A: So, you're from Chile?
B: Yeah, that's right.
A: If I ever travel to Chile, do you have any tips?
B: Well yeah, there are a lot of things that you should do in Chile and also a lot of things that you shouldn't do in Chile.
A: Oh! For example?
B: Well I would definitely recommend to try Chilean food, especially in the small shops that we have, like in every street. If you go to like big restaurants, it's not going to be really authentic. So I think you should try small shops, in every street. Also if you're interested in nature, well you know, Chile has really long mountains, right. And they're beautiful, especially if you go in winter, you can go skiing and it's not far, it's about like two hours from like anywhere. So that's really cool. You should definitely do that. Also one thing, remember that it's Latin America, so you have to take care of your belongings. A lot of my friends have lost stuff there. But if you pay attention, it's going to be fine, just don't be too obvious that you're a tourist, and that's going to be alright. And probably lastly, I think you can see a lot of history there, our history, like the Indians we had before the Spanish came, and also the mix between the Spanish and those Indians.
A: Is there anything I shouldn't do?
B: Well, I wouldn't really recommend you to take public buses, they're not very safe, so don't do it. Metro is much better, it's cleaner, it's faster and you can get pretty much anywhere in the city, so you shouldn't take buses. And also you should avoid downtown during night, night time, it's quite dangerous I think as any other big city. It is like any other city in the world, it's kind of dangerous when you go downtown at night time. So I think those would be my tips for you.
A: I see, I'll keep that in mind, thank you.
B: You're welcome.