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  這是地探險家、夫妻檔電影人亞當·拉文奇(Adam Ravetch)和莎拉·羅伯遜(Sarah Robertson)創(chuàng)作的紀錄片《極地熊寶貝》(Arctic Tale)中講述的故事。該片是他們兩人歷時15年,在北極跟蹤及拍攝北極熊、海象以及其他在影像資料中極難捕捉到的北極生物而成。


Nanu & Seela涉世之初


  "Nanu," she might be called in the North, "a little polar bear." The world outside is a blanking white unfolding befor her. It's just a majestic (宏偉的) place unlike any other on Earth, a vast kingdom at the very top of our world, a kingdom of ice.

  There is another youngster exploring for the first time. She sees the blue world of ice water. Seela is a walrus (海象) pup, only hours old, but like the young bear, eager to discover the world around her.

  Like all newborns, they have much to learn. They're children of the Arctic. Their lives cradled (撫養(yǎng)) by the ice around them. But their world is changing. And they will face challenges never before countered by their species. Their adventures begin today.

  這段旁白就是一首描寫北極的散文詩。"The world outside is a blanking white unfolding befor her. "一句運用比喻的修辭手法,簡單幾個詞,就將如雪毯一樣的北極世界展現(xiàn)在我們眼前。"She sees a blue world of ice water."這一句作者從小海象的角度出發(fā),告訴我們北極冰面以下的世界是什么樣子的。純凈的藍白世界,是多么美?。〉?,這個千百年來孕育了無數(shù)北極生命的世界卻在改變,這些小生命將面臨更多新的挑戰(zhàn)。



  Across the ages Summer always shrunk the ice fields for a short time. But cold returns with Autumn and the ice quickly reclaims the coast, then grows slowly seaward (朝海的一邊). Ready to break Summer fast, Nanu and her family waited for their hunting grounds to reform out on the frozen ocean, practising for the seal hunts to come. The mother coachs them on technique and something else as well. Pressing Nanu, she tries to instill a kind of toughness, a determination not to give in. Nanu seems have what it takes. Her brother lacks focus.

  Finally, a sign. Dark days herald (宣布) the return of Winter, and with it, the sea ice frozen solid enough to hunt on. Just in time, Nanu and her family are hungry. But something is different this year. The ice isn't hard at all. This is not like any Winter Mother bear has seen before.




  1. 不正常的氣候變化使北冰洋無法按時結(jié)上厚冰,Nanu一家無法按老法子獵食了。然而,遲來三個月的寒冷使得饑餓虛弱的Nanu一家面臨死神的挑釁。Nanu的弟弟在同死神奮力搏擊后,永遠地離我們而去了。大自然是殘酷的,但同時它也給我們上了一堂生動的生存課。

  On land, the temperature drops at -40 degrees. The wind reaches 80 miles per hour. The storm is taking a toll. Brother bear is suffering. For the first time in Nanu's life, he's not right at her back. Their mother pleads with him to press on. He tries to obey, but hunger has made him too weak. Nanu and her mother snuggle with him, sharing their warmth. But as time passes, he drifts further away. And then, he's gone〔2〕. Nanu and her mother stay at his side. But finally, they must move on.

  2. Seela 被大浪卷走,同海象群走散,獨自飄落在冰冷的北冰洋面上,隨時面臨著死亡的考驗。這時,親人和同伴們開始了大搜救,無奈洋面太廣,加之風急浪高,搜救工作困難重重。

  At sea, mother and aunt are still looking for Seela. Beyond their range of vision, she (Seela) barely claims to life, she cannot last much longer, her strength fades〔3〕, along with the herds' hopes of finding her. But Mother and Aunty refuse to give up. Following a strong current, they go further than before, and manage to find Seela who seems lost forever. A youngster who held out, waiting for the two adults who always come for her.

  影片結(jié)尾點出了全片的主旨:All across this special place, children of the Arctic make their way into the world, as they have for thousands of years. Their fates are forever tied to the shifting rhythms of the ice that defines them; their lives wrapped in the blanket of cold that keeps this kingdom theirs. What would their children do if it disappears? What about ours?


  The Arctic's summer sea ice has shrunk by 20 percent in recent decades. If the current trend continues, the Arctic Ocean could be virtually ice-free in the summer of 2040.

  那我們到底應該怎么辦呢?我們一定要改變我們的生活方式!--What we are doing with our homes affects theirs. We have to change the way we live.


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