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Ginger & Smart---2012澳大利亞時裝周領軍品牌





Alexandra and Genevieve Smart 倆姐妹



品牌: Ginger & Smart 設計師:Genevieve Smart和Alexandra Smart
Ginger & Smart在澳大利亞屬于典型的奢侈品牌,受眾一般都是對服裝設計有一定自己的想法和研究的高素質客人。該品牌的服裝一直都非??季壳覙O具現(xiàn)代感,‘精致、現(xiàn)代、時尚、輕盈’是該品牌設計每一季系列新品時恒久不變的理念。
Ginger & Smart品牌是由Alexandra和 Genevieve Smart二姐妹于2002年在悉尼創(chuàng)辦的。之所以會創(chuàng)辦一個這樣的時裝品牌,二人最初的想法很簡單,就是結合家人的聰明才智打造一個具有強烈時尚生活品味的服裝品牌。對于Alexandra和Genevieve來說,她們在創(chuàng)業(yè)之初就已經(jīng)擁有了良好的創(chuàng)業(yè)背景。Alexandra曾擔任一些奢侈生活雜志書籍以及網(wǎng)站的時尚編輯。Genevieve則是給Lisa Ho品牌時裝擔任了多年的高級設計師。這次2012春夏系列新品的設計靈感包括了超脫、人的潛意識、躺著卻一直清醒著的狀態(tài)以及睡眠與做夢。本季服裝在剪裁上十分流暢、具有現(xiàn)代感,給人十分精致的視覺效果。

Ten years after launching Ginger & Smart, Alexandra and Genevieve Smart returned to Australia Fashion Week with a summer collection dubbed “Neo Nature.”
Alexandra and Genevieve Smart 倆姐妹在創(chuàng)辦Ginger & Smart品牌10年后帶著她們的夏季系列--新自然主義來到澳大利亞時裝周。

Combining prints, metallics and silver foil-embellished brocades with relaxed, feminine tailoring, the sisters’ collection reflects the maturity of a decade on the country’s fashion scene.
Ginger & Smart品牌這季的服飾系列以多色印花,金屬元素以及銀箔邊錦緞充分展現(xiàn)了輕盈自在而又柔美浪漫的設計理念,并反映了該品牌10年來在服飾設計方面的日趨成熟。


Ginger & Smart showed new designs at Sydney’s Fashion Week on Monday.
Ginger & Smart品牌于周一在悉尼時裝周上展示新款服飾

We talked to Alex, the business brain behind the duo, to get her thoughts on Ginger & Smart’s past and Australian fashion’s future.
記者與Ginger & Smart品牌的幕后團隊代表-Alex進行交談,得知了Alexandra and Genevieve Smart 倆姐妹關于Ginger & Smart品牌對于過去和未來的一些設計思想。

The Wall Street Journal: How has working on this year’s show been different from previous years?

Ms. Smart: We’ve had to be very organized this year because Genevieve, my sister, just had a baby eight weeks ago. And you know what? That really makes you organized. We’ve had to really think really hard about the show, and we feel all that pre-planning has really worked. Because it’s our 10-year anniversary, we wanted to make a big statement about our brand.
Alexandra and Genevieve Smart 姐妹:今年我們必須非常有條不紊的開展工作,因為我姐姐Genevieve在8個禮拜前剛剛生下孩子。而你知道嗎?這真的讓我們工作起來非常有條理。對于這場秀,我們必須認真地思考,而且我們之前所做的種種計劃都起到了作用。今年是我們品牌創(chuàng)立十周年,我們想為我們的品牌交上一份滿意的答卷。

What is our theme in the show?我們這次秀的主旋律是什么?

Our brand is about prints and color, so this show is really joyful. It’s really optimistic. It’s really saying fashion is about a statement, an individuality. Our woman is chic, she’s modern, she’s effortless. And what I love about fashion right now is that she’s very individual — she’ll put her own spin on everything.
我們的品牌多以印花和顏色為主,所以這場秀真地讓人很歡欣。這場秀真的很鼓舞人心。它告訴我們時尚就是個性化。我們女性就是時尚,現(xiàn)代, 輕盈。而我所崇尚的時尚理念就是每個女性都很個性,她們都有自己獨特的標簽。

What inspired the collection? 這季系列的創(chuàng)作源泉是什么?

We’ve been inspired by a future landscape. It’s called Neon Nature, so it’s really where future meets nature. You can see, in the neon color and in the prints, a real nod to nature — the colors in nature, the shapes — in a futuristic way.

How do you think the rise of e-commerce is shaping Australia’s fashion industry?

When you have a look at a lot of the buyers that are here this week [including Net-a-Porter and ASOS] a lot of them are Internet buyers. That’s because fashion’s global, and people want Australian fashion. So in an online capacity, I think Australian fashion’s got an opportunity to be a big part of the online global phenomenon, because you can buy it anywhere.
你可以看到這周來到這里的眾多買家中包括(Net-a-Porter and ASOS),他們中有很多都是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)買家。這是因為時尚是世界的,而且大家也需要澳大利亞時尚。所以我認為,通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng),澳大利亞時尚可以有機會成為全球網(wǎng)絡時尚中的一個大戶,因為你可以通過網(wǎng)絡在任何地方輕松購買。


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