Neither here nor there這個習慣用語的意思是無關(guān)緊要。我之所以這么說,是因為在電影院里保持安靜是最起碼的禮貌,先來后到其實并不重要。
例句-1:Our senator was found guilty of taking tax money to pay for his summer home. When confronted, he reminded reporters that he had been serving the citizens for over 40 years. That remark was neither here nor there; he'd broken the law! Did he think that he could divert our attention from his crime?
這倒讓我想到一件好笑的事情。每次我老公做錯事,只要我嗓門稍微一升高,他馬上就會夸我看上去年輕漂亮。What he's saying is neither here nor there. 他這么說明擺著就是在轉(zhuǎn)移視線,避重就輕。
例句-2:My tour of duty is nearly over and my mom's busy planning my favorite meals. I really appreciate her thinking of me. But whatever she makes seems neither here nor there. It just isn't that important. What I care about is being home with my family again.
說到年紀,neither here nor there,這個習慣用語最早出現(xiàn)是在1583年。