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題目:Withthe wide use of computers and the Internet, people can study and work from homewithout going to school or company. Do the advantages outweigh itsdisadvantages?


好寫的題目都有一個共同的特點,就是貼近大家的學(xué)習(xí)工作生活,容易想到很多的素材和理由。如果你在家工作,你就不用每天去擠公交和地鐵,浪費時間不說,還把人折磨得身心俱疲(save a great deal of time and energy)。另外,時間安排會更靈活(have a flexible schedule)。只要你能完成任務(wù)(meetthe deadline),不管你幾點開工,很多人早上9點腦子還沒醒過來,而到了晚上他們反而工作起來倍精神。對于學(xué)生,如果在網(wǎng)上上課當(dāng)然也很方便,除了免去上學(xué)放學(xué)的辛苦,還可以把課程錄下來反復(fù)聽(review the course content many times),無論學(xué)霸學(xué)渣都可以按照自己的節(jié)奏來復(fù)習(xí)。

關(guān)于這種模式的弊端,主要有以下一些:讓員工和學(xué)生都缺乏面對面的交流(face-to-face communication),變得比較疏遠(yuǎn)(become alienated)。對于員工來說,少了老板的監(jiān)督和約束(supervision and discipline),很多人可能發(fā)現(xiàn)工作效率會降低。也許你上下班路上省了倆小時,結(jié)果還不夠你淘寶、聊天和打游戲的。家里的環(huán)境讓人放松(relaxing),估計很多人都覺得在家里缺乏工作的氛圍(atmosphere)。

最關(guān)鍵的一點是對于學(xué)生的影響。本篇范文用到了“劍8-1”的一些素材:學(xué)習(xí)的目的不只是學(xué)知識和獲取信息(education is not about learning information andacquiring knowledge only),還需要學(xué)習(xí)與人相處(interact with their peers),學(xué)習(xí)尊敬老師(respect their teachers),學(xué)習(xí)遵守紀(jì)律(obeyschool rules),而這些都是遠(yuǎn)程教學(xué)(distance learning)所無法學(xué)到的。所以文章的結(jié)論是:在家工作和上課也許會變得越來越流行(popular),但是這種模式只適合某些工作,而且它永遠(yuǎn)不會取代傳統(tǒng)的學(xué)校(replace conventional schools)。

2014-4-26 利用網(wǎng)絡(luò)在家工作和學(xué)習(xí)(科技類話題)

The advent of theInternet has made it possible for people to study and work from home. When weenjoy the convenience and flexibility of this new pattern, its negativeinfluence should also be noted.

Working from homeenables employees to have a flexible schedule. As long as they can meet thedeadline, they can choose any time in a day to do their work without startingor finishing at a regular time, as they do in conventional companies. In distancelearning, the course content can be recorded and replayed, which means studentscan review it as many times as they want. The most attractive part is thatemployees and students do not need to travel to the company and the schoolevery day, saving a great deal of time and energy.

However, this workpattern probably only suits some jobs that can be done on the computer such asdesigning, accounting, translation, etc. Due to the lack of face-to-facecommunication, colleagues are likely to become alienated, which may affect theircooperation. Another problem is the relaxing environment at home. Without disciplineand supervision, some employees may find it difficult to finish their tasks ontime.

The biggestconcern is perhaps for students, whose education is not about learninginformation and acquiring knowledge only. When staying in school, students willlearn how to interact with their peers, how to respect their teachers, how toobey school rules, etc. These elements are an indispensable part of education,but they will be missing in distance learning.

To sum up,learning and working via the Internet is a convenient way and it is expected tobecome more popular in the future. However, we should take other factors intoconsideration when we decide to work or study from home. In my view, thispattern will never replace conventional schools.


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