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傾我所有 I could be the one





       在同atlantic唱片公司簽約后,Donna推出她的第一支單曲i love you always forever,成為vh1的一首極受成人歡迎的熱門(mén)歌曲。這首歌也使得她的第一張專(zhuān)輯now in a minute 取得了白金銷(xiāo)量,并擠入專(zhuān)輯榜的第31位。


I could be your sea of sand
I could be your warmth of desire
I could be your prayer of hope
I could be your gift to everyday

I could be your tide of heaven
I could be a hint of what’s to come



I could be ordinary
I could be the one

I could be your blue eyed angel
I could be the storm before the calm
I could be your secret pleasure
I could be your well wishing well
I could be your breath of life
I could be your European dream
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

Now I would lie here in the darkness
Now I would lie here for all time
Now I would lie here watching over you
Comfort you
Sing to you

I could be your worry partner
I could be your socialite
I could be your green eyed monster
I could be your force of light
I could be your temple garden
I could be your tender hearted child
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

Now I would lie here in the darkness
Now I would lie here for all time
Now I would lie here watching over you
Comfort you
Sing to you

Will I ever change the journey
Will the hushed tones disappear
Oh little Rita
Let me hold you
Oh little Rita
Let me love you

I could be your leafy island
I could be your thunder in the clouds
I could be your dark enclosure
I could be your romantic soul
I could be your small beginning
I could be your suit in universe
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

I could be ordinary
I could be the one

I could be ordinary
I could be the one

I could be your sea of sand 我可以是你的沙之海
I could be your warmth of desire 我可以是你渴望的熱情
I could be your prayer of hope 我可以是你希望的祈禱
I could be your gift to everyday 我可以是你每天的禮物
I could be your tide of heaven 我可以是你天堂的潮水
I could be a hint of what’s to come 我可以是一條未來(lái)的線索
I could be your ordinary 我可以是平凡的
I could be the one 我可以是你的唯一
I could be your blue eyed angel 我可以是你藍(lán)色眼睛的天使
I could be the storm before the calm 我可以是寧?kù)o前的風(fēng)暴
I could be your secret pleasure 我可以是你心底的愿望
I could be your well wishing well 我可以是許愿井
I could be your breath of life 我可以是你生命的氣息
I could be your European dream 我可以是歐洲的夢(mèng)想
I could be your ordinary 我可以是平凡的
I could be the one 我可以是你的唯一
Now I would lie here in the darkness 現(xiàn)在我愿意在黑暗中躺在這里
Now I would lie here for all time 現(xiàn)在我愿意永遠(yuǎn)在這里
Now I would lie here watching over you 現(xiàn)在我愿意永遠(yuǎn)在這里守護(hù)著你
Comfort you 安慰你
Sing to you 為你歌唱
I could be your worry partner 我可以是你煩惱的分擔(dān)者
I could be your socialite 我可以是你的社交名流
I could be your green eyed monster 我可以是你的綠眼妖精
I could be your force of light 我可以是你的光之力量
I could be your temple garden 我可以是你的圣殿花園
I could be your tender hearted child 我可以是你溫柔的孩子
I could be your ordinary 我可以是平凡的
I could be the one 我可以是你的唯一
Now I would lie here in the darkness 現(xiàn)在我愿意在黑暗中躺在這里
Now I would lie here for all time 現(xiàn)在我愿意永遠(yuǎn)在這里
Now I would lie here watching over you 現(xiàn)在我愿意永遠(yuǎn)在這里守護(hù)著你
Comfort you 安慰你
Sing to you 為你歌唱
Will I ever change the journey 我會(huì)改變那旅程么?
Will the hushed tones disappear 那安靜的音調(diào)會(huì)消失么?
Oh little Rita 哦小麗塔
Let me hold you 讓我支撐著你
Oh little Rita 哦小麗塔
Let me love you 讓我愛(ài)著你
I could be your leafy island 我可以是你的樹(shù)之島
I could be your thunder in the clouds 我可以是你的云中雷鳴
I could be your dark enclosure 我可以是你的黑色柵欄
I could be your romantic soul 我可以是你的浪漫靈魂
I could be your small beginning 我可以是你的微小萌芽
I could be your suit in universe 我可以是你的萬(wàn)物之衣
I could be your ordinary 我可以是平凡的
I could be the one 我可以是你的唯一
I could be your ordinary 我可以是平凡的
I could be the one 我可以是你的唯一
I could be your ordinary 我可以是平凡的
I could be the one 我可以是任何人

I could be your sea of sand 我會(huì)是你寧?kù)o的港灣
I could be your warmth of desire 我會(huì)是你溫暖的庇護(hù)
I could be your prayer of hope 我會(huì)為你祈禱
I could be your gift to everyday 帶給你日新的感受
I could be your tide of heaven 我將帶你走上天堂
I could be a hint of what's to come 為你指引前方
I could be ordinary 我也許平凡
I could be the one 我也會(huì)成為那唯一
I could be your blue eyed angel 我會(huì)是你的碧眼天使
I could be the storm before the calm 為你平息心中波瀾
I could be your secret pleasure 我會(huì)是你內(nèi)心最深處的快樂(lè)
I could be your well wishing well 好運(yùn)的源泉
I could be your breath of life 我會(huì)是你生命中的呼吸
I could be your European dream 助你成就夢(mèng)想
I could be ordinary 我也許平凡
I could be the one 我也會(huì)成為那唯一
Now I would lie here in the darkness 我總是關(guān)注你,即使是在黑暗中
Now I would lie here for all time 現(xiàn)在我愿意永遠(yuǎn)在這里
Now I would lie here watching over you  現(xiàn)在我愿意永遠(yuǎn)在這里守護(hù)著你
Comfort you 安慰你
Sing to you 為你歌唱
I could be your worry partner 我們一起悲傷
I could be your socialite 我們一起歡欣
I could be your green eyed monster 我會(huì)是那綠眼精怪
I could be your force of light 給你帶來(lái)光的指引
I could be your temple garden 我會(huì)是那廟宇圣地
I could be your tender hearted child 你的憐愛(ài)孩童
I could be ordinary 我也許平凡
I could be the one 我也會(huì)成為那唯一
I would lie here in the darkness
I would lie here for all time
I would lie here watching over you
Comfort you
Sing to you
Will I ever change the journey 我不會(huì)改變方向
Will the hushed tones disappear 不讓那平靜的話語(yǔ)消失
Oh little Rita Let me hold you 讓我抱著你
Oh little Rita Let me love you 愛(ài)著你
I could be your leafy island 我會(huì)是那郁郁蔥蔥的海島
I could be your thunder in the clouds 我會(huì)是那云中雷
I could be your dark enclosure 為你遮擋黑暗
I could be your romantic soul 共享浪漫
I could be your small beginning 我也許渺小
I could be your suit in universe 我又無(wú)處不在
I could be ordinary 我也許平凡
I could be the one 我也會(huì)成為那唯一
I could be ordinary
I could be the one
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

1.I could be a hint of what's to come

  hint 名詞 n.暗示;線索


  He gave me a hint that I was being cheated.


2. I could be your well wishing well 我愿是你好運(yùn)的源泉

well 1.n. , 源泉, 樓梯井 2.adj. 健康的, 良好的, 適宜的



    All is not well in this country.


    A book is a well of knowledge.


3. Now I would lie here in the darkness 我總是關(guān)注你,即使是在黑暗中

lie 1.v. , 平放, 位于, 在于 2.n. 謊言 3.v. 說(shuō)謊



    The village lies across the river.


    Many women lie about their age.


    Lies have short legs.


4. I could be your socialite 我愿與你一起歡欣

socialite n. 社會(huì)名流, 名士


An American socialite once said "You can never be too rich or too thin".


5.I could be your leafy island 我愿成為你茂密的小島

leafy adj. 葉茂盛的, 多葉的, 葉狀的


    There is a leafy forest in our hometown.


        Donna Lewis是英國(guó)流行歌手兼詞曲作者,六歲起演奏鋼琴, 受當(dāng)時(shí)為爵士樂(lè)鋼琴演奏者的父親的影響,Donna還是少年時(shí)就開(kāi)始了歌曲創(chuàng)作。 長(zhǎng)

大以后,除去學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù),Donna常喜歡到酒巴里唱歌,后來(lái)建立了自己的錄音室,開(kāi)始錄制自己創(chuàng)作的歌曲。 在同atlantic唱片公司簽約后,Donna推出她的第一支單曲“i love you always forever”, 成為vh1的一首極受成人歡迎的熱門(mén)歌曲。 這首歌也使得她的第一張專(zhuān)輯《now in a minute》取得了白金銷(xiāo)量,并擠入專(zhuān)輯榜的第31位。 《blue planet》專(zhuān)輯,節(jié)奏輕快,風(fēng)格清新,配合Donna悅耳脫俗的嗓音,成為絕對(duì)討好大眾的流行佳作! Donna Lewis的聲音寧?kù)o、臃懶,水一樣的溫柔,好像是躺在你懷里,輕輕地向你訴說(shuō)心事一般。 在威爾士的加的夫市出生并長(zhǎng)大的唐娜從小就在以音樂(lè)和戲劇的著稱(chēng)的威爾士學(xué)院接受訓(xùn)練,主修長(zhǎng)笛和鋼琴。 畢業(yè)后的她首先開(kāi)始在地方上以樂(lè)隊(duì)和詞曲創(chuàng)作上展示自己的才能。 以1990年,她的腳步已經(jīng)遍布了英國(guó)和整個(gè)歐洲大陸的各大酒吧。她也組建了自己的工作室錄制自己的Demos,并且開(kāi)始了一系列的巡回演出。 在1993年末的一場(chǎng)演出中,她給Atlantic Records的老板Chairman Doug Morris留下了深刻的影響,他邀請(qǐng)?zhí)颇热ゼ~約表演,并且邀請(qǐng)她灌制自己的唱片。 她包辦詞曲制作的首張專(zhuān)輯 -《Now in a Minute》 在1996年5月推出后引起了強(qiáng)烈的反響。 尤其是第一張單曲 “I Love You Always Forever ”瞬間成為全球熱門(mén),在各國(guó)的流行音樂(lè)排行榜上稱(chēng)雄。 在當(dāng)時(shí),此張單曲唱片成為美國(guó)銷(xiāo)售量最大的單曲唱片,累計(jì)銷(xiāo)量已經(jīng)超過(guò)100萬(wàn),此張專(zhuān)輯也在美國(guó)和加拿大賣(mài)到白金銷(xiāo)量。



瘋狂英語(yǔ) 英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法 新概念英語(yǔ) 走遍美國(guó) 四級(jí)聽(tīng)力 英語(yǔ)音標(biāo) 英語(yǔ)入門(mén) 發(fā)音 美語(yǔ) 四級(jí) 新東方 七年級(jí) 賴(lài)世雄 zero是什么意思西安市建國(guó)五巷8號(hào)院英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)交流群



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