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雙語全文 ● 魯迅 阿Q正傳——第三章 續(xù)優(yōu)勝記略





So white and glittering a pile of silver! All of it his ... but now it had dis-appeared. Even to consider this tantamount to being robbed by his son did not comfort him. To consider himself as an insect did not comfort him either. This time he really tasted something of the bitterness of defeat.

But presently he changed defeat into victory. Raising his right hand he slapped his own face hard, twice, so that it tingled with pain. After this slap-ping his heart felt lighter, for it seemed as if the one who had given the slap was himself, the one slapped some other self, and soon it was just as if he had beaten someone else—in spite of the fact that his face was still tingling. He lay down satisfied that he had gained the victory.

Soon he was asleep.

Chapter 3

A Further Account of Ah Q’s Victories

Although Ah Q was always gaining victories, it was only after he was favoured with a slap in the face by Mr. Zhao that he became famous.

After paying the bailiff two hundred cash he lay down angrily. Then he said to himself, “What is the word coming to nowadays, with sons beating their fathers!” And then the thought of the prestige of Mr. Zhao, who was now his son, gradually raised his spirits. He scrambled up and made his way to the tavern singing The Young Widow at Her Husband’s Grave. At that time he did feel that Mr. Zhao was a cut above most people.

After this incident, strange to relate, it was true that everybody seemed to pay him unusual respect. He probably attributed this to the fact that he was Mr. Zhao’s father, but actually such was not the case. In Weizhuang, as a rule, if the seventh child hit the eighth child or Li So-and-so hit Zhang Soand-so, it was not taken seriously. A beating had to be connected with some important personage like Mr. Zhao before the villagers thought it worth talking about. But once they thought it worth talking about, since the beater was famous the one beaten enjoyed some of his reflected fame. As for the fault being Ah Q’s, that was naturally taken for granted, the reason being that Mr. Zhao could do no wrong. But if Ah Q were wrong, why did every-body seem to treat him with unusual respect? This is difficult to explain. We may put forward the hypothesis that it was because Ah Q had said he be-longed to the same family as Mr. Zhao; thus, although he had been beaten,people were still afraid there might be some truth in his assertion and there-fore thought it safer to treat him more respectfully. Or, alternatively, it may have been like the case of the sacrificial beef in the Confucian temple: al-though the beef was in the same category as the pork and mutton, being of animal origin just as they were, later Confucians did not dare touch it since the sage had enjoyed it.




第三章 續(xù)優(yōu)勝記略




After this Ah Q prospered for several years.

One spring, when he was walking along in state of happy intoxication,he saw Whiskers Wang sitting stripped to the waist in the sunlight at the foot of a wall, catching lice; and at this sight his own body began to itch. Since Whiskers Wang was scabby and bewhiskered, everybody called him“Ringworm Whiskers Wang.” Although Ah Q omitted the word “Ring-worm,” he had the greatest contempt for the man. To Ah Q, while scabs were nothing to take exception to, such hairy cheeks were really too out-landish and could excite nothing but scorn. So Ah Q sat down by his side. Had it been any other idler, Ah Q would never have dared sit down so casu-ally; but what had he to fear by the side of Whiskers Wang? In fact, his will-ingness to sit down was doing the fellow an honour.

Ah Q took off his tattered lined jacket and turned it inside out; but ei-ther because he had washed it recently or because he was too clumsy, a long search yielded only three or four lice. He saw that Whiskers Wang, on the other hand, was catching first one and then another in swift succession,cracking them between his teeth with a popping sound.

Ah Q felt first disappointed, then resentful: the despicable Whiskers Wang had so many, he himself so few—what a great loss of face! He longed to find one or two big ones, but there were none, and when at last he managed to catch a middle-sized one, stuffed it fiercely between his thick lips and bit hard, the resultant pop was again inferior to the noise made by Whiskers Wang.





All Ah Q’s ringworm patches turned scarlet. He flung his jacket on the ground, spat, and swore, “Hairy worm!”

“Mangy dog, who are you calling names?” Whiskers Wang looked up contemptuously.

Although the relative respect accorded him in recent years had in-creased Ah Q’s pride, he was still rather timid when confronted by those loafers accustomed to fighting. But today he was feeling exceptionally pug-nacious. How dare a hairy-cheeked creature like this insult him?

“If the cap fits wear it,” he retorted, standing up and putting his hands on his hips.

“Are your bones itching?” demanded Whiskers Wang, standing up too and draping his jacket over his shoulders.

Thinking that the fellow meant to run away, Ah Q lunged forward to punch him. But before his fist reached the target, his opponent seized him and gave him a tug which sent him staggering. Then Whiskers Wang seized his queue and started dragging him towards the wall to knock his head in the time-honoured manner.

“‘ A gentleman uses his tongue but not his hands!’” protested Ah Q, his head on one side.

Apparently Whiskers Wang was no gentleman, for without paying the slightest attention to what Ah Q said he knocked his head against the wall five times in succession, then with a great push shoved him two yards away,after which he walked off in triumph.

As far as Ah Q could remember, this was the first humiliation of his life,because he had always scoffed at Whiskers Wang on account of his ugly bewhiskered cheeks, but had never been scoffed at, much less beaten by him. And now, contrary to all expectations, Whiskers Wang had beaten him. Could it really be true, as they said in the market-place: “The Emperor has abolished the official examinations, so that scholars who have passd them are no longer in demand?” This must have undermined the Zhao family’s prestige. Was this why people were treating him contemptuously too?











Ah Q stood there irresolutely.

From the distance approached another of Ah Q’s enemies. This was Mr. Qian’s eldest son whom Ah Q thoroughly despised. After studying in a foreign-style school in the city, it seemed he had gone to Japan. When he came home half a year later his legs were straight and his queue had disappeared. His mother wept bitterly a dozen times, and his wife tried three times to jump into the well. Later his mother told everyone, “His queue was cut off by some scoundrel when he was drunk. By rights he ought to be a big official, but now he’ll have to wait till it’s grown again.” Ah Q, however, did not believe this, and insisted on calling him a “Bogus Foreign Devil” or “Traitor in Foreign Pay.” At sight of him he would start cursing under his breath.

What Ah Q despised and detested most in him was his false queue. When it came to having a false queue, a man could scarcely be considered human; and the fact that his wife had not attempted to jump into the well a fourth time showed that she was not a good woman either.

Now this “Bogus Foreign Devil” was approaching.

“Baldhead! Ass...” In the past Ah Q had just cursed under his breath,inaudibly; but today, because he was in a rage and itching for revenge, the words slipped out involuntarily.

Unfortunately this Baldhead was carrying a shiny brown cane which looked to Ah Q like the “staff carried by a mourner.” With great strides he bore down on Ah Q who, guessing at once that a beating was in the offing,hastily flexed his muscles and hunched his shoulders in anticipation. Sure enough, Thwack! Something struck him on the head.

“I meant him!” explained Ah Q, pointing to a nearby child.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

As far as Ah Q could remember, this was the second humiliation of his life. Fortunately after the thwacking stopped it seemed to him that the mat-ter was closed, and he even felt somewhat relived. Moreover, the precious ability to forget” handed down by his ancestors stood him in good stead. He walked slowly away and by the time he approached the tavern door he was quite cheeful again.










Just then, however, a little nun from the Convent of Quiet Self-improve-ment came walking towards him. The sight of a nun always made Ah Q swear; how much more so, then, after these humiliations? When he recalled what had happened, his anger flared up again.

“I couldn’t think what made my luck so bad today—so it’s meeting you that did it! ” he fumed to himself.

Going towards her he spat noisily. “Ugh! .... Pah!”

The little nun paid not the least attention but walked on with lowered head. Ah Q stepped up to her and shot out a hand to rub her newly shaved scalp, then with a guffaw cried, “Baldhead! Go back quick, your monk’s waiting for you... ”

“Who are you pawing?...”demanded the nun, flushing all over her face as she quickened her pace.

The men in the tavern roared with laughter. This appreciation of his feat added to Ah Q’s elation.

“If the monk paws you, why can’t I?” He pinched her cheek.

Again the men in the tavern roared with laughter. More bucked than ever, and eager to please his admirers, Ah Q pinched her hard again before letting her go.

This encounter had made him forget Whiskers Wang and the Bogus Foreign Devil, as if all the day’s bad luck had been avenged. And strange to relate, even more completely relaxed than after the thwacking, he felt as if he were walking on air.

“Ah Q may you die sonless!” wailed the little nun already some dis-tance away.

Ah Q roared with delighted laughter.

The men in the tavern joined in, with only a shade less gusto in their laughter.


“我不知道我今天為什么這樣晦氣,原來就因?yàn)橐娏四悖 彼搿?














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