金融世界 第十三講
自從二十世紀(jì)八十年代初開(kāi)始,澳大利亞與其他許多國(guó)家一樣實(shí)行了貨幣浮動(dòng)匯率制,英文是 floating exchange rates。也就是說(shuō),澳大利亞元的價(jià)格要隨著市場(chǎng)的變化而不斷變動(dòng)。
1 fixed exchange rates 固定匯率
2 Gold Standard 金本位制,以黃金為本位貨幣的貨幣制度,1819年英國(guó)首先采用,1929年后被大多數(shù)國(guó)家放棄
3 Bretton Woods system 布雷頓森林貨幣體系,1944年7月在美國(guó)新罕布什爾州布雷頓森林舉行了聯(lián)合國(guó)家貨幣金融會(huì)議,確定一盎司黃金等于三十五美元,其他貨幣與美元匯率在上下百分之一的幅度內(nèi)浮動(dòng)
4 crawling peg system 蠕動(dòng)釘住匯率制,布雷頓森林匯率制度瓦解后的一種匯率制度,只對(duì)匯率作少量調(diào)整,避免劇烈變動(dòng)
5 International Monetary Fund 國(guó)際貨幣基金組織
Precisely because the exchange rate is such an exceptionally important price, many find it surprising, and even alarming, that it is allowed to fluctuate from day to day, from hour to hour, and even from minute to minute, according to the vagaries of market forces.
Throughout most of the 19th century, and for part of the 20th century, the world economy operated on a quite rigorous system of fixed exchange rates, known as the 'Gold Standard'. Though the Gold Standard was abandoned during the Great Depression, a modified regime of fixed exchange rates was reinstated with the reconstruction of the international financial mechanism after the Second World War. This was known as the 'Bretton Woods system', presided over by the International Monetary Fund.
Even as late as the early 1980s, though the original Bretton Woods mechanism had by then essentially collapsed internationally, the Australian authorities were still attempting to manage the exchange rate under a so-called 'crawling peg' system, with the object of stabilising the price of the dollar.
But in December 1983, the then Federal Treasurer, Paul Keating announced the floating of the dollar.
The major part of the story has to do with the market determining the exchange rate, but the market in itself is reacting to a number of underlying factors and those include how much is exported, how much is imported, what relative interest rates are, how much demand and supply, if you like, there is for the Australian or the US dollar relative to other currencies.
So it's a market determined rate and in that sense, what's happening in the trading rooms is that the traders are trying to figure out where the market is going. And for most purposes I think the evidence is that they do not have a great deal of influence in anything other than a little bit on the day to day side.
1 determine 決定
2 underlying 基本的,潛在的
3 export 出口
4 import 進(jìn)口
5 demand 需求
6 supply 供應(yīng)
Well in a day to day term, the speculators can have some influence. But in floating exchange rate markets, speculators can only make money if they help to stabilise the market, not if they make it more unstable. And so, the exchange rate and the flexible exchange rate system are determined by two fundamental forces. One is trade, and second, by capital movements. If a country is an attractive place for foreigners to invest their funds, then that country will have a relatively high exchange rate. If it's an unattractive place it will be a relatively low exchange rate. But those are the fundamentals that really determine the exchange rate in a floating exchange rate system.
1 fixed exchange rates 固定匯率
2 Gold Standard 金本位制
3 Bretton Woods system 布雷頓森林貨幣體系
4 crawling peg system 蠕動(dòng)釘住匯率制
5 International Monetary Fund 國(guó)際貨幣基金組織
6 flexible exchange rate 可變匯率制
這次由澳洲廣播電臺(tái) Radio Australia