Hi, welcome to our latest i
大家好,歡迎收聽Faith輕松電臺的最新一期節(jié)目,我是Faith。首先謝謝大家今天的到訪,希望你們覺得我們的節(jié)目有意義,有價值,有知識性!今天,我想和大家一起分享一些積極人生座右銘, 希望你們喜歡! |
Refuse to be unhappy, be cheerful instead. Refuse to let your troubles multiply, just take them one by one. Organize your time, keep your life simple and exactly the way you want it. 拒絕心情不快,時刻神采飛揚。別讓問題堆積如山,一個一個著手解決。做時間的主人,以自己喜歡的方式簡單地生活。 |
Refuse to complain about things, learn to improve your surroundings and create your world the way you believe it should be. 不要抱怨,學習如何改善環(huán)境,創(chuàng)造你的理想世界。 |
Refuse to dwell on the mistakes or disappointments that are sometimes a part of life, instead learn how you can make things better. 不要沉湎于錯誤和失望中難以自拔,有時它們是生活不可或缺的組成部分,學會從中吸取教訓,下次做得更好。 |
Be optimistic. Be energetic and positive about the things you do, and always hope for the best. 保持樂觀。保持旺盛精力和積極心態(tài),追求完美。 |
You’re listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. Believe in yourself at all times and in all aspects of your life. Before you know it, those wonderful dreams you have believed in all your life will come true, and your life will be the happy and successful life that it was meant to be. 您正在收聽的是Faith輕松電臺,我是Faith。相信自己,時時刻刻,事事處處。等你明白這一切,生命中的美好愿望都將實現(xiàn)。生活將如你所愿,快樂幸福并且成功。 |