Book 3 Lesson 20 time-off
Working out the shorter,Holiday are longer,and people have more time-off now than ever before.What do they do with it? In both Britain and America,people watch TV for many hours every week.In America,there is a very big choice.Many cities have 20 or more channels,sometimes going for 24 hours a day.In Britain, there are four channels,but many people have satellite or digital TV offering hundreds and more.
Many wealthy Americans have camp or trailor which they can use for weekend away,some have holiday house in the country,and spend as much time as possible on outside activities like fishing and water-skating.Fewer British people have cared their second homes ,but many have gardens for there they spend a lot at their free time .They often take time to work aroud their houses,they paint,pull rolling paper,build cardboard or even make furnish.There are also some DIY,do it yourself,shops all over the country sold everything they need.For some, time-off means music and dancing ,in London and NewYork one or two new discos opens every week,some close against after 9 or 2,but some like train in London go on and on and on.