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Section 54 Games etc.五十四 運(yùn)動(dòng)等

1.Sometimes it is difficult to identify exactly what is a game and what is not. 有時(shí),很難劃分什么是運(yùn)動(dòng),什么不是。

2.For example, football is a game, and so is chess. So what really is a game? 比如說(shuō),足球是一種運(yùn)動(dòng),棋類也是一種運(yùn)動(dòng),那到底什么是真正的運(yùn)動(dòng)?

3.Is fishing a game, a sport or a hobby? 釣魚是一種游戲、一種體育還是一種愛(ài)好?

4.It can be a sport and a hobby, but not a game. 它可能是一種運(yùn)動(dòng),一種愛(ài)好,但不是一種游戲。

5.You see, a sport involves physical activity, a game or hobby doesn’t need to. 你知道運(yùn)動(dòng)包括體能活動(dòng),而游戲和愛(ài)好 則不必。

6.So we can play board games like chess or drafts that involve little physical effort. 所以,我們可以下跳棋、象棋,他們不需要太多的體能。

7.We can collect stamps or coins which are hobbies, and are neither games nor sports. 我們可以收集郵票或錢幣,這些是愛(ài)好,他們既不是游戲也不是體育。

8.Watching sports can be considered a hobby, but participating rarely is. 觀看體育運(yùn)動(dòng)可說(shuō)是一種愛(ài)好,但很少參與。

9.Playing card games is not really a sport, but can be thought of as a hobby. 打牌不是一種真正的體育運(yùn)動(dòng),也可認(rèn)為是一種愛(ài)好。

10.We often hear people say that their hobby is playing tennis etc. 我們常聽(tīng)人們說(shuō)他們的愛(ài)好 是打網(wǎng)球等。

11.But it’s more of a sport than a hobby. 但這里,體育運(yùn)動(dòng)成份比愛(ài)好的成份多。

12.Actually it’s not wrong to use either term. 實(shí)際上,使用其它名稱也沒(méi)有錯(cuò)。

13.Computer games are becoming more and more popular. 電腦游戲也越來(lái)越普遍。

14.These do not involve any physical exertion. 這些都不含有任何體能參與。

15.They are also taking over from board games. 傳統(tǒng)的拼圖游戲也在其中了。

16.They are considered more exciting and competitive. 它們更刺激更具挑戰(zhàn)性。

Section 55 Dance五十五 舞蹈

1.I think that dancing must be one of the oldest forms of entertainment. 我想舞蹈是最古老的娛樂(lè)方式之一。

2.Yes. Even the most primitive societies had some forms of dance. 是的,即使最原始的部落也有舞蹈。

3.Originally, dance was to celebrate some event or occasion. 本來(lái)舞蹈是用來(lái)慶賀某些活動(dòng)的。

4.Today, we do not need a reason, we dance for pleasure. 現(xiàn)在不需要任何理由,跳舞只是一種娛樂(lè)。

5.What kind of dancing do you like? 你喜歡什么樣的舞蹈。

6.I think it can best be described as ball room dancing. 我想我喜歡交誼舞。

7.Oh, you mean the formal sort of dancing with a partner? 噢,你指的是和一位舞伴跳的那種正規(guī)形式的。

8.Yes, the kind that dances to beautiful music. 是的,那種和著優(yōu)美音樂(lè)的(舞蹈)。

9.What about disco dancing? do you like that? DISCO呢?你喜歡嗎?

10.No. It is too noisy and crowded in discos, and I am not sure how to do it. 不喜歡,又吵又?jǐn)D的,而且我也不太會(huì)跳。

11.It’s easy. You just relax and do what ever the music makes you feel like doing. 這容易,你只要放松,隨著音樂(lè),憑感覺(jué)愛(ài)怎么跳就怎么跳。

12.I think I prefer more structured dancing. I think it is more skillful. 我比較喜歡規(guī)范的舞蹈,我認(rèn)為他們的技術(shù)性比較高。

13.Maybe. But disco dancing is easier and more fun, I think. 也許,但我覺(jué)得DISCO比較簡(jiǎn)單有趣。

14.It’s also more tiring. 也比較累。

15.True. Many people use it as a form of exercise. 沒(méi)錯(cuò),許多人把它當(dāng)成 一種運(yùn)動(dòng)。

Section 56 Computers五十六 電腦

1.Do you understand computers? 你懂電腦嗎?

2.Well, I know how to use one, and basically what it can do. 我會(huì)使用,也知道它的基本功用。

3.So, what is the point of using a computer? 那為什么要使用電腦呢?

4.Well, it is there because it can do things so quickly. 那是因?yàn)樗奶幚硭俣确浅?臁?/p>

5.Like what, for example? 哪些方面?打個(gè)比方吧。

6.Like word processing, you know, writing letters and things. 比如文字處理,你知道的,如寫信等等。

7.Is that faster than by hand? 比用手快嗎?

8.Sure. It is so easy to correct mistake without having to throw away what you have already written. 那當(dāng)然,可以在不必刪除已寫好的東西的基礎(chǔ)上修改錯(cuò)誤。

9.So what else are they useful for? 那他們還有什么用途呢?

10.Calculations and spread sheets are so much easier by computer. 用電腦進(jìn)行計(jì)算和制表也很方便。

11.And what about communications? I hear they are important in computing. 那通訊呢?我聽(tīng)說(shuō)他們?cè)陔娔X領(lǐng)域的用途也很大。

12.Yah. Email and Internet are the big things now. 是的,電子郵件、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)在現(xiàn)代是主角。

13.But do you think computers will change our lives much? 但你認(rèn)為電腦將大大地改變我們的生活嗎?

14.Of course. But with the right attitude, a positive attitude, you can see that it will make our lives much better. 當(dāng)然,但要有正確的、積極的態(tài)度,你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)將使我們生活得更好。

15.I sure hope you’re right. 我衷心希望你是對(duì)的。

Section 57 Directions五十七 方向

1.Can you tell me the way to the post office please? 請(qǐng)你告訴我去郵局的路,好嗎?

2.Yes. Take the next left, third on your right, and it’s opposite the library. 可以,在下一個(gè)路口左轉(zhuǎn),經(jīng)過(guò)三個(gè)路口,*你的右手邊,圖書館的對(duì)面。

3.Is it the same, if I am driving a car? 如果我開(kāi)車,也走同樣的路嗎?

4.Ah, no. Because of the one way system. 噢,因?yàn)閱涡械赖木壒?,不一樣?/p>

5.How does that change it? 那有什么改變呢?

6.Well, then you must take the third exit at the roundabout. 那你得在圓盤處從第三個(gè)出口出來(lái)。

7.And where dose that take me? 那……通向哪里?

8.That will take you pass the police station. 這樣走,你要經(jīng)過(guò)警察局。

9.And then where? 然后又往哪里呢?

10.Then take the first on the left, and right at the next junction. 然后在第一個(gè)路口左轉(zhuǎn),接著在下一個(gè)十字路口右轉(zhuǎn)。

11.There is a flyover there, isn't there? 那兒有一座立交橋,是嗎?

12.Yes. So bear left on flyover, and come off at the first exit. 是的,從左邊上立交橋,然后在第一個(gè)出口下橋。

13.Am I far from the post office then? 那我離郵局遠(yuǎn)嗎?

14.No. it’s immediately on your left at the T junction. 不遠(yuǎn),過(guò)了三*路口,就在左邊。

15.I think I’ve got all that, thanks. 我想我全明白了,謝謝。

Section 58 Internet五十八 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)

1.The Internet is the latest innovation in computing communication. 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)是電腦通信上的最新發(fā)明。

2.People call it the net or WWW, which means World Wide Web. 人們稱之為“網(wǎng)”或W

3.The Internet can provide very quick access to a mass of data. 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使人們有機(jī)會(huì)接觸大量的資訊。

4.By using one of the many search engines on the web, we can get information about almost anything you can imagine. 通過(guò)網(wǎng)上的各個(gè)搜索器,我們可以找到所需要的幾乎所有的資料。

5.You simply type in a word or phrase to describe what you are seeking. 你只要鍵入一個(gè)詞或一個(gè)詞組來(lái)說(shuō)明你所要搜尋的對(duì)象。

6.Then the web will give you many choices of where to find what you want. 這時(shí)網(wǎng)上就會(huì)給你提供很多你想要的資料的選擇的機(jī)會(huì)。

7.Then you scroll down the list of suggestions and choose what you think is right. 然后,你在建議單上搜索,并選擇你認(rèn)為正確的一項(xiàng)。

8.The whole process takes just a minute or so, in some cases it takes just seconds.整個(gè)過(guò)程大約1分鐘左右,有些時(shí)候只需幾秒鐘。

9.Usually when you find what you want, it will direct you to other similar links.通常當(dāng)你找到你所需的資料,它會(huì)把你導(dǎo)向類似的鏈接。

10.Most people also use the net for Email, Electronic Mail.大多數(shù)人通過(guò)網(wǎng)上發(fā)送電子郵件。

11.This enables us to send letters in a matter of seconds rather than days.

12.All that is needed is your Email address and the Email address of person you want to write to.這一切,你所需的只是你的電子信箱和收信人的電子信箱。

13.Advertising is very big on the Internet now, too. All big companies do it.網(wǎng)上的廣告也很多,所有的大都在網(wǎng)上做廣告。

14.Business to business, B to B, and ECommerce are becoming new ways of doing business transactions.商業(yè)到商業(yè)以及電子商務(wù)正成為新的商業(yè)活動(dòng)方式。

15.Shopping on the net is becoming popular too.網(wǎng)上購(gòu)物也正開(kāi)始流行。

Section 59 Transport五十九交通

1.They say that space travel is the safest form of transport.871.人們說(shuō)空中旅游是最安全的交通方式。

2.However, most of us will not experience that in our life time.872.然而,大多數(shù)人在有生之年都不可能有這種體驗(yàn)。

3.Flying is also quite safe compared to other forms.873.和其他的方式相比,飛行時(shí)比較安全的。

4.People get a little nervous the first time they fly.人們第一次飛行時(shí)會(huì)有點(diǎn)緊張。

5.In airports, everything is written in the local language; and in international airports, in English as well.875.機(jī)場(chǎng)所有的一切都用本國(guó)文字書寫,在國(guó)際機(jī)場(chǎng),還同時(shí)寫有英文。

6.Airport’s staff are usually very helpful and friendly too.876.機(jī)場(chǎng)工作人員通常十分友善,也樂(lè)于助人。

7.With the improvement in infrastructure in most countries, road and rail travel are becoming much more efficient.隨著大多數(shù)國(guó)家基礎(chǔ)建設(shè)的改善,公路、鐵路的效率也越來(lái)越高。

8.High ways, motor ways and freeways make road travel very convenient. 公路、快車道、高速公路使公路交通更加方便。

9.Modern high-speed trains ensure quickness between cities. 現(xiàn)代高速火車縮短了城市之間的距離。

10.In some large cities, there are underground rail systems called metros. 在某些大城市里,有地下鐵路系統(tǒng)。

11.American cities call these subways, but in Europe, subways are for walking under the main roads. 美國(guó)城市稱之為地下公路,但是歐洲地下公路則指主干道的下面一層,是讓行人走的路。

12.As people get more concerned about inner city pollution from traffic, public transport becomes more crucial. 由于人們?cè)絹?lái)越關(guān)注交通帶來(lái)的城市內(nèi)部污染,公共交通顯得猶為重要。

13.Making buses, taxis and trains cheaper and more efficient will get more people to use them in stead of using their cars. 降低公共汽車、出租車和火車的車費(fèi)會(huì)讓更多的人使用公共交通,而不用私家車。

14.Nowadays, people can be penalized for having just one person per car in the city. 現(xiàn)在,許多城市都被一人一車所困擾。

15.Like many things today, transport is changing due to environmental pressures. 和現(xiàn)在的許多事物一樣,由于環(huán)境的壓力,交通也發(fā)生了變化。

Section 60 Which Knife六十 哪把刀子

1.Once we are used to using chopsticks, it becomes easy. 如果我們習(xí)慣了用筷子,一切都變得簡(jiǎn)單了。

2.Why? Well, there is no choice in which chopstick to use. They are basically the same. 為什么呢?不必選擇使用什么樣的筷子,因?yàn)樗麄兓旧鲜且粯拥摹?/p>

3.However, in the west, where chopsticks are not so common, it can be difficult. 然而,在西方國(guó)家,因?yàn)榭曜硬怀S?,選擇就有點(diǎn)困難了。

4.Usually it is easy to know how to use a knife and fork. 通常,學(xué)會(huì)使用刀和*很容易。

5.The knife is placed on the right, and fork on the left. 刀放在右邊,*放在左邊。

6.We use the related hand for each, fork in the left hand, knife in the right. 我們用對(duì)應(yīng)的手,左手持*,右手拿刀。

7.But sometimes there maybe more than one knife and fork. 但有時(shí)候,也許不只一把刀或一把*。

8.Then it can look a little daunting. 那看起來(lái)就有點(diǎn)犯難了。

9.The simple rule is to work from the outside in. 最簡(jiǎn)單的原則是由外到內(nèi)。

10.That is for the first course, use the outside knife and fork. 這就是,第一道菜,用外層的刀和*。

11.Then work in for each course. 然后,每道菜逐步向內(nèi)。

12.There maybe a separate smaller knife on the side plate for bread and butter. 也許還有專用的小刀放在旁邊的盤子上,用于面包和牛油。

13.If fish is being served, then a special knife is used for cutting and eating the fish. 如果上了一道魚,那就要用專門的刀。

14.A steak knife has a serrated edge to make cutting the meat easier. 牛排刀有齒邊,方便切肉。

15.So, remember, work from the outside in, and you will be OK. 所以請(qǐng)記住,從外向內(nèi),就不會(huì)有錯(cuò)了。

Section 61 Weather六十一 氣候

1.People say that the British always talk about the weather. 人們常說(shuō)英國(guó)人愛(ài)談?wù)撎鞖狻?/p>

2.That’s because the weather is so changeable in the UK. 那是因?yàn)橛惾龒u的氣候變化無(wú)常。

3.At greetings, they will often comment on the state of the weather. 見(jiàn)面時(shí),他們常常要說(shuō)說(shuō)天氣的狀況。

4.For example, they may say “Hello, lovely day today” when they meet. 比方說(shuō),見(jiàn)面時(shí)他們會(huì)相互打招呼說(shuō):“你好,今天天氣真好。”

5.Other terms are used, of course, if the weather is different. 當(dāng)然,如果天氣狀況不一樣,他們的表達(dá)方式也會(huì)隨之改變,

6.But the phrases they use maybe difficult for foreigners to understand. 外國(guó)人是不容易理解其中含義的。

7.“Weather’s taken a turn for the worse” means that the weather change from good to not so good. “天氣轉(zhuǎn)壞”說(shuō)的是天氣從好向不好轉(zhuǎn)變。

8.“It’s raining cats and dogs” is a strange expression that means it is raining very heavily. “雨像貓狗一樣往下竄”是一個(gè)很奇怪的表達(dá)方式,說(shuō)的是雨下得很大。

9.“A peasouper” is very thick fog; it is used because pea soup is also very thick. “豆湯”指的是很濃的霧。之所以這么用是因?yàn)槎怪频臏埠軡狻?/p>

10.“An Indian summer” is when it is hot and sunny later in the year then usual. “印度夏天”指的是歲末時(shí),如果氣候比常年熱、陽(yáng)光照射比較強(qiáng)烈的氣候。

11.“Brass monkey weather” means it is very very cold. “銅猴式的天氣”說(shuō)的是非常冷的天氣。

12.This comes from the brass canon balls used on ships long ago. 這一說(shuō)法來(lái)自很久以前船上的用語(yǔ):

13.If it was very cold, they would freeze. 如果人冷得要凍僵了,

14.So we say “cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey”. 我們會(huì)說(shuō):“冷得要把銅猴上的球凍壞了。”

15.Rain ban be described as spitting, spots of rain, drizzle, light rain, showers, intermittent rain, pouring down, heavy rain or torrential, very heavy rain. 雨被描寫成“滴噠”(雨點(diǎn))、“蒙蒙”(小雨)、“灑落”(中雨)、“嘩嘩”(大雨)、或“傾盆”(暴雨)。

16.Wind can be describe as light, blustery or gale force. 風(fēng)可以用“輕拂”、“呼嘯”、“微風(fēng)”來(lái)描述。

17.Typhoons are not common in Europe, so the word maybe comes from Asia. 臺(tái)風(fēng)在歐洲不常見(jiàn),所以這個(gè)詞有可能來(lái)自亞洲。

18.Hurricanes are like typhoons. “颶風(fēng)”像臺(tái)風(fēng)。

Section 62 Art六十二 藝術(shù)

1.Art can describe all forms of artistic skills. 藝術(shù)是各種藝術(shù)技能的總稱。

2.Dance, literature, painting, sculpture and acting are all forms of art. 舞蹈、文學(xué)、繪畫、雕塑、表演都是藝術(shù)的表現(xiàn)形式。

3.Generally, when we use the word art, we think of paintings. 通常提到藝術(shù),我們會(huì)聯(lián)想到繪畫。

4.Names of Michelangelo, Picasso, Van Gogh and Monet spring to mind. 米開(kāi)朗基羅、畢加索、梵高、莫奈等許多大師的名字會(huì)涌現(xiàn)在腦海里。

5.Each of these artists differed according to the art form they specialized in. 由于所擅長(zhǎng)的藝術(shù)風(fēng)格不同,每位藝術(shù)家各具特色。

6.The great period of change for art came during the renaissance about 400 to 500 years ago. 藝術(shù)的大變革發(fā)生在400~500年前的文藝復(fù)興時(shí)期。

7.The impressionist period of art came at the end of the 19th century. 印象派產(chǎn)生于19世紀(jì)末。

8.Here Monet was probably the most successful and famous. 那里,莫奈也許是最有成就和最著名的藝術(shù)家。

9.Abstract art is much more difficult to understand, see Picasso. 抽象派比較難以理解,看看畢加索作品就知道了。

10.As each generation of artist strikes to create new forms, so change comes. 每一個(gè)時(shí)代,藝術(shù)家們都創(chuàng)作出新的藝術(shù)形式,藝術(shù)也因此產(chǎn)生變化。

11.Modern artists use all sorts of different materials from their predecessors. 與前人相比,現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)家們使用了各種不同形式的材料。

12.Art varies from country to country also. 藝術(shù)因國(guó)家的不同而有所不同。

13.Artists try to interpret the modern world through their paintings. 藝術(shù)家們希望通過(guò)他們的繪畫,來(lái)表現(xiàn)現(xiàn)代世界。

14.Calligraphy is an important art form in China, but not so important in the west. 書法是中國(guó)藝術(shù)的重要表現(xiàn)形式之一,但在西方則不然。

15.The great variety of art in the world is what makes it so beautiful. 各種不同的藝術(shù)形式讓世界更多彩。

16.It’s interesting to consider what art may be like in the long term future. 想像一下未來(lái)的藝術(shù)會(huì)變成什么樣子,是一件非常有趣的事。

Section 63 In the Countryside六十三 在鄉(xiāng)村

1.Mention countryside, and what do people think of? 提起鄉(xiāng)村,人們有什么樣的想像呢?

2.Usually mountains and hills, valleys and rivers, trees and flowers. 通常會(huì)想到,高山、丘陵、峽谷、河流、樹木、花朵等。

3.They think of walking in beautiful and peaceful environments. 人們會(huì)聯(lián)想到在優(yōu)美寧?kù)o的環(huán)境里散步。

4.Do you that in the west, there are special laws for the countryside. 你知道嗎?西方有專門用于鄉(xiāng)村的法律。

5.In Britain, they have something called “The countryside Code”. 在英國(guó),他們有一種稱為“鄉(xiāng)村規(guī)則”的法規(guī)。

6.They even have countryside wardens who are sort of policeman of the countryside. 他們甚至有“鄉(xiāng)村衛(wèi)士”之稱,“鄉(xiāng)村衛(wèi)士”是對(duì)鄉(xiāng)村警察的一種稱呼。

7.This is all to protect the countryside from city dwellers who don’t understand the ecological balance of the world outside the city 這些都是用來(lái)保護(hù)鄉(xiāng)村不受城里人破壞而設(shè)的,因?yàn)槌抢锶瞬幻靼壮鞘兄庹麄€(gè)世界的生態(tài)平衡。

8.We should remember that farmers and others rely upon the countryside for their living. 我們必須記住農(nóng)民以及其它(非城市)人是*土地生存的。

9.If we disturb the ecological balance, those living there find it hard to survive. 如果我們破壞了生態(tài)平衡,那些在此生長(zhǎng)的人和物都很難生存。

10.The balance between flora and fauna, animal and man is crucial to survival. 植物群落與動(dòng)物群落之間,以及人與動(dòng)物之間的平衡很難幸存。

11.As we destroy or change the countryside, wildlife and vegetation is changed. 如果我們破壞或改變了鄉(xiāng)村,野生動(dòng)物和植被都會(huì)發(fā)生變化。

12.Just walking in the wrong places can destroy species of wildlife. 即使是走錯(cuò)了地方,都有可能破壞野生物。

13.Leaving rubbish or garbage lying around can kill some animals who try to eat it. 隨手扔鬼頭鬼腦和廢棄物,也有可能奪取那些誤食的動(dòng)物的生命。

14.Driving too many cars into rural areas can pollute and destroy life there. 太多的汽車開(kāi)到鄉(xiāng)下,會(huì)污染、破壞那里的生命。

15.We should remember that plants are as much living things as humans and animals. 欠必須記住植物與人和動(dòng)物一樣都是有生命的。

Section 64 Under the Sea六十四 海底世界

1.Perhaps the most unexplored area on this planet is under the sea. 在這顆星球上,尚未被大規(guī)模開(kāi)發(fā)過(guò)的地區(qū)也許只有海底。

2.Today there are large areas which we have never been to. 至今,仍有許多我們從未到過(guò)的地方。

3.They are too deep for us to examine in detail. 他們太深了,我們無(wú)法探個(gè)究竟。

4.Although we do have commercial exploration of the sea bed, it is still unknown. 盡管我們對(duì)海床做過(guò)商業(yè)性的探索,它仍然是個(gè)未知數(shù)。

5.The marine life of the upper and middle waters are fairly well recorded. 上層和中層水面的海洋生物幾乎沒(méi)有完整地被記錄過(guò)。

6.However, the deep sea environment can still reveal many secrets. 然而,深海的環(huán)境也許能揭示更多的秘密。

7.To explore these areas is difficult because of the great pressure deep down. 由于海底的巨大壓力,要開(kāi)發(fā)這些地方有困難。

8.We can not build the right machines that can sustain life at the very bottom. 我們還無(wú)法制造出一臺(tái)能夠在深海維持生活的機(jī)器。

9.When we are able to do so, we will discover a whole new world of marine matter. 如果這能實(shí)現(xiàn),我們將發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)全新的海洋世界。

10.The sea is a source of food for many people and a source of income. 對(duì)于許多人來(lái)說(shuō),海洋是他們食物和收入的來(lái)源。

11.We have deep sea villages drilling for oil and gas under the sea bed. 我們有深海“村莊”,用于開(kāi)發(fā)海底石油和天然氣。

12.The natural resources of the deep sea are still relatively untapped. 大海深處的自然資源仍然尚未觸及。

13.It could be that there lies some of the solutions to our resources problems. 那里也許潛藏我們能源問(wèn)題的解決之道。

14.Having learned from our mistakes towards the environment on the surface of the earth, we will be more cautious when utilizing the world below it. 從地球表面開(kāi)發(fā)所犯的錯(cuò)誤中吸取教訓(xùn),我們對(duì)海底的開(kāi)發(fā)應(yīng)該謹(jǐn)慎。

15.Science will reveal the secrets of deep sea one day, and it will be very exciting to learn what is there. 科學(xué)家們會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)深海的秘密,也許有一天,會(huì)給我們一個(gè)驚喜。

Section 65 Mountains六十五 山峰

1.The highest mountain in the world is in Asia. 世界最高峰在亞洲。

2.It is called Mount Everest. 它叫珠穆朗瑪峰。

3.The first man to climb to the top of it was Sir Edmund Hilary. 第一位登上珠峰的人是希拉里爵士。

4.He was an Englishman who used the services of the local shepherd guides. 他是英國(guó)人,借助了當(dāng)?shù)啬撩駥?dǎo)游的幫助。

5.The most famous of these shepherds was Shepherd Tenzing who helped Hilary. 牧民們對(duì)希拉里爵士最大的幫助要數(shù)他們?cè)膸づ瘛?/p>

6.Since the 1950s when Mount Everest was first conquered, many others have tried. 處50年代喜馬拉雅山第一次被征服以來(lái),許多人都進(jìn)行嘗試。

7.Many people have died trying to climb Everest and other mountains. 在攀登喜馬拉雅山和其它山峰的途中,許多人失去了生命。

8.When asked why he climbed it, Hilary simply answered, “Because it is there.” 當(dāng)人們問(wèn)到為什么要攀登珠峰時(shí),希拉里很簡(jiǎn)單地回答:“因?yàn)樗谀莾骸?rdquo;

9.This pioneering attitude has driven countless others to attempt mountaineering. 這種開(kāi)拓精神激勵(lì)了無(wú)數(shù)的攀登者。

10.When we go very high, the air contains less oxygen. 越往上攀登,空氣中的氧氣含量越少,

11.We call this thin or rare air. 我們稱之為空氣稀薄。

12.It makes breathing very difficult and drains the energy of climbers. 它導(dǎo)致呼吸困難,而且消耗攀登者的能量。

13.However, when these people reach the mountain peaks, they are rewarded with the cleanest air and the most panoramic views. 然而,當(dāng)他們到達(dá)山頂時(shí),他們將享受到最清新的空氣,遠(yuǎn)處一目了然。

14.Of course, as we climb higher, so the temperature decreases, and extreme cold is felt. 當(dāng)然,我們登得越高,溫度也越低,感覺(jué)特別冷。

15.The challenge of defeating a mountain is what drives on most mountaineers. 征服高峰的挑戰(zhàn)性,推動(dòng)著許多登山者。

16.This drive to succeed where no one has is a tremendous characteristic of humans. 超越別人取得的成功是人性的最大特點(diǎn)。

Section 66 Travel Guides六十六 旅游指南

1.Can you imagine trying to go to a new place without a travel guide? 到一個(gè)陌生的地方去而沒(méi)有旅游指南,能想像嗎?

2.Hundreds of years ago, explorers had no such things. 幾百年前,開(kāi)拓者們不存在這些問(wèn)題。

3.As these people opened up more new areas to us, they wrote about them. 當(dāng)他們開(kāi)發(fā)出新的地區(qū)后,他們作了記錄。

4.These writings formed a new genre of literature called travel writing. 這些記錄形成了一種新的文學(xué)形式――旅游文學(xué)。

5.Some travel guides are just pure factual data, others are more entertaining. 有些導(dǎo)游只作事實(shí)上的描述,有些導(dǎo)游則比較有趣。

6.Perhaps we could call train, plane and bus schedules travel guides, but they are not very interesting. 也許我們可以稱火車、飛機(jī)和公共汽車時(shí)刻表為旅游指南,但是他們不是很有趣。

7.So, what do people expect when they buy and read such guides? 那么,人們夠買這類導(dǎo)游資料時(shí),他們希望看到什么?

8.They expect to get a lot of details about the places they are interested in. 他們希望看到他們感興趣地方的詳細(xì)資料。

9.They want to know what to expect when they get there, climate, food customs. 他們希望知道那里的氣候、飲食、風(fēng)俗。

10.They like to know what other most interesting places to visit, and what difficulties to expect when they get there. 他們想知道那里最有趣的景點(diǎn),以及到那兒之后可能遇到的困難。

11.The variety of places to eat and kinds of foods served will also be mentioned in the guides. 各種餐飲地點(diǎn)以及飲食種類也會(huì)在導(dǎo)游資料里提及。

12.But a travel guide need not be a book. It could be a pamphlet or even a person. 但導(dǎo)游可以不必是一本書,可以是一本小冊(cè)子,可是一個(gè)人。

13.In most major tourist areas, you can hire the service of a person who will act as your travel guide. 在主要的旅游景點(diǎn),你可以雇個(gè)人當(dāng)個(gè)導(dǎo)游。

14.They will help you to get to the right places as safely as possible. 他們會(huì)把你安全地帶到要去的地方。

15.There are millions of travel guides of all kinds in the world. 世界上有無(wú)數(shù)不同類型的導(dǎo)游(資料),

16.And reading them can be almost as good as the real thing. 深入其中如同身臨其境。

Section 67 Atlas, Map, Globe六十七 地圖冊(cè)、地圖、地球儀

1.Do you know the difference between an atlas, a map and a globe? 你知道地圖冊(cè)、地圖和地球儀有什么不同?

2.A map usually is a plan of an area or region or town. 地圖通常是一個(gè)地區(qū)或一個(gè)城鎮(zhèn)的平面圖。

3.We can get street maps that can help us find a way around a city or town. 街道地圖可以幫助我們?cè)诔鞘欣镄凶摺?/p>

4.We can get regional maps which show us on a larger scale and area. 我們可以找到展示一個(gè)更大地區(qū)范圍的地圖。

5.Maps can cover whole countries, continents or even the world. 地圖可以包括一個(gè)國(guó)家,一片陸地或是整個(gè)世界。

6.Without detailed maps, it would be difficult to find our way around or to a new area. 沒(méi)有詳細(xì)的地圖,我們到一個(gè)新地方會(huì)寸步難行。

7.An atlas is a book of maps. 地圖冊(cè)一本地圖書。

8.Usually an atlas will contain maps of each region and every country of the world. 通常,地圖冊(cè)會(huì)包括世界上每個(gè)國(guó)家和地區(qū)的地圖。

9.Also an atlas may give us pictorial images of the political, demographic and environmental points of the areas covered. 地圖冊(cè)還會(huì)形象地告訴我們這些地區(qū)的政治、地形、環(huán)境特點(diǎn)。

10.Old maps and atlases were hand drawn by explorers and city planers. 老式的地圖和地圖冊(cè)是開(kāi)拓者和城市設(shè)計(jì)者們用手畫的。

11.Today these maps maybe drawn by computers using the latest satellite technology. 現(xiàn)在,這些地圖則是通過(guò)最新的衛(wèi)星信息由電腦繪制的。

12.In the west, almost every home will contain an atlas. 在西方,幾乎每家都有一本地圖冊(cè)。

13.A globe is a map of the world as it really looks. 地球儀則是世界的模型圖。

14.An atlas is two dimensional and flat. 地圖冊(cè)是平面二維的。

15.A globe is just like the earth, round and able to spin. 地球儀則和地球一樣,是圓形的、可以轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)的。

Section 68 Politics六十八 政治

1.No one in the modern world escapes the effects of politics. 現(xiàn)代社會(huì)里,沒(méi)有人能回避政治的影響。

2.Most of us think of politics as having to do with government leaders. 我們大多數(shù)人會(huì)把政治與政府領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人聯(lián)系在一起。

3.Those politics dictate the life of a country and the manner in which its people live. 政治支配一個(gè)國(guó)家的命運(yùn)以及這個(gè)國(guó)家人民的生活品質(zhì)。

4.Politics and politicians can create peace and wealth, or war and poverty. 政治和政治家們既可以創(chuàng)造和平與財(cái)富,也足以制造戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)與貧窮。

5.Intergovernmental diplomacy between different countries may rely on ambassadors who represent their countries abroad. 不同國(guó)家之間的政府外交是由代表各自國(guó)家的外交使節(jié)來(lái)執(zhí)行的。

6.Domestic and international policies are decided by politicians. 國(guó)內(nèi)和國(guó)際間的政策是政治家們決定的。

7.However politics comes into our lives everyday without the big world of government politics. 然而,雖然不談?wù)?,政治在我們?nèi)粘I钪幸搽S處可見(jiàn)。

8.Inside our work place, politics may determine who our bosses are. 在我們的工作單位里,政治會(huì)決定誰(shuí)是老板。

9.This is because a form of politics is in operation in all companies. 這是因?yàn)檎蔚哪J揭泊嬖谟谒衅髽I(yè)的運(yùn)作中。

10.People use politics to gain position or to win over their ideas or plans. 人們運(yùn)用政治去取得地位或?qū)崿F(xiàn)他們的理想和計(jì)劃

11.Politics utilizes the implementation of power through manipulation of people. 政治是通過(guò)對(duì)人的操縱來(lái)利用權(quán)力工具的。

12.Politicians need to build a network of allies to support their actions. 政客們必須建立一個(gè)支持他們的聯(lián)盟。

13.This applies to our social lives sometimes. 這時(shí)常運(yùn)用在我們的社會(huì)生活中

14.Most people will say that they hate politics or don’t understand them. 大多數(shù)人會(huì)說(shuō)他們厭惡政治或不理解政治。

15.However, they are a necessity of life, and none of us escape political influences. 然而,政治是生活的必須,沒(méi)人能脫離政治的影響。

Section 69 Goodbyes六十九 再見(jiàn)

1.“Goodbye” seems such a simple and common word.“再見(jiàn)”似乎是一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的常用詞。

2.This English word is known all around the world, yet there are many ways to say it. 世界各地的人都知道這個(gè)詞匯,但說(shuō)再見(jiàn)的方法多種多樣。

3.In some countries, they use the same word for “goodbye” as “hello”. 有些國(guó)家“你好”與“再見(jiàn)”用的是同一個(gè)詞

4.Arabs and Israelis say “salom” or “shalom” for both “hello” and “goodbye”, and it means peace. 阿拉伯和以色列人用“SALLOM”或“SHALLOM”表示你好和再見(jiàn),這個(gè)詞有“和平“的含義。

5.In the west we can say “see you”, “later”, “so long”, “farewell”, etc. 在西方,可以說(shuō)“一會(huì)兒見(jiàn)”、“就這樣了”、“別了”等。

6.We often use phrases adopted from other languages. 我們常常采用其它外來(lái)語(yǔ)。

7.“Au revoir”, French, “chio”, Italian, are very commonly used in the west. 西方人也常用法語(yǔ)的“AU REVOIR”和意大利語(yǔ)的“CLAO”。

8.A wave of the hand can say both hello and goodbye in most cultures. 在許多文化里,揮手同時(shí)表示“你好”和“再見(jiàn)”。

9.To most of us, saying goodbye to close friends and family can be very painful. 對(duì)大多數(shù)人來(lái)說(shuō)與親友說(shuō)再見(jiàn)時(shí)會(huì)依依不舍。

10.If we know it is going to be for a long time, then goodbyes are emotional. 如果知道要分別一段時(shí)間,再見(jiàn)的場(chǎng)面比較感人。

11.“Nice to have met you”, “looking forward to seeing you again”, “welcome back” are terms used in situations where we don’t know the other person so well. “很高興見(jiàn)到你”、“希望再次見(jiàn)到你”、“歡迎你回來(lái)”等用于與不太熟悉的人的交談中。

12.Goodbyes have polite forms, informal forms and close friendship forms. 再見(jiàn)的形式多種多樣,有正規(guī)的,非正規(guī)的和親友式的。

13.A goodbye can be accompanied by a kiss, or a shake of hands, or just smile and nod. 說(shuō)再見(jiàn)的同時(shí)可以吻別、握手或只是簡(jiǎn)單地微笑和點(diǎn)頭。

14.One thing is for sure, most of the time “hello” is better than “goodbye”. 有一點(diǎn)是肯定的,大多數(shù)時(shí)候說(shuō)“你好”比“再見(jiàn)”更合適。

15.However we say it, it should always be remembered, that we can never say goodbye if there has never been “hello” first. 然而,我們說(shuō)“再見(jiàn)”時(shí)一定要記住,如果從來(lái)沒(méi)有說(shuō)過(guò)“你好”,就不可能說(shuō)“再見(jiàn)”。


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