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   在這一課里, 我們學(xué)習(xí)用助動(dòng)詞 should 和 could 加上 have再加上動(dòng)詞的過(guò)去分詞作句子來(lái)表示跟過(guò)去事實(shí)相反的情況,   比方  "你昨天不應(yīng)該開他的車."You shouldn't have driven his car yesterday. 或是"我本來(lái)可以到超級(jí)市場(chǎng)去."I could have gone to the supermarket. 我們還要學(xué)習(xí)用助動(dòng)詞 might 或是 must加上have 和動(dòng)詞的過(guò)去分詞來(lái)表示猜測(cè)過(guò)去發(fā)生的事情, 比方 "他昨天可能說(shuō)了."  He might have said it yesterday.   或是  "他昨天一定到過(guò)這兒了."   He must have been here yesterday.

   現(xiàn)在我們還是先聽一段對(duì)話,內(nèi)容是說(shuō)瑪麗和彼得到飯館去吃飯, 結(jié)果彼得肚子不舒服. 請(qǐng)你注意聽兩位英文老師的發(fā)音和語(yǔ)調(diào).

   M: Mary, I don't feel too well. I have a stomach ache.
   F:  Well, you shouldn't have eaten all that pizza.
   M: I didn't have that much. Besides it might have been something else that I ate.
   F:  What else did you eat?
   M: I had a salad. Something in the salad could have upset my stomach.
   F:  Maybe, but I had a salad too, and I feel fine. What kind of dressing did you have on your salad?
   M: Just oil and vinegar.
   F:  Then I don't think it was the salad. It must have been the pizza. Anyway,  I hope  you feel better soon.
   M: Thanks, I think I'll lie down for a while.


   M: Mary, I don't feel too well. I have a stomach ache.
   F:  Well, you shouldn't have eaten all that pizza.
   M: I didn't have that much. Besides it might have been something else that I ate.
   F:  What else did you eat?
   M: I had a salad. Something in the salad could have upset my stomach.
   F:  Maybe, but I had a salad too, and I feel fine. What kind of dressing did you have on your salad?
   M: Just oil and vinegar.
   F:  Then I don't think it was the salad. It must have been the pizza. Anyway,  I hope  you feel better soon.
   M: Thanks, I think I'll lie down for a while.


   F:  You shouldn't have eaten all that pizza.
   M: It might have been something else that I ate.
   M: Something in the salad could have upset my stomach.
   F:  It must have been the pizza.


   現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習(xí)首先我們練習(xí) shouldn't  have 加上動(dòng)詞過(guò)去分詞的用法.以前我們學(xué)過(guò)怎么用 shouldn't 勸人不應(yīng)該作某件事情.  比方有個(gè)朋友在公共汽車上抽煙,你看見了就告訴他: "你不應(yīng)該在公共汽車上 抽煙." You shouldn't smoke on a bus. 如果你的朋友告訴你, 他昨天在公共汽車上抽了煙, 你認(rèn)為他昨天不應(yīng)該抽, 你就說(shuō):    You shouldn't have    smoked on a bus.現(xiàn)在我們作第一組練習(xí),學(xué)學(xué)怎么表示不贊同別人過(guò)去作的事情. 在這組練習(xí)里你還可以學(xué)到一些跟快速食品有關(guān)系的詞匯, 比方 "牛肉餅店"a hamburgerjoint, "乳酪牛肉餅" cheeseburger,  "意大利餡餅店"  a pizza  parlor 等等.  練習(xí)的作法是彼得說(shuō)出一些過(guò)去時(shí)態(tài)句子,  比方:  " 我去了一家快餐店, 在那兒吃了一個(gè)烤牛肉三明治."   I   went  to  a  fast   food  restaurant.  I had a roastbeef sandwich there.   請(qǐng)你用  shouldn't have 加上動(dòng)詞過(guò)去分詞把句子改成 You
 shouldn't  have  had  a  roastbeef sandwich there. 每作完一句,  老師就會(huì)把正確答案念一遍給你聽.

   M: I went to a fast food restaurant, I had a roastbeef sandwich there.
   F:  You shouldn't have had a roastbeef sandwich there.
   M: I went to a hamburger joint. I ate a cheeseburger there.
   F:  You shouldn't have eaten a cheeseburger there.
   M: I went to a pizza parlor. I ate 3 pieces of pizza there.
   F:  You shouldn't have eaten 3 pieces of pizza there.
   M: I ate so much.
   F:  You shouldn't have eaten so much.
   M: I had a big meal.
   F:  You shouldn't have had such a big meal.

   下面我們用代換方式練習(xí)怎么勸別人在過(guò)去應(yīng)該作某件事. 練習(xí)的內(nèi)容都是說(shuō)到彼得告訴瑪麗他在前一天晚上吃多了肚子疼之后,瑪麗勸彼得的話,比方彼得既然吃飽就不應(yīng)該再吃, 應(yīng)該小心的選擇食物, 肚子疼就應(yīng)該看大夫,吃藥,  躺下來(lái)休息等等.  練習(xí)的作法是瑪麗說(shuō)一句話,    然后老師會(huì)念出一個(gè)用過(guò)去分詞開頭的詞組, 請(qǐng)你跟瑪麗一起把詞組代換到原來(lái)的句子里.

   F:  You should have stopped eating when you were full.
   M: eaten less
   F:  You should have eaten less.
   M: been more careful about what you ate
   F:  You should have been more careful about what you ate.
   M: chosen the right things to eat
   F:  You should have chosen the right things to eat.
   M: had dinner at home
   F:  You should have had dinner at home.
   M: gone to a doctor
   F:  You should have gone to a doctor.
   M: taken some medicine
   F:  You should have taken some medicine.
   M: lain down and rest
   F:  You should have lain down and rest.


   下面一組練習(xí)是用 must have 加上動(dòng)詞過(guò)去分詞來(lái)表示自己認(rèn)為過(guò)去一定發(fā)生的事情. 比方瑪麗聽說(shuō)彼得前一天晚上吃那么多就下結(jié)論說(shuō):當(dāng)時(shí)你一定覺得很不舒服; 你肚子疼一定是吃太多, 太快了, 等等.練習(xí)的作法是瑪麗說(shuō)一句話,    然后老師說(shuō)出一個(gè)動(dòng)詞詞組請(qǐng)你用動(dòng)詞過(guò)去分詞作代換練習(xí). 每作完一個(gè)句子, 老師就會(huì)念出正確答案給你聽.

   F:  You must have felt sick.
   M: feel terrible
   F:  You must have felt terrible.
   M: have an upset stomach
   F:  You must have had an upset stomach.
   M: have too much food
   F:  You must have had too much food.
   M: eat something bad
   F:  You must have eaten something bad.
   M: eat too fast
   F:  You must have eaten too fast.


   下面我們作一組練習(xí), 學(xué)習(xí)用could have been 作句子來(lái)揣測(cè)過(guò)去發(fā)生的事情.比方瑪麗聽說(shuō)彼得吃壞了肚子,    就猜測(cè)可能是彼得前一天晚上在飯店吃的東西不干凈.  她問彼得許多問題,    彼得都一一的作肯定的答覆.在這組練習(xí)里你可以學(xué)到美國(guó)快餐店常常有的食物和調(diào)味品, 比方  "炸薯?xiàng)l"  french fries, "牛奶冰淇淋混合飲料" milkshake 等等.    現(xiàn)在請(qǐng)你注意聽瑪麗問問題,  并且跟彼得一起做肯定的答復(fù).

   F:  Could it have been the pizza that you had?
   M: It could have been the pizza that I had.
   F:  Could it have been the salad that you had?
   M: It could have been the salad that I had.
   F:  Could it have been the salad dressing?
   M: It could have been the salad dressing.
   F:  Could it have been the roastbeef sandwich that you ate?
   M: It could have been the roastbeef sandwich that I ate.
   F:  Could it have been the cheeseburger that you ate?
   M: It could have been the cheeseburger that I ate.
   F:  Could it have been the french fries?
   M: It could have been the french fries.
   F:  Could it have been the milkshake that you drank?
   M: It could have been the milkshake that I drank?
   F:  Could it have been the coffee that you drank?
   M: It could have been the coffee that I drank.

五.SHOULD + 完成時(shí)態(tài)

   在下面一組練習(xí)里, 瑪麗用 should 加上完成時(shí)態(tài)向彼得提出建議, 比方 "你當(dāng)時(shí)應(yīng)該慢慢吃." You  should  have  eaten  more    leisurely. 彼得就用 could 加上完成時(shí)態(tài)回答說(shuō): "我當(dāng)時(shí)是可以慢慢吃,可是我沒有." I could have eaten moreleisurely, but I didn't. 現(xiàn)在請(qǐng)你注意聽瑪麗的建議, 并且跟彼得一起回答.

   F:  You should have gone to a more traditional restaurant.
   M: I could have gone to a more traditional restaurant, but I didn't.
   F:  You should have ordered better food.
   M: I could have ordered better food, but I didn't.
   F:  You should have eaten more leisurely.
   M: I could have eaten more leisurely, but I didn't.
   F:  You should have had dinner at home.
   M: I could have had dinner at home, but I didn't.
   F:  You should have cooked something for yourself.
   M: I could have cooked something for myself, but I didn't.
   F:  You should have made a better decision.
   M: I could have made a better decision, but I didn't.

六.MIGHT + 完成時(shí)態(tài)

   下面我們學(xué)習(xí)用 might 加上完成時(shí)態(tài)來(lái)揣測(cè)過(guò)去發(fā)生的事情.比方說(shuō)彼得去快餐店吃飯,排隊(duì)排了半天一直沒有服務(wù)員來(lái)招呼他; 好不容易來(lái)了服務(wù)員,彼得叫了菜, 服務(wù)員拿來(lái)的卻不是他要的.下面老師用 maybe 和過(guò)去時(shí)態(tài)作句子揣測(cè)發(fā)生這種情況的原因, 比方彼得可能站錯(cuò)了隊(duì),服務(wù)員可能心不在焉,可能把別人叫的菜給了彼得等等,請(qǐng)你改用might 和完成時(shí)態(tài)把原來(lái)的意思表達(dá)出來(lái).


   M:Maybe Peter stood in the wrong line.
   F: Peter might have stood in the wrong line.

   現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習(xí). 每作完一句, 就請(qǐng)你聽老師念正確答案.

   M: Maybe Peter stood in the wrong line.
   F:  Peter might have stood in the wrong line.
   M: Maybe the clerk was busy.
   F:  The clerk might have been busy.
   M: Maybe the clerk was absent-minded.
   F:  The clerk might have been absent-minded.
   M: Maybe the clerk misunderstood him.
   F:  The clerk might have misunderstood him.
   M: Maybe the clerk gave him someone else's order.
   F:  The clerk might have given him someone else's order.


   今天我們要聽一篇介紹美國(guó)快餐店的文章. 這篇文章談到快餐店的種類,特色,跟受美國(guó)人歡迎的原因.請(qǐng)你注意聽. 等一會(huì)兒我們要根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容問你幾個(gè)問題.

   The favorite food in the United States is the hamburger, a kind of round sandwich of cooked ground beef. The favorite place to buy a hamburger is  a  fast  food  restaurant.  At  fast food restaurants,  people  order  their  food,  wait  a  few  minutes,  and   carry   it   to  their   tables themselves. People also take their food out of the restaurant and eat it in their cars or in their homes.  At some  fast  food restaurants, people can order their food, pay for it and  pick it up without leaving their cars. There are many kinds of fast food restaurants in the United States. The most numerous sell hamburgers,  french  fries  and  milkshakes,  which are  traditionally   popular  foods  among Americans. In addition, fast food restaurants that serve Chinese food,  Mexican  food,  Italian food, chicken, seafood and ice cream are  very numerous. The idea of a fast food restaurant is so popular that nearly every kind of food  can be found in  one. Fast   food  restaurants  are  popular  because  they  reflect American   life  style. First, they are not formal restaurants. Customers wear any type of dress when they go to  a fast food place. Second, they are fast. People who are busy do not want to spend time preparing  their own food or waiting while someone else prepares it. In  fast  food restaurants the food is usually ready before the customer even orders it. Finally, most food in a fast food restaurant is not expensive. Therefore, people  can  afford to eat at a fast food restaurant often, while they may not be able to afford a more traditional and more expensive restaurant very often.


   M: What kinds of food can people get in fast food restaurants?
   F:  They can get hamburgers, french fries, milkshakes, pizza, chicken, seafood, ice cream and others.

   M: Why do Americans go to fast food restaurants?
   F:  It is because fast food restaurants are fast, informal and inexpensive.

   M: Is the food cooked to order in a fast food restaurant?
   F:  No, it is not.


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