[(1)to live through an event,situation or condition;
(2)something that one has done or lived through]
She experienced great pain.(1)
The experience caused her great pain.
[(1)to test;
(2)a test or trial carried out to prove if an idea is true or false,or to discover something]
The candidate said he experimented with mari juana when he was a student.(1)
The medical experiments showed that the new medicine was not effective against cancer.(2)
[a person with special knowledge or training]
She is an expert on nuclear disarmament.
[(1)to give reasons for;(2)to make clear;(3)to tell about;(4)to tell the meaning]
Linda explained to her father why she wanted a big wedding.(1)
The president explained inde tail his plan to send American soldiers to the troubled area.(2)
Wyattexplained the step she used to solve the budget problem.(3)
Just in was asked to explain theeffects of his solutionon all side sin the dispute.(4)
[to break apartviolently with aloudnoise,like abomb]
The criticism made him explodeinanger.
[(1)to travelinaplace that is not well known tolearn more about it;(2)to make acareful search;(3)to examineclosely]
Ateamledby Meriwether Lewisand William Clarkexplored the land westofthe Mississippi River almostt wohundred years ago.(1)
The space craft explored the solarsystem to search for signsoflife.(2)
The committee explorede very possibility before deciding what to do.(3)
[(1)to send to an othe rcountry;(2)something sent to another country,usuallyforsale]
The UnitedState shasbeenim porting much more from Asiathanit exports.(1)
Butitexpectsexports will increase following the approvaloffulltra derelations with China.(2)
[(1)to stret choutin are aorlength;(2)to continuef oralongertime]
The rebelshave extendedtheir control over more of the country.(1)
Official shave extended the time that students must be inschool each day, from seven hour stoeight.(2)
[more thannormal,expected or necessary]
New spaper sprinted extra copiestorepor telectionresults.
[more than the usualor accepted]
My broken leg was extremely painful.
[aperson with strongre ligiou sorpoliticalbe liefs who actsina next remeorviolent way]
An imalrightsextremists broke in to the building and released all the labor at oryanimals.