Are you free next weekend? Some guests from Canadawill visit our school. We need some volunteers. Would you like to join us?Whatare your interests and hobbies?How can these help you to do the volunteerjob?Why do you want to do the volunteer work?Please e-mail us atInterdepart@163.combefore April 20th.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I’d like to be a volunteer. I speak English well,so it is easy for me to communicate with the visitors. Besides, I am good atpaper cutting and I want to spend time sharing the art works with them. Ibelieve they will get a better understanding of Hangzhou, for I can share whatI know with them. I love volunteering because I can do what I love to do andget a strong feeling of satisfaction when seeing the look of joy on theirfaces. I really want to join you.
Looking forward to your reply.