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NO BOOK英語口語極短句上p5 #2

所屬教程:NO BOOK英語口語極短句



Lesson 98 Step by step!
1.Step by step!一步一步地來!
2.It's the first step.這是第一步。
3.Mind your steps!留神腳下!
4.Did you hear steps outside?聽到外面的腳步聲了嗎?
5.The school is only a step away.學(xué)校就在附近。
Lesson 99 Mind your way!
1.Mind you way!走路當(dāng)心點(diǎn)!
2.Never mind.沒關(guān)系。
3.Make up your mind!做個(gè)決定吧?
4.Mind your own business.管好你自己的事吧。
5.Would you mind my opening the window?我打開窗子你介意嗎?
Lesson 100 Not a chance!
1.Not a chance!行不通啦!
2.Give me a chance,please.請(qǐng)給我一次機(jī)會(huì)。
3.Take a chance.碰碰運(yùn)氣吧。
4.Let chance decide.憑運(yùn)氣決定吧。
5.It's the chance of a lifetime.這是一生中最難得的機(jī)會(huì)呀。
Lesson 101 Same as ever!
1.Same as ever!一如既往!
2.The same to you!我同樣也祝你快樂!
3.Same for me!我也要同樣的!
4.Same feeling here.我也一樣。
5.I still feel the same about it.我的想法極和原來一樣。
Lesson 102 What fun!
1.What fun!多有趣??!
2.That'll be fun.那會(huì)很有趣。
3.You're a real fun guy.你真是個(gè)有趣的人。
4.Have fun at the party!祝你在晚會(huì)上玩得開心!
5 I said it only for fun.我是說著玩的。
Lesson 103 What's your opinion?
1.What's your opinion?你有什么看法?
2.What's your opinion of the new project?你對(duì)新項(xiàng)目有什么看法?
3.Just my own opinion.這僅是我個(gè)人觀點(diǎn)。
4.In my opinion,you're wrong.依我看,你錯(cuò)了。
5.That's your opinion!那只是你的意見!
Lesson 104 Tell me,please.
1.Tell me,please.請(qǐng)告訴我。
2.Tell me everything,please.請(qǐng)告訴我一切。
3.Tell me what happened.告訴我發(fā)生了什么事。
4.I can't tell you.我不能告訴你。
5.Tell me you love me!告訴我你愛我!
Lesson 105 Crazy!
2.I'm craxy about you.我為你而癡狂。
3.I'm crazy about you.我迷戀上了英語。
4.Are you craxy?你瘋了嗎?
5.Today has just been crazy.今天都快忙瘋了。
Lesson 106 Cash?
2.Have you any cash?你有現(xiàn)金嗎?
3.I've no cash on me.我沒帶現(xiàn)金。
4.I'm short of cash now.我現(xiàn)在很缺錢。
5.Pay in cash,please.請(qǐng)付現(xiàn)金。
Lesson 107 Do me a favor?
1.Do me a favor?幫個(gè)忙好嗎?
2.Will you do me a favor?你能否幫個(gè)忙?
3.May I ask you a favor?我可以請(qǐng)你幫個(gè)忙嗎?
4.Please do me a favor.請(qǐng)幫我個(gè)忙。
5.I favor the former.我贊成前者。
Lesson 108 It's my favorite.
1.It's my favorite.這是我所鐘愛的。
2.What's your favorite food?你喜歡吃什么?
3.My favorite food1這是我特別愛吃的東西。
4。Which one is your favorite?哪個(gè)是你特別喜歡的?
5.The most favorite came in third.最有希望獲勝的卻跑了第三名。
Lesson 109 Follow me,please!
1.Follow me,please!請(qǐng)跟我來!
2.Follow me,please!請(qǐng)跟著我做!
3.I can't follow you.我不懂你的意思。
4.Will you follow my advice?你會(huì)聽我的忠告嗎?
5.Follow the instructions,please!請(qǐng)按指示辦!
Lesson 110 It's my turn.
1.It's my trun.該我了。
2.It's your turn.該你了。
3.Please turn to page 2.請(qǐng)翻到第二頁。
4.Now please turn around.現(xiàn)在請(qǐng)轉(zhuǎn)過身來吧。
5.Please turn the television down a bit.請(qǐng)把電視的音量關(guān)小點(diǎn)。
Lesson 111 Don't mistake my meaning.
1.Don't mistake my meaning.別誤解我的意思。
2.Any mistake?有什么錯(cuò)嗎?
3.There's a spelling mistake here.這兒有一處拼寫錯(cuò)誤碼。
4.There's no mistake about it.沒有任何錯(cuò)誤。
5.There's some mistake in the bill.這帳單有錯(cuò)。
Lesson 112 Take a rest!
1.Take a rest!休息一下吧!
2.Let's take a rest for a while!咱們先休息一會(huì)兒吧
3.Let's have a rest!咱們?cè)撔菹⒁幌掳桑?br /> 4.It's the rest of the money.這是剩下的。
5.Let's the argument rest!讓爭(zhēng)論到此為止吧!
Lesson 113 Good show!
1.Good show!做得漂亮!
2.Show us the garden,please.讓我們參觀一下花園吧。
3.Show me your report,please.請(qǐng)給我看看你的報(bào)告。
4.Stop showing off!別再炫耀啦!
5.I'll show you around.我?guī)闼奶幑涔洹?br /> Lesson 114 It fits me.
1.It fits me.這很適合我。
2.It's unfit for you.這不適合你。
3.The weather isn't fit for an outing.這天氣不適合外出。
4.This coat doesn't fit me.這件上衣不適合我穿。
5.Do you feel fit?你身體還好吧?
Lesson 115 No choice!
1.No choice!沒有選擇的余地!
2.I have no choice.我沒有別的選擇。
3.Make your choice.做出你的選擇吧。
4.Not much choice.沒有多少可供選擇的機(jī)會(huì)。
5.I don't like his choice of friends.我不喜歡他選擇的朋友。
Lesson 116 Here your change.
1.Here is your change.這是找您的零錢。
2.Never change your mind.不要改變你的主意。
3.I want some change.我需要一些零錢。
4.Where do we change the bus?我們?cè)谀膬簱Q車?
5.I'll change my seat with you.我可以跟你換。
Lesson 117 Fresh!
1.Fresh!好帥?。?br /> 2.Just like fresh air.宛如清新的空氣。
3.Let in some fresh air.放點(diǎn)新鮮空氣進(jìn)來吧。
4.Give me some fresh bread,please.請(qǐng)給我一些新鮮的面包。
5.Let's make a fresh start!咱們重新開始!
Lesson 119 Fantastic!
2.It's really fantastic!這真是妙極啦!
3.A fantastic story!多么離奇的故事??!
4.Just like a fantastic dream.就像個(gè)離奇的夢(mèng)。
5.It's a fantastic proposal.這個(gè)荒謬的建議。
Lesson 119 Exactly!
2.Not exactly.也不完全如此。
3.Tell me exactly where you are.請(qǐng)確切告訴我你在哪兒。
4.Do exactly as you please.完全照你的意思去做吧。
5.Exactly!Let's have one.說得對(duì)!我們來喝一杯。
Lesson 120 Definitely!
2.Definitely not!絕對(duì)不行。
3.You definitely must come.你一定得來。
4.That's definitely correct.肯定正確。
5.I can't tell you definitely.我不能肯定地告訴你。

Lesson 121 I love you!
1.I love you!我愛你!
2.For love1為了愛!
3.My love!I miss you so much!親愛的!我好想你!
4.I loved her at first sight.我對(duì)她一見鐘情。
5.For the love of God,help me!看在上帝的份上,幫幫我!


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