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UNIT 9 Here are the seasons to be jolly
 II. Basic Listening Practice
1. Script
W: Of all the holidays people celebrate, Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day...which are the most important to you?
M: Christmas and Easter, because they mark events in Jesus Christ's life: his birth and his escape from a tomb into heaven. The other festivals, I think, were mainly created to increase sales.
Q: How many holidays does the man believe to be important?
2. Script
M: I used to love giving my mother a present on Mother's Day. It always made her cry, then she'd hug me hard enough to squeeze the breath out of me.
W: Mothers are really no different from anyone else. They love to be loved, that's all.
Q: What was the mother's response to her son's gift?
 A)She was beside her-self with joy.
3. Script
M: Every country has its own unique holidays. There is one exclusive to some British Commonwealth countries like England, Australia and Canada. That' s Boxing Day.
W: I know, and it's a perfect date for a holiday, being the day after Christmas Day. Apparently it began with the custom of giving the poor boxes of food; thus a boxing day.
Q: What was the origin of Boxing Day?
B)Giving poor people food
4. Script
M: I absolutely hate Christmas shopping. I can never figure out what to buy for everyone, so I rush around like an idiot at the last minute, buying junk.
W: Then maybe you shouldn't buy any gifts. Just tell people "Merry Christmas!" instead.
Q: What does the woman mean?
D)She disagrees with the man                           .J
5. Script
M: When all the children come home for Christmas, there won't be enough room for everyone...what shall we do? Maybe some will have to stay in a hotel.
W: I want them all here. We'll make it work. I can hardly wait to see everyone; it doesn't matter if we're a bit squished. We'll be like turkey stuffing.
Q: What does the woman mean?
C)She won’t care if the children are crowded at home

III. Listening In
 Task1:Expensive Holidays
Grace: So, Mark, what are you going to get me for Chinese Valentine's Day-a holiday for the Cowherd and Girl Weaver to meet?
Mark: Sorry, I've never heard of it. Anyway, we already celebrated Valentine's Day in February. I gave you a bunch of red roses.
Grace: But there's another lover's day in the world. Isn't it wonderful if lovers have more than one lover's day a year?                                               
Mark: Do you mean I have to get you a present fort each lover’s day?
Grace: Well, you d better give me a present from time to time if you want to win my heart.
Mark: I gave you a beautiful card on New Year's Day...and a Christmas gift a couple of days before that. Then I invited you to a dinner on the Chinese New Year's Day, that is, the Spring Festival.
Grace: Thank you for that. Nowadays the Chinese Spring Festival is getting popular here. And it's exciting.
Mark: But few people here know anything about a foreign Lover's Day.
Grace: You see, I enjoy celebrating holidays again and again.
Mark: But it's hard on the wallet. I'll end up in the poor house at this rate.
Grace: But it's romantic! And don't forget it's only another month before my birthday.
Mark: Your birthday was last month! I already bought you a ring!
Grace: That was my birthday on the Western calendar. Next month, it's my birthday on the lunar calendar!
Grace asks what Mark is going to get her for the Chinese Valentine's Day, but Mark thinks he has already given Grace a bunch of roses for Western Valentine's Day in February. Grace objects that it is wonderful if lovers have more than one lover's day a year. She needs Mark's presents from time to time if Mark wants to win her heart. Mark mentions that he gave her a beautiful card on New Year's Day, a Christmas gift a couple of days before that, and invited her to a dinner on the Chinese Spring Festival, Although Grace loves celebrating holidays, Mark worries that it's hard on the wallet, and he will end up in the poor house at this rate. Finally Grace tells Mark not to forget her birthday on the lunar calendar, though she already received a ring from Mark for her birthday on the Western calendar.

Task2:April Fool’s Day
On a flight from the West Coast to the East Coast, the lead flight attendant was eager to get in early as her boyfriend, a pilot, was going to have a short stopover at the destination airport. She made a point of telling her fellow crew members about this. Because it was April 1st, April Fool's Day, the day people play tricks on one another, the captain decided to have a little fun.
About an hour before landing, he made an announcement that went like this: "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the captain speaking. I have a little bit of bad news. There're some thunderstorms at our destination, and they've currently closed the airport. They expect it to reopen in about thirty minutes to an hour. As one might expect, this will result in long delays. As we've come all the way from the West Coast, we don't even have enough fuel to circle until the airport reopens. Therefore, we are going to be diverting to Cleveland, and we should be landing in about thirty minutes. We'll take some fuel there and get you back on your way to our original destination. I’m terribly sorry for the delay. However, we’11 get you there just as soon as                                                      possible." It was at this moment that you could hear someone running up to the cockpit. The cockpit door flew open, and sure enough it was the lead flight attendant mumbling something like, "This can’t be happening. What shall I do?" As she went on painfully, the captain made another announcement: "Ladies and Gentlemen, happy April Fool's Day!'"                                                                      
T  F  T  F  F

Task3: The Wilsons’ Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is one of America's most popular holidays. It is a day for expressing thanks for the good things in life. It is also a day for family reunion. On that day many people travel long distances to get together with their families. For many Americans, Thanksgiving is the time when all members of a family gather.
But not everyone can spend Thanksgiving with his or her family. Today we'll introduce you to a couple, Joan and Sandy Wilson, who could not afford to take time out to visit their parents one year. They regretted not being able to celebrate Thanksgiving with all their family members. But soon they met other people who also were separated from their families. So the Wilsons began holding a yearly Thanksgiving dinner for what they called their "extended family". This included people in their community. All the guests brought food to share for Thanksgiving dinner.
The group has grown over the years. To accommodate all the guests, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson now have to add small tables to their large one in the big dining room. At first, many of their friends brought their babies and young children. Now some of the first guests are grandparents.
Like many other Americans, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and their visitors enjoy a long day of cooking, eating and talking. The traditional meal usually includes a turkey. Other traditional Thanksgiving foods served "with turkey are sweet potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pies.
1.A  2.D  3.C  4.B  5.C

 IV. Speaking Out
MODEL 1 Eat, drink and be merry on Christmas.
Nora: My mother bought an enormous twenty-five pound turkey for Christmas dinner. I'm so excited!
Susan: We have geese and ham for Christmas dinner on both Christmas Eve and Christmas night.
Nora: Our traditional Christmas dinner is a turkey, so gigantic that we eat leftovers for days.
Susan: Chris swears he'll refuse a huge dinner and stick to a healthy meal of tofu and salad.
Nora: No way. He's kidding! Wait till he sees what his mother cooks: roast turkey with stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, peas and plum pudding for dessert!                                                
Susan: We heap up our presents under the tree and open them on Christmas morning.    
Nora: We open one Christmas Eve, more Christmas morning, and the rest the next day.
Susan: Wow! Your family prolongs the celebration for three days!
Nora: We start by decorating the tree on Christmas Eve, putting ornaments, lights and artificial snow flakes on it.
Susan: Do you hang stockings by the fireplace and have a star on top of the tree?
Nora: Yes. And we have another activity. We also "give not expecting to get".
Susan: That's a peculiar expression. What do you mean by that?
Nora: It's secret giving. We sneak up to the door of somebody we want to give a gift to, ring the doorbell, and run.
Susan: So, you're not expecting anything; you're just being generous. That's a kind-hearted gesture.
Nora: Isn't that what the true spirit of Christmas is supposed to be?

Now Your Turn
A: If you want to know about Christmas, I can tell you that it's an occasion for family reunions.
   Family members have dinner together.
B: That's also true of the Chinese Spring Festival.
A: Americans usually eat turkey for Christmas dinner. My mother bought an enormous twenty-five pound turkey for it. And our neighbors had goose and ham on both Christmas Eve and Christmas night.
B: Chinese have a huge dinner on the Spring Festival Eve. Usually a fish is served, because its pronunciation in Chinese means "surplus" or "abundance". We also eat a lot of meat and seafood.
A: A turkey is often so gigantic that we eat leftovers for days.
B: A Chinese dinner is known for many kinds of food. We simply can't eat them all at once. So we also eat leftovers for days.
A: Rich food isn't good for your health. Some Americans refuse a huge dinner and stick to a healthy meal of salad.                                                                  
B: The same is true here in China. Some people prefer tofu and vegetables to meat.
A: Another important part of Christmas is the gifts. We heap up our presents under the Christmas tree or put them in stockings. Children are excited about gifts.
B: In China we give children money in a red envelope.
A: To enjoy a merry Christmas, Westerners exchange gifts, send Christmas cards, sing Christmas carols and throw parties.
B: The Chinese set off firecrackers and fireworks to add to the jubilant atmosphere. In some places they also stage dragon and lion dances. And they visit relatives during the festival.
A: Both the Spring Festival and Christmas are fascinating.
MODEL 2  The Pilgrims' spirit of Thanksgiving lives on.
Chris: Will Nora be spending Thanksgiving with us this year?
Susan: No, she's going home to spend the holiday with her mother and brother. She hasn't seen her family in over a year.
Chris: I know how she feels. Thanksgiving is such a big family holiday in the States.
Susan: It began as a celebration by the Pilgrims. They were happy just to have survived their first harsh winter in the new land in 1621  "
Chris: But wasn't that harsh winter followed by an abundant harvest?           
Susan: Yeah, that's good reason to celebrate: they had beaten the odds and were still alive. It was a time to relax and "count your blessings".
Chris: You know, most cultures seem to have some sort of celebration like this--don't the Chinese have a festival of moon cakes to celebrate the harvest month?
Susan: Yeah, they do. I believe the round moon cakes also symbolize a family reunion.
Chris: Well, today Thanksgiving in the States has developed into a major holiday.
Susan: True, it's a very emotional time. Families often travel great distances to be together and share a huge dinner. Jamie's mother will have a turkey and a ham, corn-on-the-cob, yams, peas and carrots, and to top it all off, pumpkin pie.
Chris: Just thinking about all that food makes my mouth water, and I think I'm going to gain ten pounds this year.
Susan: But you have the rest of the year to lose those unwanted pounds. And losing weight will give you something to be thankful for next Thanksgiving.

Now Your Turn
A: Will you be spending the Thanksgiving holiday with us this year?
B: No, I'm flying back to the States to spend the holiday with my mother and brother. I haven't seen my family for over a year. You see, Thanksgiving is a big family holiday
A: In China the Mid-Autumn Festival is also a holiday for family reunions. Do you happen to know the origin of Thanksgiving?
B: It began as a celebration by the Pilgrims. They were happy just to have survived their first harsh winter in the new land in 1621.
A: I'm not quite sure of the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival, but it is said to have something to do with Lady Chang'er who flew to the moon. On a day of full moon her husband longed for her to return to earth. So this may have something to do with family reunions
B: Thanksgiving is also an occasion to celebrate the harvest. The Pilgrims' first harsh winter was followed by an abundant harvest. That was good reason to celebrate
A: Most cultures have some sort of celebration of the harvest. In fact the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival to celebrate the harvest month, since fruits, vegetables and grain have been harvested by this time and food is abundant.
B: To observe Thanksgiving, Americans eat turkey, ham, corn-on-the-cob, yams, peas and carrots, and to top it all off, pumpkin pie.
A: Oh, just thinking about all that food makes my mouth water. We Chinese eat moon cakes to mark the occasion. The round moon cakes symbolize a family reunion
B: Thanksgiving in the States has developed into a major holiday
A: The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals in China, too. It's sometimes believed to be the second most important holiday, next only to the Spring Festival.

MODEL 3   Don't let ghosts frighten you on Halloween
Susan: Hey Kim! Are you okay? You seem badly shaken. Where did you go'?
Kim:  Just to the corner, but I'm frightened out of my wits, scared silly, terrified.
Susan: What happened? You said you were only going to the store for a coke.
Kim:  People in funny costumes and masks everywhere! Some in tall, pointed hats.
Susan: It's October 31 st, Halloween, the day for dressing like witches and ghosts.                                                                                             
Kim:  In the store  window is a big vegetable with a carved face and candle inside.
Susan: It's a pumpkin. A face and a candle burning inside make it a Jack o' Lantern.
Kim:  A crowd of children followed me shouting, "Tickle your feet." Imagine!
Susan: No, they said, "Trick or Treat?" They were hoping you'd give them candy.
Kim:  Welt, it's a funny kind of holiday. What's it called? Halloween?
Susan: Yeah, it's one of the oldest holidays in the West. Today it's mostly for children.
Kim:  I myself would never dress like a ghost and shout, "Tickle your feet."

Now Your Turn
 A: Are you okay? You look terrible! Where did you go?
 B: Just to the comer, but I'm frightened out of my wits.
 A: What's up? You said you were only going to the store for a coke.              
B: All over people wore strange clothes and masks, with some in tall, pointed hats .I was scared silly when a guy with a bloody mask jumped out from a street comer all of a sudden.
A: Ah, it's October 31st, Halloween, the day for dressing like witches and ghosts.
B: I was terrified when kids gave out horrible cries like ghosts.
A: Don't worry. They meant no harm. They did that just for fun.
B: A group of children came over to me shouting, "Trick or treat?"
A: They were hoping you'd treat them with candy.
B: Well, I didn't know that, so I simply ignored them.
A: Then they'd play a trick on you, I guess.
B: Exactly, they threw eggs at my car window. It's a funny kind of holiday. What's it called? Halloween?
A: Yes, it's one of the oldest holidays in the West. Today it's mainly for kids.
B: I myself will never dress like a ghost and shout, "Trick or treat?"

V. Let'sTalk
Young men and women, tomorrow will be Mother's Day. Some of you are still wondering what to do for your mom. Here's my advice.
Look out for anything that she plans to buy, and buy it if you can afford it. For example, a casual dress or formal office wear. Or, it may be a unique hair clip. Find out if she is planning to get a new microwave or a new steam iron, and buy it for her if you can afford it. But don't forget to add a personal touch, and buy perfume or a bouquet of flowers as an add-on to the most practical gifts.
You can get some ideas by considering what her likes and dislikes are. If she likes cats, how about giving her a pet or something that has a picture of a cat on it? But make sure she doesn't find out that you're getting her a present. Let her gift be a pleasant surprise.
Definitely spend some time with her, especially if you are not living with her. Make her feel special. For example, you can cook a special dish for the day. You can also throw a little party and invite those who are close to her.
And of course, if she enjoys outings, take a little trip with her. And if possible with your entire family. She'll love it for sure. After all, she is the one who takes care of all of you. A special trip to the countryside Gould show her how much you care for her. If she is happy, I'm sure you'll feel happy, too.                          
What to Do for Mom    Details or Examples 
Look out for anything that she plans to buy. For example, a casual dress or a formal office wear. Or. it may be a hair clip with a touch of difference. Check out if she is planning to get a new microwave or a new steam iron.
Try to be guided by her likes and dislikes If she likes cats. how about giving her a pet or something that has a picture of a cat on it? 
Spend some time with her You can cook a special dish for the day. You can also throw a little party and invite those who are close to her. 
If she likes outings, take a trip with her. A special trip to the countryside could show her how much you for her. 

Discussion SAMPLE
A: It's reported in a newspaper article that far more roses are sold on Valentine's Day than flowers on Mother's Day.
B: I never realized it, but when we consider it carefully, there seems to be a problem.
A: It's natural for people to pay more attention to the present and future than to the past. So people may think more about their spouses and children than about their  parents.
B: But we should never forget that our parents, especially our mothers, took care of us and brought us up.
A: True. Now that Mother's Day is coming, we'd better do something for our morns. I'll give Morn a bouquet of carnations on that morning.
B: I'll look out for anything she plans to buy and buy it as a pleasant surprise for her.
A: But it's more important to spend time with her. I'm considering taking Mom to see a new movie. I'm sure she'll enjoy it.
B: But you can't talk a lot with your mom in the movie theater. Why not take her to a restaurant for a good dinner. There you can talk a lot.
A: But I prefer to cook a meal for her by myself. She will be glad about that.
B: Perhaps it's also a good idea to take her to a park. That's more romantic.
A: My mom likes to be with people. I'll throw a party for her and invite!Jthose who are close to her.
B: Good idea. You can take photos of her. You see, in a few years she'll get older and won't look the same anymore.
A: I got a part-time job during the winter vacation. I'll give Morn some money. She doesn't really need it, but it shows my love for her and can surely give her a sense of security.
B: I'll cheer my Mom up with my academic achievements.
A: Well, don't forget Father's Day.
B: Of course not.

VI. Further Listening and Speaking
Task1:Celebrations on the New Year’s Eve
On December 31st, Americans welcome the New Year in various ways.
Some people like to see the New Year in while traveling by boat. For example, people in Chicago, Illinois, can choose from several special holiday trips on Lake Michigan. These cruises include dinner and dancing to music performed by a band. In San Diego, California, a company offers New Year's Eve parties on the Pacific Ocean. It costs more than 100 dollars for each person.
Other Americans have parties at home and invite all their friends. Many of these events are noisy. People shout and sing. They often blow on small noisemakers when the New Year arrives at midnight. They kiss their husband or wife or the person they are with. They dance to music. Other Americans spend a quiet evening at home. They drink champagne at midnight to welcome the New Year.
Some people drink too much alcohol at New Year's Eve celebrations. This can lead to tragic results if a person then drives a car. The National Safety Council says hundreds of people die in road accident~ during the holiday.
Other Americans observe the coming of the New Year at events without alcohol more than 220 American cities hold these First Night celebrations. Artists in Boston, Massachusetts, started the tradition of First Night celebrations in 1976. They wanted to observe the coming of a New Year. But they did not want to hold noisy drinking parties. So they organized music, art and other events to observe the holiday. People in Boston can choose among 250 performances and exhibits around the city. People can look at huge statues made of ice. Families can also watch fireworks Early in the evening.                                                                         
1.  C   2.B  3.D  4.A   5.C
Task 2: Mother’s Day
In the U.S., Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It is a day when children honor their mothers with cards, gifts, and flowers. It was first observed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1907.
Long before that, there were days honoring mothers even in ancient Greece. In those days, however, it was Rhea, the mother of the gods who was given honor.
Later, in the 1600s, in England there was an annual observance called "Mothering Sunday". It was celebrated during June, on the fourth Sunday. On Mothering Sunday, the servants, who generally lived with their employers, were encouraged to return home and honor their mothers. It was traditional for them to bring a special cake along to celebrate the occasion.
In the U.S., in 1907, Ana Jarvis, from Philadelphia, began a campaign to establish a national Mother's Day. Jarvis
persuaded her mother's church in Grafton, West Virginia, to celebrate Mother's Day on the second anniversary of her mother's death, which was the second Sunday in May. The next year Mother's Day was again celebrated in Philadelphia. Jarvis and others began a letter-writing campaign to ministers, businessmen, and politicians in their quest to establish a national Mother s Day. They were successful. In 1914, the American President president proclaimed Mother s Day a national observance that was to be held each year on the second Sunday of May.

Task3: St.Valentine’s Story
Let me introduce myself. My name is Valentine. I lived in Rome during the third century. At that time, Rome was ruled by an emperor named Claudius. He wanted to have a big army, and he expected men to volunteer to join. Seeing many men did not want to leave their wives and families, Claudius had a crazy idea. He thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army. So he passed a law to forbid any more marriages. I thought it was preposterous! I certainly wasn't going to support that law!
I was a priest, and one of my favorite activities was to marry couples. I kept on performing marriage ceremonies, secretly. One night, we heard footsteps and shouts of soldiers outside. It was scary! The couple I was marrying escaped in time, but I was caught. I was thrown in jail and told that my punishment was death.
Then wonderful things happened. Many young people came to the jail to visit me. They threw flowers and notes up to my window. They wanted me to know that they, too, believed in love.
One of these young people was the daughter of the prison guard. Sometimes we would sit and talk for hours. She helped me to keep my spirits up. On the day I was to die, I left my friend a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. I signed it, "Love from your Valentine."                          
I believe that note started the custom of exchanging love messages on Valentine's Day.

News Report
A Famous Christmas Market
Receiving Christmas presents is always fun, but buying them can be a headache. This is why many Christmas shoppers around Europe are now going to the German city of Nuremberg to visit its famous Christmas market, Christkindlesmarkt..                              
The four-hundred-year-old market is a child's paradise. Its 150 stalls sell all kinds of toys, gifts, and special foods. A staggering two million people visit the market annually.
The old city and market add a special feeling to Christmas. As one British tourist, Mivart Thomas, explains," There's something quite, sort of, medieval about the atmosphere here. There are quite a lot of old stalls--traditional-looking stalls--and the cathedral in the background with lights all around; and just a few minutes ago, the brass band was playing...playing Christmas carols. The whole atmosphere is wonderful." The market maintains its Old World atmosphere with regulations saying what can and can't be sold. Not surprisingly, the focus is on the family. The market's tourist officer, Gerd Lauterbauch, points out that the market's name translates as "Christ child's market", and the idea behind it is to offer presents for children on Christmas. Christmas markets are found in many German cities, but Nuremberg's is the most famous. It gives a very different impression from the one tourists expect, considering the city's Nazi past. And as word of the market spreads around Europe, the market is becoming a tourist center.        


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