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《戰(zhàn)狼》 硬漢熱血來襲 你看了沒?




Wolf warrior’s howl roars on bigscreen


While TV dramas like Soldiers’ Sortie and My Chief and MyRegiment have won big success on the small screen, we seldomsee hit Chinese films about modern military warfare. But now, Wolf Warriors, directed by andstarring Wu Jing, 41, has begun to fill that void.


The 3-D war epic centers on Leng Feng, an insubordinate special forces soldier who is expelledfrom the army because he disobeys orders and shoots a drug lord during an assault mission. Buthis extraordinary marksmanship and tough personality win him recruitment into the elite militarysquadron Wolf Warriors.

這部3D戰(zhàn)爭片的男主人公冷鋒(吳京 飾)是個痞性十足的特種兵。一次突擊行動中他違抗軍令打死了毒梟,被開除出隊。不過,他的出色槍法和堅強意志贏得了進(jìn)入精英部隊“戰(zhàn)狼”的機(jī)會。

In his first military drill as a member of the Wolf Warriors, Leng and his comrades are faced with aserious challenge when a troop of foreign mercenaries straddle the borderline and turn the drill intoactual combat.


Throughout the film, Wu shows the bold, macho side of Chinese soldiers. Wu revealed when hepromoted the film in Wuhan on March 29 that to better capture the authentic lifestyle of specialforces officers, he spent 18 months living and training together with them. This experienceinfluenced the movie’s script. In the film, a 1.5-meters tall special forces soldier grabs the throat of aforeign mercenary who’s much taller than he is. The scene was inspired by a true story, Wu said,and the soldier is played by a retired special forces member.


What fans expect most from military themed action movies is no doubt advanced weaponry andfierce fight scenes, and Wolf Warriors delivers in full. It showcases weapons including J-10 fighterjets and other military aircraft, M25 sniper rifles and even tanks.


The final one-on-one grapple between Leng and the villain, played by English martial arts masterScott Adkins, pushes the film to its climax. When watching this scene, the audience may have onlyone wish - that the fight could have lasted longer.


War films are known to arouse a sense of patriotism, and Wolf Warriors is no different. No countryis perfect, not even our own, but the scene in which the Warriors put on armbands reading “I fightfor China” made my heart swell with pride.

戰(zhàn)爭片常常會激起人們心中的愛國情,《戰(zhàn)狼》也不例外。沒有哪個國家盡善盡美,即使是我們的祖國也是如此。但是,當(dāng)看到 “戰(zhàn)狼”們戴上寫著“為中國而戰(zhàn)”的臂章時,我的心中還是充滿了驕傲。

The first lesson the Wolf Warriors teaches Leng is team spirit. However,the latter half of the movieis almost all about Hollywood-style individual heroism and male chauvinism, with Leng alone takingdown the leader of the mercenaries and their boss.


The heroines Long Xiaoyun (Yu Nan, 38) is primed to be a formidable and resourceful femalecommander. The Warriors respect Long’s intelligence and leadership abilities, but these qualities goto waste on screen. It seems to me that this female role exists only to allow Leng one more personto project his irresistible charm on to.


With Wolf Warriors topping box office charts last weekend, its producers caught the smell ofmoney and are now considering making the movie into a series, according to The Beijing News.The one-man-army trope is tired, and I hope that if the movie becomes a franchise it focus moreon tactical warfare and team chemistry.


重點解析 Key Phrases/Words

1. fill that/the void 填補(這一)空白

2. insubordinate adj. 不服從的;違抗的

3. disobey v.不服從,不順從

4. marksmanship n. 槍法,射擊術(shù)

5. comrade n. 同志;戰(zhàn)友;忠實伙伴

6. mercenary adj/n. 雇用的,圖利的,唯利是圖的

7. straddle v. 叉開腿,不表明態(tài)度,[軍]向(目標(biāo))作夾叉射擊

8. macho adj/n. 大男子氣概的

9. chauvinism n. 沙文主義,盲目的愛國心


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