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Sony Weighs Terrorism Threat Against Opening of ‘The Interview’


LOS ANGELES — Sony Pictures Entertainment, the F.B.I., theater owners and competing film studios scrambled on Tuesday to deal with a threat of terrorism against movie theaters that show Sony’s “The Interview,” a raunchy comedy about the assassination of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un.

洛杉磯——周二,索尼電影娛樂公司(Sony Pictures Entertainment,下稱索尼影業(yè))、美國聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局(FBI)、影院所有者及其他一些影業(yè)公司,都在慌忙應(yīng)對一條恐怖威脅信息,該威脅針對的是即將放映電影《采訪》(The Interview)的影院。《采訪》是索尼影業(yè)出品的一部通俗喜劇片,講的是刺殺朝鮮領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人金正恩(Kim Jong-un)的故事。

The threat was made in rambling emails sent to various news outlets Tuesday morning. A version posted by The Hollywood Reporter said, in part: “Remember the 11th of September 2001. We recommend you to keep yourself distant from the places at that time. (If your house is nearby, you’d better leave.)”

這條威脅信息是通過一些雜亂無章的郵件發(fā)出的,多家新聞機(jī)構(gòu)周二上午收到了郵件?!逗萌R塢報(bào)道》(The Hollywood Reporter)發(fā)布的一個(gè)版本的部分內(nèi)容如下:“別忘了2001年9月11日,建議你們到時(shí)候離這些地方遠(yuǎn)一點(diǎn)。(如果你家在附近,最好出門。)”

The email specifically aimed its threat at “the very times and places” at which “The Interview” is to be first shown. The film is set for release on Christmas Day. A New York premiere is planned for Wednesday night.


On Tuesday night, Landmark’s Sunshine Cinema said it had canceled the film’s New York premiere scheduled for this week; its Los Angeles premiere was held Dec. 11 without incident.

周二晚間,里程碑陽光電影院(Landmark's Sunshine Cinema)稱其已取消該影片原定于本周舉行的首映;該影片12月11日于洛杉磯的首映平安舉行。

That email warning turned a continuing attack on Sony by hackers from a matter of theft to one of terrorism. A spokeswoman for the F.B.I. said it “is aware of the threat and is continuing to investigate the attack on Sony.”


Late Tuesday, a person with knowledge of Sony’s dealings said that the theater chain Carmike Cinemas had canceled its showings of the movie. Carmike could not be reached for comment.

周二晚些時(shí)候,一名知悉索尼影業(yè)業(yè)務(wù)的人士說,卡麥克影業(yè)(Carmike Cinemas)已取消該片放映。記者無法聯(lián)絡(luò)到卡麥克影業(yè)置評。

An official with the Department of Homeland Security said the department was analyzing the threat but as yet had found no clear indication of an active plot against theaters. Sony had no comment.

國土安全部(Department of Homeland Security)的一名官員說,該機(jī)構(gòu)正在分析這條威脅信息,但沒有明顯跡象顯示有人正在實(shí)施針對影院的陰謀。索尼則未予置評。

Tuesday’s development posed an ugly dilemma for Sony and exhibitors: whether to pull “The Interview,” caving to hackers who have wreaked havoc with Sony’s digital systems for weeks in an attempt to block the release, or to forge ahead, risking possible violence and potential legal liability. In an already-fragile industry, studio executives privately voiced concern that any theater violence could swing the market further toward home viewing.


Three people briefed on Sony’s internal discussions on Tuesday said the studio had decided to all but invite theater owners to force cancellation or further postponement of “The Interview.” Those people spoke on condition of anonymity. The film had been scheduled for fall release and was delayed; the studio cited the need for further work and a better market position.


An executive for one of the theater chains, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, called the invocation of the 9/11 terror attacks by hackers “a game changer.” The executive had last week dismissed the notion that theater owners might shy away from “The Interview” over earlier, more general threats by North Korean officials and pressure from the hackers, who have self-identified as the Guardians of Peace. Nobody yet knows the hackers’ true identity.

一家影院連鎖企業(yè)的高管也在匿名條件下表示,黑客們援引“9.11”恐怖襲擊的行為“改變了事件的性質(zhì)”。這名高管上周表示,不認(rèn)為影院會(huì)因?yàn)槌r官員早先比較籠統(tǒng)的威脅信息,和黑客的壓力而不去放映《采訪》。這些黑客自稱是“和平的守護(hù)者(Guardians of Peace)”。目前沒人知道黑客的真實(shí)身份。

Representatives of AMC Entertainment, Regal Entertainment and Cinemark, North America’s three largest theater chains, did not respond to queries. A spokesman for the National Association of Theater Owners, which represents exhibitors, declined to comment.

北美三家最大的影院連鎖機(jī)構(gòu)的運(yùn)營商AMC娛樂(AMC Entertainment)、帝王娛樂集團(tuán)(Regal Entertainment Group)和喜滿客(Cinemark)的代表沒有回復(fù)記者的提問。美國國家影院業(yè)主協(xié)會(huì)(National Association of Theater Owners)的發(fā)言人也拒絕置評。

Pressure to pull the “The Interview,” which stars Seth Rogen and James Franco and is directed by Mr. Rogen and Evan Goldberg, has centered on its depiction of Mr. Kim’s assassination. To depict the killing of a sitting world leader, comically or otherwise, is virtually without precedent in major studio movies, film historians say. Mr. Rogen canceled planned publicity interviews on Tuesday.

《采訪》由賽斯·羅根(Seth Rogen)和埃文·戈德堡(Evan Goldberg)執(zhí)導(dǎo),主演是羅根和詹姆斯·弗蘭科(James Franco)。撤下《采訪》的壓力源自于片中有關(guān)刺殺金正恩的內(nèi)容。電影歷史學(xué)者稱,刻畫對一位現(xiàn)任國家領(lǐng)袖的刺殺行動(dòng),無論是以喜劇還是其他方式,都是史無前例的。羅根取消了計(jì)劃于周二進(jìn)行的為影片造勢的采訪活動(dòng)。

But a broad threat of theater violence, following a sustained attack on Sony’s digital existence, is also without precedent, and opens a new range of worry for Hollywood.



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