Lesson Introduction
Join us on today's elementary podcast and we will learn some useful terms and phrases for the next time you need to buy a computer. How fast is your "processor"? Why is your computer "crashing" all the time? Whether you are planning to buy a new computer or if you just want to be able to use English to talk about computers, you will find lots of useful technology terms and phrases in this lesson.
Customer: So can you fix it?
Sales Clerk:I'm sorry sir. This computer is not broken or damaged. It's simply just too old! That's why your programs and applications are running slow. There really isn't much I can do.
Customer:What do you mean? I bought this computer just three years ago!
Sales Clerk:Yes, but technology is ever changing and technology is becoming obsolete faster and faster!
Customer:Ok, I know where this is going. How much will it cost me to get a new computer?
Sales Clerk:Well, this desktop over here is our latest model. It has a four gigahertz processor with sixteen gigabytes in RAM and a hard disk with one terabyte. Of course, it includes a mouse, keyboard and desk speakers.
Customer:I have no idea what you are talking about. I just want to know if it's good and if I will be able to play solitaire without the computer crashing or freezing all the time!
Sales Clerk:This PC is top of the line and I guarantee it will never freeze! If it does, we'll give you your money back!
ever changing always becoming different
obsolete no longer useful
where this is going the direction of an event
i have no idea to be completely unaware of something
freeze to suddenly stop functioning
programs a computer application
gigabytes unit to measure a computer's storage capacity
RAM part of computer that temporarily stores informati
hard disk part of computer that stores data
gigahertz measurement of computer processor speed
processor device in a computer that manages operations
crashing to suddenly stop functioning
guarantee to make a written promise
warranty a written promise that a seller will repair a product if a problem arises
laptop a portable computer
evolve to change into a more advanced state
wireless modem a device that allows computers to communicate without wires
network a system for communicating between computers
►Something is wrong with my mobile phone. It keeps freezing.
► The files are not ready yet because my computer froze last night.
► If your computer freezes, you'll have to shut it down.
I have no idea
► I can't find my keys. I have no idea where I put them.
► I have no idea where Tom went. Maybe he's in the bathroom?
► You have no idea how embarrassed I was! I mean, I accidentally burped while presenting my project to the board of directors!
where (something) is going
► You want to do what? Where are you going with this conversation?
► Where is this movie going? I don't understand what's happening.
►We fight everyday, I don't know where this relationship is going.
► A VHS is a device that is practically obsolete nowadays. Who buys tapes anymore?
► This fleet of battleships from WWII is completely obsolete.
► Brume is an obsolete word that means mist or fog.
ever changing
►There is always something new in this ever changing world.
► The flu is an ever changing virus that continues to claim many lives.
►Times are ever changing, and we must prepare ourselves better every day.