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2023年01月18日 新的阿姆斯特丹EP 打破了催人淚下的系列結(jié)局





New Amsterdam EPs Break Down That Tear-Jerking Series Finale
新的阿姆斯特丹EP 打破了催人淚下的系列結(jié)局

Find out what happened to Dr. Max Goodwin (Ryan Eggold) on New Amsterdam's Jan. 17 series finale and see what the show's executive producers are saying about that emotional final scene.
了解新阿姆斯特丹1 月 17 日系列大結(jié)局中馬克斯古德溫博士(瑞安艾戈德飾)發(fā)生了什么,看看該劇的執(zhí)行制片人對那個感人的最后一幕有何評論。
After five seasons, Dr. Max Goodwin's tenure at New Amsterdam has come to an end.
五季之后,Max Goodwin 博士在新阿姆斯特丹的任期 結(jié)束。
The NBC medical drama—which aired its series finale on Jan. 17—concluded with a tear-jerking twist after Ryan Eggold's Max left his position as medical director to work at the World Health Organization in Geneva.
這部 NBC 醫(yī)療劇——于 1 月 17 日播出了其系列大結(jié)局——在萊恩·埃戈爾德 ( Ryan Eggold ) 飾演的麥克斯 (Max) 辭去??醫(yī)療主任一職前往日內(nèi)瓦世界衛(wèi)生組織工作后,以催人淚下的轉(zhuǎn)折結(jié)束。
The episode sporadically introduced Max's unnamed replacement leading up to his last day in the hospital, but it wasn't until the final scene that it was revealed that the woman taking over his position was actually his now-adult daughter, Luna, in the future. Now, New Amsterdam executive producers David Schulner and Peter Horton are breaking down the final episode and revealing the surprising source of inspiration for the climactic ending.
這一集零星地介紹了 Max 在醫(yī)院最后一天之前的無名替代者,但直到最后一幕才透露接替他職位的女人實際上是他現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)成年的女兒 Luna,未來. 現(xiàn)在,新阿姆斯特丹執(zhí)行制片人 大衛(wèi)舒爾納和彼得霍頓正在分解最后一集并揭示高潮結(jié)局的驚人靈感來源。
"My 11-year-old daughter [Ella] came up with the finale of Luna being the medical director," Schulner exclusively told E! News during a joint interview with Horton. "I was like, 'Okay 11-year-old daughter, you eat your Cheerios and I'll do the writing, thank you very much.' Then Laura Valdivia—one of our writers—said, 'Am I crazy, but I think Luna should be the medical director at the end?'"
“我 11 歲的女兒 [ Ella ] 想出了 Luna 擔(dān)任醫(yī)療主任的結(jié)局,”Schulner 獨家告訴 E!在與霍頓的聯(lián)合采訪中的新聞。“我當(dāng)時想,‘好吧,11 歲的女兒,你吃你的 Cheerios,我來寫,非常感謝你。’ 然后我們的編劇之一勞拉·瓦爾迪維亞 (Laura Valdivia ) 說,‘我是不是瘋了,但我認(rèn)為盧娜最終應(yīng)該擔(dān)任醫(yī)療主任?’”
After a second writer pitched the idea, he continued, "I was like, 'I guess this is our ending, because literally the universe has planted it in everyone's minds.'"
Schulner and Horton revealed that while they had no other endings in mind for the series, they were certain that they wanted to tell each main character's backstory—and the reason they went into medical care—when they crafted the final script.
"Once we knew that essentially we were telling Luna's origin story on the day she was inspired to be a doctor, we thought wouldn't it be great to tell everyone's origin story," Schulner explained, "because the thing we wanted the finale to honor was the actors we loved and the characters they created."
Schulner 解釋說:“一旦我們知道我們基本上是在講述 Luna 受到啟發(fā)成為一名醫(yī)生的那一天的起源故事,我們認(rèn)為講述每個人的起源故事不是很好,因為我們想要結(jié)局榮譽是我們所愛的演員和他們創(chuàng)造的角色。”
And while the cast and crew said goodbye with a formal wrap party, Schulner revealed the final day of filming was actually "so anticlimactic" for a very funny reason.
"The final scene was young Max being asked 'how can I help?' by that doctor, and that's how we ended the show," Schulner said. "How beautifully romantic, but none of our actors were there. Those were day players in a flashback."
“最后一幕是年輕的馬克斯被問到‘我能幫忙嗎?’ 由那位醫(yī)生,這就是我們結(jié)束節(jié)目的方式,”舒爾納說。“多么美妙的浪漫,但我們的演員都沒有在那里。那些是閃回中的日間演員。”
"We didn't think that by the time we got to that scene all of our actors would be wrapped and on their way to their new lives," Horton added. "We did a little speech at the end for whoever was left over and people were standing around looking at us like 'can we go home?'"
霍頓補充說:“我們不認(rèn)為當(dāng)我們到達(dá)那個場景時,我們所有的演員都會被包裹起來并開始他們的新生活。” “最后我們?yōu)槭O碌娜俗隽艘粋€簡短的演講,人們站在周圍看著我們,就像‘我們可以回家了嗎?’”
Binge New Amsterdam any time on Peacock.


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