今天我們要講的美國習慣用語是:come down on like a ton of bricks。Ton,是一噸兩噸的噸; brick,是磚頭的意思。A ton of bricks一噸重的磚頭砸下來,想想都讓人不寒而栗。Come down on like a ton of bricks,這個習慣用語的意思就是嚴厲懲罰的意思。
大學剛畢業(yè)的時候,我干過一段時間的導游。我們經理最不能忍受的就是員工遲到。有一次,一個同事因為沒趕上車來晚了,經理根本不聽她的解釋,當場就把她開除了,He came down on her like a ton of bricks. 沒錯。 當時的情況就是這樣。
我們經??吹矫绹娪袄镉杏柧毿卤钠?,當兵的除了"Yes, Sir!"和"No, Sir!"以外,好像什么也不能說。對于下面這個軍人來說,新兵連里的生活至今還歷歷在目。
例句-1:After enlisting in the army, I didn't know if I'd survive basic training. My sergeant was really strict. Anytime one of us in the platoon made the slightest mistake, he'd come down on us like a ton of bricks. He thought by disciplining us in such a severe way, we'd become better soldiers.
我原來有一個同學,父親管得特別嚴,考試只要考不到全班前三名,回家就會受罰。Her father would come down on her like a ton of bricks. 除了老板、長官、和家長外,還有什么人會如此嚴厲呢。我們來聽聽下面這個男孩子是怎么說的。
例句-2:I really disliked my fifth grade teacher. She used to come down on me like a ton of bricks. Once I was sent to the principal's office just for chewing gum in class. I couldn't wait to finish that school year!
聽起來,這個老師確實夠厲害。在美國,老師是不能對學生進行體罰的。大多數(shù)學校甚至明令禁止老師碰學生,因為以前出過不少家長告老師虐待孩子的情況。因此,學校都不希望有律師coming down on them like a ton of bricks.