Gemini Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility
He is a wanderer, a charmer with that silver tongue that can get him away with murder. No. This is not James Bond that I am talking about. Just a simple Gemini man (If there was any such thing). No wonder the female Sagittarians fall head over heels for strong Gemini traits. The strong magnetic pull along with the need for independence draws them together and unites them in a fascinating relationship. With their unending fascination for new ideas, Geminis and Sagittarians will never get bored of one another.
So will he be true to her? Well, in a way. Although he may talk to all the women in the party, it is not necessary that he is trying to romance them. It is just the way a Gemini man thinks. So, instead of chaining the man and trying to stifle him, just understand that it is a part of who he is. As for all the Gemini men, it is a good idea not to play around with a caring yet vulnerable Sagittarius woman unless you want to deal with the cutting "honesty" of a female archer.