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美國(guó)之音之流行美語(yǔ)racket / That does it!




Popular American - #106



That does it!

今天Larry和李華在學(xué)校的書店里買書。李華會(huì)學(xué)到兩個(gè)常用語(yǔ):racket和That does it!

(Bookstore SFX)

LH:   Hey, Larry, 你不是想買下學(xué)期的課本嗎?那還不趁我們?cè)跁贲s緊買了?

LL:   I want to buy them, but these prices are ridiculous!  The textbook business is such a racket!

LH:  你想買書,可是又嫌這些書太貴呀?你還說(shuō)出版課本的行業(yè)怎么啦?什么是a racket?

LL:   That's right.  I said the textbook business is a racket. A "racket" is an unfair criminal business that makes lots of money, like gambling or extortion.

LH:   Oh, racket這個(gè)詞在這里的意思是“牟取暴利”,就好比賭博和詐騙一樣的非法行為。Larry,你的意思是這些課本定價(jià)過(guò)高,就象是在敲詐勒索,有那么嚴(yán)重嗎?

LL:   Absolutely! Look at this!  This history book costs $90?!  The publishers know we have no choice but to buy the book, so the prices are really high.  What a racket!

LH:   哎喲,還真是的。這本歷史書要賣九十美元,是夠貴的。那些出版商明明知道我們沒(méi)別的辦法,只能買這些書,所以把價(jià)錢定這么高。這真是像敲詐勒索。那Larry, 你覺(jué)得還有什么是racket呢?

LL:   I think that cable TV is a racket.  There's only one company in town; they are always raising prices, and all the channels worth watching cost extra.  It's a racket!

LH:   對(duì)呀,我們這兒只有一家提供有線電視的公司。他們老是漲價(jià)??墒荓arry, 看不看電視問(wèn)題不大。你知道嗎 - 有的醫(yī)院還趁人之危,敲詐勒索孕婦呢!

LL:   Really?  What do you mean exactly?

LH:   比方說(shuō),我聽說(shuō)有的醫(yī)院讓孕婦做一些不必要的檢查,收的錢還非常多,那些孕婦不懂,只能聽醫(yī)生的。這真是和詐騙一樣。

LL:   Wow, now that's a real racket.


LL:   Oh man, look at this!  $85 for a book of old essays on U.S. Politics?  That does it!  I'm buying my textbooks online.

LH:  這本美國(guó)政治論文集要賣85美元?你說(shuō) - "That does it"?  這是什么意思?

LL:   Well, when someone says  "That does it",  he means that he is so upset that he is no longer willing to accept something.

LH:    噢,"That does it"就是一個(gè)人對(duì)某件事非常生氣,以致到了寧可放棄的地步。 哎,那不就相當(dāng)于中文所說(shuō)的“得了,算了吧”?Larry, 你是說(shuō)這些課本要價(jià)太高,所以你干脆不在這兒買,到因特網(wǎng)上去買了?

LL:   That's right!  If a situation gets so bad that you cannot stand it, you can yell "that does it!", and then do something about the problem.

LH:   Hmm... 要是你實(shí)在覺(jué)得忍無(wú)可忍,你就可以大聲說(shuō):That does it!哎,Larry, 我好象明白這個(gè)用法了,可是你能不能再給我舉個(gè)例子呢?

LL:   Well, for example, if an employee always comes to work late, one day the boss might say "You're late again?  That does it!  You're fired!"

LH:   Ah. 這正是我對(duì)我表妹說(shuō)的話。她每天上班都遲到。我對(duì)她說(shuō)總有一天他老板會(huì)覺(jué)得忍無(wú)可忍。你的老板會(huì)說(shuō):“得了,你今后別來(lái)上班了。”原來(lái)在英文里就可以說(shuō):"That does it! You're fired!"

LL:   Now you know how to use "That does it!" Why don't you give me an example.

LH:   有了,Larry,有一天你會(huì)在照鏡子的時(shí)候?qū)ψ约赫f(shuō), "That does it!  我一定要減肥了!"

LL: (Angry) That does it, Li Hua!  I told you to stop making fun of my weight.

LH:  Hey! 別生氣,Larry!  我是跟你開玩笑呢!而且我發(fā)現(xiàn)你最近好像瘦了。你是不是在吃什么減肥食品???

LL:   A special diet?  No way!  All those diet books and special foods are a racket.  I just decided to exercise regularly and eat less junk food.

LH:  這話我同意,那些減肥書和減肥食品都很貴,主要是為了騙錢,其實(shí)最重要的是鍛煉身體,少吃零食。Good for you, Larry!

今天李華從Larry那兒學(xué)到了兩個(gè)常用語(yǔ)。一個(gè)是racket, 意思是價(jià)格太高,就象敲詐勒索一樣。另一個(gè)常用語(yǔ)是That does it! 中文里可以說(shuō)“得了,不干了!”



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