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Text A

Pre-reading Activities
First Listening
1. Rapid advances in technology are affecting education just like every other field. Have a look at this list of products and services that students of the future will have, and imagine what each one does. Then, as you listen to the tape, circle the products and services that you hear the students talk about.
cyberbooks virtual classes automatic essay generators remote-control pencils Knowledge Transplant Centers

Second Listening
2. What other technological advances do you imagine will affect education in the 21st century? What about other aspects of human life and civilization?

The Next 30 years

Edward Cornish

In less than three years the world will reach the outstanding year 2000, and in less than four — on January 1, 2001, to be precise — a new millennium will begin. I am encouraged to offer my personal view of what is likely to happen in the next 30 years — a view that is heavily influenced by years of reading articles and books about the future.
To begin with, the next 30 years will almost certainly bring us incredible new achievements. The problems and dangers now facing the world are, in my judgement, far outweighed by solutions and opportunities. It is true enough that humans have an extraordinary genius for making mistakes, but it is balanced by our strong tendency to notice and correct them.

Rising Living Standards
The trends indicate that humans will be better off economically 30 years from now than they are today. Hundreds of millions of people will live in homes that will seem like palaces to their parents and grandparents. At the same time, brought together by telecommunications, people around the world will work together more efficiently than ever before. Expertise will flow easily and cheaply to places where it is needed. Computers and cellular phones will become commonplaces.
Thanks to genetic engineering, plants will grow bigger, mature faster, need less fertilizer, and resist insects and diseases. New materials will permit improvements in products ranging from refrigerators to automobiles; roofs may rarely need repairs; stockings and underwear may not wear out during the owner's lifetime.

Living to Be 200 Years Old
Life expectancy will rise around the world, creating a rapidly growing proportion of old people in the population, as well as the age of the oldest humans — now above 120 years. Rapid progress in biotechnology suggests that breakthroughs may occur that will enable medical science to slow or reverse the aging process. This could mean that many people born in the next 30 years may live to be 200, 300, or more years old.
Increased life expectancy has some serious drawbacks, however. As people get older, more will find themselves disabled. Happily, increasingly sophisticated medicines and devices to assist the ill and disabled will become available in the coming decades. Researchers are finding ways to prevent and even partially cure blindness, deafness, muscular deterioration, and other problems connected with aging. This means that increasing numbers of people will be able to work and support themselves for years beyond the typical retirement age of 65.

The Global Village
The nations of the world will become more tightly integrated because of rapidly improving telecommunications and transportation. A global culture will develop rapidly and take its pick of clothing styles, foods, drinks, games, sports and customs from countries everywhere.
A network of superhighways will link up the nations of Asia, Europe, and Africa. Engineers are already talking enthusiastically about a tunnel under the Mediterranean at Gibraltar to link Europe with Africa. And superhighways across the Eurasian land mass will allow residents of Shanghai and Hong Kong to drive comfortably and rapidly to destinations like Paris, Rome, and Stockholm. Travelers in a hurry will, of course, still prefer to fly, especially over long distances. Space-planes should be in service within the next 20 years, making flights from Tokyo to New York in only a couple of hours.

Humans Colonize Space
We will push the frontiers of human settlement in all directions. The Moon will acquire its first permanent base, and the human population living in space will rise steadily, as manufacturing develops aboard spacecraft and the resources of other planets are explored. Meanwhile, advancing technology will also solve many of the problems of living and working in unfriendly environments on Earth, so the population of Antarctica and the Polar Regions will climb steadily. The forbidding Himalayas may experience a development boom, including, perhaps, luxury hotels for tourists.
The pace of ocean development will speed up as seaside nations increasingly assert their ownership of the resources off their shores. Ocean farming will become increasingly attractive as food prices rise. Studies have shown that the biological productivity of the ocean can be greatly increased by adding certain chemicals.

Future Dangers and Problems
The 21st century will be a century of fantastic achievement, but it may be accompanied by horrors on an unheard-of scale, as was the 20th century with its world wars and atomic bombs. The biggest single cloud hanging over the next 30 years is violence — crime, terrorism, and war. The Cold War is over, but hot wars on a smaller scale must be expected. In addition, nuclear weapons may be used by terrorists.
The world's growing population and intensifying economic activity are increasingly destroying forests and polluting land, water, and air. Successful programs for reducing air pollution in many cities and restoring forests in many areas have demonstrated that environmental destruction is not irreversible, but the job will take great effort on a global scale.
Unfortunately, the steady rise in world population makes it likely that, for the world as a whole, environmental conditions will continue to worsen for some years to come. Though a number of precious animal species such as pandas may be preserved, thousands upon thousands of others will almost certainly perish during the next 50 years as their habitats shrink.
If we cannot look forward to a peaceful, problem-free future, we can at least comfort ourselves with the realization that it will probably be the best period of history we humans have ever experienced.
(937 words)

New Words

a. 1. exact in form, detail, measurements, time, etc. 精確的
2. particular; exact; very 恰好的
3. sharply clear 極清楚的

n. a period of 1,000 years 一千年,千年期

vt. 1. be greater in value or importance than 在價(jià)值(或重要性、影響等)上超過
2. be greater in weight 在重量上超過

n. the parent of sb.'s father or mother 祖父或祖母;外祖父或外祖母

n. 電信,遠(yuǎn)距離通信

ad. in a way that works very well and without waste 效率高地;能勝任地

a. of a telephone system that works by radio 蜂窩移動電話系統(tǒng)的

n. things frequently seen, not anything special 尋常的事物,常見的事物
a. 平凡的,普通的

n. the science or profession of an engineer 工程學(xué);工程師行業(yè)

n. a natural or chemical substance to help plants grow well 肥料

n. 冰箱

ad. seldom 很少,難得

n. 內(nèi)衣

n. 期望;預(yù)期;(根據(jù)概率統(tǒng)計(jì)求得的)預(yù)期數(shù)額

life expectancy

n. 1. (of) the relative amounts, sizes, etc., of two or more things 比例,比
2. (of) a part or share of a whole 部分;份額

1. (of) in proportion 成比例的
2. concerning proportion 比例(上)的

n. 生物工藝學(xué)(把工藝技術(shù)應(yīng)用于生物科學(xué),如生物工程)

n. 突破;突破性進(jìn)展;重大成就,關(guān)鍵問題的解決

vt. make able; make possible 使能夠,使可能

a. 1. refined and advanced 高級的,尖端的
2. having or showing a lot of experience of the world and social situations 老于世故的

V. (in, with) help 幫助,幫忙

a. 1. 肌肉的
2. 肌肉發(fā)達(dá)的,強(qiáng)健的

n. 退化;惡化;變壞

vi. become worse 變壞;惡化;退化

n. the condition of stopping working because of old age 退休,退職

vt. (with, into) combine (parts) into a whole 使結(jié)合;使成一體

n. 1. a large system of lines, tubes, wires, etc. that cross or meet one another 網(wǎng)狀系統(tǒng)
2. 廣播網(wǎng);電視網(wǎng);廣播(或電視)聯(lián)播公司

n. 超級(高速)公路

n. 隧道,地道

n. a person who lives (in a place) and is not just a visitor 居民

a. (of part of a town) consisting of private houses, without offices or factories (市鎮(zhèn)的)居住的,住宅區(qū)的

n. the place where one lives; a house, esp. a large important one 住所;住宅;公館

vi. to have one's home 居住

n. a place to which sb. or sth. is going or is being sent 目的地,終點(diǎn)

n. 宇宙飛機(jī)

colonize, -ise
vt. 在…開拓殖民地

n. 邊境,邊界;邊疆(the~)(美)(靠近未開發(fā)地帶的)開發(fā)地區(qū)邊緣;邊遠(yuǎn)地區(qū)

n. 1. 定居;移民,殖民
2. 殖民地;居留地

a. lasting for a long time or forever 持久的;永久的

prep. on or into (a ship, aircraft, train, bus, etc.) 在(船、飛機(jī)、車)上,上(船、飛機(jī)、車)

n. a vehicle able to travel in space 宇宙飛船

n. (a period of) sudden growth or prosperity 迅速發(fā)展(期);繁榮(期)

vt. 1. state or declare forcefully and clearly 斷言;堅(jiān)持說;宣稱
2. show, esp. forcefully, the existence of 有力地表明;明示

n. the right of having sth. as one's property 所有權(quán)

n. the rate or efficiency of producing; the ability to produce things生產(chǎn)率;生產(chǎn)力

a. 1. wonderful, great 了不起的,極好的
2. extraordinary 異乎尋常的
3. (of an idea, plan, etc.) too unrealistic to be practical or reasonable 幻想的,異想天開的

n. imagination; sth. one imagines but is unlikely to happen 想象;幻想;想象的事物

a. 原子(能)的

n. 原子

n. 炸彈
vt. 轟炸,投彈于

n. 恐怖主義;恐怖行為

n. 恐怖分子;暴徒

v. (cause to) become more intense 加強(qiáng);增強(qiáng);強(qiáng)化

n. (大)熊貓,(大)貓熊

vt. (from) keep (sth.) safe; prolong the lifetime or existence of (sth.) 保護(hù);保存,保藏

vi. 1. be completely destroyed 被摧毀,毀滅;消亡
2. die as a result of accident or very hard conditions 卒;喪生

n. the natural home of an animal or plant (動植物的)生境,棲息地

v. (cause to) become smaller (使)收縮,(使)縮小

a. 1. without war 和平的
2. quiet and calm without any worry or excitement 平靜的,寧靜的

a. without any problems 沒有問題的

n. 1. (an experience of) understanding and believing 認(rèn)識;領(lǐng)悟
2. (of a hope or purpose) becoming real (指希望或目的的)實(shí)現(xiàn)

realize, -ise
vt. 1. understand and believe; be or become conscious of 了解;領(lǐng)悟;認(rèn)識到
2. make (a hope, purpose, fear, etc.) real 使(希望、目的、恐懼等)實(shí)現(xiàn)

Phrases and Expressions

to begin with
1. in the first place 首先,第一
2. at first 起初,本來

in sb.'s judgement
in sb.'s opinion 在某人看來

be better off
having more money; being in a better condition 富裕;境況(尤指經(jīng)濟(jì)境況)好起來

wear out
(cause to) become useless, threadbare, exhausted 穿破,磨損;用壞;(使)疲倦;(使)耗盡

take one's pick
choose (sth. one likes from a group of things) (從…中)挑選(自己喜愛的東西)

link up
(cause to) join or connect 連接;聯(lián)系
in service
being used; in use 在使用中

speed up
(cause to) move or develop faster (使)加快速度

on... scale

as a whole
as one thing and not as separate parts 作為一個整體

look forward to
anticipate with pleasure 盼望;期待

Proper Names

Edward Cornish

地中海(=Mediterranean Sea)

直布羅陀海峽(=Strait of Gibraltar)



the Himalayas


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