今天的這段對話,在討論劃船比賽 ,
A: Hi, Nick! I haven’t seen you for a long time!
B: Yeah! How are you? Jane!
A:I'm fine! What are you doing now?
B: Oh! I’m watching the rebroadcast of the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race. The race is so wonderful! It looks like a dead heat between the two teams.
A: Right! However, the Cambridge Rowing Team won victory in the end.
B: Really? Have you watched the live broadcast of the race?
A: Absolutely! Remember that I’m an out-and-out rowing fan!
B: Oh! It’s my fault. You come from Britain, the birthplace of rowing. It is said that the boat race was first held by watermen providing ferry and taxi service on the Thames in london,right?
A: Yeah! According to the record, in the 17th century, the professional watermen on the River Thames frequently held boat races, so as to win prizes.The prizes were often offered by the London Guilds and the Livery Companies. The rowing race was first contested in 1715 to celebrate the crown of the King, which is still held annually in London. During the 19th century, rowing races were to become numerous and popular, attracting a large amount of people to take part in.
B: Well, when did the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race begin? This is the 156th of competition, that is to say it is been held since 1854,right?
A: Actually not. The first Boat Race was in 1829 and it has been held annually since 1856,with the exception of the two world wars.
B: I see. How is the crew of the rowing team chose? Take the prestigious Oxford Uiversity Rowing Team as an example!
A: Strictly speaking, the crew of the team must be excellent students of each college of the University of Oxford. Almost all colleges of the University have their own Boat Clubs, such as the University College Oxford Boat Club, the Balliol College Boat Club, the Hertford College Boat Club, and so on.
B: Rowing is so popular in Oxford University! However, why should be excellent students? This is a sport competition!
A: There are no sporting scholarships at Oxford, so in theory every student must obtain a place on their academic merits. The Cambridge University is the same case. In July 2007,the Boat Race organising committee refused to let a Cambridge student enter the competition. The reason was that he didn’t complete his academic course, as he returned to the German national rowing team to prepare for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
B: What a pity! It means that every crew member in the rowing team is successful in his academic studies!
A: That’s right! Evidence suggests that participants in the boat race are indeed academically capable,for example,the 2005 Cambridge crew contained four Ph.D students.
B: The team members are really laborious. They not only have to make an academic achievements, but have to attend training for the rowing team.
A: Right. Although the contest is between amateurs, the training scheduals each team undertakes are very gruelling. Generally each team trains for six days a week for six months before the event.
B: That's incredible! How can the crew make a compromise between academic study and rowing?
A: It’s really a problem. Maybe the University should establish sporting scholarships to support the traditional boat race.
B: I do think so!