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2022年12月05日 莎拉·海蘭 (Sarah Hyland) 和威爾斯·亞當(dāng)斯 (Wells Adams) 哀悼失去他們心愛的狗卡爾





Sarah Hyland and Wells Adams Mourn The Loss Of Their Beloved Dog Carl
莎拉·海蘭 (Sarah Hyland) 和威爾斯·亞當(dāng)斯 (Wells Adams) 哀悼失去他們心愛的狗卡爾
Sarah Hyland and Wells Adams—who got married in August— shared on social media that their bloodhound Carl has passed away. See the stars' sweet tributes to the dog they both called a "gentle giant."
8 月結(jié)婚的莎拉·海蘭 (Sarah Hyland) 和威爾斯·亞當(dāng)斯 (Wells Adams) 在社交媒體上分享了他們的獵犬卡爾 (Carl) 去世的消息。看看明星們對(duì)他們都稱為“溫柔的巨人”的狗的甜蜜致敬。
The hardest goodbye.
Two months after tying the knot, Sarah Hyland and Wells Adams are mourning the loss of their beloved dog Carl. The Bachelor Nation star, who had the bloodhound before meeting his wife, shared the sad news on his Instagram, calling the late pup "a true gentle giant."
結(jié)婚兩個(gè)月后,莎拉·海蘭德和威爾斯·亞當(dāng)斯正在為失去他們心愛的狗卡爾而悲痛。這位單身漢明星在遇見他的妻子之前養(yǎng)了這只獵犬,他在他的 Instagram 上分享了這個(gè)不幸的消息,稱這只已故的小狗是“真正溫柔的巨人”。
"Trying to type this through tears, but it's with a heavy heart I must tell you that @carlthebloodhound has gone to doggy heaven, Wells wrote on Dec. 3, along with a carousel of photos. "Carl, you were such a good guy. You were sweet, noisy, protective, and slobbery, and boy did you give the best hugs! You were the best boy I've ever known. I hope you thought I was a good dad."
威爾斯在 12 月 3 日寫道,“我試圖含淚打字,但心情沉重,我必須告訴你,@carlthebloodhound 已經(jīng)去了狗的天堂,”還有一串照片。“卡爾,你真是個(gè)好人.你是甜美的,吵鬧的,保護(hù)性的,口水的,男孩,你給了最好的擁抱!你是我認(rèn)識(shí)的最好的男孩。我希望你認(rèn)為我是個(gè)好爸爸。”
He continued, "We've been through so much and I there's no way I would be here without you. I hope you visit me all the time in my dreams to play tug of war. My jogs will never be the same but I'll make sure to stop by the trees where the squirrels are in case you're still running with me. You'll always be my big ole hounder. I love you."
Sarah also paid tribute to Carl—who had his own Instagram account with over 33,000 followers—by sharing several adorable pics of herself and the hound.
莎拉還通過分享她和獵犬的幾張可愛照片向擁有自己的 Instagram 帳戶并擁有超過 33,000 名粉絲的卡爾致敬。
"You were our protector, our best hug giver, and the light of our lives," she wrote on her Instagram account. "Thank you for being the greatest friend anyone could ask for. I'll love you forever. You'll always be my best big boy, dad's best friend, and Boo's first love. We'll cuddle in our sleep."
“你是我們的保護(hù)者,我們最好的擁抱者,也是點(diǎn)亮我們的生活,”她在自己的 Instagram 賬戶上寫道。 “謝謝你成為任何人都可以要求的最好的朋友。我會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)愛你。你將永遠(yuǎn)是我最好的大男孩,爸爸最好的朋友,以及 Boo 的初戀。我們會(huì)在睡夢(mèng)中依偎在一起。”
In the comments, Wells sweetly wrote, "He loved you most. And that made me happy."
The couple started dating in 2017 and moved in together nearly one year later. With Wells having Carl and Sarah already a dog mom to her chocolate lab Boo, the pets made up a new blended family.
這對(duì)夫婦于 2017 年開始約會(huì),將近一年后同居。 Wells 的巧克力實(shí)驗(yàn)室 Boo 的 Carl 和 Sarah 已經(jīng)是狗媽媽了,這些寵物組成了一個(gè)新的混合家庭。
"There's a little bit of, like, a power struggle with Boo and Carl, ‘cause they're both big dogs," the Modern Family star admitted to Us Weekly in 2018. "But, like, Boo is more of a predominantly alpha personality, whereas Carl's just an alpha-size dog. But they're having so much fun playing and it's really amazing to see Boo finally get to play with a dog his size."
這位摩登家庭明星在 2018 年向《美國(guó)周刊》承認(rèn):“與 Boo 和 Carl 有點(diǎn)權(quán)力斗爭(zhēng),因?yàn)樗麄兌际谴蠊贰?rdquo;“但是,就像,Boo 更像是一個(gè)主要的阿爾法個(gè)性,而 Carl 只是一只阿爾法大小的狗。但他們玩得很開心,看到 Boo 終于可以和他這么大的狗一起玩真是太棒了。”
After getting engaged in 2019, Sarah, 31, and Wells, 38, finally got married in August after being forced to reschedule their wedding several times due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, their beloved pups didn't score invites to the nuptials.
31 歲的莎拉 (Sarah) 和 38 歲的威爾斯 (Wells) 在 2019 年訂婚后,由于冠狀病毒大流行而被迫多次重新安排婚禮,最終于 8 月結(jié)婚。然而,他們心愛的小狗并沒有獲得參加婚禮的邀請(qǐng)。
"Whenever I have fittings for events with like really long dresses and stuff, she likes to lay down on them," Sarah told TODAY of Boo ahead of the ceremony. "I just think it'd be way too many people. It breaks my heart that they won't be there. But you know, it is what it is."
“每當(dāng)我為活動(dòng)穿上長(zhǎng)裙之類的試衣時(shí),她都喜歡躺在上面,”莎拉告訴《今日?qǐng)?bào)》在儀式前噓。 “我只是覺得人太多了。他們不會(huì)在那里讓我很傷心。但你知道,事情就是這樣。”
Last summer, Sarah was ready to expand their doggie pack. However, her husband was more reluctant.
"He thinks that two dogs are enough," the Love Island USA host revealed in August. "I don't believe that to be true."
“他認(rèn)為兩條狗就足夠了,”美國(guó)愛情島主持人 8 月份透露。 “我不相信這是真的。”


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