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  一、趕時(shí)髦(go after fashion)

  A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited!


  B: Are there any good!


  A: I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me. I think you don’t like it! Why?


  B: It was dumb. I think it's stupid for women to wear clothes like that.


  A: The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.


  B: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets?


  A: Yes, I do. At least, some people certainly can. They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth.


  B: Well. I still think they're dumb. It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.


  A: So you think it's bad if I wear it?


  B: If you wear it I must speak nice!


  A: I know you will say that.


  B: Only you know me!


  二、食品安全(food security)

  A :the problems of domestic food safety are appearing constantly,And have your heard problem of oranges?




  A:There are fresh citrus maggots. County on a buried 2500 kilos, and several provinces nationwide have.


  B: How terrible.Now the domestic food security is really bad.


  A: U.S.do better in this piont.


  B:Ah, which the United States did manage very well. What is their experience?


  A: the right OF FDA in the United States is power,and Very strict law enforcement.


  B:is there more success experience?


  A:It's a fairly standard market, no hawker stalls and food in the supermarket, food into the supermarket to go through inspection, so the food will not get home as domestic so fresh.


  B:How should people buy safe food?


  A:When we choose food, we must remember to check its tag, confirming whether the basic information is marked on it, including ingredients, producer, shelf life and particularly date of manufacture.


  B:Why does food contamination occur frequently these days?


  A:Because the food manufactures are so obsessed with making money that they lose the business ethics. They no longer take food safety as their priority.


  三、飲食與健康(food and healthy)

  A:Health is very important for our body.And healthy foods plays a very important role in it.So,what do you think is a healthy diet?


  B:A healthy diet should contain all the essential nutrients.


  A:How could people eliminate food contamination nowadays?


  B:The government should set strict rules and regulations to standardize the production of food and punish severely those violators.


  A:Why does food contamination occur frequently these days?


  B:Because the food manufactures are so obsessed with making money that they lose the business ethics. They no longer take food safety as their priority.


  A:Why do many people suffer from heart disease recently?


  B:I suppose it is because the improved living conditions provide people with more refined grain and meat. Consequently, people have an excessive amount of fat which leads to heart disease.


  A:What’s your eating habit?


  B:I have a balanced diet and I always have meals in a regular way.


  A:How do you keep fit?


  B:I am not particular about food and I often do exercise as long as I have free time.


  A:Do you have fast food very often?


  B:No, I seldom eat fast food because it’s rich in fat. And I want to keep a slender shape.


  A:What are the advantages of transgenic food?


  B:Transgenic technology can increase the yield of the crops and give the crops such attributes as insect-resistance or drought-resistance.


  A:What do you think of instant noodles?


  B:On the one hand, it is easy to prepare and thus brings convenience to our busy life. On the other hand, it is harmful to our health since it contains preservatives.


  四、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的利與弊(advantages and disadvantages of internet)

  A:With the development of computer technology, the Internet has become more and more popular.


  B:Yeah, but do you think students should surf the internet after class.?


  A:Yes,I do.I regard it as a great helper.




  A:For example, you can surf the Internet for any information you need in a short time without working hard in the library.


  B:oh,it sounds so convenient.


  A:Yeah,it is convenient to communicate with others by using the Internet.


  B: However, many people think that there are many disadvantages of the Internet, because there is also some information that is not good for the students.


  A: That’s also true.Well, it will not only have a bad effect on study but also do harm to our health if we spend too much time to play games on line.


  B: What do you think we should do?


  A: We should make proper use of the Internet. It is of great importance for us to separate good plants from wild weeds.



  A:We all know that in the past couple of years ,the financial crisis attracted the worldwide attention, for it's the worse economic recession since the Great Depression in the 1930s and no country is spared from the current crisis, it had more severe effects on the developed countries.


  B:I believe that it's a nature link of the ecnomic cycle. There is no reason doubt that ,after the recession , recovery and prosperity would come follow, and then it enter into another cycle.


  A:As the saying goes :" Every coin has its two side."Somebody went bankrupt in this financial turmoil, while some other people take the chance . For instance my cousin take the opportunity bought a suite room with a rather cheap price.


  B:Of course, the government would take some effect measure to mitigate the impact of the current global economic and financial crisis rather than leave it rot.


  A:I know.It advise the American change the way of life.


  B:Do you think what caused te financial crisis?


  A:I think we can sum up the cause of our current economic crisis in one word — GREED.


  B:What impact it will have in China.


  A:The international financial crisis is becoming more and more worse, the impact on the Chinese economy is also further expansion, it even extended into every aspect of society.For example, manufacturing, energy, food, IT„ and so on..



  Q:Are you a multi-tasked individual?(你是一位可以同時(shí)承擔(dān)數(shù)項(xiàng)工作的人嗎?) or Do you work well under stress or pressure?(你能承受工作上的壓力嗎?)

  A:Yes, I think so.The trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and I know I can handle it well.


  Q:What is your strongest trait(s)?


  A:Helpfulness and caring.(樂(lè)于助人和關(guān)心他人。) Adaptability and sense of humor.(適應(yīng)能力和幽默感。) Cheerfulness and friendliness.(樂(lè)觀和友愛(ài)。)

  Q: How would your friends or colleagues describe you?


  A: (pause a few seconds) (稍等幾秒鐘再答,表示慎重考慮。)They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends.(他們說(shuō)陳先生是位誠(chéng)實(shí)、工作努力,負(fù)責(zé)任的人,他對(duì)家庭和朋友都很關(guān)心。)

  A:They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.


  Q:What personality traits do you admire?


  A: (I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going.


  (I like) people who possess the “can do” spirit.


  Q:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?


  A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership.(我覺(jué)得學(xué)習(xí)如何把人們的積極性調(diào)動(dòng)起來(lái),以及如何配合協(xié)同的團(tuán)隊(duì)精神,是我行政工作的主要目標(biāo)。)I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy.(我以開(kāi)放式的政策,改進(jìn)我的行政管理方式。)

  Q:How do you normally handle criticism?


  A:Silence is golden. Just don‘t say anything; otherwise the situation could become worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism.


  A:When we cool off, we will discuss it later.


  Q: What do you find frustrating in a work situation?


  A: Sometimes, the narrow-minded people make me frustrated.


  A:Minds that are not receptive to new ideas.


  Q:How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work?


  A:I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in order to get my points across.


  Q:How do you handle your failure?


  A: None of us was born “perfect”。 I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake.


  七、關(guān)于擇業(yè)(choice of occupation)

  A : how is everything going B?


  B: I'm trying to find a job, but not found after a month


  A :Don't be upset B,I have been looking for a job since three month ago,and now stilling working on it


  B: Hmm,it seems kind of difficult for us graduates without working experence to find a job


  A: YEAH,many companies don't like spending time developing greenhands


  B:I don't think it is the only reason ,you see ,there are so many college graduates from all the provinces every year ,the competition is really fierce


  A:There are for sure job offers ,but many of us don't wanna do the jobs with low salary but heavy work.


  B: you got reason, I have expressed to the HR( human resource )of many companies that i don't care too much about salary and work load, i don't understand why i failed in the interview


  A:My opinion is that maybe ,you've been too nervous and not confident enough during the interview .Or maybe we have to improve our professional skill

  我的觀點(diǎn)是,也許你在面試面試時(shí)表現(xiàn)的太緊張而不自信. 也許我們必須提高我們的專業(yè)技能

  B:Certainly ,a man versatile is generally appreciated


  八、考試作弊(cheating on exams)

  老師: Principal, for the students' cheating behaviour, how should we punish them?


  校長(zhǎng): Oh, we should start from two aspects: firstly, appropriate penalties; secondly, the education of them

  哦.我們應(yīng)該從兩個(gè)方面下手: 第一.對(duì)他們進(jìn)行適當(dāng)?shù)奶幜P,第二.對(duì)他們進(jìn)行教育.

  老師: I understand. It also needs to tell their parents?


  校長(zhǎng): No need to, we give these children an opportunity to turn over too. They should realize that the error would be to turn over.


  老師: Can you achieve the effects?


  校長(zhǎng): These children are our children, they can turn over, and I believe.


  老師: Well, school principal, I will do as you say.


  校長(zhǎng): En.恩.

  九、網(wǎng)上購(gòu)物(online shopping)

  Lili Hey,Jane! 嘿,簡(jiǎn)!

  Jane Hi, Lili. Good seeing you here.嗨,莉莉。很高興在這里見(jiàn)到你。 Lili Yeah. What are you doing here?是的。你在這里做什么?

  Jane I want to buy a mobile online shopping store and they'll be cheaper.我想要在網(wǎng)店上買一部手機(jī),它們將便宜很多。

  Lili Do you have a lot of your shopping online ?你是不是在網(wǎng)上買了許多東西? Jane Just so-so. Sometimes I like hunting a bargain at Taobao.com .還可以。有時(shí)候我喜歡在淘寶網(wǎng)上淘便宜貨。

  Lili Do you like to shop online?你喜歡在網(wǎng)上購(gòu)物嗎?

  Jane Yeah. It's really convenient to shop from home. It also saves time.喜歡。真的很方便,不用出門就能買到東西,還節(jié)省時(shí)間。

  Lili Is it reliable to buy things online?網(wǎng)上買東西靠譜兒?jiǎn)?

  Jane They'll deliver the books to your home for free and if there is any problem you can return them.人家還會(huì)免費(fèi)送貨上門。如果發(fā)現(xiàn)有問(wèn)題,還可以退貨。

  Lili I worry about identity theft online. It is easy for theives to steal my account number and password online.我總是擔(dān)心網(wǎng)上支付的安全問(wèn)題。在網(wǎng)上帳號(hào)和密碼容易被盜。

  Jane That's not a problem as long as you use your own computer and only visit encrypted sites. 用自己的電腦在信譽(yù)好的網(wǎng)站買東西,就不會(huì)有問(wèn)題的。

  Lili What about counterfeit goods?網(wǎng)上賣的東西會(huì)不會(huì)有假的?

  Jane Well, some places sell them. So you have to be careful where you shop.有的是。買之前一定慎重選擇。

  Lili I've never shopped online before. How do you go about doing so?我從沒(méi)在網(wǎng)上買過(guò)東西。你怎么買?

  Jane You can choose what you like from the catalogue and then order online.你可以在產(chǎn)品目錄中挑選你喜歡的,然后在網(wǎng)上訂購(gòu)。 Lili How do you pay?怎么付款呢?

  Jane There are different ways to pay: COD, money order, and bank transfers.有好多不同的付款方式:貨到付款、郵局匯款、銀行電匯等等。

  Lili How long does it take for delivery?貨多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間能送到?

  Jane It usually takes 3 days within the city.市內(nèi)一般三天就能到。 Lili Oh.Thank you.喔。謝謝。

  Jane You are welcome.你不用客氣。


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