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《Inglourious Basterds》 無(wú)恥混蛋 含糊曖昧的暴力美學(xué)





No.036 《Inglourious Basterds》 無(wú)恥混蛋 含糊曖昧的暴力美學(xué)


Inglourious Basterds is a 2009 war film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino and starring Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, Mélanie Laurent, Michael Fassbender and Eli Roth. The film tells the fictional alternate history story of two plots to assassinate Nazi Germany's political leadership, one planned by a young French Jewish cinema proprietor (Laurent), and the other by a team of Jewish-American soldiers led by First Lieutenant Aldo Raine (Pitt). The film's title was inspired by director Enzo G. Castellari's 1978 Macaroni Combat film, The Inglorious Bastards.

A group of hardened Nazi killers stalk their prey in Nazi-occupied France as a Jewish cinema owner plots to take down top-ranking SS officers during the official premiere of a high-profile German propaganda film. As far as Lt. Aldo Raine—is concerned, the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Raine's mission is to strike fear into the heart of Adolf Hitler by brutally murdering as many goose-steppers as possible, or die trying. In order to accomplish that goal, Lt. Raine recruits a ruthless team of cold-blooded killers known as "The Basterds" which includes baseball-bat-wielding Bostonian Sgt. Donnie Donowitz and steely psychopath Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz (Til Schweiger), among others. When the Basterds' secret rendezvous with turncoat German actress Bridget von Hammersmark (Diane Kruger) goes awry, they learn that the Nazis will be staging the French premiere of "The Nation's Pride," a rousing propaganda film based on the exploits of German hero Fredrick Zoller (Daniel Brühl), at a modest theater owned by Jewish cinephile Shoshanna Dreyfus (Mélanie Laurent), posing as a Gentile after the brutal murder of her family by the ruthless Col. Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz). As the Basterds hatch an explosive plan to take out as many Nazis as possible at the premiere, they remain completely oblivious to the fact that Shoshanna, too, longs to bring the Third Reich to its knees, and that she's willing to sacrifice her beloved theater in the process.

Development began in 1998, when Tarantino wrote the script. The director struggled with the ending and chose to hold off filming and moved on to direct the two-part film Kill Bill. After directing Death Proof in 2007 (as part of the double feature Grindhouse), Tarantino returned to work on Inglourious Basterds. The film went into production in October 2008 and was filmed in Germany and France with a $70 million production budget. Inglourious Basterds premiered on May 20, 2009 at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival, where it competed for the Palme d'Or. It was widely released in theaters in the United States and Europe in August 2009 by The Weinstein Company and Universal Studios.

The film was commercially successful, grossing over $321 million in theaters worldwide, making it Tarantino's highest-grossing film to date. It received multiple awards and nominations, including eight Academy Award nominations, including one for Best Picture. For his role as Hans Landa, Waltz won the Cannes Film Festival's Best Actor Award, as well as the BAFTA Award, Screen Actors Guild Award, Golden Globe Award, and the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.













第二次世界大戰(zhàn)中,德國(guó)占領(lǐng)法國(guó)之后,號(hào)稱“猶太獵人”的德軍上校漢斯(克里斯托弗·瓦爾茲 飾),對(duì)猶太人進(jìn)行了殘忍的屠殺。在一次屠猶行動(dòng)中,法國(guó)女孩索莎娜·德萊弗斯(梅拉尼·羅蘭 飾)僥幸逃脫。但是,她的家人卻無(wú)一幸免。與此同時(shí),8名美國(guó)猶太士兵在中尉奧爾多(布拉德·皮特 飾)的帶領(lǐng)下潛入德占法國(guó),刺殺德國(guó)軍人。其行動(dòng)神出鬼沒,手法殘忍,對(duì)德軍造成相當(dāng)威脅,被稱為“雜種”。

3年后,索莎娜來到巴黎,繼承了姑母的電影院,在巴黎偽造了自己的新身份。她結(jié)識(shí)了德國(guó)戰(zhàn)斗英雄,電影《國(guó)家榮耀》的主演弗里德里克(丹尼爾·布爾 飾)。對(duì)索莎娜一見鐘情的弗里德里克說服德國(guó)宣傳部長(zhǎng)約瑟夫·戈培爾(西爾維斯特·格洛斯 飾)在索莎娜的影院首映《國(guó)家榮耀》,屆時(shí)很多德軍高層都將到場(chǎng),甚至希特勒都被這部電影所吸引,親自到場(chǎng)觀看。索莎娜想借此機(jī)會(huì)用一把火把德軍官員全部燒死。

而在德國(guó)間諜女演員布里奇特(戴安娜·克魯格 飾)的安排下,英美聯(lián)合的刺殺行動(dòng)“奇諾”,也將在首映當(dāng)晚行動(dòng)。他們的計(jì)劃是,德軍高級(jí)將領(lǐng)在電影院看戲的時(shí)候執(zhí)行暗殺任務(wù)。而索莎娜也準(zhǔn)備在這時(shí)候替親人報(bào)仇。兩幫素不相識(shí)的人,因?yàn)橥粋€(gè)目標(biāo)而走到一起……








As the Basterds hatch an explosive plan to take out as many Nazis as possible at the premiere

Take out是英語(yǔ)中一個(gè)很常見的固定搭配,它詞義豐富,在文中它是“消除,消滅;摧毀,毀滅(人、武器、建筑物或其他軍事目標(biāo))”的意思,比如:They planned to take out the enemy arsenal by bombing it.(他們計(jì)劃炸毀敵兵工廠。)另外,該搭配其他較常見的意思還有“拿出,取出;除去;抽去;除掉(污跡等);滌除;啟程”等。它還常用于口語(yǔ)表達(dá)中,表示“邀(某人)出門;帶…出去(游樂等);帶…到公共場(chǎng)所(或社交場(chǎng)合);陪同(某人)外出運(yùn)動(dòng)(或游玩)”的意思,比如:He took his girl friend out to the pictures.(他帶女朋友出去看電影。)

The director struggled with the ending and chose to hold off filming

Hold off是英語(yǔ)中一個(gè)固定搭配,如果你hold off doing something, you delay doing it or delay making a decision about it.也就是“推遲(或延誤)(做某事)”的意思,在文中,該搭配就是這個(gè)意思。比如:The football match had to hold off for about half an hour because of a driving rain. (一場(chǎng)瓢潑大雨使足球比賽被迫推遲了半個(gè)小時(shí)。)Hold off還常用于表達(dá)“阻擊,抗擊;抵御”的意思,比如:The enemies yielded after holding off for an hour.(抵抗了1個(gè)小時(shí)后,敵人還是投降了。)另外,該搭配其他較常見的意思還有“(使)不接近;(使)保持一定距離;(天氣等)暫時(shí)不下(雨、雪等);遲遲不來”等。


alternate[?:l?t?:n?t] adj. 交替的;輪流的

assassinate[??sæsineit] vt. 暗殺;行刺

proprietor[pr??prai?t?] n. 業(yè)主;所有者;經(jīng)營(yíng)者

hardened[?hɑ:d?nd] adj. 變硬的;堅(jiān)定的

stalk[st?:k] vt. 追蹤,潛近;高視闊步

prey[prei] n. 捕食;犧牲者;被捕食的動(dòng)物

propaganda[?pr?p??ɡænd?] n. 宣傳

ruthless[?ru:θlis] adj. 無(wú)情的,殘忍的

psychopath[?psaik?upæθ] n. 精神病患者

rendezvous[?r?ndivu:] n. 約會(huì);約會(huì)地點(diǎn);集結(jié)地

cinephile[?sinifail] n. [主英國(guó)英語(yǔ)]影迷,電影愛好者

budget[?b?d?it] n. 預(yù)算,預(yù)算費(fèi)


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