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2022年10月23日觀看格蕾絲·范·帕滕(Grace Van Patten)確認(rèn)現(xiàn)實(shí)生活中對(duì)告訴我的謊言聯(lián)合主演杰克遜·懷特的迷戀





Watch Grace Van Patten Confirm Real-Life Crush on Tell Me Lies Co-Star Jackson White
觀看格蕾絲·范·帕滕(Grace Van Patten)確認(rèn)現(xiàn)實(shí)生活中對(duì)告訴我的謊言聯(lián)合主演杰克遜·懷特的迷戀
From co-star to crush: Tell Me Lies actress Grace Van Patten tells E!'s The Rundown she feels a certain way about Jackson White, who plays her onscreen love interest on the Hulu series.
從聯(lián)合主演到暗戀:告訴我的謊言女演員格蕾絲·范·帕滕告訴 E!的破敗她對(duì)杰克遜·懷特有某種感覺,杰克遜·懷特在 Hulu 系列中扮演她的銀幕愛情。
Grace Van Patten is telling no lies about her real-life crush, and he's exactly who many fans have speculated.
格蕾絲·范·帕滕 (Grace Van Patten ) 沒有對(duì)她現(xiàn)實(shí)生活中的迷戀說(shuō)謊,而他正是許多粉絲猜測(cè)的人。

When asked on E!'s The Rundown in a recent interview if her crush "IRL" is her Tell Me Lies co-star Jackson White, Grace told host Erin Lim Rhodes, "Yes." She added, "Biggest crush ever."
在最近的一次采訪中,當(dāng)被問及E! 的The Rundown 是否她的迷戀“IRL”是她告訴我的謊言 聯(lián)合主演 杰克遜懷特時(shí),格蕾絲告訴主持人艾琳林羅德斯,“是的。” 她補(bǔ)充說(shuō),“有史以來(lái)最大的迷戀。”

In recent weeks, Grace and Jackson have sparked romance rumors with a few joint sightings in Los Angeles, including official appearances at the Ralph Lauren spring/summer 2023 fashion show Oct. 13 and a Giambattista Valli dinner in Los Angeles Oct. 18.
最近幾周,格蕾絲和杰克遜在洛杉磯發(fā)生了幾次聯(lián)合目擊事件,引發(fā)了浪漫謠言,其中包括 10 月 13 日在 Ralph Lauren 2023 春夏時(shí)裝秀上的正式亮相和 10 月 18 日在洛杉磯舉行的 Giambattista Valli 晚宴。

The actress spoke to The Rundown ahead of the debut season finale of Hulu's Tell Me Lies, which is set to stream Oct. 26.
這位女演員在 Hulu 的《告訴我的謊言》首季大結(jié)局之前與 The Rundown進(jìn)行了交談, 該劇將于 10 月 26 日播出。

On the drama series, the two actors play couple Lucy Albright and Stephen DeMarco, who are in a steamy but toxic relationship. In September, Grace and Jackson talked to E! News about filming their sex scenes. "It's really amazing that we had our intimacy coordinator who really just discussed everything and created such a safe environment for us," the actress said. "Because the scenes are very, very intimate."
在這部電視劇中,兩位演員扮演一對(duì)露西·奧爾布賴特和斯蒂芬·德馬科,他們的關(guān)系很熱但有毒。九月,格蕾絲和杰克遜與 E!關(guān)于拍攝他們的性愛場(chǎng)面的新聞。這位女演員說(shuō):“我們的親密協(xié)調(diào)員真的只是討論了所有事情,并為我們創(chuàng)造了如此安全的環(huán)境,這真是太神奇了。” “因?yàn)閳?chǎng)景非常非常親密。”
Grace credited Jackson for helping to make the set a safe space, adding, "We were on the same page."

Jackson told E! News, "It's not treated as this big, scary thing. It's just another scene that we have to block out and that we have to figure out beforehand."
While Grace and Jackson have not confirmed a real-life relationship, see other actors who had secret romances with their co-stars:
Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer
The one where fans had no idea their favorite Friends couple actually had feelings for each other.
During the iconic NBC series' HBO Max reunion special, Aniston and Schwimmer admitted they nursed crushes on each other during the first season.
在標(biāo)志性的 NBC 系列的 HBO Max 重聚特別節(jié)目中,安妮斯頓和施維默承認(rèn),他們?cè)诘谝患局芯突ハ喟祽佟?br />
As Schwimmer explained, "Yeah, the first season we—I had a major crush on Jen." Aniston countered, "It was reciprocated."
正如 Schwimmer 解釋的那樣,“是的,第一季我們——我非常喜歡 Jen。” 安妮斯頓反駁道:“它得到了回報(bào)。”

So why didn't Ross and Rachel's real-life counterparts ever officially get together?

"At some point, we were both crushing hard on each other," Schwimmer explained, "but it was like two ships passing because one of us was always in a relationship, and we never crossed that boundary. We respected that. But we both—"
Matt LeBlanc then interrupted, saying, "Bulls--t. I'm kidding," going on to suggest that the co-stars maybe did show a little PDA on set.
然后馬特勒布朗打斷了他,說(shuō):“公牛隊(duì)--t。我在開玩笑,”繼續(xù)暗示聯(lián)合主演可能確實(shí)在片場(chǎng)展示了一點(diǎn) PDA。

"Honestly, I remember saying one time to David, 'It's going to be such a bummer if the first time you and I actually kiss is going to be on national television,'" Aniston confessed. "And sure enough, the first time we kissed was in that coffee shop."

But the co-stars did take advantage of their time on-set together, with Schwimmer saying, "I thought back on the very first year or two, you know, when we had breaks from rehearsal, like, there were moments where we would cuddle on the couch." Aniston added, "Or we would spoon and fall asleep on the couch."
但聯(lián)合主演們確實(shí)利用了他們?cè)谝黄鸬臅r(shí)間,施維默說(shuō):“我回想起頭一兩年,你知道,當(dāng)我們排練休息的時(shí)候,有時(shí)候我們會(huì)在沙發(fā)上抱抱。” 安妮斯頓補(bǔ)充說(shuō):“或者我們會(huì)在沙發(fā)上用勺子舀睡。”

Finally, Schwimmer admitted, "I'm thinking, how did not everyone know we were crushing on each other?"
最后,Schwimmer 承認(rèn),“我在想,怎么不是每個(gè)人都知道我們?cè)诎祽賹?duì)方?”
Kaley Cuoco and Johnny Galecki
凱莉·措科 和約翰尼 加萊茨基

The Big Bang Theory stars dropped a big bomb in 2010 when it was reported they had dated for two years, with Cuoco revealing details about their romance only after they split.
據(jù)報(bào)道,生活大爆炸的明星們?cè)?2010 年投下了一顆大炸彈,當(dāng)時(shí)他們已經(jīng)約會(huì)了兩年,而庫(kù)科在他們分手后才透露了他們浪漫的細(xì)節(jié)。
"It was such a huge part of my life and no one knew about it," Cuoco said of her relationship with Galecki in an interview with CBS Watch! magazine. "It was a wonderful relationship, but we never spoke a word about it and never went anywhere together."
“這是我生命中如此重要的一部分,沒有人知道它,”庫(kù)科在接受CBS Watch采訪時(shí)談到她與 Galecki 的關(guān)系!雜志。“這是一段美好的關(guān)系,但我們從來(lái)沒有說(shuō)過一句話,也沒有一起去任何地方。”

Though their offscreen flame flickered out, their characters, Penny and Leonard, continued to date throughout the remainder of the CBS hit sitcom's run. But playing boyfriend/girlfriend was never an issue for the former couple.
盡管他們的屏幕外火焰閃爍了出來(lái),但他們的角色彭妮和倫納德在 CBS 熱門情景喜劇的其余部分繼續(xù)約會(huì)。但扮演男朋友/女朋友對(duì)這對(duì)前夫婦來(lái)說(shuō)從來(lái)都不是問題。

"When you're dealing with two professionals who have been working since they were both four—and who kept their lives extremely private—we didn't want anything other than that," she explained, going on to reveal their desire for privacy may have inadvertently caused their breakup.  

"We were so protective of ourselves and the show and didn't want anything to ruin that. But that also made it sad, too," Cuoco shared. "That's not the kind of relationship I want—I don't want to be hiding."
Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Lark Voorhies
馬克-保羅·戈塞拉 和 百靈鳥

If you thought the Saved By the Bell characters were romantically cliquish on-screen, it was nothing compared to all of the relationship drama going on behind-the-scenes.
"All of us dated at one point or another—it was incestuous!" Gosselaar told People in 2009. "Sometimes the girls would gang up on the guys. Tiffani and Elizabeth would hate me, and then they'd hate Lark because Lark was talking to me, and Mario was supposed to side with someone. All that stuff you did in high school, like, 'How could you talk to him?'"
“我們所有人都曾在某個(gè)時(shí)候約會(huì)過——那是亂倫!” Gosselaar在 2009 年告訴《人物》雜志。“有時(shí)女孩們會(huì)聯(lián)合起來(lái)對(duì)付那些家伙。蒂法尼和伊麗莎白會(huì)恨我,然后他們會(huì)恨拉克,因?yàn)槔嗽诤臀艺f(shuō)話,而馬里奧應(yīng)該站在某人一邊。你在高中做過的所有事情,比如,‘你怎么能和他說(shuō)話?’”

But SBTB's IRL couple that dated for the longest was Gosselaar and Voorhies, who were together for three years during the show's later run.
但SBTB的 IRL 情侶約會(huì)時(shí)間最長(zhǎng)的是 Gosselaar 和 Voorhies,他們?cè)诠?jié)目后期運(yùn)行期間在一起三年。
Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Tiffani Thiessen
馬克-保羅·戈塞拉和 蒂法尼·蒂森

While playing one of TV's most beloved pairings Zack and Kelly, the '90s TV icons "liked each other a lot," Ed Alonzo (aka Max from The Max) once dished to Entertainment Tonight of Gosselaar and Thiessen's flirtations.
90 年代電視偶像在扮演電視上最受歡迎的搭檔之一扎克和凱利時(shí),“非常喜歡彼此”,埃德·阿隆佐(又名麥克斯來(lái)自麥克斯)曾經(jīng)在今晚 的娛樂節(jié)目中對(duì)戈斯拉爾和蒂森的調(diào)情大加贊賞。
"It was very cute," Alonzo shared. "It was hand-holding and looking over."
In an interview with People, Thiessen revealed the first time she drank alcohol she was with Gosselaar, saying, "Mark-Paul and I got to go to Paris [for a press tour]. We ate crepes, and my first sip of alcohol was with him. It felt at times like we were Barbie and Ken." Or, perhaps, Zack and Kelly?
Mark Paul-Gosselaar and Elizabeth Berkley
Yep, Zack Morris dated all three of Saved By the Bell's leading ladies, admitting during a 2019 appearance on Anna Faris' Unqualified podcast that he briefly wooed Berkley.
是的,扎克·莫里斯(Zack Morris)與貝爾拯救的三位女主角約會(huì), 并在 2019 年安娜·法瑞絲( Anna Faris)的Unqualified播客中承認(rèn),他曾短暫地向伯克利求愛。
"You're in an environment—you know how it is," he explained. "When you're working on a set, and we were young, there's no one around, really. I mean, you work and live in a bubble."
No wonder Zack had to call so many time outs.
Mario Lopez and Tiffani Thiessen
While Lopez's A.C. and Berkeley's Jessie were OTP on Saved By the Bell, Lopez revealed he romanced Thiessen in his memoir, Just Between Us.
雖然洛佩茲的 AC 和伯克利的杰西在被鐘聲拯救時(shí)是 OTP ,但洛佩茲在他的回憶錄《就在我們之間》中透露他與泰森有過戀情。
He wrote that they "went to movies, went out to eat, hung out at parties, danced together," and eventually became an official couple. But Lopez admitted to being unfaithful, writing, "I thought that being loyal to Tiffani was the right thing to do. But I can't say that I was capable at that age of following through on my noble intentions."
Brian Austin Green and Tori Spelling
Just how serious was the Beverly Hills, 90210 co-stars' off-set romance? Well, it depends on who you ask.
"Brian Austin Green, I mean David and Donna, we were on camera together and we are off camera, something," Spelling explained on the Woman on Top podcast in 2020. "[Brian] and I have different perspectives of what that was. There's the young girl version and the young boy version, so two different versions."
“布萊恩·奧斯汀·格林,我的意思是大衛(wèi)和唐娜,我們一起在鏡頭前,我們?cè)阽R頭外,”Spelling 在 2020 年的 Woman on Top 播客中解釋道。“[Brian] 和我對(duì)那是什么有不同的看法。有少女版??和少年版,所以是兩個(gè)不同的版本。”
She continued, "It's so funny, because to me, I was like, 'Remember that summer we were together? You said 'I love you' and I said 'I love you.' And he remembers none of that. He was like, 'No, we hooked up. We were friends.' And I was like, 'Cool, OK.' Even now I'm like, 'OK, cool.'"
她繼續(xù)說(shuō)道,“這太有趣了,因?yàn)閷?duì)我來(lái)說(shuō),我就像,'還記得我們?cè)谝黄鸬哪莻€(gè)夏天嗎?你說(shuō)'我愛你',我說(shuō)'我愛你'。他什么都不記得了。他說(shuō),“不,我們勾搭上了。我們是朋友。” 我當(dāng)時(shí)想,“酷,好吧。” 即使現(xiàn)在我還是喜歡,‘好吧,很酷。’”
During a test on 2015's Celebrity Lie Detector, Spelling admitted she was "always in love" with Green, while also revealing she once kissed Luke Perry and had a summer fling with Jason Priestley. (Priestley's response? "I'm not getting into this... It's nobody's business... Either way...," he tweeted at the time.)
在2015 年 名人測(cè)謊儀的測(cè)試中,斯佩林承認(rèn)她“一直愛著”格林,同時(shí)還透露她曾經(jīng)親吻盧克佩里,并與杰森普里斯特利度過了一個(gè)夏天。(普里斯特利的回應(yīng)?“我不會(huì)介入這個(gè)……這不關(guān)任何人的事……不管怎樣……”他當(dāng)時(shí)在推特上寫道。)
Melissa Joan Hart and Ryan Reynolds
Long before he married Blake Lively, the Deadpool star made out with the '90s TV icon after they co-starred in the 1996 TV movie, Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
早在他與布萊克·萊弗利結(jié)婚之前,這位死侍明星就與 90 年代的電視偶像在 1996 年的電視電影《少女女巫薩布麗娜》中共同出演后結(jié)識(shí)了。
In her 2013 memoir, Melissa Explains It All: Tales from My Abnormally Normal Life, the actress revealed Reynolds gifted her with a watch on his final day of filming as Seth, Sabrina's crush. So, naturally, the co-stars ended up kissing in her hotel room.
在她 2013 年的回憶錄中,梅麗莎解釋了這一切:來(lái)自我異常正常生活的故事,這位女演員透露雷諾茲在拍攝薩布麗娜的迷戀塞斯的最后一天給了她一塊手表。所以,很自然地,聯(lián)合主演最終在她的酒店房間里接吻。
"I remember that his lips were pretty wonderful, plus he has these big hands and shoulders that completely swallowed my petite frame," she wrote. "It was a terrific distraction from how strongly he smelled of hair product."
Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini
After years of rumors about a possible off-screen romance between the original American Idol finalists, Clarkson confirmed that the performers did date...just not while competing against each other.
"We didn't date during Idol, which everybody thought we were dating," she explained during a 2015 appearance on Watch What Happens Live, going on to reveal they did "date a little bit" while filming their 2003 box office bomb, From Justin to Kelly.
“我們沒有在偶像期間約會(huì),每個(gè)人都認(rèn)為我們?cè)诩s會(huì),”她在 2015 年的Watch What Happens Live露面時(shí)解釋道,繼續(xù)透露他們?cè)谂臄z 2003 年票房炸彈時(shí)確實(shí)“約會(huì)了一點(diǎn)”,從賈斯汀對(duì)凱利。
She continued, "I think any two people who are thrown together that much [would eventually date]. 'Timeless,' you put that song on From Justin to Kelly—you can't fight it!"
她繼續(xù)說(shuō),“我認(rèn)為任何兩個(gè)如此糾纏在一起的人[最終會(huì)約會(huì)]。'永恒',你把這首歌從賈斯汀到凱利 - 你無(wú)法抗拒!”
Miley Cyrus and Lucas Till
While filming Hannah Montana: The Movie in 2009, Cyrus quietly dated her on-screen love interest.
在 2009 年拍攝漢娜蒙塔娜:電影時(shí),賽勒斯悄悄地與她在銀幕上的愛情對(duì)象約會(huì)。
Till spilled the news about their two-month romance while promoting the Disney flick, telling an Atlanta radio station at the time, "I think it will make the movie a little better cause it was definitely real."
Vanessa Hudgens and Josh Hutcherson
Following her 2010 split from Zac Efron, Hudgens briefly dated her Journey 2: The Mysterious Island co-star. But the news of their relationship only came out after their breakup...while promoting their movie.
在 2010 年與扎克·埃夫隆分手后,哈金斯與她的《旅程 2:神秘島》聯(lián)合主演短暫約會(huì)。但他們關(guān)系的消息是在他們分手后才傳出來(lái)的……同時(shí)宣傳他們的電影。
During a joint appearance on an Australian morning show in 2012, the former couple were asked, "How long have you two been going out?"
Cue a pause that lasted a lifetime and a confused exchange of looks, before Hutcherson answered, making things even more awkward.
在 Hutcherson 回答之前,出現(xiàn)了持續(xù)一生的停頓和困惑的眼神交流,這讓事情變得更加尷尬。
"We're not. We were at one point, but she broke my heart…no, I'm just kidding," he trailed off, to nervous laughter from Hudgens.


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