This is really complicated for me now, please get back to basics, OK?這真的有點復雜了,我搞不懂,能不能從頭說一遍?
又可以說:Back To Square One 這是一個美式足球的術語,球又從新開始。
Voters send tax relief back to square one. 投票人將緩稅計劃打回原宮。
表示“基本”的另一個詞組是 the nuts and bolts
The nuts and bolts of college writing 大學寫作初階
nut 是螺帽, bolt 螺釘,螺帽螺釘是最基本的的東西,合在一起就是“基礎”。
52.Licking good 味道好極了,licking是舔的意思,例如手抓羊肉,吃完后,再舔舔手,證明好吃。 It is licking good.
53.My toes feel very itchy. It’s really irritating. I think I have an athlete’s foot. 我腳趾癢得很,真煩人,我想我是得了香港腳氣。夏天還一個常常弄得皮膚很癢的是痱子Heat rash或heat burns,中暑是heat stroke,那就不是癢的問題了,搞不好要命。
54.I really miss my good old days. Now age has set in.我真懷念以前那些美好的日子,現(xiàn)在是年歲不饒人呀。
55.I owe you. 我欠你一次情。
56.Do they buy it? 他們買帳嗎?
57.Don’t just talk to his mind, talk to his heart. 不僅要訴之于理,更是要動之以情。
58.That psycho scared me. 美國曾有部恐怖片,片名就是是《psycho》,主角是一個連環(huán)殺手,患有精神病。所以那些行為古怪的人也叫psycho.
59.You need to get yourself together. 你得清醒清醒。
60.Guru 這個詞最近幾年最流行,原意是指印度教、佛教里的教師,現(xiàn)在也指新興的宗教里的老師,進而泛指大師,也可譯成大鱷。有時有戲稱的味道。Diet guru 營養(yǎng)大師
61.It’s a pro-democracy movement. And it’s not only Chinese, it is global. 這是一場民主化運動,這不僅是中國人的追求,而是世界性的運動。在談到民主化時,在democracy前要加pro這個前綴,表示擁護。
62.Genuine pro-democracy movements are always profoundly threatening to those with their polished boots on the necks of the poor. 真正的民主運動勢必會從根本上動搖那些騎在窮人身上作威作福人的利益。Polished boots擦得锃亮的靴子,the neck of the poor窮人的脖子,這個詞組很形象,就是富人階層把穿了靴子的腳架在窮人的脖子上。
63.China will not move forward towards the ultimate goal of universal suffrage without the active participation of the citizens.沒有公民的積極參與,中國就不能進步,達到普選的最終目標。Universal suffrage人人都投票。
64.States scramble to find funds to fix roads and bridges. 各州都在竭力尋找資金來修路補橋。 His campaign scrambled to defuse possible damage. 他的競選班子在竭盡全力來挽回可能的損失。Scramble 通常意思是“攪拌”,例如:scrambled egg,這里的意思是“竭力干一件事”。
65.Without human rights and political freedoms, we are simply a bunch of pigs. Without checks and balance, man will surely abuse power and concentrate power, and eventually dictatorship is born. abuse power 濫用權力,concentrate power 抓權
66.Finally he got his wish. 終于他如愿以償。
67.We’re learning to reach out across borders and many other barriers, finding out how to affirm our common humanity while struggling against the dictatorship.我們在漸漸地學習如何跨越各團體之間的界限、打破各團體之間的障礙,學習尋找如何來追求我們普遍的人類價值,同時一起與專制作斗爭。
71.She’s really pretty, isn’t she? Her skin looks so baby smooth! 她太靚了。你看她的皮膚,看上去就像嬰孩一樣光滑。
72.It is no good to put lots of make-up and notion on your face. It is better to look natural. 把那么多化妝品往臉上堆實在不好,自然美看起來更好。
73.It is good to put cucumbers on your face every night. These are natural skin soothers, natural healers of the skin. They soften the skin, wipe out the roughness, remove lines and age signs.每晚在臉上貼些黃瓜效果不錯。這是一種天然潤膚、天然理療皮膚的方法。黃瓜能使皮膚細嫩,使皮膚光滑,消除皺紋,讓人顯得更年輕。
74.My darling, if my breasts were saggy, would you still love me? 這是女人最擔心的一個問題。
75.My forehead is wrinkled, the eyes are puffy, the sacks under the eyes are dark, and the skin is no longer as resilient as it was. I need a plastic surgery, and a breast enlargement. (我額頭滿是皺紋,眼睛浮腫,眼袋發(fā)黑,皮膚也不再像以前那么光亮,我要去做美容手術和隆胸。)
76. Darling, Beijing Mall is having a big sale this weekend. You wanna go? But we are broke this month. Well, we still can do window shopping. Women, women. 親愛的,這個周末北京商廈大甩賣,你要去嗎?可是這個月我們已經破產了呀。那也不要緊,我們去飽飽眼福就行了。女人呀,女人。Window shopping 就是去商場逛逛,什么也不買。
77. I am a woman in love. And I do anything to get you into my world. 這是一首歌里的歌詞。
78. I really love him to death. I am head over heels in love with him. Head over heels 翻了一個跟頭,暈頭轉向,愛得死去活來,神魂顛倒。He was running so fast that when he jumped and got hit he went head over heels. 也可以說:I have been head over heels about my girlfriend since the day I met her.
79. Shop until you drop. Drop 這里的意思是,你買東西多得都拿不下了,東西直掉,所以可以譯為:“手不塞滿,采購不停”。“只要還能提得動,采購一路就不停”。She is type of woman of shop until you drop. 她是那種采購狂女人。(她進了商店就什么都想買。)
80. Isn’t my baby the most beautiful baby in the world? 每個母親都有權力吹這個牛。
81. I am fed up! 受夠了。I am fed up with 腦白金’s commercial. It is on TV all the time. 我真是有點厭惡腦白金的廣告了,電視節(jié)目里老是它的廣告。“受夠了某人”也可以說:I have had enough of Shi, he made a fortune by selling snake oil. 這個史真是讓我煩,他靠賣狗皮膏藥發(fā)了大財, or I have had enough of his bad behavior.
82. I have been there. Or I have been around.這事我經歷過。I have been there, so I know how you feel. 這些事我都經歷過,所以我能明白你的感受。I have been around long enough to know this kind of guys. I can rip him to pieces in a second. 這種場合我經歷多了,對這類人我太了解,我可以瞬間就把他給打得落花流水。(直譯:把他撕得粉碎)My brother has always been there for me. 我(有困難時)哥哥是我隨時的幫助。
83. We are at bingo. 成功了,干完了。如果你贏了,就大喊一聲:Bingo。
84. If you make a mistake, just fess up to it. Take your licks and we’ll press on. 如果你犯了錯,承認就好了,忍住傷痛,然后我們繼續(xù)進行下去。Lick通常的意義是“舔”,這里作“打擊”。
85. I am swamped. 我太忙了。
86. I am tired. My legs are giving out, my brain is going to neutral, I need to take a shower and go to bed. 我累了,腳也走不動,頭腦也昏沉,我要洗個澡然后睡覺。
87. 口語中說沒有考好可以用 flunk, “fail” 相對來說比較正規(guī)了點。He flunked all of his courses. 如果門門課都不及格的話,就會被學校開除,因此可以說“flunk out”:It is kind of sad, after Jason flunked out of high school, it is hard for him to find a job.
88. 說一個學生全面發(fā)展:“He is fully dimensional.”dimension的基本意思是“面”,例如“三維”:three dimensions。說一個人優(yōu)秀,比平常人多了點才華,可以說:He is excellent, and has the extra dimension.
89. Cookie 本意是“餅干”,口語中指你特別喜歡的人。That is my girl, that is my cookie。她就是我的,正是合我口味的姑娘。A clever cookie, 一個聰明的伙計,a lawyer who was a tough cookie 一個難對付的律師
90. 說一個人很緊張我們一般會說“nervous”,口語里可說“edgy”,you are so edgy. Relax, man. 你太緊張了,放松一點,老兄。The performers were edgy as they waited for the show to begin. 演出開始前,演員們緊張得要命。
91. He is a stud.他很帥,他是個帥哥。注意stud只能用于男性,而且是那種具陽剛氣、棱角分明、健壯的人(well-cut)。女性相對應的詞是bombshell,美得像炸彈,她一出現(xiàn),就要炸翻一片男士。She is a sure-fire bombshell。以前江南一帶形容女孩漂亮的俚語也有“她很炸”。不知道現(xiàn)在說女孩漂亮的俚語是什么了。還有一個類似的說法:She is a knock-out.knock-out是拳擊詞匯,一拳把對手打出圈外。
92. Lighten up!不用那么緊張。Lighten up on yourself.
93. Knuckle-head,笨蛋,傻。He is really a knuckle-head.
94. He has a strong ego. He believes he is a big shot, and beats his chest. A strong ego, 很強烈的自我優(yōu)越感,Big shot, 大腕,重要的人物。Beat one’s chest,那些籃球運動員灌籃后都要捶打自己的胸脯,表示得意自豪。Do you wanna try another shot. Shot在這句的意思是“試試”,“想再試一次嗎?”It is your shot.這是你的工作了。
95. Goofy是個很有用的詞,意思有點像silly。Goofy是個卡通狗,長長的耳朵,表情古怪,引人發(fā)笑。If you do something goofy, you will gain children’s attention. You are acting goofy. They were worrying about their goofy kids. 傻,不懂事。
96. Spooky 可疑,可怕。He is trying to sell something to me, but it looks spooky to me. 他想向我推銷東西,不過看起來可疑。 It is dark down the ally, quite spooky.小巷子很暗,有點可怕。
97. Fishy,不誠實,可疑。It sounds fishy. 聽起來不可信。
98. Buff原意是牛皮,口語中指“對某事務有強烈愛好,知識豐富的人”a Civil War buff 內戰(zhàn)史迷。He happens to be a genealogy buff. Those who are not beef buffs can order something else. Buff又指那種肌肉發(fā)達的人: Some buff athletes lifting weights at the gym.
99. It may be a cock-and-bull story. Cock-and-bull 沒有書對的事。He is good at telling cock-and-bull stories. 他最會胡編亂講。
100. That will crank you up. 意思是“That will cheer you up.