Round one:第一回合
Magic is a slippery fish at the best of times, so when it comes to wizardry duels, it's vital to agree the ground rules before you cross wands. For the purposes of this match we will turn to the 20th century's most widely acclaimed codex of magical knowledge - The Complete Wizard's Handbook, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition. Unfortunately for Gandalf fans, the grey one comes off rather badly by these criteria, barely managing to scrape Level Five magic user with his pitiful deployment of flare spells and the minor illusion employed at the Ford of Bruinen. By contrast, Dumbledore fields an array of impressive spellcraft that sees his AD&D level reach the high double figures. Well done, old chap!
Round two:第二回合
But in showdowns between fictional wizards, actual magical skill is among the least important criteria. Much more significant in the minds of most readers is the power of the myths from which each character draws their power. In this myth-off, Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings fields a clear advantage. Middle Earth is a fully realised secondary universe complete with multiple languages and rooted in the Norse mythic tradition, as well as being a deeply meaningful metaphor for the eternal conflict between good and evil. By contrast, the Potter verse is a ragtag collection of magical tropes and cliches, reheated with nonsensical names (Quidditch? I ask you) that manages, at best, good versus evil tile。
Round three:第三回合
Of course, the true test of any great wizard is the stature of the actor employed to depict them on the big screen. Anything less than a grandee of the British theatre and you're not even in the running. Had the late Sir Richard Harris lived to act another day in the Potter movies, Dumbledore might have made it a close fight, but unfortunately, for all his strengths, Sir Michael Gabon is still one or two rings below the highest echelons of acting pedigree. No, when Hollywood needs a touch of genuine class for a fantasy action flick, no one is better suited
to the task than the mighty Sir Ian McKellen. There isn't another actor, living or dead, who could fill Gandalf's pointy hat with the conviction McKellen brings to the role。
So, hats off to the grey rider – a convincing victory about which there can be no further argument. Or can there? Cast your votes below for Gandalf or for Dumbledore and let us know your arguments either way. May the best wizard win!