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2023年01月18日 為什么查寧塔圖姆稱詹娜德萬(wàn)的分手“可怕”





Why Channing Tatum Calls Breakup From Jenna Dewan "Terrifying"

Nearly five years after Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan first announced their split, the Magic Mike star is looking back at the breakup and why it felt “super scary” at the time.
在查寧·塔圖姆 (Channing Tatum) 和珍娜·德萬(wàn) (Jenna Dewan) 首次宣布分手將近五年后,這位魔力邁克明星回顧了這次分手,以及當(dāng)時(shí)感覺“超級(jí)可怕”的原因。
Channing Tatum is taking a step up back and reflecting on his former relationship with Jenna Dewan.
查寧·塔圖姆 ( Channing Tatum  ) 退后一步 , 反思他以前與 珍娜·德萬(wàn) ( Jenna Dewan ) 的關(guān)系。
"We fought for it for a really long time," the Magic Mike star, 42, told Vanity Fair for its February cover story, "even though we both sort of knew that we had sort of grown apart."
“我們?yōu)榇藠^斗了很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間,”這位42 歲的Magic Mike明星在 Vanity Fair 二月份的封面故事中說道,“盡管我們都知道我們已經(jīng)有點(diǎn)疏遠(yuǎn)了。”
After meeting on the set of their 2006 movie Step Up, Tatum and Dewan tied the knot in 2009 and welcomed daughter Everly in 2013. But in 2018, the pair announced their decision to separate and filed for divorce later that year. A judge signed off on the dissolution of their marriage in 2019.
在他們 2006 年的電影《  Step Up》中相遇后,塔圖姆和德萬(wàn)于 2009 年喜結(jié)連理,并于 2013 年迎來了女兒 埃弗利 。但在 2018 年,兩人宣布決定分居,并于當(dāng)年晚些時(shí)候申請(qǐng)離婚。一名法官于 2019 年 簽署了解除他們婚姻的協(xié)議。
"I think we told ourselves a story when we were young, and we just kept telling ourselves that story, no matter how blatantly life was telling us that we were so different," Tatum continued. "But when you're actually parents, you really understand differences between the two of you. Because it is screaming at you all day long. How you parent differently, how you look at the world, how you go through the world."
As the Lost City actor noted, navigating this new chapter wasn't easy. "In the beginning, it was super scary and terrifying," he explained of the early days following his and Dewan's separation. "Your life just turns on its axis. This whole plan that you had literally just turns into sand and goes through your fingers and you're just like, 'Oh, s--t. What now?'"
正如這位 失落之城的 演員所說,駕馭這一新篇章并不容易。“一開始,它非常可怕和可怕,”他解釋了他和德萬(wàn)分居后的早期日子。“你的生活只是在它的軸上轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)。你的整個(gè)計(jì)劃實(shí)際上只是變成了沙子并從你的手指間流過,你就像,'哦,s-t。現(xiàn)在怎么辦?'”
However, Tatum seemed to suggest that everything worked out for the best. "It was probably exactly what I needed," he added. "I don't think I would've ever done the work, I think, on myself in the way that I had to do the work on myself to really try to figure out what next. And really, it just started with my daughter. I just dropped everything and just focused on her. And it was truly the best possible thing that I ever could have done. Because in the alone time that I have with just me and her, we've become best friends."
Dewan previously opened up about her and Tatum's breakup in her 2019 book Gracefully You: Finding Beauty and Balance in the Everyday.
德萬(wàn)之前在她 2019 年出版的書《優(yōu)雅的你:在日常生活中尋找美與平衡》中公開了她和塔圖姆的分手。
"In the beginning of my separation, it felt as though I were in a dark closet, desperately trying to find the light or the way out," the former World of Dance host, 42, wrote. "I was in a state of shock. One week I'd be doing really well and the next I was slammed with a whole new slew of emotions. The rumor mill was churning out story after story. There were many times I hid under the covers, wondering what was next."
這位 42 歲的前舞蹈世界 主持人寫道:“在我分離之初,我感覺就像在一個(gè)黑暗的壁櫥里,拼命地試圖找到光明或出路 。” “我當(dāng)時(shí)處于一種震驚的狀態(tài)。一個(gè)星期我會(huì)做得很好,而下一個(gè)星期我就會(huì)被一系列全新的情緒沖擊。謠言工廠一個(gè)接一個(gè)地制造故事。有很多次我躲在封面,想知道接下來會(huì)發(fā)生什么。”
She continued, "The pain hit me like a tumbling avalanche. I was completely overcome with fear and sadness. It took many moments of sitting alone with my grief to force me into surrendering to my roller coaster of a situation."
However, both she and Tatum have found love again. Dewan is engaged to Steve Kazee, with whom she shares son 2-year-old son Callum. As for Tatum, he and Jessie J split in 2020 after about two years of dating, and he's now in a relationship with Zoë Kravitz.
然而,她和塔圖姆都再次找到了愛情。Dewan與 Steve Kazee 訂婚,她與 Steve Kazee 有一個(gè) 2 歲的兒子 Callum。至于塔圖姆,他和 Jessie J在約會(huì) 了大約兩年后于 2020 年分手,現(xiàn)在他與 Zoë Kravitz處于戀愛關(guān)系中。
But don't expect wedding bells to be ringing any time soon. As the 21 Jump Street alum told Vanity Fair, "I don't know if I'm ever going to get married again."
但是不要指望結(jié)婚的鐘聲很快就會(huì)響起。正如 21 Jump Street 校友告訴 Vanity Fair的那樣,“我不知道我是否還會(huì)再結(jié)婚。”


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