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> 英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法 > 中級(jí)美國(guó)英語(yǔ) >  第13篇






   在這課里, 我們要學(xué)習(xí) have been, h-a-v-e b-e-e-n, have  been 跟 has been, h-a-s b-e-e-n, has been 的用法. 我們也要學(xué)習(xí)其他現(xiàn)在完成式的句子. 另外我們還要學(xué)習(xí) yet, y-e-t, yet 跟 already, a-l-r-e-a-d-y, already 的用法.

    首先我們來(lái)聽(tīng)一段對(duì)話,   內(nèi)容是說(shuō)亨利的大女兒珍妮上大學(xué)了, 她上學(xué)第一個(gè)星期在校園里遇見(jiàn)她的同學(xué)鮑勃, 兩個(gè)人談起上課的情況.   請(qǐng)你注意聽(tīng)英文老師的發(fā)音和語(yǔ)調(diào).

   M: Hi, Jenny! How do you like the university?
   F:  Hello, Bob! I like it very much.
   M: Have you started your classes yet?
   F:  I have been to two lectures, chemistry and history.
   M: Well, how were they?
   F:  They were very large. I'm not used to 300 students in class.
   M: My lectures have been large too.
   F:  Have you been to your English class yet?
   M: Yes. It was quite small. There were only about 20 students in it.
   F:  My classes are so far apart. The campus is sure big.
   M: It  sure  is.  My  morning  classes  are   in  different  buildings.  I  have  to run  between them. Otherwise I'll be late.
   F:  I guess we'll get used to it.

   現(xiàn)在我請(qǐng)英文老師再把對(duì)話念一遍. 請(qǐng)你注意聽(tīng).

   M: Hi, Jenny! How do you like the university?
   F:  Hello, Bob! I like it very much.
   M: Have you started your classes yet?
   F:  I have been to two lectures, chemistry and history.
   M: Well, how were they?
   F:  They were very large. I'm not used to 300 students in class.
   M: My lectures have been large too.
   F:  Have you been to your English class yet?
   M: Yes. It was quite small. There were only about 20 students in it.
   F:  My classes are so far apart. The campus is sure big.
   M: It  sure  is.  My  morning  classes  are   in  different  buildings.  I  have  to run  between them. Otherwise I'll be late.
   F:  I guess we'll get used to it.

   剛才那段對(duì)話里有些句子包含了我們今天要學(xué)的語(yǔ)法, 現(xiàn)在我們?cè)侔堰@些句子聽(tīng)一遍.

   M: Have you started your classes yet?
   F:  I have been to two lectures.
   M: My lectures have been large too.
   F:  Have you been to your English class yet?


   現(xiàn)在我們開(kāi)始作練習(xí).  首先請(qǐng)你聽(tīng)一個(gè)英文句子: The   campus is  noisy  today.
"今天校園里很吵", 如果我們不指明校園哪一天很吵, 只說(shuō) "校園里一直很吵",用英文可以這樣說(shuō): The campus has been noisy.

   下面我們多多練習(xí)這類句子. 這些句子都是跟學(xué)校生活有關(guān)系的, 比方宿舍一直很吵, 食堂一直很擠等等. 每個(gè)句子老師念兩遍.

   M: The campus has been noisy.
   F:  The campus has been noisy.
   M: The dormitory has been noisy.
   F:  The dormitory has been noisy.
   M: The student center has been crowded.
   F:  The student center has been crowded.
   M: The cafeteria has been crowded.
   F:  The cafeteria has been crowded.

   下面一些句子的主詞都是多數(shù)的, 所以用 have been.

   M: The students have been enthusiastic.
   F:  The students have been enthusiastic.
   M: The courses have been difficult.
   F:  The courses have been difficult.
   M: The lectures have been interesting.
   F:  The lectures have been interesting.
   M: The professors have been busy.
   F:  The professors have been busy.

   下面我們換一個(gè)方式作練習(xí).  由老師提出一個(gè)問(wèn)題,   比方:  "鮑勃一直很懶嗎?"Has Bob been lazy? 或是 "食堂一直很臟嗎?" Has the cafeteria been dirty?  聽(tīng)了老師的問(wèn)題之后, 請(qǐng)你用 has not, 也就是 hasn't 作否定的答覆. 每作完一句, 就請(qǐng)你聽(tīng)老師念正確答案.

   M: Has Bob been lazy?
   F:  No, Bob hasn't been lazy.
   M: Has the cafeteria been dirty?
   F:  No, the cafeteria hasn't been dirty.
   M: Has the dormitory been quiet?
   F:  No, the dormitory hasn't been quiet.
   M: Has the library been crowded?
   F:  No, the library hasn't been crowded.

   請(qǐng)你用 have not, 也就是 haven't 回答下面幾個(gè)問(wèn)題.

   M: Have the students been late?
   F:  No, the students haven't been late.
   M: Have the exams been easy?
   F:  No, the exams haven't been easy.
   M: Have the lectures been boring?
   F:  No, the lectures haven't been boring.
   M: Have the professors been strict?
   F:  No, the professors haven't been strict.


   剛才我們學(xué)習(xí)了用 has been  和 have been   來(lái)表示從過(guò)去到現(xiàn)在一直不變的情況, 下面我們學(xué)習(xí)包含了規(guī)則動(dòng)詞, 過(guò)去分詞. 比方:   "抵達(dá)" arrived, a-r-r-i-v-e-d, arrived跟 "注冊(cè)" registered, r-e-g-i-s-t-e-r-e-d,   registered 等等字眼的現(xiàn)在完成式句子. 這種句子表示事情已經(jīng)發(fā)生.

   下面這組練習(xí)談的都是珍妮在大學(xué)里已經(jīng)作的事, 比方:她已經(jīng)到了學(xué)校, 已經(jīng)搬進(jìn)了宿舍, 已經(jīng)打了電話給父母, 已經(jīng)跟指導(dǎo)教授談了話,上了課等等.  練習(xí)的作法是老師先念一個(gè)句子, 接著老師提出一個(gè)詞組,   學(xué)生就把這個(gè)詞組代換到原來(lái)的句子里.

   M: Jenny has arrived at the university.
   M: moved into the dormitory
   F:  Jenny has moved into the dormitory.
   M: cleaned up her room
   F:  Jenny has cleaned up her room.
   M: called her parents
   F:  Jenny has called her parents.
   M: talked to her advisor
   F:  Jenny has talked to her advisor.
   M: registered
   F:  Jenny has registered.
   M: attended classes
   F:  Jenny has attended classes.


   下面我們來(lái)學(xué)習(xí)兩個(gè)時(shí)常跟現(xiàn)在完成式句子一起出現(xiàn)的時(shí)間副詞,   也就是yet, y-e-t, yet 跟 already, a-l-r-e-a-d-y, already. 這兩個(gè)字都表示   "已經(jīng)",  而且都用在句尾; 不過(guò)不同的是 yet 用在問(wèn)句里, 而 already 用在肯定句里. 下面一組練習(xí)談的還是珍妮跟鮑勃在大學(xué)里已經(jīng)作的事. 由老師用 yet 提出問(wèn)句, 請(qǐng)你用 already 作肯定的答覆. 首先舉個(gè)例子.

   M:Have Bob and Jenny moved into the dormitory yet?
   F: Yes, they have moved into the dormitory already.

   好, 現(xiàn)在我們開(kāi)始作練習(xí). 每作完一句, 就請(qǐng)你聽(tīng)正確答案.

   M: Have Bob and Jenny moved into the dormitory yet?
   F:  Yes, they have moved into the dormitory already.
   M: Have Bob and Jenny cleaned up their rooms yet?
   F:  Yes, they have cleaned up their rooms already.
   M: Have Bob and Jenny called their parents yet?
   F:  Yes, they have called their parents already.
   M: Have Bob and Jenny talked to their advisors yet?
   F:  Yes, they have talked to their advisors already.
   M: Have Bob and Jenny registered yet?
   F:  Yes, they have registered already.
   M: Have Bob and Jenny attended classes yet?
   F:  Yes, they have attended classes already.

   在否定句里也可以用 yet 來(lái)表示 "還沒(méi)有" 作某件事.   在下面一組練習(xí)里, 老師提出一個(gè)問(wèn)句, 請(qǐng)學(xué)生用  yet  作否定的答覆. 這些問(wèn)題談的還是鮑勃和珍妮在學(xué)校的生活, 比方他們是不是已經(jīng)自己作飯,   是不是已經(jīng)參加了學(xué)生委員會(huì)等等. 請(qǐng)你注意聽(tīng), 并且在學(xué)生回答問(wèn)題的時(shí)候也一起回答.

   M: Have Bob and Jenny cooked for themselves yet?
   F:  No, they haven't cooked for themselves yet.
   M: Have Bob and Jenny joined the student committee yet?
   F:  No, they haven't joined the student committee yet.
   M: Have Bob and Jenny borrowed books from the library yet?
   F:  No, they haven't borrowed books from the library yet.
   M: Have Bob and Jenny finished a course yet?
   F:  No, they haven't finished a course yet.


   現(xiàn)在我們來(lái)作聽(tīng)力測(cè)驗(yàn). 首先我們還是聽(tīng)一段文章.   這段文章的內(nèi)容是說(shuō)鮑勃和珍妮在上州立大學(xué),  這些大學(xué)有多少學(xué)生,   教室散布在校園不同地區(qū),  學(xué)生們趕著上課的情況.文章里也提到美國(guó)大學(xué)生應(yīng)該念什么課, 哪些是選修, 哪些是必修,什么時(shí)候上專業(yè)課等等. 現(xiàn)在請(qǐng)你注意聽(tīng).

   There are  thousands  of  colleges  and   universities in the  United States.   Nearly half of the high  school  graduates in  America go on to  college. Most, like Bob and Jenny, go to large universities. These are state universities.   Some of  these   universities have 40,000 or more students. There are also many small universities with only a few hundred students.  Large universities have many buildings,each building for a particular subject. The buildings are in a  large area.  This area is the university  campus.   Students  often  must  go from one class in one building to the next class in  another  building across campus. They may have  only a few minutes between classes to go from one building to another.  When  students  begin  the  university, they must take classes in many subjects.  These are the required courses.  English  and  math are  usually   required courses and  often a history and a science course are required too. Bob and Jenny  will study mostly   required  courses during their first year. Later, they will specialize, and take courses in one subject.

   今天這段文章比較長(zhǎng),   等一會(huì)兒我會(huì)請(qǐng)英文老師再用慢速度念一遍. 現(xiàn)在我們

   M: Are all American universities the same size?
   M: Do American university students study different subjects in the same building?
   M: What are some of the required courses in American universities?


   There are  thousands  of  colleges  and   universities in the  United States.   Nearly half of the high  school  graduates in  America go on to  college. Most, like Bob and Jenny, go to large universities. These are state universities.   Some of  these   universities have 40,000 or more students. There are also many small universities with only a few hundred students.  Large universities have many buildings,each building for a particular subject. The buildings  are in a  large area.  This area is the university  campus.   Students  often  must  go from one class in one building to the next class in  another  building across campus.  They may have  only a few minutes between classes to go from one building to another.  When  students  begin  the  university, they must take classes in many subjects.  These are the required courses.  English  and  math are  usually   required courses and  often a history and a science course are required too. Bob and Jenny  will study mostly   required  courses during their first year. Later, they will specialize, and take courses in one subject.

   現(xiàn)在請(qǐng)你回答今天測(cè)驗(yàn)的三個(gè)問(wèn)題. 回答之后, 請(qǐng)你聽(tīng)老師念正確答案.

   M: Are all American universities the same size?
   F:  No, they are not the same size. Some are large, and some are small.
   M: Do American university students study different subjects in the same building?
   F:  No, they study different subjects in different buildings on the campus.
   M: What are some of the required courses in American universities?
   F:  English  and  math  are  usually  required.     A  history  and  a  science   course    are often required too.


瘋狂英語(yǔ) 英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法 新概念英語(yǔ) 走遍美國(guó) 四級(jí)聽(tīng)力 英語(yǔ)音標(biāo) 英語(yǔ)入門(mén) 發(fā)音 美語(yǔ) 四級(jí) 新東方 七年級(jí) 賴世雄 zero是什么意思聊城市飼料廠家屬苑英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)交流群



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