A: So Rory, do you think holidays these days ... do you think they're too commercial? What do you think?
B: I mean, they really are commercial aren't they? Christmas especially. It seems to start earlier and earlier every year, so now you hear Christmas songs like in November and maybe even in October, and the stores start to have decorations. It is too commercial? I don't know. I love Christmas, you know. So I love all the Christmas lights, but there is a lot of pressure on people to spend a lot of money at Christmas.
A: That's true. I think I am with you on that. I love Christmas. I love everything that comes with it: the songs, the food, the family time, so I can't really complain about it, but I think the year, the calendar year, has just become one big holiday thing, where you start off, you know ... I don't know, you start whenever. December Christmas finishes and we're already looking forward to Valentine's Day. Valentine Day finishes — Easter, St. Patrick's Day. So it's like one continuous holiday coming up right after the other. So ...
B: And things like St Patrick's Day — when I was a kid — my family's Irish. We never celebrated St. Patrick's Day at all. I mean nothing. Didn't even talk about it. But now, all the pubs, and the bars, have promotions. The restaurants have promotions. You can buy green beer. People are wearing funny hats. It seems to me like completely a commercial holiday.
A: That's true.
B: It doesn't seem to be related to St Patrick at all.
A: That's true. That's true. Why do you think it's becoming more and more like that?
B: I guess just that companies see it — the way to sell more products.