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Hi,there. My name is Valen. And this is a lesson on very common English expressions. We’re gonna go through ten really, really common English expressions that you’ll hear in everyday conversation.

嗨,大家好!我是Valen 。今天的課程要教的是幾個(gè)非常普遍的英語(yǔ)慣用語(yǔ)。我們要來(lái)練習(xí)十個(gè)你在日常對(duì)話中會(huì)聽(tīng)到,且非常普遍的英文慣用語(yǔ)。

Twenty-four seven 24/7


Ok, so in no particular order, we’re gonna start with the uh…one that you’ll hear a lot. This expression is “Twenty-four seven.” Ok, when someone says twenty four seven, what they mean is because there are twenty-four hours in a day and seven days a week…is they mean every minute of every day. So an example is, you can access our website twenty-four seven. So I wrote it down just because sometimes you’ll see it written this way, “twenty-four seven,” or numerically like this, “24/7(twenty-four slash seven).” And what it means is, “You can access our website any minute of any day, all the time.” So if someone says, “Oh, I work twenty-four seven,” they’re probably exaggerating, and what they mean is they feel like they work every minute of every day. “Twenty-four seven.”

好,沒(méi)有特定的順序,我們要從一個(gè)呃…你很常聽(tīng)到的詞開(kāi)始。這個(gè)詞是「24/7(全年無(wú)休、無(wú)時(shí)無(wú)刻)」。好,當(dāng)有人說(shuō)24/7,他們的意思是因?yàn)橐惶煊卸男r(shí),一個(gè)禮拜有七天…他們意指每天的每一分鐘。舉個(gè)例子:你無(wú)時(shí)無(wú)刻都可以瀏覽我們的網(wǎng)站。所以我把它寫下來(lái),就是因?yàn)橛袝r(shí)你會(huì)看到它被這樣寫下來(lái)「twenty-four seven」,或用數(shù)字像這樣「24/7(24、斜線、7)」。而這意思是「你可以在每天的每一分鐘、無(wú)時(shí)無(wú)刻都能瀏覽我們的網(wǎng)站?!顾匀绻腥苏f(shuō):「噢,我工作24/7?!顾麄兇蟾趴浯罅耍麄兊囊馑际撬麄兏杏X(jué)每天的每一分鐘都在工作?!?4/7」。

Get the ball rolling


Ok, so our next expression is “Get the ball rolling.” And now what this expression means is to start something. So, if um…if you were gonna start a project and someone said, “Let’s get the ball rolling,” what they mean is “Let’s start now.” This is a pretty simple one, pretty straight forward. So, “Let’s get the ball rolling. Let’s start now.” “Get the ball rolling.”

好,我們的下一個(gè)慣用語(yǔ)是「Get the ball rolling(開(kāi)始吧)」?,F(xiàn)在這個(gè)慣用語(yǔ)的意思是開(kāi)始某件事情。所以,如果嗯…如果你要開(kāi)始一項(xiàng)企劃,然后某個(gè)人說(shuō):「我們開(kāi)始吧?!顾麄兊囊馑际恰肝覀儸F(xiàn)在開(kāi)始吧?!惯@是非常簡(jiǎn)單的一句,非常直接了當(dāng)。所以,「我們開(kāi)始吧。我們現(xiàn)在開(kāi)始吧?!埂窯et the ball rolling」。

Take it easy


Our next expression is “Take it easy.” Take it easy. So if someone says to you, “I don’t have any plans this weekend. I think I’ll take it easy,” what they mean is “relax.” This is a simple one too. “I am gonna take it easy. I am going to relax.” So, “take it easy.”

我們的下一個(gè)慣用語(yǔ)是「Take it easy(放輕松)」。放輕松。所以如果有人對(duì)你說(shuō):「我這個(gè)周末沒(méi)有任何計(jì)劃,我想我會(huì)放輕松。」 他們的意思是「放輕松」。這也是個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的用法?!肝乙泡p松。我要放輕松?!购茫竧ake it easy」。

Sleep on it


Ok, the next one, “Sleep on it.” If someone says, “I’ll sleep on it,” what they means is, “I’m gonna take some time to think about the decision.” So if someone says, “I’ll get back to you tomorrow. I am going to sleep on it,” (I’ll write that down.) “I’ll get back to you tomorrow. I have to sleep on it,” what they mean is, “I’m gonna think about my decision and talk to you tomorrow.” “Sleep on it,” think about my decision and get back to you.

好,下一個(gè)「sleep on it(回去考慮看看)」。如果有人說(shuō):「我回去考慮看看?!顾麄兊囊馑际牵骸肝乙c(diǎn)時(shí)間去思考這決定?!顾匀绻橙苏f(shuō):「我明天跟你說(shuō)。我得回去考慮看看。」(我把那寫下來(lái)。)「我明天跟你說(shuō)。我得回去考慮看看?!顾麄兊囊馑际恰肝乙认胂胛业臎Q定,明天再跟你說(shuō)?!埂窼leep on it」,思考一下我的決定再告訴你。

I’m broke


“I’m broke,” a really common one. So, “I am broke,” doesn’t actually mean you are broken. It means you have no money. “I’m broke. I have no money.” This is a really common expression that you’ll hear all the time.

「I’m broke(我破產(chǎn)了)」, 非常常見(jiàn)的一個(gè)。好,「I am broke」不是真的說(shuō)你破碎了。它的意思是你沒(méi)有錢?!肝移飘a(chǎn)了。我沒(méi)有錢?!惯@是一個(gè)非常普遍的表達(dá)方式,你會(huì)經(jīng)常聽(tīng)到的。



“Sharp.” Okay, someone says to you, “The meeting is at seven o’clock sharp!” What they mean is, “The meeting is at exactly seven o’clock.” When someone says “sharp,” what they mean is, “Don’t be late. The meeting will start at exactly seven o’clock.” So the expression here is “Sharp.” “The meeting is at seven o’clock sharp!” If someone says that to you, it means, “Be on time. It will start exactly at seven o’clock.”


Like the back of my hand


“Like the back of my hand.” So what this means is uh…“The back of your hand is something that’s very familiar to you. You know it well. You see it all the time.” So if I say “I know this city, like the back of my hand,” it means, “I know this city very well. I’m very familiar with it.” Very common expression: “like the back of my hand.” You could also say um…“He knows this city like the back of his hand.” Same idea. You know something very, very well. It’s very familiar to you. “Like the back of my hand.”

「Like the back of my hand(了如指掌)」。所以這句話的意思是啊…「手背是個(gè)對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō)很熟悉的東西。你很了解它。你總是看到它。」所以如果我說(shuō):「我對(duì)這個(gè)城市了如指掌?!顾馑际牵骸肝曳浅A私膺@個(gè)城市。我對(duì)它很熟悉?!狗浅3R?jiàn)的表達(dá)方式:「like the back of my hand」。你也可以說(shuō)嗯…「他對(duì)這城市了如指掌?!挂粯拥母拍?。你非常、非常了解某項(xiàng)事物。你對(duì)它很熟悉?!窵ike the back of my hand」。

Give me a hand


Ok, so, here is another way to use this…the word “hand.” If you say…“Give me a hand.” So someone says to you, “Do you wanna give me a hand?” It means, “Do you wanna help me?” So for example, somebody’s carrying something, and they say, “Oh, would you give me a hand?” They uh…don’t want you put out your hand. They want you to help them. “Would you give me a hand? Would you help me?” “Give me a hand.”

好,所以,這里還有另一個(gè)方式來(lái)使用…「hand」這個(gè)字。如果你說(shuō)…「Give me a hand(幫我一下)」。所以某人對(duì)你說(shuō):「你想幫我一下嗎?」意思是:「你愿意幫我嗎?」所以舉例來(lái)說(shuō),有人正在搬東西,然后他說(shuō):「喔,你可以幫我嗎?」他們呃…不是要你把手伸出來(lái)。他們希望你幫助他們。「你愿意幫我一下嗎?你愿意幫我嗎?」「Give me a hand」。

In ages


“In ages,” let’s do an example for this one. “I haven’t seen him in ages.” So what this means is “in ages, for a long time.” So, “I haven’t seen him in ages. I haven’t seen him for a long time.” So “in ages” means “for a long time.”

「In ages(很久很久)」,來(lái)舉個(gè)例子吧?!肝液芫脹](méi)見(jiàn)到他了」。 所以這意指的是「很久,很長(zhǎng)一段時(shí)間」。所以,「我很久沒(méi)見(jiàn)到他了。我很長(zhǎng)的時(shí)間沒(méi)看到他了。」所以「in ages」意思是「很長(zhǎng)的時(shí)間」。

Sick and tired


Ok, our last one: “Sick and tired.” Ok, so “sick and tired” means “I don’t like” or “I hate.” So for example, if you say, “I am sick and tired of doing homework,” that means you don’t want to do the homework anymore. You don’t like it. So, “sick and tired. ”

好,我們最后一個(gè):「Sick and tired(十分厭煩)」。OK,所以「sick and tired」意思是「我不喜歡」或「我討厭」。所以舉個(gè)例子,如果你說(shuō):「我十分厭惡做功課。」那意味著你再也不想做功課了。你不喜歡它。所以,「sick and tired」。

So those are ten really common English expressions: “Sick and tired,” “Broke,” “In ages,” “Give me a hand,” uh…Know something “like the back of your hand,” uh…”Sharp,” so, be there at 7 o’clock sharp, “Sleep on it,” “Take it easy,” “Get the ball rolling” and “Twenty-four seven.” Those are ten common expression you’ll hear in everyday English conversation. So take the quiz below and test your knowledge of English expressions.

所以這些是十個(gè)非常普遍的英語(yǔ)慣用語(yǔ):「Sick and tired(十分厭煩)」、「Broke(破產(chǎn))」、「In ages(很久很久)」、「Give me a hand(幫我一下)」、啊…對(duì)某事「Like the back of my hand(了如指掌)」、嗯…「Sharp(整點(diǎn))」所以,七點(diǎn)準(zhǔn)時(shí)到那里、「sleep on it(回去考慮看看)」、「Take it easy(放輕松)」、「Get the ball rolling(開(kāi)始吧)」和「24/7(全年無(wú)休、無(wú)時(shí)無(wú)刻)」。 那些是你會(huì)在日常英文對(duì)話中聽(tīng)到的十個(gè)普遍慣用語(yǔ)。


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