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bang n. 巨響,猛擊
v. 砰的一聲,猛擊
slam v. 砰地關(guān)上:slam the window
crack n. ①裂縫[同]split ②破裂聲[同] blast,bang
v. ①發(fā)出破裂聲 ②使破裂 ③解開(難題)[同]tackle
bark n. 犬吠聲
vi. 吠叫
pop n. 砰的一聲,爆破聲
v. ①發(fā)出砰砰的聲音 ②突然出現(xiàn)
pop n. 流行音樂
a. 流行的,通俗的
aloud ad. 出聲地,大聲地
loud a. ①響亮的 ②吵鬧的
ad. 響亮地,大聲地
ring vi. ①打電話 ②按鈴
n. ①鈴聲 ②電話
[考]give sb. a ring 打電話給某人
ring off 掛斷電話
ring up 打電話
ring n. 環(huán)形物(如圈,環(huán)等)
calm a. ①安靜的,平靜的 ②鎮(zhèn)定的[同]restful
vt. 使平靜,使鎮(zhèn)定[同]pacify
peace n. ①平靜 ②和平
[考]be at peace ①處于和平狀態(tài) ②(委婉語)去世
hold one’s peace 保持緘默
make one’s peace with sb.與某人解決紛爭,講和
peaceful a. ①安靜的 ②和平的 ③愛好和平的
quiet a. ①安靜的 ②寂靜的
n. 安靜,平靜
vt. 使安靜,使平靜
silence n. ①寂靜 ②沉默[同]muteness
vt. 使沉默,使啞口無言
silent a. ①寂靜無聲的 ②沉默寡言的[同]dumb
still a./ad. ①靜止的(地) ②寂靜的(地)
n. 寂靜
chill vt. 使變冷
n. 寒冷:a chill in the air
cool a. ①涼的 ②冷靜的
v. ①使涼快 ②使冷靜
cold a. ①冷的 ②冷淡的,不熱情的[同]indifferent
n. ①冷,寒冷 ②感冒
[考]catch/have/take a cold感冒
heat n. ①熱,炎熱 ②激動
vt. 加熱,使激動
heating n. ①加熱,供暖 ②暖氣裝置
hot a. ①熱的 ②刺激的,辣的 ③熱情的 ④急躁的:a hot temper
warm a. ①溫暖的[同]heated ②熱烈的,熱情的:a warm welcome ③激烈的:a warm argument
v. ①(使)暖和 ②(使)感到親切或激動
[考]warm up(使)變暖和;(使)變得興奮
warmth n. ①暖和,溫暖[同]warmness ②熱烈,熱情[同]affection

breath n. 呼吸,氣息
[考]be out of breath 喘不過氣,氣喘吁吁
catch one’s breath 歇口氣,喘氣
hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸
take a deep breath 深呼吸
breathe v. 呼吸
puff v. ①喘氣;喘息:He was puffing after running so far.跑了這么遠后,他直喘粗氣。 ②噴,吹:The cup is puffing.茶杯在冒氣了。
n. ①(一)噴,(一)吹,吸:have a puff at the pipe抽一口煙 ②一股,一陣(氣、煙):A puff of wind blew the papers off the box.一陣風(fēng)吹走了箱子上的文件。
pant v. 氣喘吁吁地說
n. 氣喘吁吁
gasp n./v. ①喘氣,氣喘 ②(out)喘著氣說
[考]at one’s last gasp奄奄一息
gasp for渴望
gasp out:He gasped out a few words.他喘著氣說出了幾個字。
grasp n./v. ①抓住,抓緊 ②理解,掌握
[考]have a good grasp of sth.對…很了解
grasp at緊緊抓住
grip n./v. 握緊,抓牢
seize vt. ①抓住,逮捕[同]grasp ②占領(lǐng),奪取[同]capture
catch v. ①捉住 ②趕上 ③領(lǐng)會[同]understand, apprehend ④傳染[同]infect
[考]be caught in the rain被雨淋濕
catch at把握,抓住
catch on to sth.理解
catch one’s breath休息,喘氣
catch up with追上
fetch vt. 拿來,帶來
hold v. ①拿住 ②舉行 ③擁有[同]own ④容納,包容[同]accommodate ⑤認(rèn)為[同]consider
n. ①握住[同]grip ②控制,掌握[同]dominance ③貨艙
[考]hold back①退縮 ②阻止,抑制
hold on①(打電話時)不要掛斷 ②堅持
hold out①伸出 ②支持
hold up①舉起②阻擋③攔路搶劫
hold one’s breath屏住呼吸
get hold of抓住,得到
send v. ①送,寄發(fā) ②派遣
[考]send in提交
send for派人去請
bring v. ①帶來 ②引起,導(dǎo)致[同]cause ③促使[同]provoke
[考]bring about導(dǎo)致(=lead to)
bring down①打倒②降低
bring forth①產(chǎn)生 ②提示
bring oneself to do想做…
bring out公布,出版
bring to使恢復(fù)知覺
bring up養(yǎng)育
deliver v. ①投遞,交付[同]hand over ②發(fā)表,表達[同]give ③拯救 ④使分娩
[考]deliver sb. from…把某人從…解脫出來
deliverer n. ①救助者 ②交貨者 ③投遞者
delivery n. ①解救 ②交貨 ③投遞
rescue vt. 營救,援救
[考]rescue sb. from把某人從…中救出來
come/go to sb.’s rescue來/去援救某人

Smart 詞匯記憶組群92
champion n. ①冠軍 ②捍衛(wèi)者,擁護者[同]supporter
chess n. 棋;國際象棋
box v. 拳擊
n. ①箱,盒 ②包廂
skate n. ①滑冰 ②冰鞋
vi. 滑冰
ski n. 雪橇
v. 滑雪
athlete n. 運動員;田徑運動員
field n. ①田地 ②運動場 ③戰(zhàn)場 ④領(lǐng)域,范圍 ⑤磁場
gymnasium n. 體育館,健身房
stadium n. 露天大型運動場
fan n. ①(運動等)狂熱愛好者 ②扇子,風(fēng)扇
vt. 扇
fancy n. ①想象,幻想[同]imagination ②愛好,迷戀[同]liking
a. 花樣的:fancy diving花樣跳水
vt. ①喜歡 ②想象,設(shè)想:I fancy I have met you before.我相信我曾經(jīng)見過你。
imagination n. ①想象,想象力 ②空想
imagine vt. ①想象,設(shè)想[同]conceive ②料想[同]assume, suppose
[考]imagine doing sth.:I can’t imagine talking like that.
image n. ①肖像[同]picture, portrait ②印象[同]reflection
imaginary a. 想象的,虛構(gòu)的[同]fancied, factious, unreal
[辨]imaginative富有想象力的,通常指某人具有的特性:an imaginative artist;imaginary虛構(gòu)的,同義詞為unreal,指通過想象創(chuàng)造出來的人或物:an imaginary story;imaginable可以想象得到的,常與every,all,only和形容詞最高級連用,放在被修飾名詞之后:This is the only result imaginable。

Smart 詞匯記憶組群93
maximum a. 最高的,最大的:The maximum load for this lorry is one ton.這輛卡車最大載重量是一噸。
n. (pl.為maxima/maximums)最大限度,最大量:This hall holds a maximum of seventy people.
magnificent a. ①壯麗的,華麗的:a magnificent building ②極好的,很棒的
majority n. 多數(shù),大多數(shù)[反]minority
major a. 較大的,主要的[同]chief
n. ①專業(yè),主修科目 ②專業(yè)學(xué)生
vi. (in)主修,專攻:He majors in physics.
mayor n. 市長
citizen n. 公民,市民
resident n. 居民,常住者
a. 居住的
sed,sess,sid=to sit(坐)
residence n. 住處,住宅[同]dwelling, habitation
president n. ①總統(tǒng) ②校長[同]principal
assess vt. 對(財產(chǎn)等)估價[同] estimate
session n. ①會議 ②—段時間
possess v. 占有,擁有
possession n. ①占有,擁有 ②財產(chǎn),所有物
[考]in possession of擁有,占有
in the possession of在…手中
fortune n. ①命運,運氣 ②財產(chǎn),財富
[考]make a fortune發(fā)財
treasure n. ①財寶,寶物 ②寶貝
vt. 珍視[同]cherish, value:treasure sb.’s friendship
wealth n. ①財富 ②豐富,大量
[考]a wealth of大量的
wealthy a. ①富有的[同]rich ②豐富的[同]abundant:He is wealthy in wisdom.
prosperity n. 興旺,繁榮[同]boom
prosperous a. 興旺的,繁榮的
flourish vi. 繁榮,興旺[同]bloom
thrive vi. 繁榮,興旺
poor a. ①貧窮的 ②可憐的[同]miserable ③貧瘠的[同]infertile ④拙劣的[同]inferior
[考]the poor(總稱)窮人
poverty n. ①貧窮[同]poorness ②貧乏[同]scarcity
slum n. (pl.)貧民窟,貧民區(qū)
beggar n. 乞丐,窮人
beg v. 乞求[同]entreat, implore
[考]beg sb. to do sth.請求某人做:He begs his supervisor to give him another chance.
beg (for) sth.渴求
beg sb. for sth.向某人要某物

bet v. 打賭,賭
[考]bet sb. sth.以…與某人打賭
bet on sth.對某事打賭:bet on the horses賭賽馬
bet against sth.打賭某事不會發(fā)生
I bet that…我敢肯定…(=I am sure that…) 從句中用一般現(xiàn)在時表示將來:I bet that he arrives late.

rural a. 農(nóng)村的,田園的[反]urban
countryside n. 鄉(xiāng)下,農(nóng)村
country n. ①國家 ②農(nóng)村
county n. (英國)郡,(美國)縣
state n. ①狀態(tài),情況 ②國家 ③(美國的)州
vt. 陳述,說明[同]relate
[考]state that…中的that不能省略
kingdom n. ①王國[同]realm ②領(lǐng)域[同]field
empire n. 帝國
emperor n. 皇帝
crown n. ①王冠,冕 ②王權(quán),君權(quán)
vt. 給…加冕
throne n. 王位,王權(quán)
prince n. 王子,親王
princess n. 公主,王妃
noble a. ①貴族的 ②高尚的[同]lofty, elevated ③宏偉的[同]grand
royal a. 王室的,皇家的
palace n. 宮,宮殿
queen n. 王后,女王
queer a. 奇怪的,古怪的
strange a.①奇怪的 ②陌生的[同]unfamiliar ③外地的[同]exotic
[考]be strange to對…陌生:I am strange to this town.
odd a. ①古怪的,奇怪的[同]queer:an odd person ②奇數(shù)的,單的 ③臨時的:odd jobs ④有零頭的
peculiar a. ①奇異的,古怪的 ②獨特的,特有的[同]characteristic
[考]peculiar to…是…所特有的:customs peculiar to these peoples這些民族所特有的風(fēng)格習(xí)慣

yard① n. 碼(長度單位)
yard② n. ①庭院 ②場地
kilogram n. 千克,公斤
acre n. 英畝(=6,07畝)
inch n. 英寸
mile n. 英里
ampere n. 安培
volt n. 伏特,伏
voltage n. 電壓
gallon n. 加侖
liter n. 升(容量單位)
ounce n. 盎司,英兩
pint n. 品脫(容量單位)
quart n. 夸脫(=2品脫)
gram(me) n. 克(重量單位)
ton n. ①噸(重量單位) ②(pl.)大量
[考]tons of大量的…
volume n. ①卷,冊 ②容積 ③音量
volve,volut=to roll(滾;卷)
involve vt. ①卷入,陷人[同]bring in ②牽涉[同]concern ③包含[同]contain
[考]be/get involved in被卷人:They were involved in debt.他們債臺高筑。
be/get involved with與…混在一起:They are deeply involved with each other.他倆關(guān)系很密切。
[辨]involved作定語前置或后置時意義不同:the people involved所涉及的人;the involved story復(fù)雜的故事
revolution n. ①革命 ②旋轉(zhuǎn)
revolutionary a. 革命的
n. 革命者
evolution n. 進化,演化:the theory of evolution
evolve v. ①(使)進化[同]derive ②(使)發(fā)展
advance v. ①前進,進展 ②推進,促進
n. ①前進 ②預(yù)付
[考]in advance提前,預(yù)先
advanced a. 先進的,高級的:advanced math高等數(shù)學(xué)

conceal vt. 隱瞞,隱藏:He concealed his disappointment from his friends.他對朋友隱瞞了他的失意。
disguise v. 隱瞞
n. 假裝,偽裝
[考]disguise from對…掩蓋
in disguise喬裝:She went to the party in disguise.她化了裝去參加那次舞會。
hide v. ①隱藏[同]bury ②隱瞞[同]cover
secret a. 秘密的
n. 秘密
[考]in secret秘密地,私下地
cern,cret=to separate(分離)
secretary n. ①秘書 ②書記 ⑧(英)大臣,(美)部長,國務(wù)卿
concerning prep. 關(guān)于[同]regarding
concern vt. ①涉及 ②關(guān)心
n. ①關(guān)心,掛念[同]care, anxiety ②(利害)關(guān)系
[考]as concerns關(guān)于
have no concern with sth.同某事無關(guān)
show concern for sb.關(guān)心某人
with concern關(guān)切地
be concerned about/for/with…關(guān)心…
be concerned with涉及,與…有關(guān)
so/as far as…is concerned就…而言
care vi. ①關(guān)心 ②介意 ③喜歡
n. ①小心 ②煩惱,憂慮
[考]care for:①關(guān)心[同]attend ②喜歡
take care of①照料 ②處理[同]handle
careful a. 仔細(xì)的,細(xì)致的
careless a. 粗心的,漫不經(jīng)心的
considerate a. 體諒人的,考慮周到的[同] thoughtful
considerable a. ①相當(dāng)大(或多)的[同]sizable ②值得考慮的[同]weighty
consideration n. ①考慮,思考 ②體諒,照顧[同]concern ③需要考慮的事
consider v. ①認(rèn)為,把…看作[同]regard ②考慮,細(xì)想[同]think
[考]consider…as/to be把…當(dāng)作
regard vt. ①把…看作 ②留意
n. ①尊重,敬意 ②(pl.)問候
[考]regard…as把…看作:He regards himself as an expert in maths.
give one’s regards to代某人向…問好
as regards關(guān)于,至于
with/in regard to就…而論
regarding prep. 關(guān)于[同]as regards, about
regardless a. 不管,不顧
ad. 不顧一切地
[考]regardless of不顧:The plane will take off, regardless of the weather.
thoughtful a. ①體貼的 ②沉思[同] meditative ③考慮周到的
think vt. ①想 ②認(rèn)為 ③設(shè)想[同]imagine ④打算
[考]think to do打算,想要
think about考慮
think better of sb.高度評價某人
think better of sth.重新考慮某事
think highly of對…印象好
think a great deal of對…評價高
think of①想起 ②考慮 ⑧認(rèn)為
think of…as把…看作
think over仔細(xì)考慮
thought n. ①想法[同] idea ②思想[同]conception
[考]on second thoughts經(jīng)重新考慮,繼而一想
though conj. 雖然
ad. 可是
through prep. ①穿過 ②自始至終 ③通過,憑借:through the radio ④因為
ad. 從頭到尾
[考]be through①結(jié)束 ②(考試)通過 ③(電話)接通
be through with完成
break through突破
carry through進行到底
fall through失敗
put sb. through to使某人與…接通電話
see through看穿
wet through濕透
throughout prep. 遍及
ad. 到處
thorough a. ①徹底的 ②詳盡的 ③十足的[同]complete,sheer
[考]be thorough in對…仔細(xì)

seat n. ①座位 ②底座[同]bottom, base ③所在地, 活動中心
vt. 使就座
[考]take/have a seat坐下
be seated坐下(=seat oneself)
sit v. (使)坐,(使)就坐[同]be seated
[考]sit for(準(zhǔn)備)參加(考試),應(yīng)考
sit in (vi.) (on)列席,旁聽
sit up ①熬夜,遲睡 ②坐直,坐起來
bounce vi. 跳起,彈起
n. 跳起,反彈
dive n./vi. ①跳水 ②潛水 ③俯沖
plunge v. ①投入,插入 ②猛沖[同]dive
[考]plunge into跳人
jump n./v. ①跳 ②暴漲
leap n./v. 跳
spring n. ①春天 ②彈簧,發(fā)條 ③跳,躍 ④(源)泉
v. ①跳躍 ②出現(xiàn),發(fā)生[同]arise,emerge
[考]spring to one’s feet一躍而起
spring up①跳起 ②涌現(xiàn) ③長出來
step n. ①步,步驟 ②臺階 ③措施
vi. 走,踏
[考]step by step逐步[同]gradually, little by little, by degree
step up加快,促進[同]speed up, quicken
pace v. ①踱步 ②步測
n. ①步子 ②步速 ③節(jié)奏[同]rhythm
[考]keep/hold pace with與…齊步,跟上
set the pace定速度
tramp n. ①流浪者 ②長途步行
vi. 步行,跋涉
rush v. ①(使)沖,奔,(使)突進 ②趕忙[同]hurry ③催促[同]press
n. 沖,急速行進
a.(交通)繁忙的:rush hour交通繁忙的時間
run vi. ①奔跑,行駛 ②伸展,蔓延 ③運轉(zhuǎn),開動 ④流,淌 ⑤經(jīng)營,管理[同]manage ⑥運送[同]carry
n. 運行,運轉(zhuǎn)
[考]run after追捕,追求
run away with(感情等)戰(zhàn)勝,不受…約束
run down①撞倒 ②(很長時間)找到:I finally run the book down in the library. ③貶低:That man doesn’t like me. He’s always running me down. ④減少,縮減
run into①遇到(困難等)[同]meet with, come up against ②偶然碰見,撞上[同]come/run across, crash/drive/knock into ③共計,達…之多
run out (of)(汽油,墨水等)用完,用盡[同]exhaust, use up
in the long run從長遠看[同]in the long term
on the run跑著,逃跑
dash n. ①猛沖 ②破折號
v. 猛沖,突進
kick v. / n. 踢
lame a. ①跛的[同]cripple ②有缺陷的,站不住腳的:a lame excuse
v. (使)跛的,(使)殘廢
[考]be lame in/of one leg一只腳跛的
cripple n. 跛子,殘疾人
v. ①(使)跛,(使)殘疾[同]disable ②削弱:cripple the enemy
lag v. 緩緩而行,落后(于)
n. 落后[同]delay
[考]lag behind落后[同]fall behind:Prices are rising sharply, while incomes are lagging far behind.收入遠落后于價格的漲速。
wander vi. ①偏離正題(或正道)[同]deviate ②迷路亂走 ③漫游,徘徊[同]drift
wonder v. ①驚訝 ②想知道
n. ①驚奇 ②奇跡
[考]wonder at對…感到驚訝
wonder about對…感到疑惑
do wonders創(chuàng)造奇跡
wonderful a. 精彩的,極好的
splendid a. 極好的,壯麗的[同]excellent, grand, magnificent
marvelous a. ①奇跡般的 ②驚人的[同]astonishing
miracle n. 奇跡[同]marvel
[考]work/do a miracle創(chuàng)造奇跡
amaze vt. 使驚奇,使驚愕[同]astonish
[考]It is amazing that + (should) + 原形動詞 表示虛擬語氣
astonish vt. 使驚訝
[考]It is astonishing that+ (should) + 原形動詞 表示虛擬語氣
startle vt. 驚嚇,使吃驚[同]frighten
[考]be startled to see吃驚地看到
be startled by/at sth.為某事吃驚:I am startled at his sudden appearance.

despair vi. /n. 絕望,失望
[考]in despair絕望地
despair of對…喪失信心
hopeless a. 沒有希望的,絕望的
hopeful a. 有希望的
hope n. 希望[同]trust, expectation
v. 希望
[考]hope to do希望做某事
wish vt. ①愿望,希望[同]desire ②但愿(賓語從句用虛擬語氣)
vi. 企盼
[考]wish (sb.) to do希望某人干
wish sb. + adj./n.祝某人…
wish for + n.希望得到
wish that + 虛擬語氣
bless vt. 祝福,保佑:God bless me!
greet vt. ①問候,打招呼 ②歡迎,歡呼[同]welcome ③撲(鼻),入(耳),觸(目):The smell greets me.氣味向我撲面而來。
greeting n. 問候,致敬
celebrate v. 慶祝
feast vt. 盛宴款待
n. ①宴會 [同] banquet:a festival feast節(jié)日宴會 ②節(jié)日
[考]feast away在歡宴中渡過
feast one’s eyes on盡情欣賞:He feasted his eyes on the beauty of the countryside.
festival n. 節(jié)日
[考]the Spring Festival春節(jié)
vacation n. 假期,休假
ceremony n. ①典禮,儀式 ②禮節(jié),禮儀
wedding n. 婚禮
funeral n. 葬禮
tomb n. 墳?zāi)?/p>

trim n. 修剪,裝飾
vt. ①修剪,整修:trim one’s nails ②裝飾:trim a dress with lace用花邊裝飾裙子
brim n.①邊,邊緣②帽沿

edge n.①邊,棱②刀口,刃
v.①使鋒利②側(cè)身移動,擠進:He edged his way out of the crowd.
margin n.①邊緣[同]border,verge②頁邊空白③余地[同]room④幅度
blank a. ①空白的②無表情的[同]expressionless
empty a.①空的[同]vacant②空虛的[同]idle③空洞的[同]hollow
hollow a.①空的②空洞的,空虛的
fill v.裝滿,占滿
[考]be filled with充滿,擠滿
fill in①填寫②臨時替代:My partner is on holiday so I’m filling in for him.③打發(fā),消磨時間: He filled in the rest of the day surfing the net.
plug v.堵,塞;n.塞子,插頭
throng n.群,人群;vt.?dāng)D滿
jam vt.使塞滿,使堵塞;n.果醬
load v.裝載;n.①負(fù)荷(量),裝載(量)②一擔(dān),一車
[考]be loaded with被裝上
loads of許多,加名詞構(gòu)成主語時,謂語的形式由loads of后的名詞的數(shù)來確定
unload v.卸(貨)[同]discharge
dump vt. 傾卸,傾倒
pour v.①傾倒②灌③流出

blame vt.①責(zé)備[同]condemn②(on,upon)把……歸咎于
n.①責(zé)任[同]responsibility②責(zé)怪 [同]reproach
[考]blame sb. for sth.=blame sth.on sb.把……歸咎于:He blamed his teacher for his failure.=He blamed his failure on his teacher.
be to blame該受責(zé)備,應(yīng)承擔(dān)責(zé)任
put the blame on歸咎于
take the blame for負(fù)……責(zé)任
critic n.批評家,評論家;吹毛求疵者
critical a.①危急的,緊要的:The patient is in critical condition. 病人情況危急. ②批評的,評論的③吹毛求疵的
[考]be critical of對……挑剔,對……吹毛求庇:Why are you so critical of everything I wear?
criticism n.批評,評論[同]comment
criticize vt.①批評,批判②評論,評價[同]evaluate
[考] criticize sb.for sth.因……而批評某人
curse v. 詛咒[同]swear,damn
swear v. ①詛咒②宣誓,發(fā)誓
[考]swear at sb.咒罵某人
scold v. 責(zé)罵,訓(xùn)斥[反]praise
[考]scold sb.for sth. 因某事而責(zé)罵某人
punish v. 懲罰,處罰[反]reward
punishment n.懲罰,處罰
reproach n. 責(zé)備,指責(zé)
[考]reproach sb. with/for指責(zé)某人…
approach vt. 接近,靠近:She is difficult to approach.
n. ①接近②方法,途徑:a new approach to teaching English.
approximate a. 近似的
vt. (to)接近:His description approximate to the truth but there were a few errors.
approximately ad.近似地,大約[反]precisely
roughly ad. 粗糙地;粗略地
rough a. ①粗糙的[同]coarse②粗野的[同]violent③粗略的[同]general
coarse a. ①粗劣的,粗糙的[同]uneven②粗俗的,粗魯?shù)腫同]vulgar
crude a. ①粗糙的②天然的,未加工的[同]raw ③粗魯?shù)?br /> rude a. ①粗糙的,粗陋的②粗魯?shù)?,無禮的[同]impolite, ill-mannered③猛烈的,突然的:a rude awakening突然的醒悟
[考]It is rude of sh. to do sth.某人做某事不禮貌
fierce a.①激烈的,狂熱的[同]wild② 兇猛的,殘酷的:a fierce storm狂風(fēng)暴雨
violence n.①猛烈,激烈②暴力[同]riot
violent a.①猛烈的[同]severe②殘暴的[同]savage
turbulent a.狂暴的;騷亂的
harsh a. ①嚴(yán)厲的,苛刻的 ②刺耳的
severe a.①嚴(yán)厲的[同]strict ② 艱難的[同]hard③嚴(yán)重的[同]grave
severely ad. 嚴(yán)厲地;嚴(yán)重地
mild a. ①(個性,脾氣等)溫柔的②(氣候)溫和的[同]warm ③(煙,酒)味淡的
smooth a.①光滑的,平滑的②平穩(wěn)的,不顛簸的:a smooth ride in a cat乘坐在汽車上平穩(wěn)行駛③(文 章等)流暢的
smoothly ad.光滑地;平穩(wěn)地

hardship n.艱難,困苦[同]misery
hardly ad. 幾乎不,簡直不
[考]hardly any幾乎沒有
hardly before/when 剛……就……
harden v. (使)變硬[同]toughen
hard a. ①困難的,艱苦的②硬的[同]solid③嚴(yán)厲的:a hard teacher
ad.①努力地②猛烈地:The wind is blowing hard now.
[考]be hard on嚴(yán)厲,苛刻:Don’t be too hard on the girl,she is only five.

easy a.①容易的[同]painless②安逸的,舒適的 [同]relaxed
easily ad.容易地;舒適地
ease n.①容易②舒適[同] comfort
vt. 緩和,減輕 [同]relieve
[考]at ease安逸地,自由自在地
with ease容易地,輕易地
ease sb. of減輕某人……
ease one’s pain減輕某人的痛苦
uneasy a. ①不安的,拘束的[同]uncomfortable②不穩(wěn)定的[同]unstable
[考]be uneasy about對……感到不安

nervous ['n :v s] a. ①緊張的[同]strained,tense②神經(jīng)質(zhì)的③害怕的,膽怯的[同]timid
[考]be/feel nervous about/at sth.因某事而感到緊張
be nervous of害怕
make sb. nervous使某人緊張
nerve n. ①(pl.)神經(jīng)②勇氣,膽量[同]bravery,courage
intense a. ①緊張的②強烈的[同]strong,violent③熱情的[同]eager ‘’
restless a. ①坐立不安的[同]anxious②得不到休息的[同]slccpless
arrest [ 'rest]vt.①逮捕,拘留:The police arrested him for robbery.他因搶劫而被捕。②阻止,抑制:No one can arrest his attempt tostudy abroad,沒有人可以阻擋他去國外念書的努力。③吸引:arrest sb.’s attention
n.逮捕,拘留:under arrest 被逮捕
rest n.休息[同]relaxation
[考]rest on/up on依賴
restaurant n. 餐館,飯店
cafe n.咖啡館;小餐廳
canteen n.小賣部;食堂
menu n.菜單
waiter n.侍者,服務(wù)員
wait n./v. 等待,等候
[考]wait for sb. (to do sth.)等待某人做某事
wait on服侍,伺候就餐:This servant will wait on your guests.
keep sb.waiting讓某人等候
await vt. 等待,期待[同]expect,wait for.

touch n.①觸覺②觸,接觸③少許,一點兒
v. ①觸摸②感動[同]move,strike③涉及[同]concern
[考]be/get/keep in touch with與……保持聯(lián)系
be out of/lose touch with與……失去聯(lián)系
touch on/upon sth.簡略地提到
stroke n./v.撫摸
stroke n.①擊,敲②(報時的)鐘聲③一擊,一劃,一筆④中風(fēng)
strike v.①打,擊:She struck him in the race. ②罷工③打動,(使)產(chǎn)生印象:That strikes me as a good idea.④突然想到:It strikes me that we should stay here for the night.⑤擦亮:strike a march⑥(鐘)敲響:The clock strikes 12.
n. ①打,擊②罷工
[考] be struck with被……留下深刻印象
strike back還擊
strike up開始演奏
be on strike在罷工
go on strike舉行罷工
beat vt. ①打?、诖?,打擊;vi. (心臟等)跳動
n. ①打,敲②節(jié)拍
bite v.① 叮,咬②刺痛;n. 叮,咬
hit n.①擊中,打擊[同]blow②風(fēng)行一時的作品,轟動—時的人物
v. ①打,擊中②碰撞
[考]hit sb. in the face/on the nose/on the head
blow v. ①吹,吹動:The wind is blowing hard.風(fēng)刮得很大。②吹氣
knock v.①敲打②碰撞[同]
[考]knock at敲
knock into撞上
knock down撞倒;拆除
knock out擊昏,擊倒
pinch v. 捏,掐,擰
[考]a pinch of一小撮
scrape v. ①擦傷②刮掉[同]shave, remove;
n.①擦傷②擦痕:a scrape of the pen簽字
[考]scrape away/off刮掉,擦去:scrape the paint off the wall
scratch n./v. 抓,搔
[考] start from scratch 白手起家,從零做起
pat n./v.輕拍,輕打
[考]pat sb. on the back輕拍某人的背(表示贊同或滿意)
pat sb. in the face輕拍某人的臉
tap n.①龍頭,開關(guān)②輕叩
vt①輕叩,輕敲;②利用,開發(fā)[同]develop,make use of
pluck vt.①采,摘②猛拉
[考]pluck up one’s courage鼓起勇氣
drag vt.拖,拉
pitch vt.①用瀝青覆蓋②投擲,扔;n.①瀝青②擲
toss v. ①拋,扔②(使)顛簸,搖擺[同]rock
throw vt. 投,扔
[考]throw away ①扔掉,丟棄[同]discard②因大意而失去:You shouldn’t have thrown away such a good chance.
throw off擺脫,除去:throw off a cold

principal a.重要的,主要的
principle n.①原理②原則③主義,信念
[考]in principle原則上,大體上:They agreed to the plan in principle but there were some details they didn’t like.
on principle根據(jù)原則:I never buy South African goods on principle.
premier n.總統(tǒng),首相
primitive a.①原始的,早期的②簡單的,粗糙的
primarily ad.首先;主要地
prime a.①主要的,首要的②最好的,一流的;
primary a.①初級的,初期的②主要的,首要的③基本的
fundamental a.基本的,根本的
fund vt.為……提供資金[同]finance
n. 資金,???
found vt.①建立,成立②(on,upon)為……打基礎(chǔ)
[考]be founded on以……為基礎(chǔ)
foundation n.①創(chuàng)立②基礎(chǔ)③基金(會)
[考]lay solid foundation for為……打下堅實的基礎(chǔ)
without foundation無根據(jù)地
base n.①基地[同]headquarters②基礎(chǔ)[同]foundation, basement
[考]base...on /up on把……建立在……之上
basic a. 基本的,基礎(chǔ)的
basically ad. 基本上
basis n. 根據(jù),基礎(chǔ)
[考]on the basis of根據(jù):On the basis of our sales forecasts,we may begin to make a profit next year.
bottom n.底,底部
[考]from the bottom of one’s heart誠心誠意

open v.①打開②開設(shè),開始
a. ①開放的②公開的,坦率的:an open enemy公開的敵人③空曠的,開闊的
[考]open fire at/on向……開火
open up開發(fā),開辟
be open to愿考慮:open to suggestions樂于聽取建議
in the open公開地
in the open air在露天
opening n.①開始,開端②孔,裂縫③空缺,機會
begin v. 開始
[考]begin with開始
to begin with首先
beginning n. 開始:A good beginning is half the battle. 好的開始是成功的一半。
[考]at the beginning of在……之初
from beginning to end從頭到尾
from the beginning從開始
start v. ①開始,著手②動身,出發(fā)④吃驚[同]startle④創(chuàng)辦⑤發(fā)動,使產(chǎn)生
[考]to start with首先,起初之時
with a start 猛地,吃驚地
initial a. 最初的 v.
original a.① 最初的②原文的 ③自創(chuàng)造的
n. 原作,原版文章
origin n. ①起源②出身,血統(tǒng)[同]descent, hentage
[考]by origin 論出身[同]by birth
originate vi. (in)起源
vt. ①創(chuàng)始②引起
derive vt. 取得
vi. 起源于[同]evolve
[考]derive(...)from導(dǎo)出;由……來:Human beings
derived from the same ancestors as animals.
birth n. ①出生②血統(tǒng),出身③起源:the birth of the earth
[考]by birth按血統(tǒng),天生地:She is French by birth but English by marriage.
give birth to產(chǎn)生,(喻)孕育
born a.天生的,生來的
source n.①源(泉)[同]fountain②來源,出處[同]Origin,derivation
resource n.①(pl.)資源,財力[同]means②辦法,智謀
method n. 方法,辦法;教學(xué)法
manner n.①方式,方法②(sing.)舉止③(pl.)禮貌,規(guī)矩,風(fēng)度:good manners很有禮貌

rubbish n.①垃圾,廢物②廢話[同]nonsense
garbage n.①垃圾②廢話:Don’t talk such a load of garbage.廢話少說。
package n.①包,包裹②一攬子交易(計劃等)
[考]a package of一捆或一包(相同的物品)
pack v.①收拾(行李)②塞滿,擠滿[同]fill, load;
[考]be packed with被塞滿
a pack of一群;一小盒(相同的物品)
in packs成群地
packet n.一小包,小盒
purse n. 錢包,手袋
sack vt. 解雇[同] dismiss
parcel vt. 打包,捆扎
bind vt. 捆,綁,[同]tie,fasten
[考] be bound to do 注定的,必然的,有…的義務(wù)
wrap v. ①包裹[同]envelop, enclose
bundle n.捆,包,束
lace n. ①花邊②帶子,鞋帶
ribbon n.(緞,絲)帶,帶狀物
strip n. 窄條,條紋[同]band
[考]strip sb. of sth.剝奪某人某物:They stripped
him of all he had.
stripe n. 條紋
thread n. ①線,絲②思路,線索
v.穿過[同]pass through
[考]thread one’s way through穿過(人群等)
cord n. 繩索
cable n. ①電報②電纜③粗繩;v.拍電報
tape n. ①帶子[同]strip,band ②錄音帶
vt.①用帶子捆扎[同]tie, fasten②把……錄下來

aud=to hear(聽)
audience n.聽眾,觀眾
[考]audience作主語時,看作整體則謂語用單數(shù),看作個體則謂語用復(fù)數(shù)。如:The audience are taking their seats.The audience is/are quiet.
aural a.耳的,聽覺的
hear v.①聽,聽見②審訊
[考]hear about/of聽說
hear from sb.收到……的信
deaf a.①聾的②不愿聽的
[考]be deaf to不聽:He was deaf to all advice.他不聽一切勸告。
dumb a. 啞的;無言的
mute a. 緘默的[同]speechless,wordless
mutter vi. 輕聲低語,抱怨[同]complain,murmur
whisper v.低聲地講;低語
whistle n. 口哨
vi. 吹口哨
accent n.①口音,腔調(diào):a southern accent②重音
tongue n.①舌頭②語言
word n. ①單詞②言辭,談話③(無冠詞,無復(fù)數(shù))消息:No word has come from him.他杏無音信。④保證,諾言
[考] have a word with與……談話
in a word總而言之
in other words換句話說
keep/break one’s word信守(違背)諾言
word for word逐字地,一字不差地
throat n. ①嗓音②喉嚨
tone n.①聲音,音調(diào)②口吻,語氣[同]intonation③色調(diào)④風(fēng)氣
sound n. 聲音,聲響
v. ①發(fā)出聲音②聽起來
a. ①健全的,完好的[同]healthy②可靠的,確實的③徹底的,充分的
voice n. ①聲音,嗓音②意見,發(fā)言權(quán)[同]view ③(動詞的)語態(tài)
[考] have(no) voice in對……有(無)發(fā)言權(quán)
in a low/loud/rough voice低(大,粗)聲地
voice one’s opinions發(fā)表某人的意見
address n.①地址②致詞:give a greeting address致歡迎詞
oral a. 口頭的;口的
say n. ①發(fā)言,意見②發(fā)言權(quán)
[考]it goes without saying不用說,顯然
not to say幾乎是,簡直可以說:She sounded impolite,not to say rude. 她的話聽起來很不禮貌,簡直可以說是粗魯。
say hello to sb.向某人問好
that it to say換句話說:He was found innocent in the court, that is to say, the court could not convict him legally.
speak v. 說;演講
[考]speak for sb. 陳述某人的觀點,代表某人講話
speak of 談及
speak well(ill) of說…的好(壞)話
not to speak of更不用說[同]let alone:There were seven people in the car,not to speak of a pile of luggage and three dogs.
speak to/with sb. about sth.同某人談?wù)撃呈?br /> so to speak可以說,比方說
speak one’s mind大膽說出自己的看法:Everyone spoke their minds at the meeting.
generally speaking一般說來
speaker n. 說話者;揚聲器
loudspeaker n. 揚聲器,喇叭
speech n. 言語;演說
[辨]address指在重要場合下作的正式演講,一般是有充分的事先準(zhǔn)備的; speech指在公共場合下對公眾的演講,普通用語。
talk n. ①談話,討論②非正式的講演
v. 講話;討論
[考] talk with/to sb.a(chǎn)bout/of sth. 與…交談
talk over討論,商量
talk sb.into/out of doing sth.說服某人做(不做)某事
tell v.①分辨②泄露:His face tells his joy.③告訴④吩咐,命令
[考]tell sb./sth.from sb./sth.把……區(qū)分開來:tell right from wrong
tell the truth說實話
There is no telling.很難話。
retell vt. 重述,復(fù)述
echo n. 回聲,反響,共鳴

glaze v./n.凝視,注視
[考]gaze at/on/upon盯著
glance v.(at,over)看一眼
[考]at a glance看一眼,馬上
glimpse v./n.瞥見,—瞥
[考]catch/get a glimpse of瞥見
glare v./n.怒視,瞪眼
[考]glare at sb. 怒視某人
stare vi.盯,凝視
[考stare at/into盯著
stare sb.in the face就在眼前:I’d spent ages
looking for the key,and there it was staring me
in the face all thetime.
look n.①看②臉色,外表
vi. ①看②顯得[同]seem
[考]look after照料
look back on (the past)回首(往事)
look down on/upon輕視[反]look up to
look for尋找
look forward to(doing) sth.盼望(做)某事
look in順便看望(=drop in/by)
look into①調(diào)查,過問[同]investigate②窺視
look on①旁觀②看作,視作
look on...as把……看作
look out 留神,當(dāng)心(=watch out)
look over檢查,查看
look to照顧,注意,負(fù)責(zé)
look through ①瀏覽②查看
look up①查閱②看望:Look me up when you come to Shanghai.③好轉(zhuǎn):I hope things will start to look up in the New Year.
look up to尊敬,敬仰
see v.①理解[同]comprehend,catch on②經(jīng)歷,目睹[同]experience③看見,會見
[考]seeing that引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句,鑒于[同]considering that
see(to it)that...務(wù)必做到(從句中一般現(xiàn)在時表將來時):I will see to it that everything
shall be ready for your departure.我會為你的啟程負(fù)責(zé)好一切。
see about (doing) sth.處理,負(fù)責(zé)某事:It’s time for me to see about dinner.
see sb.off送行(=send sb. off)
see through看穿,識破:I haven’t seen him through now.我現(xiàn)在還沒有真正了解他.
see to負(fù)責(zé),照料
scan v.①細(xì)看[同]examine:He was scanning the whole project.他在審視整個工程。②瀏覽③掃描
skim vt.①撇去:skim milk撇去牛奶上的奶油②掠過,擦過:swallows skimming the water擦著水面飛過的燕子③瀏覽,閱讀:skim the report in half an hour
peep v.①窺看②迅速地看一眼
peel v. 削皮,剝皮
blind vt.①使失明②蒙蔽
a. ①瞎的②盲目的
[考]go blind失明
be blind to視而不見
optical a. ①光學(xué)的②視覺的,視力的
eye n. ①眼睛②視力③鑒賞力
[考]catch one’s eye引起某人注意
keep an eye on留意,照看
keep one’s eyes open (for)時刻提防

eyesight n.視力
sight n. ①視力,視覺②看見③情景[同]scene④眼界⑤(pl.)風(fēng)景,名勝[同]view
[考] at first sight乍—看,初看起來
fall in love at first sight 一見鐘情
catch sight of發(fā)現(xiàn),突然看見
sightseeing n.觀光,游覽

plaud,plode=to strike(打;擊),to clap(鼓掌;拍)
applaud v.鼓掌;稱贊
applause n.鼓掌;稱贊
explosion n.爆炸,爆發(fā)
explode v.①使爆炸②(人的感情)發(fā)作
[考]explode with arqer勃然大怒
burst v./n.①爆炸②突然發(fā)生
[考]burst into (sth.)①闖入②突然發(fā)出
burst out (ding為sth.)突然開始
blast n. ①爆炸②一陣,一股
vt. 爆炸
bomb vt. 轟炸
shell n.炮彈;殼,貝殼
bullet n. 槍彈,子彈
cannon n. 大炮,火炮
gunpowder n. 黑色火藥;有煙火藥
pistol n. 手槍
rifle n. 步槍,來復(fù)槍
shoot v. ①發(fā)射,射擊[同]fire②掠過,疾馳[同] rush③發(fā)芽
n. ①嫩枝,苗②射擊,發(fā)射
[考]shoot at sth.向……射擊
shot n. ①開槍,射擊②投籃:A fine shot!好球?、蹚椡?,子彈
arrow n. 箭(狀物)
spear n.矛,槍
sword n. 劍,刀
weapon n.武器,兵器
arm n. ①(pl.)武器②臂,臂狀物
[考]armed force軍隊
army n.①陸軍:army and navy 陸軍和海軍②大群[同]flock
[考]an army of一群:an army of ants
neutral a. ①中立的②中性的,中和的
hostile a. ①敵對的:②不友好的
[考]be hostile to 對……有敵意
camp vi. 宿營;n.野營,營地
campaign n.①戰(zhàn)爭運動②競選運動
attack v./n. ①(on,upon)攻擊②抨擊,非難:He was attacked by the newspapers ③(疾病)發(fā)作
battle v.作戰(zhàn)
fight n. 戰(zhàn)斗
v. 戰(zhàn)斗,斗爭
[考]fight for 為……而戰(zhàn)斗
fight against向…… 開戰(zhàn)
struggle n. /vi.斗爭,奮斗
conflict n. ①戰(zhàn)斗,斗爭 ②抵觸,沖突
[考]in conflict with與……相沖突
defence/-se n.①保衛(wèi)②(pl.)防御工事③辯護,答辯
defend vt. ①保衛(wèi),防衛(wèi)[同] guard②為……辯護 [同]speak up for
yield n. 產(chǎn)量,收益;v. ①出產(chǎn)②(to)屈服,投降
[考]yield to sb./sth. 讓步,屈服
yield sth. to sb. 放棄
surrender vt. 交出,放棄[同]abandon,give up;
vi. (to)投降
bleed vi.出血,流血
military a. 軍事的,軍用的
guard n. 哨兵,警衛(wèi)員;v. 守衛(wèi),保衛(wèi)
[考] on guard站崗,警惕,防范
guard against/from防止
veteran n. ①有經(jīng)驗的人[同]old hand[反]green hand②老兵
a. ①老練的②老式的,陳舊的
lieutenant n. 陸軍中尉;副職官員
colonel n.(陸軍)上校
colony n.殖民地
settlement n.殖民,殖民地;解決
settle v. ①殖民②安居③解決④安排,安放 ⑤(使)鎮(zhèn)定
[考]settle down定居
arrange v. ①安排,籌備②整理,布置
arrangement n.整理,排列;安排
plan n. 計劃,打算
schedule v.①預(yù)定②把……列入表格
n. 時刻表;進度表
[考]ahead of/behind/on schedule提前/晚點/準(zhǔn)時
scheme v. ①密謀[同]plot:scheme to escape taxes②計劃;n.陰謀;計劃
plot n. ①秘密計劃②小塊土地③情節(jié)
v.①繪制②密謀,陰謀策劃:plot to blow up the House of Parliament密謀炸掉議會
dot n. 點,圓點
vt.①打點子:a dotted line(文件上簽名處的)虛線②散布于:a field dotted with sheep


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