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現(xiàn)年62歲的日本民主黨黨魁鳩山由紀夫(Yukio Hatoyama)預計將于周三新一屆國會召開時正式就任日本首相。

Yukio Hatoyama, the 62-year-old president of the Democratic Party of Japan, is expected to be formally installed Wednesday as prime minister when the new parliament convenes.


His primary challenge now will be to smooth over varying views within his party and its partners, so he can follow through on the pledges that gave helped the DPJ win in a landslide.

鳩山由紀夫要面臨的第一輪考驗就是日本民主黨推行其立法議程。在將掌控日本政局數(shù)十年的自民黨(Liberal Democratic Party)拉下馬的大選中,日本民主黨承諾要縮減官僚機構、為有孩子的家庭提供財務資助,還要重新考慮與美國的軍事聯(lián)系。

Mr. Hatoyama's first tests will come as the DPJ pushes its legislative agenda. During the campaign that pushed out the Liberal Democratic Party, which has dominated Japanese politics for decades, the DPJ pledged to shrink the bureaucracy, give a financial boost to families with children, and reconsider security ties with the U.S.


But the new administration sits on potential problems that it must keep under control to stay firmly in power beyond its first year. The 11-year-old party is a hodgepodge of lawmakers with diverse political beliefs, and relies on two small coalition partners with less moderate views to maintain a majority in the upper house of parliament.

華盛頓智庫戰(zhàn)略與國際問題研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)資深顧問格林(Michael Green)舉例說,如果日本民主黨不能管理好黨內以及與執(zhí)政聯(lián)盟友黨的分歧,處理與美國的關系就會是個難題。

Managing relations with the U.S., for example, will be difficult, 'if they can't manage the differences within the party or with the [coalition partners],' said Michael Green, senior adviser and Japan chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank.


A measure of that will come in July, with upper-house elections. Success for the DPJ could translate into a larger majority that diminishes the need for coalition partners. A loss could bring instability.

本周二,鳩山由紀夫選擇執(zhí)政聯(lián)盟友黨國民新黨(People's New Party)黨魁龜井靜香(Shizuka Kamei)為金融特任大臣,負責金融業(yè)監(jiān)管和郵政私有化,對銀行業(yè)和日本龐大的郵政系統(tǒng)進行監(jiān)管。

On Tuesday, Mr. Hatoyama chose Shizuka Kamei, the head of coalition partner People's New Party, as minister in charge of financial services and postal privatization, which oversees banking and the country's sprawling postal system.


Mr. Hatoyama said Tuesday that other cabinet appointees would be disclosed Wednesday. He has already named his choices to become foreign minister and to run a new office charged with getting a greater handle on budgetary issues.


The DPJ won 308 out of the 480 seats available in the lower house of parliament in the Aug. 30 elections. That gives it a comfortable margin but isn't enough to bypass approval from Japan's upper house. There, the DPJ is the largest party but needs a coalition to get things done. To smooth things over, the DPJ last week formed an alliance with the two smaller parties that already make up its coalition in the upper house.


Already, there are some signs that keeping the group together could require a balancing act. The DPJ spent considerable energy last week trying to pick the right words to describe the coalition's policy on the realignment of U.S. forces stationed in Japan, so that it would be acceptable to the Social Democrats, one of the partners. The final language was similar to what the DPJ had previously proposed.


Managing the relationship with bureaucrats will be another big challenge. Curbing the influence of bureaucrats, and putting policy in the hands of politicians, is a primary goal for the party. But the lack of experience among its lawmakers could become a problem. Nearly half of the party's 308 lower-house members are new in national politics.


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