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澳廣旅游英語Discussing a Tour(b)





English for Tourism

第十六課: 討論旅游內(nèi)容

Lesson 16: Discussing a Tour




利奧: 那么現(xiàn)在讓我向您介紹一下旅游的日程吧。我們?cè)缟先コ擞未形缭诖a頭吃飯。然后我們可以去參觀寺廟,你們也可以回酒店休息,這就要看你們的感覺而定了。

Leo: All right. Let’s go over our itinerary. We’ll take the morning cruise and then have lunch at the quay. After that, we can visit the temples or you can come back and rest, depending on how you feel.

杰克: 好啊,那就讓我們看當(dāng)時(shí)的情況再?zèng)Q定吧。

Jack: Yes, let’s play that by ear.

利奧: 六點(diǎn)鐘的時(shí)候我們要去品嘗傳統(tǒng)式晚餐,然后去看燈會(huì)。

Leo: At six we’ll have a traditional dinner and then go to the parade.

蒙納: 太好了。我們什么時(shí)候出發(fā)?

Mona: Excellent. What time should we start out?

利奧: 我們應(yīng)該在早上七點(diǎn)半從酒店出發(fā)。不要忘記帶著你們的照相機(jī)。另外,帶些御寒的衣物也是一個(gè)好主意。游船上可能會(huì)比較冷。

Leo: We should leave the hotel at about 7.30. Don’t forget to bring your camera and it’s a good idea to wear warm clothes. It can get quite chilly on the ferry.

這段對(duì)話中的內(nèi)容很多。利奧首先集中介紹了一天的活動(dòng)內(nèi)容,確保他的客人明白第二天要做些什么及活動(dòng)的順序。需要注意的是利奧在介紹事情的前后順序時(shí)使用了AFTER THAT 和THEN這兩個(gè)詞。請(qǐng)跟著練習(xí)下列的短句。

… and then.

… and then have lunch at the quay.

After that.

After that we can visit the temples.


利奧: 不要忘記帶著你們的照相機(jī)。。。

Leo: We should leave the hotel at about 7.30. Don’t forget to bring your camera.

利奧: 帶些御寒的衣物也是一個(gè)好主意。

Leo: …and it’s a good idea to wear warm clothes.

在這里,利奧分別使用了DON’T FORGET 和IT’S A GOOD IDEA 這兩個(gè)句型。讓我們和老師一起來練習(xí)一下。

Don’t forget.

Don’t forget to bring your camera.

It’s a good idea.

It’s a good idea to wear warm clothes.


Leo: All right. Let’s go over our itinerary.

Leo: We’ll take the morning cruise…

Leo: …and then have lunch at the quay.

Leo: After that, we can visit the temples…

Leo: …or you can come back and rest…
Leo: …depending on how you feel.
Jack: Yes, let’s play that by ear.
Leo: At six we’ll have a traditional dinner

Leo: …and then go to the parade.
Mona: Excellent. What time should we start out? 

Leo: We should leave the hotel at about 7.30.
Leo: Don’t forget to bring your camera…
Leo: …and it’s a good idea to wear warm clothes.
Leo: It can get quite chilly on the ferry.


第十六課: 討論旅游內(nèi)容。

Lesson 16: Discussing a Tour


Mona: Should we take any food?

Leo: There’s a kiosk on the ferry but I can ask the kitchen to make up something to take with you if you prefer.

Jack: Thanks Leo, some sandwiches would be great.

Leo: I’ll make the arrangements now. See you in the lobby at 7.30.

Mona: Yes, see you then, Leo.


蒙納: 我們需要帶任何食物嗎?

Mona: Should we take any food?

利奧: 游船上有個(gè)小賣部。但是如果你們?cè)敢獾脑挘铱梢酝ㄖ獜N房為你們準(zhǔn)備一些東西。

Leo: There’s a kiosk on the ferry but I can ask the kitchen to make up something to take with you if you prefer.

杰克: 謝謝你,利奧。準(zhǔn)備一些三明治就好了。

Jack: Thanks Leo, some sandwiches would be great.

利奧: 我現(xiàn)在就去做安排。我們明天七點(diǎn)半在酒店大堂見。

Leo: I’ll make the arrangements now. See you in the lobby at 7.30.

蒙納: 好吧。明天見,利奧。

Mona: Yes, see you then, Leo.

在這部份的對(duì)話中有一個(gè)非常有用的短語 IF YOU PREFER, 如果你們?cè)敢獾脑挕D€記得嗎?在此之前我們還學(xué)習(xí)了另外一個(gè)短語,那就是 DEPENDING ON HOW YOU FEEL , 看你們的感覺而定。當(dāng)我們想要給客人提供不同的選擇,讓客人自己做出決定時(shí),這兩個(gè)短語就可以派上用場了。它們?cè)诼糜螛I(yè)和服務(wù)業(yè)英語常用對(duì)話中非常有用。同樣的,I’LL MAKE THE ARRANGEMENTS. “我就去做安排”這句短語也可以用在服務(wù)業(yè)中的多種場合。另外,在這段對(duì)話中我們還學(xué)習(xí)了 START OUT “出發(fā)” 這個(gè)詞組,這個(gè)詞組的意思和用法與 WHAT TIME DO WE LEAVE? “我們什么時(shí)候出發(fā)?”,這句話中的LEAVE 是一樣的。讓我們一起來練習(xí)一下好嗎?我先給出中文,請(qǐng)您將它們譯成英語。


If you prefer.


Or you can take a taxi if you prefer.


Depending on how you feel.


Or you can take a taxi, depending on how you feel.


I’ll make the arrangements.


What time will we start out?


杰克這句話的意思就是“讓我們看當(dāng)時(shí)的情況再?zèng)Q定”。我們說 TO PLAY SOMETHING BY EAR 的用意就是要避免對(duì)事情做出最終的結(jié)論,等事到臨頭的時(shí)候根據(jù)當(dāng)事人的感覺而定。請(qǐng)跟著老師重復(fù)這個(gè)句子。

Jack: Yes, let’s play that by ear.

杰克這句話的意思就是“讓我們看當(dāng)時(shí)的情況再?zèng)Q定”。我們說“TO PLAY SOMETHING BY EAR” 的用意就是要避免對(duì)事情做出最終的結(jié)論,等事到臨頭的時(shí)候根據(jù)當(dāng)事人的感覺而定和 “LET’S WAIT AND DECIDE LATER”“等稍后再做決定”是一樣的意思。請(qǐng)跟著老師重復(fù)這個(gè)句子。

Let’s play it by ear.

Let’s play it by ear.

Let’s wait and play it by ear.

Let’s wait and play it by ear.


Mona: Should we take any food? 
Leo: There’s a kiosk on the ferry…
Leo: …but I can ask the kitchen…
Leo: … to make up something to take with you...
Leo: …if you prefer.
Jack: Thanks Leo, some sandwiches would be great.
Leo: I’ll make the arrangements now.
Leo: See you in the lobby at 7.30.
Mona: Yes, see you then, Leo.

Leo: Now, what did you have in mind? A full day tour?
Jack: Yes.

Mona: The zoo looks good. I love animals.
Jack: But we can go to the zoo anywhere, Mona. Leo, what’s something we can only see in this city?
Leo: Well, you’re in luck. The Lantern Festival parade is on tomorrow. It’s very colourful.
Mona: Is it near the harbour? I’d love to see the harbour.
Jack: We have harbours in Australia, Mona.
Leo: Perhaps this will interest you. It’s a dolphin watch harbour cruise.
Jack: How much will that set us back, Leo?
Leo: As you can see, the price is very reasonable.
Mona: Oh this looks good.
Leo: It’s going to be fine and sunny tomorrow. Perfect for a cruise.
Jack: I think I’d like to see the parade.
Leo: You can do both! The cruise takes four hours and the parade doesn’t start until after sunset.
Jack: Sounds good to me.
Leo: All right. Let’s go over our itinerary. We’ll take the morning cruise and then have lunch at the quay. After that, we can visit the temples or you can come back and rest… depending on how you feel. 
Jack: Yes, let’s play that by ear.
Leo: At six we’ll have a traditional dinner and then go to the parade.
Mona: Excellent. What time should we start out?
Leo: We should leave the hotel at about 7.30. Don’t forget to bring your camera and it’s a good idea to wear warm clothes. It can get quite chilly on the ferry.
Mona: Should we take any food?
Leo: There’s a kiosk on the ferry, but I can ask the kitchen to make up something to take with you, if you prefer.
Jack: Thanks Leo, some sandwiches would be great.
Leo: I’ll make the arrangements now. See you in the lobby at 7.30.
Mona: Yes, see you then, Leo.


Then we can go

Then we can go

Then we can go to the harbour

Don’t forget

Don’t forget

Don’t forget your camera

Then we can go

Then we can go

Then we can go to the harbour

Don’t forget

Don’t forget

Don’t forget your camera




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