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Voices Fresh and Familiar at the Grammy Awards


LOS ANGELES — The 57th annual Grammy Awards on Sunday were a mixture of old songs, new faces and upsets, as Sam Smith, a 22-year-old British singer barely known to American audiences a year ago, won three of the top four prizes, and Beck became the dark-horse victor of album of the year.

洛杉磯——周日舉行的第57屆年度格萊美獎上混合了老歌、新面孔與攪局者,年僅22歲的英國歌手山姆·史密斯(Sam Smith)贏得了四項最重要大獎中的三項,僅僅在一年前,他在美國還罕有人知,而貝克(Beck)成為黑馬,獲得了年度專輯大獎。

Mr. Smith took best new artist as well as both record and song of the year for “Stay With Me,” a moody, lovelorn ballad that became a smash on pop radio stations.

史密斯獲得了年度最佳藝人,他的《留在我身邊》(Stay With Me)獲得年度最佳制作與最佳歌曲,這是一首憂郁的失戀歌曲,在流行音樂電臺大受歡迎。

“I want to thank the man who this record is about,” Mr. Smith said when accepting the prize for record of the year. “Thank you so much for breaking my heart, ’cause you got me four Grammys.”


Besides those awards, Mr. Smith also won best vocal album, for “In the Lonely Hour,” one of last year’s biggest hits. The record of the year prize is for the recording of a single song, while song of the year is for songwriters.

除了上述獎項,史密斯還因《在孤獨的時刻》(In the Lonely Hour)獲得最佳演唱專輯,這首歌是去年最流行的金曲之一。年度制作獎是獎給歌曲的,年度歌曲獎則是獎給詞曲創(chuàng)作者的。

Beck’s win, for “Morning Phase,” was a classic Grammy surprise, as the awards’ voters chose a modest-selling but critically admired album in a rock context over bigger pop hits. Among its competitors were Mr. Smith’s “In the Lonely Hour”; Beyoncé’s self-titled, multimedia album; and Ed Sheeran’s “x,” a hit around the world on streaming services like Spotify. Held at the Staples Center here, the show was broadcast by CBS.

貝克的專輯《上午時段》(Morning Phase)獲獎則是格萊美的經(jīng)典意外,這個獎的投票者選擇了這張銷量一般,但受到評論界好評的搖滾背景專輯,沒有選擇大賣的流行專輯。角逐這個獎項的其他專輯還包括史密斯的《在孤獨的時刻》、碧昂斯(Beyoncé)的同名多媒體專輯,以及艾德·希蘭(Ed Sheeran)的《x》,這首歌通過Spotify等流媒體服務(wù),在全球成為熱門金曲。頒獎禮在斯臺普斯球館舉行,由CBS臺轉(zhuǎn)播。

Speaking to reporters backstage, the country star Dwight Yoakam, who had performed on the show, defended Beck as a worthy recipient. “Beck is genuinely one of the great purveyors of the pure love of music,” Mr. Yoakam said.

鄉(xiāng)村歌星德懷特·尤卡姆(Dwight Yoakam)在頒獎禮上獻唱,他在后臺接受采訪時認為貝克理應(yīng)獲獎,“貝克真是音樂真愛的偉大提供者之一,”他說。

In addition to album of the year, “Morning Phase” took best rock album, beating releases by U2, Ryan Adams, Tom Petty and the Black Keys.

除去年度最佳專輯,《上午時段》還擊敗U2、瑞安·亞當斯(Ryan Adams)、湯姆·佩蒂(Tom Petty)與“黑鍵”(Black Keys)的專輯,獲得年度最佳搖滾專輯獎。

Among the night’s other big winners, Pharrell Williams took home three prizes: “Happy” won best music video and, in a live version, best pop solo performance, while his “G I R L” won best urban contemporary album.

在當晚的諸多贏家之中,法雷爾·威廉姆斯(Pharrell Williams)獲得三項大獎:《快樂》(Happy)獲得最佳音樂錄像獎、其現(xiàn)場版獲得最佳流行個人表演獎,他的《G I R L》獲得最佳當代城市專輯獎。

Beyoncé, who like Mr. Smith had been up for a total of six awards, also won three: best R&B performance and R&B song, for “Drunk in Love,” and best surround sound album, for “Beyoncé.”

碧昂斯和史密斯一樣獲得六項提名,最終贏得其中三項:最佳R&B表演獎,以及憑《醉在愛里》(Drunk in Love)獲得的最佳R&B歌曲將,以及憑《碧昂斯》獲得的最佳環(huán)繞聲專輯獎。

Accepting the award for best R&B performance, Beyoncé thanked God and her husband, Jay Z, who appears on the track. But she made sure to thank her fans as well, with whom she keeps in constant contact through social media.

在接受最佳R&B表演獎時,碧昂斯感謝了上帝和她的丈夫Jay Z,他也在歌曲中獻聲。但她也感謝了自己的歌迷們,她在社交媒體上經(jīng)常與他們互動。

“I’d like to say thank you to my Beyhive,” she said. “Thank you guys for riding so hard.”


That sentiment of treasuring the attention of fans and all the ways to reach them was echoed by a number of stars. Miranda Lambert, accepting the prize for best country album, for “Platinum,” thanked her record label and “all the people who get it to the fans.”

許多歌星也同樣表達了這種感謝歌迷關(guān)注的情緒,以及想辦法同歌迷打成一片的心情。因《白金》(Platinum)獲得最佳鄉(xiāng)村樂專輯的米蘭達·蘭伯特(Miranda Lambert)感謝了唱片廠牌與“所有讓歌迷聽到它的人們”。

Kendrick Lamar and Eminem split the four rap trophies. Mr. Lamar, a fast-rising young star who had walked away empty-handed last year, took best performance and song this year for “I.” Eminem won best rap album for “The Marshall Mathers LP 2” and shared best rap/sung collaboration with Rihanna, for “The Monster.”

坎德里克·拉馬爾(Kendrick Lamar)與埃米納姆(Eminem)評分了四項說唱獎。拉馬爾是快速崛起的年輕個性,去年一無所獲,今年他憑借《I》獲得了最佳說唱表演獎和最佳說唱歌曲。艾米納姆憑借《馬歇爾·馬瑟斯LP2》(The Marshall Mathers LP 2)獲得了最佳說唱專輯獎,并憑《怪物》(The Monster)一曲,同蕾哈娜(Rihanna)分享最佳說唱/演唱合作獎。

No clear winner emerged in the country field, either. Besides Ms. Lambert’s prize for best album, Glen Campbell’s “I’m Not Gonna Miss You” took best song, Carrie Underwood’s “Something in the Water” won best solo performance and the Band Perry took home best duo or group performance for “Gentle on My Mind.”

在鄉(xiāng)村樂獎項里也沒有明顯的大贏家,除了蘭伯特獲得最佳專輯外,格倫·坎貝爾(Glen Cambell)憑《我不會想念你》(I’m Not Gonna Miss You)獲得最佳歌曲、凱莉·安德伍德(Carrie Underwood)的《水中之物》(Something in the Water)獲得最佳個人表演獎,“佩里樂隊”(the Band Perry)憑《心中的溫柔》(Gentle on My Mind)獲得最佳雙人或樂隊表演獎。

In the rock categories, Jack White took best performance for his album “Lazaretto,” and the comedy-rock duo Tenacious D beat out Anthrax, Motörhead, Mastodon and Slipknot for best metal performance. Paramore’s “Ain’t It Fun” won best rock song, and the singer St. Vincent’s self-titled release took best alternative album.

在搖滾類,杰克·懷特(Jack White)憑專輯《傳染病院》(Lazaretto)獲得最佳表演獎,喜劇搖滾二人組“頑強的D”(Tenacious D)擊敗“炭疽”(Anthrax)、“摩托黨”(Motörhead)、“乳齒象”(Mastodon)和“活結(jié)”(Slipknot),獲得最佳金屬樂表演獎。“帕拉摩爾”(Paramore)的《不有趣嗎》(Ain’t It Fun)獲得最佳搖滾歌曲將,歌手圣文森特(St. Vincent)的同名專輯獲得最佳另類專輯獎。

Chocked with 23 performances over three and a half hours, the night was a mixture of old and new. It opened with AC/DC, the indomitable Australian arena-rock stars, who — now in their 50s and 60s — strutted and duckwalked across the stage to their new song “Rock or Bust” and its 1979 hit, “Highway to Hell.”

頒獎禮持續(xù)了三個半小時,有23組演出,既有老藝人也有新藝人。開場的是勢不可擋的澳大利亞舞臺搖滾巨星“AC/DC”,他們現(xiàn)在都已經(jīng)五六十歲了,在舞臺上高視闊步,演唱了新歌《搖滾或破壞》(Rock or Bust),以及1979年的金曲《地獄之路》(Highway to Hell)。

Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga sang “Cheek to Cheek,” an 80-year-old song by Irving Berlin; their album by that title also won best traditional pop vocal album. Beyoncé sang the gospel hymn “Precious Lord, Take My Hand,” dressed in diaphanous white and surrounded by a company with outstretched hands.

托尼·本奈特(Tony Bennett)和Lady Gaga唱了《臉貼臉》(Cheek to Cheek),這是一首有80年歷史的老歌,由伊芙·柏林(Irving Berlin)原唱;兩人的專輯也以這首歌為名,獲得了最佳傳統(tǒng)流行演唱專輯。碧昂斯身穿半透明的白衣,在揮手致意的伴唱團陪伴下,演唱了福音贊美歌曲《親愛的主,拉住我的手》(Precious Lord, Take My Hand)。

Annie Lennox of Eurythmics joined Hozier, a 24-year-old Irish singer-songwriter, for his song “Take Me to Church” and then sang an intense version of Screamin’ Jay Hawkins’s 1957 song “I Put a Spell on You” that seemed to grip the stars in the front rows. After singing his song “Thinking Out Loud,” Mr. Sheeran, 23, joined the reunited Electric Light Orchestra for their 1970s number “Mr. Blue Sky.”

“舞韻合唱團”(Eurythmics)的安妮·藍諾克斯(Annie Lenno)和24歲的愛爾蘭唱作人霍奇爾(Hozier)合作了霍奇爾創(chuàng)作的《帶我去教堂》(Take Me to Church)之后激情演唱了“尖叫”·杰伊·霍金斯(Screamin’ Jay Hawkins)1957年的歌曲《我對你下了咒語》(I Put a Spell on You),這首歌似乎令前排的歌星們都聽呆了。23歲的希蘭唱完自己的《大聲想出來》(Thinking Out Loud)后,和重組的“電光樂團”(Electric Light Orchestra)合唱了他們70年代的歌《藍天先生》(Mr. Blue Sky)。

The night was also full of eye-catching performances of newer songs, in stark colors or elaborately colorful scenes.


Kanye West, dressed in a velvety red jumpsuit and a thin gold chain, was barely illuminated by a low spotlight as he sang “Only One,” his voice warped by electronics. Later, Katy Perry followed a testimonial by a survivor of domestic violence by performing her “By the Grace of God” dressed in a white gown and cape, as a shadow pantomime unfolded behind her.

肯耶·韋斯特(Kanye West)身穿紅色絲絨連身衣,帶著細細的金鏈,在昏暗的燈光下延長了《唯一》(Only One),他的聲音被電子樂包裹著。后來,身穿白色長袍和斗篷的凱蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)在一位家庭暴力受害者的發(fā)言之后,演唱了《憑著上帝的恩典》(By the Grace of God),身后還有投影演出。

At the other end of the spectrum, Mr. Williams led an expansively staged version of “Happy” and Madonna, dressed in red and black matador-style lingerie, sang “Living for Love” as dozens of horn-masked dancers writhed around her like characters from the film “Eyes Wide Shut.”

另一方面,威廉姆斯帶來了極具舞臺表現(xiàn)力的《快樂》,身穿紅黑色斗牛士風格緊身衣的麥當娜(Madonna)演唱了《為愛而生》(Living for Love),幾十個頭戴牛角面具的伴舞在她身周扭動身體,就像影片《大開眼戒》(Eyes Wide Shut)里那樣。

Among those who went home empty-handed were a cohort of fresh faces up for their first Grammys. Those included the pop singer and songwriter Meghan Trainor and Hozier, whose real name is Andrew Hozier-Byrne.

空手而歸的藝人們當中,有不少是初次入圍格萊美的新面孔,其中包括流行歌手與唱作人梅根·特萊諾(Meghan Trainor)和霍奇爾,他的真名是安德魯·霍奇爾-伯恩(Andrew Hozier-Byrne)

All but 9 of the 83 prizes were handed out in a nontelevised ceremony at the nearby Nokia Theater here. For years, this segment, known unceremoniously as the “pretel,” was a rather drab exercise plagued by artist no-shows. In an attempt to jazz it up a bit — and get more artists to show up — the organizers rechristened it the Grammy Premiere. It had slick production values, but many artists still failed to appear.

在全部83個獎項中,有9個獎項是在另一個沒有電視直播的頒獎禮上頒發(fā)的,地點在附近的諾基亞劇場。多年來,這個環(huán)節(jié)被非正式地稱為“預(yù)獎”,是個很乏味的活動,參加的藝人都不演出。為了讓它生動一點,吸引更多一人參加,組織者給它重新命名為“格萊美首秀”(Grammy Premiere)。它體現(xiàn)了制作的價值,但仍然有很多藝人沒有出席。

“Frozen,” the smash Disney soundtrack, had been shut out of the major awards, but took two in the visual media field: best compilation soundtrack, for the album, and best song written for visual media, for its ubiquitous hit, “Let It Go.”

迪士尼的大熱原聲輯《冰雪奇緣》(Frozen)沒有獲得大獎,但在視覺媒體領(lǐng)域獲得兩個獎項:專輯獲得了最佳原聲輯編輯,唱遍大街小巷的金曲《隨它去》(Let It Go)獲得了視覺媒體最佳歌曲。

The jazz keyboardist Chick Corea won two Grammys, bringing his total career take to 22 — tying Mr. Corea, 73, with U2 and Stevie Wonder. Mr. Corea took best improvised jazz solo for “Fingerprints”; “Trilogy,” the album from which that track was taken, also won best jazz instrumental album.

爵士鍵盤手奇克·科瑞亞(Chick Corea)獲得兩項格萊美獎,現(xiàn)年73歲的他的事業(yè)生涯中一共獲取了22個格萊美獎項,與U2樂隊和史蒂夫·旺德(Stevie Wonder)打成平手??迫饋喴浴吨讣y》(Fiingerprints)獲得最佳爵士即興獨奏獎;這支曲子所在的專輯《三部曲》(Trilogy)獲得最佳爵士樂器樂專輯。

Rosanne Cash, the singer-songwriter whose father was Johnny Cash, won three prizes in the American roots field, her first Grammys since 1986. Her song “A Feather’s Not a Bird” took best performance and best song, and “The River & the Thread” took best Americana album.

約翰尼·卡什(Johnny Cash)之女,唱作人羅珊娜·卡什在美國根源音樂領(lǐng)域獲得三個獎項,這是她自1986年獲得格萊美獎之后首次再度獲獎。她的歌曲《一支羽毛不等于一只鳥兒》(A Feather’s Not a Bird)獲得最佳表演獎與最佳歌曲獎,《河流與線索》(The River & the Thread)獲得最佳美國風格專輯獎。

“There are second acts in American life,” Ms. Cash told reporters backstage. “I just showed up for work for 35 years, and this is what happened.”


In the fourth Grammy of his career, Weird Al Yankovic won best comedy album for “Mandatory Fun,” which last year became Mr. Yankovic’s first No. 1 album after an innovative video promotion campaign. With a nod to his habit of asking permission for his parodies, he thanked “all the recording artists that were nice enough to let me screw around with their music.”

“怪異”艾爾·揚科維奇(Weird Al Yankovic)憑《強制趣味》(Mandatory Fun)獲得自己的第四個格萊美獎,這張去年推出的專輯是揚科維奇的第一張專輯,之前推出了頗有新意的視頻宣傳攻勢。他習慣在進行戲仿之前先征得許可,于是在領(lǐng)獎時,他感謝了“所有慷慨地允許我糟踐他們的音樂的錄音樂手們。”

This year, lifetime achievement awards went to the Bee Gees, George Harrison, the classical conductor and composer Pierre Boulez, the blues guitarist Buddy Guy and Flaco Jiménez.

今年,終身成就獎發(fā)給了“Bee Gees”、喬治·哈里森(George Harrison)、古典樂指揮和作曲家皮爾·布萊茲(Pierre Boulez)、布魯斯吉他手巴迪·蓋伊(Buddy Guy)和弗拉克·吉梅內(nèi)斯(Flaco Jiménez)。

The awards are given for recordings released from Oct. 1, 2013, to Sept. 30, 2014, and voted on by thousands of members of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.



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