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201. Are you two ganging up on me? 你們兩人是不是在串通來整我呀?gang 作動詞就是串通一氣,例如打牌,幾個人串通一氣來對付一個人。You should not gang up on the weak ones. gang的本來意思是幫派,街上的那些混混在一起就是gang.。中國幾十年前流行的一個詞組,“gang of four”(四人幫),這個譯法總有點讓人感到不嚴肅。應該譯為“The Extreminists Four”, “Four Extreme Leftists”or “Mao’s Four” 。

202. He beat his brains out studying but could not keep up with the rest of his class. Beat one’s brains意思是用工努力,“他已經(jīng)絞盡腦汁,但是趕不上同班同學。”“絞盡腦汁”還一個說法:rack up one’s brain,例句:I am racking my brain, but I can’t imagine why you’ll make this up. 我絞盡腦汁也弄不明白你為什么要編這瞎話。No-brainer 名詞:根本就不必用腦去想都能明白的事,Learning Chinese can be a no-brainer if you know the right method. 如果方法得當,學中文不過是小菜一碟。The exam is a no-brainer. 這次考試閉了眼也能答出。No-brainer也可以做形容詞:a no-brainer action movie 情節(jié)簡單的動作片,This book contains 20 no-brainer ways to improve your English vocabulary. 這本書介紹了20種簡易的方法來提高英語。

203. off-shore bank account, 境外的銀行帳戶,意思是為躲避納稅,或說明錢的來路不正。Many communist party officials have off-shore bank accounts, this is an open secret.

204. flip-flop 變來變?nèi)?,例如某黨的政策變來變?nèi)ゾ褪莊lip flop。

205. trendy, 時髦,是fashionable的意思。

206. It is time to strike up the band, air up the baloons and invite all of your friends to join in the celebration. strike up the band樂隊奏樂; Air up the baloon 放氣球。

207. They treat me like a doo

208. bleeding edge 直譯的意思是讓人出血的刀刃,實際意思是“還沒有完善、成熟的尖端技術(所以會讓人受傷)”No longer bleeding edge, mobile and wireless are becoming essential part of the modern office. 移動無線已已經(jīng)今非昔比了,現(xiàn)在成為辦公室不可缺少的工具。

209. blue-sky藍天,轉(zhuǎn)意為“大膽”,例句: The government has been doing some blue-sky thinking on how to improve public transport.

210. chillout music 由電子樂器演奏的安靜的音樂。I love chillout music. It is a great way to lie back, relax, and drift into another world.

211. raise the red flag 報警,引起注意 If you write too much on democracy, it will raise the red flag and the National Security guys will watch you.如果你寫太多關于民主的文章,就會引起當局的注意,國-安局的人就會盯上你。

212. He is spending like a drunken sailer. Sailer(水手)一到一個海港便急著找地方花錢,所以形容一個大手大腳就說他花錢像一個喝醉了水手。

213. After nap, I feel foggy for a while. 午睡后,我會云里霧里一陣子。

214. Democracy is the defining issue of our time. 民主我們這個時代最強的訴求。define 定義,區(qū)別事物最重要的證據(jù)。

215. or what 美國人喜歡在句末用這個詞組。Are we good friends or what 我們可不是好朋友?Are you going or what 你到底去不去?

216. Wedge本意為“楔子”,口語意為“不和”。

As long as there is a wedge between them, they cannot work together on this project. 只要他們之間有嫌隙,他們就不能在這個項目上進行合作。

drive a wedge between 挑起誰與誰之間的不和

Frank had to travel a lot and this finally drove a wedge between him and his wife.弗蘭克必須經(jīng)常旅行,這終于導致了他和妻子間的矛盾。

Her mother-in-law drove a wedge between her and her husband.他的岳母在他和妻子間挑撥離間。

217. I feel so unloved and alone. Last year, when my dad died, I hit bottom. 我感覺不到有人愛我,很是孤獨。去年我父親去世后,我就感到萬念俱灰。hit bottom 感到絕望,痛苦得不能再痛苦了,差到極限了。When a student's grades hit bottom it is time to hit the books. 當一個學生門門課都考得一塌糊涂時,他就該看看書了吧。hit bottom的延伸說法:hit rock bottom,絕望透頂。

類似的說法還有,hit the wall: We've just about hit the wall in terms of what we can do to balance the budget.“在平衡預算方案一事上,我們現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)是束手無策。”

218. A husband should not twist his wife’s arm to do his will. 警察抓人就喜歡把人的手擰到背后,這就是twist one’s arm, 也就是“強行”的意思。“做丈夫的不應該把自己的意志強加給妻子。”

219. What bugged me, though, was that she blamed me! bug 本意為蟲子,口語里有另外兩個意思,一是 令人討厭,就像一個蟲子一樣,這句話里的bug就是這個意思。She keeps bugging me.她老是煩我。還一個意思是“竊聽”。National Security guys bug me all the time. 國家安-全局的那幾個家伙老是竊聽我的電話。這句話也可以這么說:Those guys like to eavesdrop on ordinary Chinese citizens. 這些家伙竊聽普通中國公民上了癮。Those guys developed a program to rapidly monitor the phone calls and other communications of people.那些家伙開發(fā)了一種程序能迅速監(jiān)控人們的電話和其它通訊往來。

220. Kickoff, 開始 He kicked off his White House campaign yesterday.他昨天正式開始了競選美國總統(tǒng)。

221. Whenever I'm down in the dumps, rather than wallow in my troubles, I try to do things that will get my mind off them. dump 垃圾場, wallow, 豬在泥中打滾,get my mind off 不去想這些事。每當我遇到煩心的事事,我總會找些事做,不讓自己想不開,不老想著這些事。

222. When they play, it is history. 只要他們參賽,就會書寫歷史。注意例句30:My relationship with her is already a history.a history 與history 意思很不相同。

223. roll 的基本意思是“滾動”,在口語里常用。

Can the Chinese team keep rolling 中國隊還能保持勢頭嗎?

Let’s roll. 讓我們開始吧!讓我們繼續(xù)前進吧。

They should roll back their support of a dictatorship government. 他們應該終止對獨裁政權的支持。

Rock n Roll, 搖滾 Do you like Rock n Roll music

I am glad that you have got the ball rolling.我很高興你已經(jīng)把事情推動運作起來了。

224. Life is like a roller coaster. There are ups and downs. “生活就像過山車,有高潮、有低潮(有時得意,有時失意)。”這是安慰人的話,一般是在對方失意的時候說的。

225. Gratify, 我們一般知道“滿足”的英文是satisfy,口語里現(xiàn)在常用“gratify”:That is very gratifying to me.

226. Get to the point, don’t beat the bush. 有話直說好了,不要彎彎繞好不好。I got your point, OK 我明白你的意思了,好不好?(言下之意就是不要再羅嗦了。)What is your point 你究竟想說什么?

227. get to you: You are silly for letting this get to you. 讓這事來煩你,你是有點傻。

228. put your foot in your mouth 得罪 If you speak the truth, you will often put your foot in your mouth. Put foot in 冒犯 I really put my foot in it with Julie. I didn't realise she was a vegetarian.

229. I try to get myself out of the way as quickly as possible. Out of the way,退出,不礙事。參見in the way

230. Thank goodness. 謝天謝地。一般人們會說,Thank God.但也有人不是信徒,他們或許會說,Thank goodness. 也有人用My Goodness來代替My God,或者說:My gosh.我的天呀!

231. They are going to throw a party, are you interested in going Throw a party, 舉行聚會 to throw someone into prison,把某關進監(jiān)獄

The FBI threw every available agent into the case. 聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局把所有的警力全都投入到了這個案子.

232. She just had a car accident. She is treated now with intravenous fluids and she is not out of the woods yet. 她剛遭遇車禍,她現(xiàn)在在接受打點滴(打吊針)治療,還沒有脫離危險。Out of the woods, 脫離危險。一個人在深林里迷了路那是很可怕的事,出了深林就是脫離了危險。

233. Be cheerful, man. The cloud cover is beginning to lift. 振作一點,老兄,烏云已經(jīng)開始消散了。

234. He is really puffed up. 他很是得意。

235. Don't Beat Yourself up Over Every little Mishap, Cut Yourself Some Slack! 不要為了一點小時就捶胸頓足的,沒什么大了不起的事。

“Don't beat yourself up over something that you have no control over,,,,Others have fallen....that doesn't mean that you will.” 不要一有什么事你辦不了就垂頭喪氣好不好?別人因此失敗了,并不意味著你也會失敗。

236. Down the road 過程,以后,將來, The question is how far down that road you go to allow citizens exposure of pleasure in gambling in Macau that they may not be able to control themselves. 也可以說,down the line。

He will change down the road. 他日后會改變的.

237. in addition to, He works as a security guard and attends college in addition to raising two sons. 相當于besides,“他除了要撫養(yǎng)兩個兒子,還要兼職做保安以及讀大學。”

238. ins and outs, 里里外外,徹底。He knows the ins and outs of how the government function, so it is easy for him to escape the checkout by the officials. 他對政府運作了如指掌,所以他很容易就能逃避政府的檢查.

239. He sounds upbeat. 看樣子他很開朗。

240. I am so happy you are well situated now. 你都安頓好了,真叫我高興。I am calling to see how you are situated.

241. 你到別人家做客,主人問你,Do you need anything else?還需要什么嗎?你可回答:That can settle me well. (對我來說)這就夠好了。

242. Everyone should go off the grid. Grid 的意思是“格子”,也作“高壓電線,電網(wǎng)”解,這話直譯是,“每個人都應該脫離電網(wǎng)的生活。”沒有了電網(wǎng),生活就回到了原始狀態(tài)。因此Off the grid的含義是,“不使用電器、反潮流、反傳統(tǒng),返璞歸真”。 Everyone in this community lives "off the grid", they now draw all their power from solar, wind, propane and other sources.

243. To be honest with you, to be a millionaire doesn’t hold much interest for me. That kind of life style is quite controlling. I would rather be free to make choices, and take chances that keep me learning. 坦率地說吧,我沒有興趣當百萬富翁,那種生活方式太鉗制人。我寧可自由自在地生活,時刻學習。My family holds much interest for me. 家庭對我來說極為重要。

244. There are freaky things going on here. 這里好些事都覺得不對勁。Freaky恐怖的,可怕的。It is so freaky. 很嚇人的呢。It really freaks me out. 我嚇得半死。

245. way,可作副詞,表示程度,way too much, I just have way too much going on in my life right now, I cannot visit you as I would like to. 我現(xiàn)在忙得一塌糊涂,我想多看你但沒有辦法。 It is way too far/ way too much. Two thumbs way up. 實在是太棒了。

246. scoop 本意為一勺,例如a scoop of ice-cream. 口語里作“搶新聞報道”“收集”解釋:He got all the big scoops for the paper. 他為這家報紙搶到了所有的頭號新聞。He always has some ways for the inside scoop on getting some freebies.他總是有些辦法通過內(nèi)部渠道搞到免費的票。I will get the scoop tomorrow.

247. I'm having a hard time with somebody or something. 對誰或事有很大的意見。

248. run for the hills, 往安全地帶跑,避免傷害。You need to take his advice and run for the hills before you get hurt. 你應該聽聽他的意見,采取保護自己的措施,免得受傷害。Run for the hills這成語出自圣經(jīng)馬太福音24:16 “Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains. ”

249. brush-off 拒絕,傷害 She just walked away without greeting me. This brush-off really hurt my feelings. 如果一個男生邀請女朋友吃飯,女朋友一連幾次都拒絕,男生可能就會問了:Is this a brush-off?你想甩掉我了,是嗎?The new policy is a brush-off to business. 新政策對生意大潑了冷水。

250. I consider my relationship with him a closed chapter. A closed chapter, 最后一章,結尾。

251. You have really got me.這你還真的難倒我了。

252. It cannot get you very far. 這幫不了你太大的忙。例如可以說:One hundred Yuan nowadays cannot get you very far. 現(xiàn)在一百元錢花不了幾天了。

253.I just want to be sure I am on the same page with you. 我就想確信一下,我與你是同步的。這話也可以說成,I want to see if I am in the same boat with you.

254.I feel like this is a whole new ballgame. 我覺得只是一次全新的經(jīng)歷(全新的工作/挑戰(zhàn))。

255. That is a hush-hush secret between them. 這是只有他們之間才知道的秘密。

256. Everything he does is below the belt. Below the belt拳擊時不能攻擊對手皮帶以下的位置,但有時有人會這么做,所以轉(zhuǎn)義為“陰謀、不道德的”

257. Don’t you have to wash your dirty laundry in public 你一定要把你的這些家丑外傳嗎?

258. 有個男生對女生說:Everyone says I have a bright future on the horizon. 女生回答:The horizon always recedes once you approach it. 人人都說地平線上有大好前途正在等待我。但是當你接近地平線時,地平線卻總是消失了。(諷刺男生,說他永遠也不會有什么好日子。)

259.在117句里提到過gun, 這句話里也涉及到gun :gun shy, I am a little bit gun shy. Gun shy就是關鍵時刻不敢扣扳機。敵人站在你面前,你卻不敢扣手中槍的扳機,這個人也實在是太害羞了。

260.brainchild想法,(帶有那種專利的)主意:Democracy is not a brainchild of just white people, it is universal.

261 I was so hopeful that my relationship with him would work out. 我一直以為我與他的關系能得到改善。(I was so hopeful that...= i was once convinced that)I did some workout this morning. 今早晨我做了點健身運動。Workout是較流行的詞,人們很少再說:I did some exercise this morning. Workout指一般指那種在健身房的鍛煉。Can you work out the issues between you two 你們兩人之間的問題你們自己能解決嗎?work out the difference.解決分歧 Guys in mainland China and guys in Taiwan should work out their differences rather than bicker over these differences. Can you work out some details before you submit the proposal

262. Such an unpopular decision is bound to draw a lot of flak. Flak 高射炮,炮彈。“這樣不得人心的決定肯定會招致大家的反對。” 防彈衣:flak jacket, 更加通俗的詞是bulletproof vest,保險公司的人向醫(yī)生推銷保險時說會:Nowadays patients tend to take their doctors to court for nothing, so it is better to put on some kind of bulletproof vest before you practice. 現(xiàn)在的病人動不動就告把醫(yī)生告到法庭,所以還是在開業(yè)前買點保險比較好。

263. He promised to make good on your contract. 他保證會兌現(xiàn)與你簽的合同。make good on 還錢,兌現(xiàn)合同。在當今社會,這是一個很有用的詞組。I want to make good on that loan I got from Joan. 我一定要把向瓊借的錢給還了。He often fails to make good on his promises. 他說話常常不算數(shù)。People expect that the Communist Party will make good on democracy someday. 人們期待共產(chǎn)黨有天會兌現(xiàn)對實現(xiàn)民主的承諾。

264. check out 這是一個用途很廣的詞,在旅店退房叫checkout(結帳),(住房登記叫checkin),機場登機前辦理checkin;Go out and check this guy out.去查一查這個人的背景。You can do some Google checkout before you start writing. 在動筆前你可以先做一些谷歌查詢。Do you have some down time? Check out these things to do. 如果你還有點空閑時間,你可以找這些事情來消遣。

265. wear out That job is a wearout, it is cold, dirty. He really wears me out. 他把我整得精疲力竭。

266.That is a dumb move. 你這樣做很笨。這步棋走得很臭。

267. you know what You can…這是一個很實用的句子,用在給人提建議前緩和氣氛。

268. Good for you. 贊賞人說的話。例如有人說,他得了100分。I got 100 for my test today.你就回答:good for you. 他說他中獎了,你就說:good for you.

269. I am convinced that…. Convince 比believe的語氣更加肯定一些。I am convinced I can do it. 我相信我能做好。

270. driving force 推動力,主要力量He is the driving force for this project.他是這個項目的主要推動人。It is naïve to believe that the Party could be a driving force for democracy. 相信這個黨能成為民主的推動力量,那是有點天真了。

271. My husband is a sports fanatic. Every night he flops on the sofa, flips on the TV. He's so crazy about Yaoming. He googles Yaoming for every bit of his story. He loves Yaoming more than me. My husband is a selfish, insensitive oaf who puts basketball before his wife's happiness. fanatic.狂熱分子,比粉絲-fan要更投入,可以說是superfan。oaf白癡,相當于idiot。我丈夫是個體育狂,每天晚上他倒在沙發(fā)上,一個個臺看,他網(wǎng)上搜尋只要是姚明的消息,他愛姚明而不愛我。我丈夫是個自私鬼,木頭人,可以置籃球于妻子的幸福之上。

272. He and I seem to be extremely compatible. But there is a problem. He doesn't open up to me and has his walls up. 他和我看起來是蠻匹配的,但還是有個問題,他對我并不是完全敞開,他總是豎起一道墻。You need to take these possibilities that open up for you. 你應該抓住這些為你敞開的機會。

273. How is everything going between you and John? John is seeing another woman, so I kicked him to the curb. 你與約翰的關系怎樣了?他跟另一個女人好上了,所以我把他給踢了。Kick to the curb, 男女關系中一方把另一方給甩了,也可以意為“解雇”A woman was kicked to the curb by the company for finding drug use in her hair sample. 公司解雇了一位女職工,因為在化驗頭發(fā)時,發(fā)現(xiàn)了她在使用毒品。

274. He is so important in my heart of hearts. In my heart of hearts, 比in my heart更強調(diào),在我內(nèi)心深處,

275. Wait for Mr. Right. Just keep your eyes and ears peeled. Peel的意思本來是“剝皮”,例如to peel potatoes,但在這里的意思是“睜大眼睛,豎起耳朵,留意”。Keep one’s eyes peeled與keep a close eye on 幾乎是同一個意思。

Keep your eyes and ears peeled for the next challenge.

276. When you meet someone you like, tell her/him. Don’t be afraid. it is normal to get knocked out. Expect to get rebuffed or rejected. Knock out, 是拳擊里的術語,把誰給放倒了,get knocked out, 就是你去約別人時,被拒絕了。整個句子的意思是:如果你喜歡上了一個人,就去告訴他/她好了。如果被拒絕那是再正常不過的事。在看這句:Don't Get Knocked Out in the Second Round of Layoffs.

277. Tell your boyfriend that you want the whole enchilada and will end the relationship if he does not step up. enchilada 是類似我們的春卷的一種食品,要整個的enchilada就是“要全部”的意思。“告訴你男朋友,他不能這么三心二意的,如果他不再完全投入的話,你就跟他斷絕往來了。”We had the flowers, the speeches, the presents - the whole enchilada. 我們得到了鮮花、賀辭、禮物,總之應有盡有。Enchilada也可以作“老板”解釋:Ask the big enchilada what he really means. 問問大老板的主意。

278. For some reason, whenever I see her I feel like there is something there. But she says she doesn’t feel anything is there. 我每次見到她,冥冥中我總感到有那么點意思,但她說她從來就感覺不到什么意思。

279. You need to get past the old relationship, lick your wounds, and learn your lessons, don’t get involved with a married man, and start a new page. 你就放棄這段情吧,舔舔傷口,學段功課,以后不要再去與已婚男人發(fā)生戀情,重新開始吧。

280. It is obvious you dig me. 很顯然,你喜歡我。I bet she really digs him. 她肯定是愛上他了。口語里dig作“喜歡”解。另外還有:Can you dig it? 你明白嗎?Ya dig? 明白嗎?

281. Where are you from? I am local. I was born and bred here.(你是哪里人?我是本地人,我是生于斯長于斯) breed 喂養(yǎng)。一般說法是grow up, I grew up here dirt-poor. 我生長在一個貧窮的家庭。我是外地人:I am from out of town.

282. Be my guest.請便,隨你的便,你想干嘛就干嘛。

283. Suit yourself. 隨你的便。

284. The first step is a doosey. Watch that first step, it is a doosey. 萬事開頭難。第一步總是有風險的。

285. Don’t worry about that situation. It will eventually work itself out. 不要為那種狀況擔心,肯定會車到山前必有路的。

286. I am sorry. I’m just zoned out for some reason. Can you say that again? 對不起,不知道為什么,我有點迷糊了。你能再說一遍嗎?zone out 走神,不能集中注意力。I don't know what happened after that. I just sorta zoned out.

287. tight是口語中常用的一個詞匯,應該多多了解。

Airtight case 無可爭辯的事實 It’s an airtight case: New green building is very energy efficient.無可爭辯,新的環(huán)保建筑的確節(jié)省能源。

Tightknit 關系密切 We are a tightknit tribe here. 我們這幫哥們關系可鐵呢?;蛘呔驼ftight,也是這個意思:Do you know Tim? Sure, he and I are tight. 你認識Tim嗎?那當然,他和我可鐵了。

tightlipped smiles.皮笑肉不笑,強擠出來的笑

He is tightlipped about the information. 他對這些情況守口如瓶。

He doesn't go out with the lads so much these days. Michelle keeps him on a tight leash. On a leash的意思是牽著狗,on a tight leash就是溜狗時緊緊抓住繩索。“這些日子他不再跟見其他女孩子了,米薛看他可看得緊了。”

Just sit tight while I go and phone for help. 我去打電話求救,你坐好不要動。

Sit tight and don't move that leg. 你安靜地坐好,不要老動那條腿。

Tight spot 困境: If there is a shortage of fuel, everyone who drives to work will be in a tight spot. 如果汽油供應再跟不上,開車上班族就麻煩了。

Bob's in a tight spot right now because he has fallen behind in his work. 巴伯完不成任務,麻煩大了。

You need to get your story down tight. The time for interview is limited. 你得把經(jīng)歷講得短而精,因為你面試的時間十分有限。

I want to argue with him but his logic is way too tight. 我想跟他辯,但他的邏輯是滴水不漏。

288. He ran for five miles, and he even didn’t break a sweat. 他跑了五英里,連汗都不出,小菜一碟。

289. What is that all about? 到底發(fā)生了什么事?這究竟是怎么回事?

290. I am racking my brain, but I can’t imagine why you’ll make this up. 我絞盡腦汁,也想不出你為什么要編這樣一個故事來哄我?

291. Pay 與payoff 意思不一樣。Pay是工資,是進帳;payoff是付款,是支出。

This is my pay day. 今天我發(fā)薪水。Is that your payoff to the debt? 這筆錢是用來還款的嗎?

Efforts and perseverance will finally pay off for democracy. 只有堅持、努力,民主必將成正果。

Patience has a future payoff, but impulse pays off now. 耐心的收成在日后,性急的收成在眼前。

Being a government stooge doesn't always pay off 做政府的哈巴狗并不是次次都會得意。

Payoff 也作“賄賂”解釋,Payoff to the government officials is a common practice in this country. 在這個國家賄賂政府官員是種例行公事。

292. I have a little situation here. 這里的Situation意思是problem。285例句中的situation實際上也是這個意思。

293. Hats off to Andy, who teaches English for free here. 美國人唱國歌時,要脫帽。所以脫帽就是“致敬”的意思。向Andy致敬,他在這里免費教英語。如果你沒有帽子,覺得說這話不妥,也可以直接說salute,Salute to Andy.

294. fired up: I am really fired up for the race. Fired up 情緒高昂,斗志高昂

295. Soup up 原指把普通車改裝成賽車,現(xiàn)在也指改進設備。He souped up his old car. 他自己把就車改裝成了賽車。The company spend billions on souped-up broadband services. 公司投資數(shù)十億用來提高寬帶網(wǎng)的服務質(zhì)量。Souped-Up Student Housing 豪華學生公寓(指里面設施齊全)

296. coffeed up 有人早晨非得喝杯咖啡來提神才能開始一天的生活,這就叫coffee up, He needs to be coffeed up before starting his work.

297. Beef up 吃牛肉就會有力,You need to be beefed up a little more.

298. A tomboy attitude 女孩子學男孩樣,假小子, As soon as she entered middle school, Xiaoli developed a tomboy attitude and got in fights. 小莉一進中學,就野得像男孩一樣,常常打架。

299. I will go full out for it. 我會全力以赴的。

300. Nice job. 干的不錯。 Nice efforts. 用了不少功,努力可嘉。相當于中文的“精神可嘉”,注意,這是多半在一個人失敗時,或取得的成績不理想時說的話,屬于安慰語。Interesting.說這個詞時,多半是委婉語,表示不太相信別人說的話,或不太贊同一件事。初學者不要隨便用這個詞,最好不要對別人說:Your story is very interesting. 你的故事很有趣呀。這句話聽起來是說,我并不相信你的故事。


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