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NO BOOK英語口語極短句下p1 #2

所屬教程:NO BOOK英語口語極短句



Lesson 196 What's wrong?
1.What's wrong?出了什么問題了?
2.What's wrong with you?你怎么了?
3 You guessed wrong.你猜錯了。
You are wrong.你錯了。
5.Telling lies is wroing.說謊是不道德的。
Lesson 197 Smoking will kill you.
1.Smoking will kill you.吸煙會害了你的。
2.Smoking will cause cancer.吸煙會導致癌癥。
3.Smoking damages your health.吸煙有害健康。
4.You should quit smoking.Now!你應該現(xiàn)在就戒煙!
5.No smoking!禁止吸煙
Lesson 198 What's your major?
1.What 's your major?你主修什么專來?
2.I'm a French major.我是法語專業(yè)的。
3.My major is English.我的專業(yè)是英語。
4.He majors in physics.他主修物理。
5.She is a history major.她主修歷史。
Lesson 199 Let's order pizza.
1.Let's order pizza.咱們要比薩餅吧。
2.Please order for me.請?zhí)嫖尹c菜吧。
3. Can I order now?我現(xiàn)在可以點餐嗎?
4.I didn't order this.不是我訂的。
5.You must obey orders.你必須服從命令。
Lesson 200 What a fool!
1.What a fool!真是笨呀!
2.Can't you stop fooling!你就別再犯傻了!
3.You can't fool me.你愚弄不了我的。
4.I'm such a fool.我可真夠傻的。
5.He's fooling about.他在虛度光陰。
Lesson 201 What's so funny?
1.What's so funny?真是好笑。
2.That's funny.真是好笑。
3.I feel very funny.我感覺有些不舒服。
4.There's something funny.有點兒古怪。
5.Don't try anything funny.別跟我耍花招。
Lesson 202 What's the story?
1.What's the story?這是怎么回事啊?
2.It's a love story.是一愛情故事。
3.It's a wonderful story.真是很有意思的經(jīng)歷。
4.Don't tell stories?!別說謊啦?
5.It is another story now.現(xiàn)在情形不同了。
Lesson 203 You can't imagine!
1.You can't imagine!你很難想象!
2.I can't imagine it!我真是難以想像。
3.I imagine you're right.我猜你是對的。
4.Try to imagine it.試著去想象一下。
5.Just imagine!想想看!
Lesson 204 What a mess!
1.What a mess!真亂啊!
2.You're a mess!你真邋遢1
3.Stop messing about it.別瞎折騰了。
4.Your room is in a mess.你的房間雜亂不堪。
5.Excuse the mess.抱歉屋里很亂。
Lesson 205 What's the matter?
1.What the matter?怎么了?
2.What's the matter with your car?你的車出了什么問題了
3.What's the matter with your bike?你的自行車出什么毛病了?
4.It doesn't matter.不要緊。
5.This is a matter of no account.這是件無關緊要的事。
Lesson 206 That's fact.
1.That's fact.是真的。
2.I know it for a fact.我知道這是真事。
3.Facts speak louder than words.事實勝于雄辯。
4.We are interested only in facts.我們只重視事實。
5.Is this report based on fact?這篇報導是真實的?
Lesson 207 I need some sleep.
1.I need some sleep.我需要睡眠。
2.Did you sleep well?睡得好嗎?
3.Have a sound sleep!祝你睡個好覺!
4.Good night,sleep tight!晚安,睡個好覺!
5.I slept badly last night.昨晚我睡得不舒服。
Lesson 208 The building is very high!
1.The building is very high!這座樓真是高?。?br /> 2.It's too hight for me.這對我來講太高了。
3.How high is Mt Everest?珠穆朗瑪峰有多高?
4.The price reached a new high.價格又創(chuàng)最高記錄了。
5.It's high time!這是大好時機!
Lesson 209 No difference!
1.No difference!沒區(qū)別!
2.What's the difference?有什么不同的呢?
3.Tell me the difference.告訴我這之間的區(qū)別。
4.Not much difference in price.價格上沒多大區(qū)別。
5.I can't see much difference.我看不出有多大區(qū)別。
Lesson 210 Anybody at home?
1.Anybody at home?有人在家嗎?
2.Make yourself at home.就像在家一樣,別拘束。
3.I'll send you home.我送你回家。
4.My home is far away from here.我家離這里很遠。
5.East or West,home is best.行遍天下路,還是在家好啊。
Lesson 211 Back in a moment!
1.Back in a moment!我馬上就回來!
2.I'll be back soon.我很快就回來。
3.I'll be back home soon.我很快就回家。
4.I will back you up.我支持你。
5.Stand back,please.請往后站。
Lesson 212 I'm interested in cooking.
1.I'm interested in cooking.我對烹飪感興趣。
2.I'm intrested in it.我對這很感興趣。
3.I find no interest in it.我對這個不感興趣。
4.Are you interested in it?你對這個感興趣嗎?
5.Football doesn't interest me at all.足球一點也提不起我的興趣。
Lesson 213 It's my duty.
1.It's my duty.這是我的職責。
2.Don't forget your duty.不要忘記了你的責任。
3.Who's on duty today?今天是誰值日。
4.I'm on duty today.今天是我值班。
5.It's my duty to do so.這樣做是我應盡的義務。
Lesson 214 Don't look so miserable.
1.Don't look so miserable.別那么愁眉苦臉的。
2.It's a miserable failure.這是一次慘痛的失敗。
3.What a miserable meal!這飯真難吃!
4.I feel very miserable.我好沮喪。
5.What miserable weather!多煩人的天氣!
Lesson 215 I'm dieting.
1.I'm dieting.我在節(jié)食。
2.I'm on a diet.我正在減肥。
3.You ought to diet.你應該節(jié)食。
5 I'll go on a diet.我要節(jié)食。
Lesson 216 Walk to the corner.
1.Walk to the corner.走到拐角那兒。
2.Just around the corner.就在附近。
3.Her house is round the corner.她家離這里不遠。
4.Don't corner so fast.轉變別轉得太快。
5.My car corners well.我的汽車彎轉得很好。
Lesson 217 What's your alibi?
1.What's your alibi?你有什么托辭呢?
2.That's just an alibi.那只是借口罷了。
3.What's your alibi this time?這回你又有什么借口。
4.It's a good alibi.真是個好托辭。
5.Have you an alibi?你有不在犯罪現(xiàn)場的證明嗎?
Lesson 218 This is an emergency!
1.This is an emergency!這是緊急情況!
2.Use it in an emergency!出現(xiàn)緊急情況時就用這個!
3.Call me in an emergency!出現(xiàn)緊急情況時給我打電話!
4.It's the emergency exit.這是緊急出口。
5.It's an emergency meeting.這是緊急會議。


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