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《星球大戰(zhàn) 原力覺醒》攪局奧斯卡




《星球大戰(zhàn) 原力覺醒》攪局奧斯卡.jpg
  We’re in the home stretch before the holidays, thatwelcome respite before the awards machine cranksback into frenetic gear in the new year, and, asyou’ve probably heard, a potential spoiler mighthave inserted itself late in the race. Spoiler isn’t the right term, given that it was impossible notto be aware of the 8,000-pound gorilla that is “Stars Wars: The Force Awakens.”

  年末的長(zhǎng)假馬上就要到了,在新年的頒獎(jiǎng)機(jī)器瘋狂轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)之前,我們很歡迎這個(gè)喘息的機(jī)會(huì)。你可能已經(jīng)聽說了,有一部影片可能已在比賽的最后階段進(jìn)來攪局。說攪局也許有點(diǎn)不準(zhǔn)確,因?yàn)椤缎乔虼髴?zhàn):原力覺醒》(Stars Wars: The Force Awakens)中8000磅(約合7257斤)重的大猩猩不可能不引起人們的注意。

  How will this sequel (the Bagger would argue “requel”) factor into Oscar play? It certainly seemsa solid contender for below-the-line work, but when it comes to best picture, the signs arepointing all over the place.


  While there have been a few awards-minded front-runners for best picture — “Spotlight” and“Carol” — the seeming outliers “Mad Max: Fury Road” and “The Martian,” which in other yearswould have been dismissed as too genre-y, have found themselves in contention, andcollecting awards and nominations. Yet sequels don’t generally win major Oscars, until they do,as “The Godfather Part II” and “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” showed.

  雖然已有幾部有意角逐奧斯卡最佳影片的領(lǐng)跑者,比如《聚焦》(Spotlight)和《卡羅爾》(Carol),但是一些看似與獲獎(jiǎng)無緣的影片(在往年,它們會(huì)被認(rèn)為是太過明顯的類型片而遭到摒棄)也在參與爭(zhēng)奪,收獲獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)和提名,比如《瘋狂的麥克斯4:狂暴之路》(Mad Max: Fury Road)和《火星救援》(The Martian)。不過,續(xù)集通常很難贏得奧斯卡大獎(jiǎng),當(dāng)然也有例外,比如《教父2》(The Godfather Part II)和《指環(huán)王3:王者無敵》(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)。

  In the case of “The Force Awakens,” a best-picture nomination would be a victory, thoughsequels don’t often get even that much. (A recent exception beyond “Lord of the Rings” was“Toy Story 3.”) Yet the American Film Institute did name “The Force Awakens” one of the 10best films of 2015. That said, the institute did the same with “Unbroken” last year, a film thatlanded no top Oscar noms.

  對(duì)《星球大戰(zhàn):原力覺醒》來說,能獲得奧斯卡最佳影片提名就將是一個(gè)勝利,雖然續(xù)集往往連提名都得不到(最近的例外除了《指環(huán)王3:王者無敵》還有《玩具總動(dòng)員3》[Toy Story 3])。不過,美國(guó)電影學(xué)院(American Film Institute)確實(shí)將《星球大戰(zhàn):原力覺醒》列為2015年十佳影片之一。但是,去年《堅(jiān)不可摧》(Unbroken)也進(jìn)了前十,最后卻沒有獲得任何一項(xiàng)奧斯卡大獎(jiǎng)提名。

  But as the Bagger’s astute pal Kyle Buchanan over at Vulture noted, the Screen Actors GuildAwards — one of the more reliable bellwethers — didn’t give much love to the populistblockbusters this year. There were no SAG nominations for the cast of “The Martian” and only astunt ensemble nod for “Mad Max.” They also ignored the blockbuster Rocky sequel “Creed.”But that guild clearly isn’t wholly averse to box office darlings: the cast from “Straight OuttaCompton” — an apparent awards outlier if ever there was one — did garner an SAGnomination.

  不過,正如我們專欄敏銳的伙伴凱爾·布坎南(Kyle Buchanan)在Vulture網(wǎng)站上指出的那樣,更可信賴的風(fēng)向標(biāo)之一美國(guó)演員工會(huì)獎(jiǎng)(Screen Actors Guild Awards)并沒不厚愛今年的熱門大片。他們沒有給予《火星救援》任何一項(xiàng)表演獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)提名,只給了《瘋狂的麥克斯4:狂暴之路》最佳特技團(tuán)體獎(jiǎng)提名。他們也不理睬熱門大片《洛基》(Rocky)續(xù)集《奎迪》(Creed)。不過,美國(guó)演員工會(huì)獎(jiǎng)顯然并不是反感所有的票房寵兒:它們給予《沖出康普頓》(Straight Outta Compton)表演獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)提名,雖然該劇顯然不是獲獎(jiǎng)熱門。

  In the end, what might hamper “The Force Awakens” with the Academy is the fact that itdoesn’t break much new cinematic or narrative ground. For sure, it compensates for the sinsof the prequels, but that doesn’t mean it feels fresh. The original “Star Wars” did get a bestpicture nomination — among other Academy nominationss — but it lost to “Annie Hall.” Thelatest “Star Wars” does faithfully return us to that galaxy far, far away — but we’ve been therebefore.

  說到底,阻礙《星球大戰(zhàn):原力覺醒》獲得奧斯卡獎(jiǎng)的原因可能是它在電影拍攝和敘事方面沒有創(chuàng)新。當(dāng)然,它彌補(bǔ)了前傳的問題,但這并不意味著它具有新鮮感。原版《星球大戰(zhàn)》的確獲得了奧斯卡最佳影片獎(jiǎng)提名(也獲得了其他獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)的提名),但它輸給了《安妮·霍爾》(Annie Hall)。最新一部《星球大戰(zhàn)》的確忠誠(chéng)地把我們帶回了那個(gè)遙遠(yuǎn)的星系,但是我們以前就去過了。


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