的渦流干擾,使電動送風的管風琴也能像手工送風的琴一樣具有典雅的音色。 20世紀后半期管風琴進入了電子時代,出現(xiàn)了電子輔助的機械式管風琴和電子合成器式管風琴?,F(xiàn)在音樂廳里大部分使用這種經(jīng)過改良的機械式管風琴。管風琴的基本構造包括發(fā)音系統(tǒng)、供氣系統(tǒng)、控制系統(tǒng)和彈奏系統(tǒng)。音管(pipe)是管風琴的發(fā)音器。管風琴上通常有兩種音管:哨管(flue pipe)和簧管(reed pipe)。音管的直徑和長度與發(fā)音成反比,即直徑越大,音管越長,發(fā)音越低,反之越高。

Whether heard in a church or concert hall, the tones of a pipe organ are unmistakable. These massive instruments can weigh many tons, but how do they work?

Pipe organs have worked the same way for nearly two thousand years. Air is blown into the pipe organ, stored in reservoirs(儲氣箱), and delivered to windchests((管風琴的)風箱) upon which the pipes sit.

When an organ’s key is depressed, it causes a panel to open in the windchest, allowing air to be blown through a given pipe. In pre-electricity days, air was pumped by hand. Nowadays electric blowers(鼓風機) do the pumping.

The pipes, from 32 feet to smaller than a pencil, are made of various materials to produce a variety of tone qualities. The largest pipes that produce (1)boomingbass(低音) notes are made of wood and metal, and can be up to thirty-two feet long.

The size or scale of the pipe determines its tone quality and intensity. Other pipes are made of different combinations of metals such as tin and lead alloys(鉛合金), zinc(鋅) and copper(銅).

Some pipes are designed to mimic various instruments. Flue pipes(哨管), for example, work like a whistle; air rushing over a lip in the pipe can be made to produce flute-like(長笛狀) tones. Reed pipes(簧管) work like clarinets(豎笛); air flows by a reed that vibrates to produce sound.

These pipes can be adjusted to sound like anything from a trumpet to a trombone(長號). Pipe organs are (2)assembled by hand in workshops, and no two are exactly alike.


(1)booming ['bu:mi?] adj.興旺的,繁榮的;大受歡迎的 v.興旺(boom的ing形式);發(fā)出隆隆聲

With booming development of tourism industry, the management and construction of the theme park become more and more important.


(2)assembled [?'semb?ld] v.裝配(assemble的過去分詞);集合 adj.組合的;安裝的

Motorcars are assembled as they travel from one part of a workshop to another.



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