If you've been following media coverage of the World Cup these past few weeks you might think every footballer is a chiseled god--ripped, handsome, and oozing sex appeal. You'd be wrong.
The men on the list below have been chosen by GlobalPost because they are un-sexy in some way or another.
1. Franck Ribery - France 弗蘭克·里貝里(法國)

Yes, he has a scar as the result of an accident when he was 2. But that's not why Ribery, one of France's stars, makes the list. He was recently accused of hiring an underage prostitute. That's just not sexy.
2. Wayne Rooney – England韋恩·魯尼(英格蘭)

Yes, Wayne Rooney's ears stick out from his perfectly round face making him look like Shrek. Indeed, England's Rooney was just named the ugliest soccer player in the world, at least according to 33 percent of the 2,500 women polled by a website. But he (usually) scores, which makes him a fan favorite.
3. Carles Puyol – Spain卡洛斯·普約爾(西班牙)

Things are looking hairy for Spain in the 2010 World Cup, and Carles Puyol isn't the only reason.
4. Carlos Tevez - Argentina 卡洛斯·特維斯(阿根廷)

He has a widow's peak. But also a unibrow. Enough said.
5. Peter Crouch - England 彼得·克勞奇(英格蘭)

Peter Crouch--the tallest England player at 6'7'' --makes for one awkward and gangly soccer player. And he knows it. In an interview, when asked what he would be if he weren't a soccer player, Crouch replied: "A virgin."
6. Argentina coach Diego Maradona 迭戈·馬拉多納(阿根廷隊教練)

Before the start of the tournament, Argentinean coach Diego Maradona promised to run naked through the center of Buenos Aires if Argentina wins the 2010 World Cup. We'd prefer he kept his pants on.