UNIT 12 EATING AT THE RESTAURANT Lesson 23 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises
Lesson 23
Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises
A.Phonetics: Rhyming
1.a.will b.meal c. well
2.a.cake b. check c.quick
3.a.suit b.show c.queue
4.a.bought b.board c.called
5.a.fourth b. first c. birth
6.a.try b.train c.tray
7.a.time b.fine c.kind
8.a.veal b.nail c. bill
9.a. fast b.host c.lost
10.a.peas b.police c.case
11. a. some b. nine c.none
12.a. cash b.fresh c.fish
13.a.soup b.shop c.soap
14.a.ship b.cheap c.tape
15.a.star b.stare c.stairs
16.a.sport b.storm c.store
17.a.real b.tell c.rail
18.a.time b.line c.lion
19.a.castle b.Picasso c.also
20.a.touch b.couch c.church
B.Difficult Sentences
1.If you are in a hurry and you want to have a quick meal, there is_____________________________________________
2. I'm sorry. I thought that____________________________
had given you a menu.
3.Is there any particular dish_____________________________ ?
Lesson 23 Part Ⅱ Self-Service
Lesson 23 Part Ⅲ Mr. Miles Dines At A Restaurant
Part Ⅲ Mr. Miles Dines At A Restaurant
1.…gives Mr. Miles the menu.
a. The waiter b. The waitress
c.The hostess
2.There are… dishes on the menu.
a. only some la carte b. only some regular
c. many different
3.Mr. Miles has…
a. some la carte dishes. b. a regular dinner.
c. some chicken dishes.
4.The regular dinner includes…
a.appetizer, soup and salad. b.dessert, tea or coffee.
c. all of the above.
5.The waiter recommends…
a.the roast beef. b.the salad.
c.the dessert.
a.The la carte dishes are on the left of the menu.
b.Mr. Miles has a dinner at a restaurant.
c.With the regular dinner one gets appetizer, soup, and so forth.
d.There are many different dishes listed on the menu.
Part Ⅱ Self-Service
1.pick out the food
2.sit and eat
3.push the tray to the cashier
4.queue at the counter
5.pick up a tray, knife, fork etc.
6.put the food on the tray
7.take the tray to a table
8.pay the bill
Major Steps in Getting Food
in a Self-Service Restaurant
UNIT 12 EATING AT THE RESTAURANT Lesson 23 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises
Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises
A. Phonetics: Rhyming
Training Focus:
Identifying words which form rhyming groups
Directions: Two words rhyme when the last sounds of the words are the same. Words do NOT have to be spelled alike in order to rhyme; they must be pronounced alike. For example: she and key, late and eight. You will hear a word. Which one of the three words in the group rhymes with the word you hear? Circle the letter beside the word which rhymes.
1.bill(a) 2.pick(c)3.few(c) 4.roared(b)5.worth(c) 6.display(c)7.dine(b) 8.reel(a) 9.roast(b) 10.cheese(a) 11.won(c) 12.wish(c)13.chop(b) 14.tip(a) 15.scare(b) 16. score(c)17.mail(c) 18.mine(b) 19. parcel(a)20. much(a)
B.Difficult Sentences
Directions: You are going to hear some sentences chosen from the comprehension material in this lesson. Complete the sentences with what you hear on the tape.
1.If you are in a hurry and you want to have a quick meal, there is no better place than a self-service restaurant.
2.I'm sorry. I thought that the hostess who seated you had given you a menu.
3.Is there any particular dish you would recommend?
Part Ⅱ Self-Service
Lesson 23
Directions: Read the list of numbered key phrases. They tell you different things one should do in a self-service restaurant. Work out the correct order of these activities and put the numbers in the circles.
Key: 5----4----1----6----3----8----7----2
Self-Service (1′9″)
If you are in a hurry and you want to have a quick meal, there is no better place than a self-service restaurant. You go into the restaurant, pick up a tray, knife, fork and spoon, and queue at a counter where the food is on display. You pick out what you want and put it on your tray, which you have to push along a special rack till you reach the cashier. The cashier will give you your bill. After paying her, you take your tray to any table you like. You can sit alone or with another customer. You can have a good meal in ten minutes. And as there is no waiter, you don't have to give a tip.
Part Ⅲ Mr.Miles Dines At A Restaurant
Lesson 23
Directions: Choose a, b, or c to complete the statements that are based on the dialogue.
Key: 1.a 2.c 3. b 4. c 5. a
Directions: Which statement gives us the main idea of this listening material?
Key: b
Mr. Miles Dines At A Restaurant (59″)
Waiter: May I take your order, sir?
Mr. Miles: I haven't seen a menu yet. May I have one, please?
Waiter: I'm sorry. I thought that the hostess who seated you had given you a menu. Here's one, sir.
Mr. Miles: There are so many different dishes listed that it is hard to decide.
Waiter: The à la carte dishes are on the left. The regular dinners are on the right-hand page.
Mr. Miles: I'll have the regular dinner. I'm pretty hungry. With the regular dinner, I get appctizer, soup and so forth. Isn't that the idea?
Waiter: Yes, sir. The regular dinner includes appetizer, soup, salad, choice of dessert, tea or coffee.
Mr. Miles: Is there any particular dish you would recommend?
Waiter: The roast beef is very good tonight. We also have several good chicken dishes if you like chicken.